Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Funk Sven |
âDigital.Laborâ – Co-Creation for the Digital City of Tomorrow
2020 |
Krauss Jennifer |
âDigital.Laborâ – Co-Creation for the Digital City of Tomorrow
2020 |
Fröhlich Nicolas |
âBlack Box Babyboomerâ â Was kommt auf Kommunen zu? Decision Support System mit Hilfe mathematischer Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung medizinischer Versorgungsstandorte
2022 |
Hausbrandt Nils |
âBlack Box Babyboomerâ â Was kommt auf Kommunen zu? Decision Support System mit Hilfe mathematischer Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung medizinischer Versorgungsstandorte
2022 |
Mangels Kirsten |
âBlack Box Babyboomerâ â Was kommt auf Kommunen zu? Decision Support System mit Hilfe mathematischer Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung medizinischer Versorgungsstandorte
2022 |
Ruzika Stefan |
âBlack Box Babyboomerâ â Was kommt auf Kommunen zu? Decision Support System mit Hilfe mathematischer Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung medizinischer Versorgungsstandorte
2022 |
Stiewing Marvin |
âBlack Box Babyboomerâ â Was kommt auf Kommunen zu? Decision Support System mit Hilfe mathematischer Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung medizinischer Versorgungsstandorte
2022 |
Weber Tobias |
âBlack Box Babyboomerâ â Was kommt auf Kommunen zu? Decision Support System mit Hilfe mathematischer Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung medizinischer Versorgungsstandorte
2022 |
Streitenberger Wolfgang |
[KEYNOTE] The Urban Dimension in the EU Cohesion Policy
2014 |
Frank Andrew |
[KEYNOTE] Sharing Geographic Data: How to Update Distributed or Replicated Data
2014 |
Ryser Judith |
[KEYNOTE] Planning Smart Cities ... Sustainable, Healthy, Liveable, Creative Cities ... Or Just Planning Cities?
2014 |
Botzenhart Lukas |
ZUSIE Zukunft Siedlung â klimaresiliente Umbaustrategien für die Siedlung in Erpersdorf und deren Transfer
2023 |
Kirsch Soriano da Silva Katharina |
ZUSIE Zukunft Siedlung â klimaresiliente Umbaustrategien für die Siedlung in Erpersdorf und deren Transfer
2023 |
Ribbeck Juliane |
Zusammenhänge zwischen der Basisinnovation der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien und der räumlich-funktionalen Entwicklung der europäischen Stadt
2016 |
Köstl Mario |
Zur Qualität österreichischer Geodatensätze
2007 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Zur Qualität österreichischer Geodatensätze
2007 |
Keul Alexander G. |
2000 |
Hoppe Max |
Zur Identifikation und Visualisierung von Einfamilienhausgebieten der 1950er- bis 1970er-Jahre für eine nachhaltige Raumplanung
2022 |
Kaminski Kevin |
Zur Identifikation und Visualisierung von Einfamilienhausgebieten der 1950er- bis 1970er-Jahre für eine nachhaltige Raumplanung
2022 |
Neis Pascal |
Zur Identifikation und Visualisierung von Einfamilienhausgebieten der 1950er- bis 1970er-Jahre für eine nachhaltige Raumplanung
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Visca Dominik |
Zur Identifikation und Visualisierung von Einfamilienhausgebieten der 1950er- bis 1970er-Jahre für eine nachhaltige Raumplanung
2022 |
Braun Steffen |
Zur Co-Evolution von Stadtsystemen und Diffusion urbaner Innovationen: Charakteristika einer technologieoffenen Stadtentwicklung
2021 |
Lippold Regin |
Zum Einsatz neuer Informationstechnologien in Raumplanung und Umweltschutz - Auswertung einer deutschlandweiten Befragung
1999 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Zum Einsatz neuer Informationstechnologien in Raumplanung und Umweltschutz - Auswertung einer deutschlandweiten Befragung
1999 |
Breit Reinhard |
Zukunftsperspektiven der Raumplanung?
1999 |
Peithmann Ortwin |
Zukunftsfähige Raumplanung – Schritte zu einer an Nachhaltigkeit orientierten Flächenhaushaltswirtschaft
1998 |
Jauschneg Martina |
Zielgruppeneinbindung in Verkehrsplanungsprozesse mittels neuer Technologien?
2012 |
Stoik Christoph |
Zielgruppeneinbindung in Verkehrsplanungsprozesse mittels neuer Technologien?
2012 |
Hogen Jan |
Zertifizierung von Stadtquartieren
2010 |
Polasek Wolfgang |
Zentralbahnhof Wien als Motor regionalen Wachstums: Bessere Erreichbarkeiten fördern Firmenwachstum
2008 |
Schwarzbauer Wolfgang |
Zentralbahnhof Wien als Motor regionalen Wachstums: Bessere Erreichbarkeiten fördern Firmenwachstum
2008 |
Sellner Richard |
Zentralbahnhof Wien als Motor regionalen Wachstums: Bessere Erreichbarkeiten fördern Firmenwachstum
2008 |
Märker Oliver |
Zeno - GeoMediationssystem im WWW - Potentiale von Issue Based Information Systems (IBIS) als Beteiligungsplattform einer "neuen Planungskultur"
1999 |
Schmidt Dirk |
Zeno - GeoMediationssystem im WWW - Potentiale von Issue Based Information Systems (IBIS) als Beteiligungsplattform einer "neuen Planungskultur"
1999 |
Brederlau Uwe |
ZeitWert _Interpretation von Stadtraum und Atmosphäre
2003 |
Sinning Heidi |
XR-Technologien in Partizipationsverfahren â Potenziale und Restriktionen einer smarten Stadtentwicklung mit den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern
2022 |
Allerstorfer Doris |
XR-Supported Communication in Green Urban Projects. Participating in Urban Change through Virtual and Augmented Reality
2023 |
Berger Andreas |
XR-Supported Communication in Green Urban Projects. Participating in Urban Change through Virtual and Augmented Reality
2023 |
Höftberger Katharina |
XR-Supported Communication in Green Urban Projects. Participating in Urban Change through Virtual and Augmented Reality
2023 |
Höftberger Katharina |
XR-Supported Communication in Green Urban Projects. Participating in Urban Change through Virtual and Augmented Reality
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Konrath Anna |
XR-Supported Communication in Green Urban Projects. Participating in Urban Change through Virtual and Augmented Reality
2023 |
Krebs Roland |
XR-Supported Communication in Green Urban Projects. Participating in Urban Change through Virtual and Augmented Reality
2023 |
Dorninger Peter |
XML Technologies and Geo Data
2003 |
Beyer Clemens |
Xeismobil-Web-GIS: Intermodales Verkehrsinformationssystem zur Förderung des ÖV in der Region Gesäuse
2006 |
Madl Lukas |
Xeismobil-Web-GIS: Intermodales Verkehrsinformationssystem zur Förderung des ÖV in der Region Gesäuse
2006 |
Meissl Stephan |
Xeismobil-Web-GIS: Intermodales Verkehrsinformationssystem zur Förderung des ÖV in der Region Gesäuse
2006 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Xeismobil-Web-GIS: Intermodales Verkehrsinformationssystem zur Förderung des ÖV in der Region Gesäuse
2006 |
Triebnig Gerhard |
Xeismobil-Web-GIS: Intermodales Verkehrsinformationssystem zur Förderung des ÖV in der Region Gesäuse
2006 |
Bürgin Matthias | – Ein Projekt zur Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit im Cyberspace
2000 |
Buchmüller Lydia | – Ein Projekt zur Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit im Cyberspace
2000 |
Marth Mario |
WORKSHOP: Raumbezogene Daten – Nutzen für Planer und Bürger
2001 |
Heinterleitner Vera |
2001 |
Odenahl Georg |
2001 |
Hrdinka Thomas |
Workshop: IT security and safety
2004 |
Achleitner Elke |
WORKSHOP: GIS-Einsatz im Magistrat der Stadt Linz
2001 |
Haslinger Karl |
WORKSHOP: GIS-Einsatz im Magistrat der Stadt Linz
2001 |
Dütz Dietmar |
WORKSHOP: GIS in der Stadtplanung
2001 |
Axmann Axel |
WORKSHOP: Geodatenbearbeitung mit der Feature Manipulation Engine (FME)
2001 |
Riedl Leopold |
WORKSHOP: FläwiCheck – GIS-gestützte Überprüfung von Flächenwidmungsplänen
2001 |
Sanopoulos Angelos |
WORKSHOP: FläwiCheck – GIS-gestützte Überprüfung von Flächenwidmungsplänen
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Klementschitz Roman |
Working Together, Planning Together! Evaluation of the Cross-Border Survey between Austria and Slovakia
2015 |
Riegler Sebastian |
Working Together, Planning Together! Evaluation of the Cross-Border Survey between Austria and Slovakia
2015 |
Roider Oliver |
Working Together, Planning Together! Evaluation of the Cross-Border Survey between Austria and Slovakia
2015 |
Hartweger Gregor |
Working architecture
2004 |
Grotheer Swantje |
Wohnungsnot und Siedlungsentwicklung in wachsenden Metropolregionen – Planspiel für politische Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträger
2020 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Wohnungsnot und Siedlungsentwicklung in wachsenden Metropolregionen – Planspiel für politische Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträger
2020 |
Stiewing Marvin |
Wohnungsnot und Siedlungsentwicklung in wachsenden Metropolregionen – Planspiel für politische Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträger
2020 |
Corpuz Art |
Without Planning? Incremental Emergence of High Density Mixed Use Centres in Mega Manila
2012 |
Rau Stefan |
Without Planning? Incremental Emergence of High Density Mixed Use Centres in Mega Manila
2012 |
Mecklenbrauck Ilka |
Wissensbasierte Stadtentwicklung in Bochum – von der Strategie zum Konzept
2020 |
Pietsch Jürgen |
Wissens-Kulturlandschaften. Wie Nachhaltigkeit durch Kultivieren wissensbasierter Wertschöpfungen aller Nutzungen und Körnungen erreicht werden kann
2004 |
Floeting Holger |
Wissen und Kreativität als Treiber urbaner Entwicklung - Braucht die Stadt neue Räume?
2007 |
Androsch Peter |
Wir schützen uns zu Tode. Schallschutz ohne Ende oder akustische Raumplanung?
2012 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Winter-Olympiade 2010: Vancouver - Whistler-Mountain, CDN vs. Salzburg/Radstadt-Sportwelt Amadé, A
2003 |
Spanring Christian |
Windparks: GIS-gestützte Planungsmethoden zur räumlichen Steuerung
2004 |
Stanzer Gregori |
Windparks: GIS-gestützte Planungsmethoden zur räumlichen Steuerung
2004 |
Schwaberger Christine |
Will the Guidebook "Green and Blue Spatial Planning" be a Value Help for Styrian Cities to Become a "Smart City"?
2014 |
Riedl Leopold |
Wieviel GIS steckt im NÖROG ? GIS-unterstützte Beurteilung digitaler örtlicher Raumordnungsprogramme in Niederösterreich
1997 |
Widmann Nik |
Wieviel GIS steckt im NÖROG ? GIS-unterstützte Beurteilung digitaler örtlicher Raumordnungsprogramme in Niederösterreich
1997 |
Mathis Josef |
Wieviel Energie (ver)braucht die Planung innovativer Gemeinden? e5-Programm für engergieeffiziente Gemeinden
2006 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Rubitzki Irene |
Wieviel Energie (ver)braucht die Planung innovativer Gemeinden? e5-Programm für engergieeffiziente Gemeinden
2006 |
Börner Wolfgang |
Wien KULTUR - Geodaten mit kulturellem Inhalt. Das neue Internetportal der Stadt Wien
2006 |
Saul Robert |
Wien KULTUR - Geodaten mit kulturellem Inhalt. Das neue Internetportal der Stadt Wien
2006 |
Scheuchel Peter |
Wien KULTUR - Geodaten mit kulturellem Inhalt. Das neue Internetportal der Stadt Wien
2006 |
Madreiter Thomas |
Wien – vom Rand des Eisernen Vorhangs zu einem zentralen Knotenpunkt der EU-Makroregion Donauraum
2010 |
Meschik Michael |
Wie viel Technologie braucht der Nutzer? - Praktische Erfahrungen aus dem Betrieb eines Anrufsammeltaxis in einer Landgemeinde
2006 |
Felbermair Samuel |
Wie können öffentliche E-Ladestationen sozial fair positioniert werden? Eine Analyse der Aktivitätsmuster und potenziellen Ladevorgänge von Frauen, Personen mit niedrigem Einkommen und Ãber-65-Jährigen
2021 |
Gruber Christian Joachim |
Wie können öffentliche E-Ladestationen sozial fair positioniert werden? Eine Analyse der Aktivitätsmuster und potenziellen Ladevorgänge von Frauen, Personen mit niedrigem Einkommen und Ãber-65-Jährigen
2021 |
Schweighart Maria |
Wie können öffentliche E-Ladestationen sozial fair positioniert werden? Eine Analyse der Aktivitätsmuster und potenziellen Ladevorgänge von Frauen, Personen mit niedrigem Einkommen und Ãber-65-Jährigen
2021 |
Seebauer Sebastian |
Wie können öffentliche E-Ladestationen sozial fair positioniert werden? Eine Analyse der Aktivitätsmuster und potenziellen Ladevorgänge von Frauen, Personen mit niedrigem Einkommen und Ãber-65-Jährigen
2021 |
Aigner-Breuss Eva |
Wie kann aktive Mobilität in der Generation 50+ gestärkt werden? Ein evidenzbasiertes Handbuch zum Aufbau von Sturzpräventionsprogrammen in Gemeinden
2017 |
Eichhorn Anita |
Wie kann aktive Mobilität in der Generation 50+ gestärkt werden? Ein evidenzbasiertes Handbuch zum Aufbau von Sturzpräventionsprogrammen in Gemeinden
2017 |
Kramer Klaus |
Wie entwickelt sich der Grünraum in Wien?
2010 |
Müllner Kirsten |
Wie entwickelt sich der Grünraum in Wien?
2010 |
Engelbrecht Bernhard |
Wie entwickelt sich Österreichische Wirtschaft vergleichbar mit Europa ? - Darstellung von Wirtschaftsdaten in digitalen Karten mit den aktuellen EDV-Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten
2002 |
Rücklinger Georg |
Wie entwickelt sich Österreichische Wirtschaft vergleichbar mit Europa ? - Darstellung von Wirtschaftsdaten in digitalen Karten mit den aktuellen EDV-Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten
2002 |
Ritz Shannon |
Wie bindet man seine Mitarbeitenden? Fördern die Arbeitgeberattraktivität und die betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung die Bleibemotivation der Mitarbeitenden? Eine quantitative Fragebogenstudie
2024 |
Römer Lukas |
Wie bindet man seine Mitarbeitenden? Fördern die Arbeitgeberattraktivität und die betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung die Bleibemotivation der Mitarbeitenden? Eine quantitative Fragebogenstudie
2024 |
Zimber Andreas |
Wie bindet man seine Mitarbeitenden? Fördern die Arbeitgeberattraktivität und die betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung die Bleibemotivation der Mitarbeitenden? Eine quantitative Fragebogenstudie
2024 |
Zimmer Daniel |
Wie bindet man seine Mitarbeitenden? Fördern die Arbeitgeberattraktivität und die betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung die Bleibemotivation der Mitarbeitenden? Eine quantitative Fragebogenstudie
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Bergatt Jackson Jiřina |
Why in the Czech Republic the Sustainable Land Use Efforts have Failed to Match up the Improvements in Available Tools
2011 |
Dangol Anuja |
Why Geospatial Linked Open Data for Smart Mobility?
2016 |
Dewaelheyns Valerie |
Why Geospatial Linked Open Data for Smart Mobility?
2016 |
Steenberghen Thérèse |
Why Geospatial Linked Open Data for Smart Mobility?
2016 |
Ryser Judith |
Whose Quality of Life? In What Kind of City?
2011 |
Kuffer Monika |
Where are the poor? A disaggregated approach of mapping urban poverty
2007 |
Stewart Germene |
Where are the poor? A disaggregated approach of mapping urban poverty
2007 |
Farkas Paul Andor |
Where are the planners in digital cities?
2007 |
Haqbeen Jawad |
What makes a Participative Tool Elicit more Sample Views? Discussion with Supportive Means for Mutual Benefit
2021 |
Sahab Sofia |
What makes a Participative Tool Elicit more Sample Views? Discussion with Supportive Means for Mutual Benefit
2021 |
Takayuki Ito |
What makes a Participative Tool Elicit more Sample Views? Discussion with Supportive Means for Mutual Benefit
2021 |
Hatz Gerhard |
What kind of society are we planning for? The formation of urban social areas in a postmodern society – the example of Vienna and the Vienna Metropolitan Region
2007 |
Engelen Guy |
What is Urban Sprawl in Flanders?
2018 |
Loris Isabelle |
What is Urban Sprawl in Flanders?
2018 |
Pisman Ann |
What is Urban Sprawl in Flanders?
2018 |
Poelmans Lien |
What is Urban Sprawl in Flanders?
2018 |
Vermeiren Karolien |
What is Urban Sprawl in Flanders?
2018 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
What is the Social Memory to which the Information Technologies are useful ?
2006 |
Kropman Niels |
What is Next after VINEX?
2011 |
Netsch Stefan |
What is Next after VINEX?
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Ryser Judith |
What Happens to the East West Cornucopia? Regional Development Opportunities in Schwechat Revisited
2010 |
Drewe Paul |
What France in 2020? Some directions for planning Europe's future
2002 |
Elisei Pietro |
What do the planners communicate to the world wide web? The triennial experience of planum " The European Journal of Planning Online" "To keep one's balance surfing for a free online quality information"
2003 |
Ginocchini Giovanni |
What do the planners communicate to the world wide web? The triennial experience of planum " The European Journal of Planning Online" "To keep one's balance surfing for a free online quality information"
2003 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
What Culture for European Cities? The Desperate Struggle of European Cultures against the American one
2022 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
What could be the "Imaginary Institution" of the City?
2014 |
Drewe Paul |
What about time in urban planning & design in the ICT age?
2005 |
Banda Priscila |
Wetlands Encroachment and the Spatial Resilience of Ecosystems in Peri-Urban Areas: the Case of Budeli, Mutoti and Mphego in Nandoni, Limpopo Province, South Africa
2022 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Wetlands Encroachment and the Spatial Resilience of Ecosystems in Peri-Urban Areas: the Case of Budeli, Mutoti and Mphego in Nandoni, Limpopo Province, South Africa
2022 |
Ingwani Emmaculate |
Wetlands Encroachment and the Spatial Resilience of Ecosystems in Peri-Urban Areas: the Case of Budeli, Mutoti and Mphego in Nandoni, Limpopo Province, South Africa
2022 |
Heidenreich Brita |
West Palm Beach: From New to Real to Global Urbanism?
2008 |
Johnson Donald |
West Palm Beach: From New to Real to Global Urbanism?
2008 |
Muriente Sherryl |
West Palm Beach: From New to Real to Global Urbanism?
2008 |
Spalt Martin |
West Palm Beach: From New to Real to Global Urbanism?
2008 |
Nadler Michael |
Wertschöpfungspotenziale geographischer Informationssysteme in der Immobilienentwicklung
2006 |
von Malottki Christian |
Wertschöpfungspotenziale geographischer Informationssysteme in der Immobilienentwicklung
2006 |
Emrich Hans |
Wer plant die Zukunft der Stadt? - Masterplan Amstetten
2002 |
Paula Luzian |
Wer plant die Zukunft der Stadt? - Masterplan Amstetten
2002 |
Teufelsbrucker Doris |
Wer plant die Zukunft der Stadt? - Masterplan Amstetten
2002 |
Frey Harald |
Wer plant die Planung? Widersprüche in Theorie und Praxis
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hauger Georg |
Wer plant den Verkehr? Akteure und Instrumente einer ökologisch orientierten Verkehrspolitik
2002 |
Egger Barbara |
Wenn die Orientierung versagt – unterwegs mit Menschen mit Demenz
2017 |
Hofleitner Birgit |
Wenn die Orientierung versagt – unterwegs mit Menschen mit Demenz
2017 |
Knoll Bente |
Wenn die Orientierung versagt – unterwegs mit Menschen mit Demenz
2017 |
Kremer Anja |
Wenn die Orientierung versagt – unterwegs mit Menschen mit Demenz
2017 |
Pichler Barbara |
Wenn die Orientierung versagt – unterwegs mit Menschen mit Demenz
2017 |
Reitinger Elisabeth |
Wenn die Orientierung versagt – unterwegs mit Menschen mit Demenz
2017 |
Krause Kai Uwe |
Welche Daten braucht die Raumplanung?
1998 |
Görg Bernhard |
Weichenstellungen für die Zukunft Eröffnungsrede zur CORP 2000
2000 |
Arnberger Arne |
Wege im Grünen – Modellierung von Wegepräferenzen von Besuchern/-innen Wiener Erholungsgebiete anhand eines diskreten Wahlmodells
2010 |
Eder Renate |
Wege im Grünen – Modellierung von Wegepräferenzen von Besuchern/-innen Wiener Erholungsgebiete anhand eines diskreten Wahlmodells
2010 |
Reichhart Thomas |
Wege im Grünen – Modellierung von Wegepräferenzen von Besuchern/-innen Wiener Erholungsgebiete anhand eines diskreten Wahlmodells
2010 |
Haller Reinhard |
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flächennutzung und Verkehr in einem dynamischen Umfeld – ein Modellsystem der bipolaren Hauptstadtregion Wien - Bratislava
2007 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flächennutzung und Verkehr in einem dynamischen Umfeld – ein Modellsystem der bipolaren Hauptstadtregion Wien - Bratislava
2007 |
Pontikakis Elissavet |
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flächennutzung und Verkehr in einem dynamischen Umfeld – ein Modellsystem der bipolaren Hauptstadtregion Wien - Bratislava
2007 |
Kalasek Robert |
WebMap = ArcView + 3 Mausklicks Schnelles Publizieren interaktiver Web-Karten im Fachinformationssystem der MA22
2001 |
Riedl Leopold |
WebMap = ArcView + 3 Mausklicks Schnelles Publizieren interaktiver Web-Karten im Fachinformationssystem der MA22
2001 |
Gärtner Stefan |
Webbasierte Vernetzung: Instrument einer integrierten Regionalentwicklung
2004 |
Terstriep Judith |
Webbasierte Vernetzung: Instrument einer integrierten Regionalentwicklung
2004 |
Helsper Rainer |
Webbasierte Erreichbarkeitsanalyse – Vorschläge zur Definition eines Accessibility Analsysis Service (AAS) auf Basis des OpenLS Route Service
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kehl Alexander |
Webbasierte Erreichbarkeitsanalyse – Vorschläge zur Definition eines Accessibility Analsysis Service (AAS) auf Basis des OpenLS Route Service
2007 |
Neis Pascal |
Webbasierte Erreichbarkeitsanalyse – Vorschläge zur Definition eines Accessibility Analsysis Service (AAS) auf Basis des OpenLS Route Service
2007 |
Zipf Alexander |
Webbasierte Erreichbarkeitsanalyse – Vorschläge zur Definition eines Accessibility Analsysis Service (AAS) auf Basis des OpenLS Route Service
2007 |
Nebiker Stephan |
Webbasierte 3D-Landschaftvisualisierungen: technische Spielerei oder Kommunikationsinstrument in einem anspruchsvollen Planungsprozess
2002 |
Noack Thomas |
Webbasierte 3D-Landschaftvisualisierungen: technische Spielerei oder Kommunikationsinstrument in einem anspruchsvollen Planungsprozess
2002 |
Oberli Roman |
Webbasierte 3D-Landschaftvisualisierungen: technische Spielerei oder Kommunikationsinstrument in einem anspruchsvollen Planungsprozess
2002 |
May Martin |
Web-Service-basierte 3D-Visualisierung im Umfeld der Raumplanung
2003 |
Schmidt Benno |
Web-Service-basierte 3D-Visualisierung im Umfeld der Raumplanung
2003 |
Streit Ulrich |
Web-Service-basierte 3D-Visualisierung im Umfeld der Raumplanung
2003 |
Uhlenküken Christoph |
Web-Service-basierte 3D-Visualisierung im Umfeld der Raumplanung
2003 |
García Moruno Lorenzo |
Web-based Interoperability System: A Collaborative Method to Integrate Rural Buildings with their Surroundings
2011 |
Hernández Blanco Julio |
Web-based Interoperability System: A Collaborative Method to Integrate Rural Buildings with their Surroundings
2011 |
Jeong Jin Su |
Web-based Interoperability System: A Collaborative Method to Integrate Rural Buildings with their Surroundings
2011 |
Neuschmid Julia |
Web-based City Maps for Blind and Visually Impaired
2011 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Web-based City Maps for Blind and Visually Impaired
2011 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Web-based City Maps for Blind and Visually Impaired
2011 |
Dewaelheyns Valerie |
Web Data Extraction Systems versus Research Collaboration in Sustainable Planning for Housing: Smart Governance Takes It All
2016 |
Loris Isabelle |
Web Data Extraction Systems versus Research Collaboration in Sustainable Planning for Housing: Smart Governance Takes It All
2016 |
Steenberghen Thérèse |
Web Data Extraction Systems versus Research Collaboration in Sustainable Planning for Housing: Smart Governance Takes It All
2016 |
Dutta Bikram Kumar |
Web Based Land Valuation System in Infrastructure Planning in India: An Approach
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Web 2.0 in Lehre und Forschung – Chancen und Potenziale für die räumliche Planung
2010 |
Höffken Stefan |
Web 2.0 in Lehre und Forschung – Chancen und Potenziale für die räumliche Planung
2010 |
Streich Bernd |
Web 2.0 in Lehre und Forschung – Chancen und Potenziale für die räumliche Planung
2010 |
Zeile Peter |
Web 2.0 in Lehre und Forschung – Chancen und Potenziale für die räumliche Planung
2010 |
Nash Andrew |
Web 2.0 Applications for Collaborative Transport Planning
2010 |
Kiers Martijn |
Ways4all: Indoor navigation for visually impaired and blind people
2010 |
Sovec Tina |
Ways4all: Indoor navigation for visually impaired and blind people
2010 |
Wasner Walter |
ways2go – R&D funding program as an instrument to stimulate mobility technologies for the cities of the future
2009 |
Eslami Afrooz Aida |
Wayfinding Performance of Visually Impaired Pedestrians in an Urban Area
2012 |
Hanaee Toktam |
Wayfinding Performance of Visually Impaired Pedestrians in an Urban Area
2012 |
Parolin Bruno |
Wayfinding Performance of Visually Impaired Pedestrians in an Urban Area
2012 |
Al-Hagla Khalid S. |
Wayfinding based Usability of Complex Buildings
2022 |
Hasan Asmaa |
Wayfinding based Usability of Complex Buildings
2022 |
Hossam Shorouq |
Wayfinding based Usability of Complex Buildings
2022 |
Beyer Clemens |
WAY-KEY – smarter Mobilitätsassistent für Menschen mit Demenzerkrankung
2018 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
WAY-KEY – smarter Mobilitätsassistent für Menschen mit Demenzerkrankung
2018 |
Bradbury Matthew |
Water City
2009 |
Bauer Björn |
Was kosten Radverkehr, Fußverkehr, öffentlicher Personennahverkehr und Kfz-Verkehr eine Kommune? – Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode für den Vergleich verschiedener Verkehrsmittel anhand von kommunalen Haushalten
2013 |
Schmitt Volker |
Was kosten Radverkehr, Fußverkehr, öffentlicher Personennahverkehr und Kfz-Verkehr eine Kommune? – Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode für den Vergleich verschiedener Verkehrsmittel anhand von kommunalen Haushalten
2013 |
Sommer Carsten |
Was kosten Radverkehr, Fußverkehr, öffentlicher Personennahverkehr und Kfz-Verkehr eine Kommune? – Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode für den Vergleich verschiedener Verkehrsmittel anhand von kommunalen Haushalten
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Fazekas Stefan |
Warp-Innovation Study for Justifying Boost Space Services
2017 |
Neubauer Gertrude |
Warp-Innovation Study for Justifying Boost Space Services
2017 |
Fassmann Heinz |
Wanderungsströme der Bevölkerung in der Stadtregion Wien
2010 |
Görgl Peter |
Wanderungsströme der Bevölkerung in der Stadtregion Wien
2010 |
Gazdek Vanja |
Wanderungsströme der Bevölkerung in der Stadtregion Wien
2010 |
Helbich Marco |
Wanderungsströme der Bevölkerung in der Stadtregion Wien
2010 |
Schwab Dieter |
Walking – der unterschätzte Modus in Planung & Stadtraum
2007 |
Costa Cláudia |
Walkable urban green spaces: An Health Impact Assessment in Amadora, Portugal
2009 |
Santana Paula |
Walkable urban green spaces: An Health Impact Assessment in Amadora, Portugal
2009 |
Santos Rita |
Walkable urban green spaces: An Health Impact Assessment in Amadora, Portugal
2009 |
Kanamori Takahiro |
Walkability Assessment of Elderly People in Collective Relocation after the Great East Japan Earthquake â a Case Study in Kesennuma City, Japan
2022 |
Yan Wanglin |
Walkability Assessment of Elderly People in Collective Relocation after the Great East Japan Earthquake â a Case Study in Kesennuma City, Japan
2022 |
Denk Natalie |
Walk Your City: Using Nudging to Promote Walking
2020 |
Pfeiffer Alexander |
Walk Your City: Using Nudging to Promote Walking
2020 |
Platzer Mario |
Walk Your City: Using Nudging to Promote Walking
2020 |
Schneider Josefine |
Walk Your City: Using Nudging to Promote Walking
2020 |
Titze Sylvia |
Walk Your City: Using Nudging to Promote Walking
2020 |
Wernbacher Thomas |
Walk Your City: Using Nudging to Promote Walking
2020 |
Berger Martin |
Walk & Feel – a New Integrated Walkability Research Approach
2019 |
Brocza Ulrike |
Walk & Feel – a New Integrated Walkability Research Approach
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Walk & Feel – a New Integrated Walkability Research Approach
2019 |
Kovacs-Gyori Anna |
Walk & Feel – a New Integrated Walkability Research Approach
2019 |
Resch Bernd |
Walk & Feel – a New Integrated Walkability Research Approach
2019 |
Schwomma Yannik |
Walk & Feel – a New Integrated Walkability Research Approach
2019 |
Zeile Peter |
Walk & Feel – a New Integrated Walkability Research Approach
2019 |
Lorup Eric J. |
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie in der Raumplanung? Potential neuer Konzepte
1998 |
Elgendy Hany |
Wachstum und Schrumpfung – Flächenmanagement unter den Bedingungen der teilräumlichen Polarisierung
2011 |
Michels Sabine |
Wachstum und Schrumpfung – Flächenmanagement unter den Bedingungen der teilräumlichen Polarisierung
2011 |
Seidemann Dirk |
Wachstum und Schrumpfung – Flächenmanagement unter den Bedingungen der teilräumlichen Polarisierung
2011 |
Wilske Sebastian |
Wachstum und Schrumpfung – Flächenmanagement unter den Bedingungen der teilräumlichen Polarisierung
2011 |
Bals Marcus |
VUGIS – Verkehrs-, Umwelt und Geoinformationssystem
2001 |
Möltgen Jörn |
VUGIS – Verkehrs-, Umwelt und Geoinformationssystem
2001 |
Rüther Christoph |
VUGIS – Verkehrs-, Umwelt und Geoinformationssystem
2001 |
Schürmann Carsten |
VUGIS – Verkehrs-, Umwelt und Geoinformationssystem
2001 |
Scheiner Joachim |
VUGIS – Verkehrs-, Umwelt und Geoinformationssystem
2001 |
Besser Thomas |
VRML in der Bauleitplanung und im städtebaulichen Entwurf
2000 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
VRML in der Bauleitplanung und im städtebaulichen Entwurf
2000 |
Schrenk Manfred |
2008 |
Schrenk Manfred |
2004 |
Emberger Günter |
Vorstellung einer Methode zum Lösen komplexer Optimierungsprobleme
1998 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Dapp Klaus |
Vorsorgender Hochwasserschutz durch Information?
2000 |
Siegler Arne |
Vorsorge als Betrachtungsgegenstand der Raumplanung
2010 |
Stepper Henning |
Vorsorge als Betrachtungsgegenstand der Raumplanung
2010 |
Wietzel Ingo |
Vorsorge als Betrachtungsgegenstand der Raumplanung
2010 |
Hiltgartner Karin |
Vorübergehende Einrichtungen zur Unterbringung von Personen: Ausnahmen von bau- und planungsrechtlichen Bestimmungen zur Unterbringung Geflüchteter
2018 |
Bruntsch Stefan |
Von Oper zu Oper: FIRST - Die grenzüberschreitende Fahrplanauskunft für Wien und Bratislava
2006 |
Madl Lukas |
Von Oper zu Oper: FIRST - Die grenzüberschreitende Fahrplanauskunft für Wien und Bratislava
2006 |
Mofina Jens |
Von Inseln zu Netzen - Regionale Internetportale zur Förderung endogener Entwicklungsperspektiven peripherer Regionen am Beispiel der Region Nordfriesland
2003 |
Kaminger Ingrid |
Von einer Österreichgliederung nach Gemeinden zu Planquadraten: Statistik Austria erweitert sein regionalstatistisches Angebot
2004 |
Wonka Erich |
Von einer Österreichgliederung nach Gemeinden zu Planquadraten: Statistik Austria erweitert sein regionalstatistisches Angebot
2004 |
Türinger Thomas |
Von der Verwaltung zur Verantwortung Qualitätsmanagementsysteme im Bereich Projektentwicklung und –steuerung
2001 |
Lantschner Ingo |
Von der Nadel an die Maus - Internetprojekte in Afrika
2002 |
Franck Georg |
Von der Informationstechnik zur Technologie der Attraktion
2002 |
Engelbrecht Bernhard |
Von der DKM zum digitalen örtlichen Raumordnungsprogramm
1996 |
Pönitz Erwin |
Von der DKM zum digitalen örtlichen Raumordnungsprogramm
1996 |
Baum Martina |
Von der Brache zum urbanen Nährboden
2011 |
Porsch Karl Heinz |
Vom Tuschestift zum GIS: Der Einsatz eines geographischen Informationssystems verändert die Arbeitsweise des Raumplaners
1996 |
Winter Wolfgang |
Vom Tuschestift zum GIS: Der Einsatz eines geographischen Informationssystems verändert die Arbeitsweise des Raumplaners
1996 |
Dollinger Franz |
Vom Spiel- zum Werkzeug: Über die Bedeutung des Computers in der Raumplanung am Beispiel der Salzburger Landesplanung
1996 |
Petz Karl-Christian |
Vom Parken zum Rasten – Das Rastplatzkonzept der ASFINAG
2008 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Sedlmayer Helmut |
Vom Parken zum Rasten – Das Rastplatzkonzept der ASFINAG
2008 |
Veitsberger Martin |
Vom Parken zum Rasten – Das Rastplatzkonzept der ASFINAG
2008 |
Engelke Dirk |
Vom Konzept zur Tat – die Weiterentwicklung des Smart-City-Wheels zur Smart-City-Onion
2020 |
Rapberger Sybille |
Vom Konzept zur Tat – die Weiterentwicklung des Smart-City-Wheels zur Smart-City-Onion
2020 |
Höferl Karl-Michael |
Vom Konstrukt zur Empirie: Beobachtungen zur "Strukturstärke bzw. Strukturschwäche" österreichischer Gemeinden
2007 |
Jelinek Bernhard |
Vom Konstrukt zur Empirie: Beobachtungen zur "Strukturstärke bzw. Strukturschwäche" österreichischer Gemeinden
2007 |
Mauthner Jana |
Visualization of Vibrant Cities and Regions – Identification, Design and Development of 3D-GIS Applications and Modules
2015 |
Wendt Willi |
Visualization of Vibrant Cities and Regions – Identification, Design and Development of 3D-GIS Applications and Modules
2015 |
Erny Gudrun |
Visualisierungstechniken in der Landschaftsplanung am Beispiel Quicktime-VR
1999 |
Ferschin Peter |
Visualisierung von Verkehrsströmen mit Hilfe von Partikelsystemen
1999 |
Neumeier Stefan |
Visualisierung in der Planung als Chance zur Mobilisierung endogenen Potenzials in ländlichen Räumen - Beispiel Veränderung der Landnutzung infolge agrarpolitischer Rahmenbedingungen
2005 |
Neugebauer Carola Silvia |
Visions of Liveable Cities? Der UNESCO-Weltkulturerbestatus als Potenzial für perspektivische Stadtentwicklung
2010 |
Bobker Michael |
Visioning of Next-Generation Wastewater Resource Recovery Facilities: Summary Findings of Student Work
2021 |
Brown Hillary |
Visioning of Next-Generation Wastewater Resource Recovery Facilities: Summary Findings of Student Work
2021 |
Franco Veronica |
Visioning of Next-Generation Wastewater Resource Recovery Facilities: Summary Findings of Student Work
2021 |
Tatzberger Gabriele |
Visionen – wichtige Instrumente der europäischen Raumentwicklung
2002 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Visibility as a Stake for Cities
2016 |
Meziani Rim |
Visibility Analysis of the Capital District in the 2030 Master Plan of Abu Dhabi
2012 |
Đukic Aleksandra |
Vis-à-vis Communication? Digital and Physical Spaces of Interaction in the Contemporary City
2015 |
Stupar Aleksandra |
Vis-à-vis Communication? Digital and Physical Spaces of Interaction in the Contemporary City
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Bohuslav Petra |
Virtueller Rundgang durch das antike Carnuntum
2000 |
Humer Franz |
Virtueller Rundgang durch das antike Carnuntum
2000 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Virtueller Rundgang durch das antike Carnuntum
2000 |
Voigt Andreas |
Virtueller Rundgang durch das antike Carnuntum
2000 |
Forkert Gerald |
Virtuelle Stadtmodelle im Internet
2002 |
Chloupek Alexander |
Virtuelle Raumplanungsplattform – Von Raumplanern für Raumplaner
2000 |
Grabner-Sittenthaler Wolfgang |
Virtuelle Raumplanungsplattform – Von Raumplanern für Raumplaner
2000 |
Schüller Reinhard |
Virtuelle Raumplanungsplattform – Von Raumplanern für Raumplaner
2000 |
Höffken Stefan |
Virtuelle Leerstandsbespielung - "Pop-Up-Zwischennutzung" mittels Augmented Reality
2014 |
Holderle Christoph |
Virtuelle Leerstandsbespielung - "Pop-Up-Zwischennutzung" mittels Augmented Reality
2014 |
Memmel Martin |
Virtuelle Leerstandsbespielung - "Pop-Up-Zwischennutzung" mittels Augmented Reality
2014 |
Zeile Peter |
Virtuelle Leerstandsbespielung - "Pop-Up-Zwischennutzung" mittels Augmented Reality
2014 |
Müller Heimo |
Virtuelle Gerüste
1996 |
Tabatabi Behnam |
Virtuelle Gerüste
1996 |
Hao Shuqi |
Virtual Space and Reality Experiment Systems for âHuman-Dimensionalâ Downtown Planning and Design
2022 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
Virtual Space and Reality Experiment Systems for âHuman-Dimensionalâ Downtown Planning and Design
2022 |
Sonobe Yuko |
Virtual Space and Reality Experiment Systems for âHuman-Dimensionalâ Downtown Planning and Design
2022 |
Bisinger Laura |
Virtual Reality Simulators for Inclusion and Participation: Broadening Perspectives on Accessible Cities and Public Space
2022 |
Dembski Fabian |
Virtual Reality Simulators for Inclusion and Participation: Broadening Perspectives on Accessible Cities and Public Space
2022 |
Falk Benedikt |
Virtual Reality Simulators for Inclusion and Participation: Broadening Perspectives on Accessible Cities and Public Space
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kern Leyla |
Virtual Reality Simulators for Inclusion and Participation: Broadening Perspectives on Accessible Cities and Public Space
2022 |
Obst Thomas |
Virtual Reality Simulators for Inclusion and Participation: Broadening Perspectives on Accessible Cities and Public Space
2022 |
Wössner Uwe |
Virtual Reality Simulators for Inclusion and Participation: Broadening Perspectives on Accessible Cities and Public Space
2022 |
Lehmkühler Stefan |
Virtual Reality Modeling Language 3D-Standard des World Wide Web / Chance für die Raumplanung
1998 |
Florian Verena |
Virtual Reality in der Raumplanung Chance oder Bedrohung für die Architekten ?
1999 |
Zeile Peter |
Virtual Reality and Urban Emotions – Biosensorics in the Virtual Context of Urban Planning Methods
2018 |
Bartl Karin |
Virtual Project "Urbanisation" - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Virtuellen Teamarbeit
2000 |
Bogner Daniel |
Virtual Project "Urbanisation" - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Virtuellen Teamarbeit
2000 |
Bauer Clemens |
Virtual Intelligent Port âVIPortâ â a Holistic Energy Approach
2022 |
Dunger Torsten |
Virtual Intelligent Port âVIPortâ â a Holistic Energy Approach
2022 |
Graf Nico |
Virtual Intelligent Port âVIPortâ â a Holistic Energy Approach
2022 |
Warmann Christina |
Virtual Intelligent Port âVIPortâ â a Holistic Energy Approach
2022 |
Ferko Andrej |
Virtual heart of Central Europe
2004 |
Karner Konrad |
Virtual heart of Central Europe
2004 |
Krivograd Sebastian |
Virtual heart of Central Europe
2004 |
Martinka Jozef |
Virtual heart of Central Europe
2004 |
Sormann Mario |
Virtual heart of Central Europe
2004 |
Zara Jiri |
Virtual heart of Central Europe
2004 |
Greiner Michael |
Virtual Exploration of Urban Spatial Changes due to Regional Tramway Line Construction
2022 |
Hesina Gerd |
Virtual Exploration of Urban Spatial Changes due to Regional Tramway Line Construction
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Traxler Christoph |
Virtual Exploration of Urban Spatial Changes due to Regional Tramway Line Construction
2022 |
Wickenhauser Klaus |
Virtual Exploration of Urban Spatial Changes due to Regional Tramway Line Construction
2022 |
Zeile Peter |
Virtual Design and BIM in Architecture and Urban Design – Potential Benefit for Urban Emotions Initiative
2019 |
Zelling Ivonne |
Virtual Design and BIM in Architecture and Urban Design – Potential Benefit for Urban Emotions Initiative
2019 |
Joklova Viera |
Virtual Communication and IT in the Reflection of Architecture and Urban Design
2007 |
Kosco Igor |
Virtual Communication and IT in the Reflection of Architecture and Urban Design
2007 |
Baumann Konstantin |
Virtual 3D City Models as Foundation of Complex Urban Information Spaces
2006 |
Buchholz Henrik |
Virtual 3D City Models as Foundation of Complex Urban Information Spaces
2006 |
Döllner Jürgen |
Virtual 3D City Models as Foundation of Complex Urban Information Spaces
2006 |
Benner Joachim |
Virtual 3D City Model Support for Energy Demand Simulations on City Level - The CityGML Energy Extension
2016 |
Geiger Andreas |
Virtual 3D City Model Support for Energy Demand Simulations on City Level - The CityGML Energy Extension
2016 |
Häfele Karl-Heinz |
Virtual 3D City Model Support for Energy Demand Simulations on City Level - The CityGML Energy Extension
2016 |
Bruntsch Stefan |
Vienna-Spirit – intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung
2004 |
Löcke Birgit |
Vienna-Spirit – intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung
2004 |
Niedoba Günther |
Vienna-Spirit – intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung
2004 |
Rehrl Karl |
Vienna-Spirit – intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung
2004 |
Stütz Andrea |
Vienna-Spirit – intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung
2004 |
Straus Günther |
Vienna-Spirit – intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung
2004 |
Psenner Angelika |
Vienna's Historic Ground Floor and its Socio-Urban Potential – Integrative Diversity Par-terre?
2011 |
Türinger Thomas |
Vienna Region - die historische Chance für Österreich im zusammenwachsenden Europa
2002 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schmid Bernhard |
Vienna IT enterprises. "Das innovative IT-Netzwerk"
2004 |
Weber Heinrich |
Vienna IT enterprises. "Das innovative IT-Netzwerk"
2004 |
Emrich Hans |
Viel mehr als bunte Bilder – MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT
1999 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Viel mehr als bunte Bilder – MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT
1999 |
Krebs Philipp |
Video und Computeranimation als integrale Bestandteile des Planungsprozesses
1997 |
Seiß Reinhard |
Video und Computeranimation als integrale Bestandteile des Planungsprozesses
1997 |
Seblatnig Heidemarie |
Video documentation of the RIO NUEVO Project by Heidemarie Seblatnig
2002 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Vibrant or Dull Urban Spaces: Are City of Tshwane âA Re Yengâ and âGautrainâ Connector Points Places of Social and Economic Interaction?
2020 |
Ndwandwe Bongumusa |
Vibrant or Dull Urban Spaces: Are City of Tshwane âA Re Yengâ and âGautrainâ Connector Points Places of Social and Economic Interaction?
2020 |
Narzt Wolfgang |
VIATOR – A Mobile Travel Companion for Disabled Persons
2013 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
VIATOR – A Mobile Travel Companion for Disabled Persons
2013 |
Esch Thomas |
Verwundbarkeitsanalyse urbaner Räume: Ableitung von Indikatoren aus multisensoralen Fernerkundungsdaten
2011 |
Klein Igor |
Verwundbarkeitsanalyse urbaner Räume: Ableitung von Indikatoren aus multisensoralen Fernerkundungsdaten
2011 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Verwundbarkeitsanalyse urbaner Räume: Ableitung von Indikatoren aus multisensoralen Fernerkundungsdaten
2011 |
Wurm Michael |
Verwundbarkeitsanalyse urbaner Räume: Ableitung von Indikatoren aus multisensoralen Fernerkundungsdaten
2011 |
Redlein Alexander |
Verwendung von KIS-Systemen in Österreich
1998 |
Rohrhofer Rainer |
Verwendung von KIS-Systemen in Österreich
1998 |
Wilforth Stephan |
Verwaltungsinterne Kommunikation/ Kommunikations-Management und Management-Information
1999 |
Reinhard Leonardo |
Vertikales Wachstum im Städtebau
2023 |
Wiemers Tobias |
Vertikales Wachstum im Städtebau
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wieland Thomas |
Verstärken Liberalisierung und Deregulierung die räumlichen Disparitäten zwischen Stadt und Land? Eine Fallstudie zum Südtiroler Einzelhandel im Kontext der Liberalisierungsgesetze ab 2012
2018 |
Dallhammer Erich |
Verschwindet mit dem Raum die Raumplanung?
1999 |
Wegner Harald |
Vermittlung von EDV-Grundlagen für Raumplaner a.d. Fak. Raumplanung der Uni Dortmund - Die EDV-Ausbildung im Wandel
1998 |
Vogel Michael |
Vermittlung von EDV-Grundlagen an d. Fak. Raumplanung der Universität Dortmund – Das WWW als Instrument in der Lehre
1998 |
Wilforth Stephan |
Vermittl. v. EDV-Grundl.f. Raumplaner a.d. Fak. Raumplanung d. Uni Dortmund - ArcView in der praktischen Anwendung
1998 |
Widmann Nik |
Verkehrstelematik und Verkehrsinfrastrukturmanagement Grundlagen, organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen und innovative Werkzeuge
2001 |
Hochreiter Christian |
Verkehrstelematik – Eine Systemanalyse
2000 |
Vycudil Alfred |
Verkehrstelematik – Eine Systemanalyse
2000 |
Wistuba Michael |
Verkehrstelematik – Eine Systemanalyse
2000 |
Lenz Barbara |
Verkehrssubstitution durch neue Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation?
2001 |
Fallast Kurt |
Verkehrsmodelle als Grundlage zur Erstellung großräumiger Lärmkataster
2002 |
Fallast Kurt |
Verkehrsmodelle als Grundlage zur Erstellung großräumiger Lärmkataster
2002 |
Kramar Hans |
Verkehrsknotenpunkte als Innovationsstandorte? Die Nähe zu Flughäfen als Standortfaktor wissenschaftlicher und künstlerischer Innovation
2008 |
Suitner Johannes |
Verkehrsknotenpunkte als Innovationsstandorte? Die Nähe zu Flughäfen als Standortfaktor wissenschaftlicher und künstlerischer Innovation
2008 |
Knoflacher Markus |
Verkehrsknoten Flughafen: welche Rahmenbedingungen sind für eine Einbindung von Flughäfen in ihre Umgebung nötig?
2008 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Verkehrsknoten Flughafen: welche Rahmenbedingungen sind für eine Einbindung von Flughäfen in ihre Umgebung nötig?
2008 |
Haupt Thomas |
Verkehrs- und Raumplanung - Wirkungssimulation - Information: Vision and Praxis?
2006 |
Kollarits Stefan |
Verkehr ist mehr. Modellgrundlagen zur (Re-)Integration von Verkehrsinfrastruktur, Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrsmanagement
1999 |
Kollarits Stefan |
Verkehr im GIS: Parallelen, Überschneidungen und Ergänzungen von GIS und Verkehrsplanung
1997 |
Petz Karl Christian |
Vergleichende Abschätzung des Flächenverbrauchs in Österreich
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hocevar Andreas |
Vergleich verschiedener multikriterieller Bewertungsverfahren mit mapmodels
2003 |
Riedl Leopold |
Vergleich verschiedener multikriterieller Bewertungsverfahren mit mapmodels
2003 |
Hashemi-Kepp Helmut |
Verfügbarkeit umweltrelevanter Datenbestände in Österreich
1996 |
Brauckmann Arndt |
Vereinbarkeit von ganzheitlich gedachter Ãkologie und Ãkonomie in einem Gewerbequartier
2024 |
Köstl Mario |
Verdichtung oder Zersiedelung? Eine Analyse des Flächenverbrauchs im Umland von Wien
2002 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Verdichtung oder Zersiedelung? Eine Analyse des Flächenverbrauchs im Umland von Wien
2002 |
Henninger Sascha |
Verbesserung der thermischen Behaglichkeit innerhalb dichter Wohnkomplexe am Beispiel einer südkoreanischen Stadt
2010 |
Ringhof Eva |
Verbesserung der thermischen Behaglichkeit innerhalb dichter Wohnkomplexe am Beispiel einer südkoreanischen Stadt
2010 |
Chen Yun |
VEPS - Virtual Environmental Planning System. First steps towards a web-based 3D-planning and participation tool
2006 |
Knapp Sonja |
VEPS - Virtual Environmental Planning System. First steps towards a web-based 3D-planning and participation tool
2006 |
Grössl Steve |
VeGIS – Tool for the connectivity between traffic models and geographic information systems
2010 |
Witzmann Ursula |
VeGIS – Tool for the connectivity between traffic models and geographic information systems
2010 |
Bergmann Max Friedrich |
Values of our “Home” as Fraudulent Friends – Home as a Confidence-Building Element in Corrupt Transactions
2019 |
Laszlo Gabor |
Valuation of open source for governments
2004 |
Lafrenz Jürgen |
Valuation Cycles of Pre-Industrial Townscape
2013 |
Laistner Axel |
Utility Tunnels – Proven Sustainability Above and Below Ground
2012 |
Laistner Hermann |
Utility Tunnels – Proven Sustainability Above and Below Ground
2012 |
Prendergast Paddy |
Using visualisation techniques in planning to improve collaborative governance in Ireland
2005 |
Rybaczuk Krysia |
Using visualisation techniques in planning to improve collaborative governance in Ireland
2005 |
Azaz Lotfy |
Using Remote Sensing and GIS for Damage Assessment after Flooding, the Case of Muscat, Oman after Gonu Tropical Cyclone 2007, Urban Planning Perspective
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mok Sophie |
Using Nature-Based Solutions to Create more Climate-Resilient, Green and Livable Mediterranean Cities: Experiences from Castellón and Cannes
2020 |
Padilla Marielisa |
Using Nature-Based Solutions to Create more Climate-Resilient, Green and Livable Mediterranean Cities: Experiences from Castellón and Cannes
2020 |
Vaccari Paz Brenda |
Using Nature-Based Solutions to Create more Climate-Resilient, Green and Livable Mediterranean Cities: Experiences from Castellón and Cannes
2020 |
Nwaka Geoffrey |
Using indigenous knowledge to strengthten local governance and to counter urban inequality in Nigeria
2005 |
Hu Xujie |
Using Environmental Input-Output Analysis to Assess Energy, Water and CO2 Emissions in Tokyoâs Food System
2021 |
Yan Wanglin |
Using Environmental Input-Output Analysis to Assess Energy, Water and CO2 Emissions in Tokyoâs Food System
2021 |
Brunnhuber Martin |
Using Different Data Sources for New Findings in Visualization of Highly Detailed Urban Data
2017 |
Glatzl Robert W. |
Using Different Data Sources for New Findings in Visualization of Highly Detailed Urban Data
2017 |
Hesina Gerd |
Using Different Data Sources for New Findings in Visualization of Highly Detailed Urban Data
2017 |
Kontrus Heiner |
Using Different Data Sources for New Findings in Visualization of Highly Detailed Urban Data
2017 |
May Michael |
Using Different Data Sources for New Findings in Visualization of Highly Detailed Urban Data
2017 |
Traxler Christoph |
Using Different Data Sources for New Findings in Visualization of Highly Detailed Urban Data
2017 |
Amirkiaei Mehdi |
Using Current Condition of Cities to Change them to Dynamic Cities – Case Study of Rasht, Guilan, Iran
2012 |
Amirkiaei Roshanak |
Using Current Condition of Cities to Change them to Dynamic Cities – Case Study of Rasht, Guilan, Iran
2012 |
Keserü Imre |
Using Co-Creation Methods to Solve Mobility Problems in Brussels
2019 |
Macharis Cathy |
Using Co-Creation Methods to Solve Mobility Problems in Brussels
2019 |
Pappers Jesse |
Using Co-Creation Methods to Solve Mobility Problems in Brussels
2019 |
Karunasena Nara |
User Preferences for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Implementation in Germany
2024 |
Sandbrink Christoph |
User Preferences for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Implementation in Germany
2024 |
Gumbo Trynos |
User Experiences on the Integration of Non-Motorised Transport in Public Transport Systems: a Case of the Harambee Bus Rapid Transit
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lawrence Kiara |
User Experiences on the Integration of Non-Motorised Transport in Public Transport Systems: a Case of the Harambee Bus Rapid Transit
2024 |
Musvoto Godfrey |
User Experiences on the Integration of Non-Motorised Transport in Public Transport Systems: a Case of the Harambee Bus Rapid Transit
2024 |
Leone Federica |
Use of ICT and Mass Media in the Planning Processes: the Two Sides of the Same Coin
2014 |
Badmaeva Tatiana |
Use of GIS in ecological resource sections of the scheme of spatial planning
2009 |
Ansart Louise |
Usability of Open Data for Smart City – Evaluation of data, Development of Application and Creation of Visual Dashboards
2019 |
Lehmler Stephan |
Usability of Open Data for Smart City – Evaluation of data, Development of Application and Creation of Visual Dashboards
2019 |
Murshed Syed Monjur |
Usability of Open Data for Smart City – Evaluation of data, Development of Application and Creation of Visual Dashboards
2019 |
Shen Yao |
Usability of Open Data for Smart City – Evaluation of data, Development of Application and Creation of Visual Dashboards
2019 |
Jupova Katerina |
URBIS Decision Support for Integrated Urban Governance
2016 |
Ludlow David |
URBIS Decision Support for Integrated Urban Governance
2016 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Urbanism to Riverine Planning Strategy for Climate Resilient Cosmic Sacred City in India-Varanasi
2021 |
Dutta Bikram |
Urbanism to Riverine Planning Strategy for Climate Resilient Cosmic Sacred City in India-Varanasi
2021 |
Olajide Oluwafemi |
Urbanisation and the Incidence of Urban Heat Island: Implications for Climate Change and Global Warming
2009 |
Everding Dagmar |
Urbane Zentren für alle Menschen nutzbar machen
2012 |
Floeting Holger |
Urbane Sicherheit – eine Gemeinschaftsaufgabe vieler Akteure
2012 |
Seidel-Schulze Antje |
Urbane Sicherheit – eine Gemeinschaftsaufgabe vieler Akteure
2012 |
Niemann Beate |
Urbane RaumStrategien – Kernthesen des strategischen Entwerfens im Kontext der zeitgenössischen Stadt
2011 |
Schädler Priscilla |
Urbane RaumStrategien – Kernthesen des strategischen Entwerfens im Kontext der zeitgenössischen Stadt
2011 |
Graf Christoph |
Urbane Photovoltaikproduktion auf österreichischen Großparkplätzen: ein Beitrag zu nachhaltiger Energieversorgung, zukünftiger Elektromobilität und Bewusstseinsbildung bei Entscheidungsträgern/-innen
2017 |
Muhar Andreas |
Urbane Photovoltaikproduktion auf österreichischen Großparkplätzen: ein Beitrag zu nachhaltiger Energieversorgung, zukünftiger Elektromobilität und Bewusstseinsbildung bei Entscheidungsträgern/-innen
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Salak Boris |
Urbane Photovoltaikproduktion auf österreichischen Großparkplätzen: ein Beitrag zu nachhaltiger Energieversorgung, zukünftiger Elektromobilität und Bewusstseinsbildung bei Entscheidungsträgern/-innen
2017 |
Henninger Sascha |
Urbane Klimaresilienz hat viele Farben
2021 |
Clerici Anthony |
Urban Workshop Plus – Concept of Public-Professional Partnership in Urban Development
2010 |
Mironowicz Izabela |
Urban Workshop Plus – Concept of Public-Professional Partnership in Urban Development
2010 |
Gratt Wolfgang |
Urban Vision Linz. Ganze Stadt – halber Lärm
2010 |
Lueger Gerhard |
Urban Vision Linz. Ganze Stadt – halber Lärm
2010 |
Retzl Helmut |
Urban Vision Linz. Ganze Stadt – halber Lärm
2010 |
Wenny Rudolf |
Urban Vision Linz. Ganze Stadt – halber Lärm
2010 |
Qasim Mohammed |
Urban Types and Transformation of the City
2012 |
Kühnl Marlene |
Urban Trees in Munich â Detection, Delineation, Quantification, and Characterisation based on VHR Remote Sensing
2021 |
Leichtle Tobias |
Urban Trees in Munich â Detection, Delineation, Quantification, and Characterisation based on VHR Remote Sensing
2021 |
Martin Klaus |
Urban Trees in Munich â Detection, Delineation, Quantification, and Characterisation based on VHR Remote Sensing
2021 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Urban Trees in Munich â Detection, Delineation, Quantification, and Characterisation based on VHR Remote Sensing
2021 |
Zehner Markus |
Urban Trees in Munich â Detection, Delineation, Quantification, and Characterisation based on VHR Remote Sensing
2021 |
Gaube Veronika |
Urban Time and Energy (UTE) – Time-Space-Energy Scenarios in Urban Areas
2012 |
Haselsteiner Edeltraud |
Urban Time and Energy (UTE) – Time-Space-Energy Scenarios in Urban Areas
2012 |
Remesch Alexander |
Urban Time and Energy (UTE) – Time-Space-Energy Scenarios in Urban Areas
2012 |
Smetschka Barbara |
Urban Time and Energy (UTE) – Time-Space-Energy Scenarios in Urban Areas
2012 |
Altunbas Derya |
Urban Sustainability Concept of Conservation Strategies in Turkey
2009 |
Elsayed Youssef |
Urban Structure Transformation between the Role of Urban Planning Methods and Real Estate Market Force – Case Study: the New Millennial Cities in Egypt
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hassanien Said |
Urban Structure Transformation between the Role of Urban Planning Methods and Real Estate Market Force – Case Study: the New Millennial Cities in Egypt
2020 |
Hanzl Malgorzata |
Urban Structure as a Repository of Social Content – the Case Study of the Łódź 'Jewish District'
2012 |
Eltner Thomas |
Urban Stress and Bicycle Infrastructure in the City of Osnabrück â Analysing Well-Being and Infrastructure Relationships in Streetscapes through a Triangulation Approach
2023 |
Haug Nina |
Urban Stress and Bicycle Infrastructure in the City of Osnabrück â Analysing Well-Being and Infrastructure Relationships in Streetscapes through a Triangulation Approach
2023 |
Haug Nina |
Urban Stress and Bicycle Infrastructure in the City of Osnabrück â Analysing Well-Being and Infrastructure Relationships in Streetscapes through a Triangulation Approach
2023 |
Schmidt-Hamburger Celine |
Urban Stress and Bicycle Infrastructure in the City of Osnabrück â Analysing Well-Being and Infrastructure Relationships in Streetscapes through a Triangulation Approach
2023 |
Zeile Peter |
Urban Stress and Bicycle Infrastructure in the City of Osnabrück â Analysing Well-Being and Infrastructure Relationships in Streetscapes through a Triangulation Approach
2023 |
Fina Stefan |
Urban sprawl in Europe – identifying the challenge
2008 |
Siedentop Stefan |
Urban sprawl in Europe – identifying the challenge
2008 |
Mews Greg |
Urban Sprawl + Politics + Cars = Canberra vs. Compact City + Innovative Politics + Active Forms of Transport = Healthy Canberra
2010 |
Paraschiv Mirela |
Urban Space Patterns and Homelessness in Bucharest, Romania
2013 |
Ctyroký Jiri |
Urban simulations: Decoding alternative futures
2008 |
Grill Stanislav |
Urban simulations: Decoding alternative futures
2008 |
Maier Karel |
Urban simulations: Decoding alternative futures
2008 |
Vorel Jakub |
Urban simulations: Decoding alternative futures
2008 |
Kiavarz Moghaddam Hamid |
Urban simulation Using Neural Networks and Cellular Automata for Land Use Planning
2009 |
Samadzadegan Farhad |
Urban simulation Using Neural Networks and Cellular Automata for Land Use Planning
2009 |
Danilovic Hristic Natasa |
Urban Safety of the Public Spaces in Belgrade, Serbia
2012 |
Baganz Daniela |
Urban Rooftop Uses: Competition and Potentials from the Perspective of Farming and Aquaponics â a Berlin Case Study
2021 |
Baganz Elias |
Urban Rooftop Uses: Competition and Potentials from the Perspective of Farming and Aquaponics â a Berlin Case Study
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Baganz Gösta |
Urban Rooftop Uses: Competition and Potentials from the Perspective of Farming and Aquaponics â a Berlin Case Study
2021 |
Kloas Werner |
Urban Rooftop Uses: Competition and Potentials from the Perspective of Farming and Aquaponics â a Berlin Case Study
2021 |
Lohrberg Frank |
Urban Rooftop Uses: Competition and Potentials from the Perspective of Farming and Aquaponics â a Berlin Case Study
2021 |
Smirnova Oksana |
Urban Risk Assessment using Intelligent Geoinformation System
2013 |
Banic Petra |
Urban Revitalisation of Small Settlement in the Regional Context: Case Study Kneževo in Baranja Region in Croatia
2023 |
Krajnik Damir |
Urban Revitalisation of Small Settlement in the Regional Context: Case Study Kneževo in Baranja Region in Croatia
2023 |
Petrovic Krajnik Lea |
Urban Revitalisation of Small Settlement in the Regional Context: Case Study Kneževo in Baranja Region in Croatia
2023 |
Ottenburger Sadeeb S. |
Urban Resilience Thinking. Dealing with Epistemic Uncertainty in Smart City Development
2021 |
Ufer Ulrich |
Urban Resilience Thinking. Dealing with Epistemic Uncertainty in Smart City Development
2021 |
Esch Thomas |
Urban Remote Sensing – How can Earth Observation Support Sustainable Development of Urban Environments?
2010 |
Geiss Christian |
Urban Remote Sensing – How can Earth Observation Support Sustainable Development of Urban Environments?
2010 |
Heldens Wieke |
Urban Remote Sensing – How can Earth Observation Support Sustainable Development of Urban Environments?
2010 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Urban Remote Sensing – How can Earth Observation Support Sustainable Development of Urban Environments?
2010 |
Thiel Michael |
Urban Remote Sensing – How can Earth Observation Support Sustainable Development of Urban Environments?
2010 |
Wurm Michael |
Urban Remote Sensing – How can Earth Observation Support Sustainable Development of Urban Environments?
2010 |
Hammerl Barbara |
Urban Relations – über die Bedeutung der Beziehungsebene in der Stadt(teil)entwicklung
2018 |
Oswald Elisabeth |
Urban Relations – über die Bedeutung der Beziehungsebene in der Stadt(teil)entwicklung
2018 |
Pötsch Nana |
Urban Relations – über die Bedeutung der Beziehungsebene in der Stadt(teil)entwicklung
2018 |
Jin Hu |
Urban Regional Social Community Detection Using Location Based Social Network Big Data
2020 |
Piao Gensong |
Urban Regional Social Community Detection Using Location Based Social Network Big Data
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gumbo Trynos |
Urban Regeneration: Identifying Causes and Impacts of Urban Decay within the Pietermaritzburg Central Business District: South Africa
2023 |
Khumalo Kwethemba |
Urban Regeneration: Identifying Causes and Impacts of Urban Decay within the Pietermaritzburg Central Business District: South Africa
2023 |
Sebola-Samanyanga Jackson |
Urban Regeneration: Identifying Causes and Impacts of Urban Decay within the Pietermaritzburg Central Business District: South Africa
2023 |
Lorens Piotr |
Urban Railway within the Linear Urban Structure: the Case Study of Perm, Russia
2015 |
Maksimova Svetlana |
Urban Railway within the Linear Urban Structure: the Case Study of Perm, Russia
2015 |
Saveleva Ekaterina |
Urban Railway within the Linear Urban Structure: the Case Study of Perm, Russia
2015 |
Olajide Oluwafemi |
Urban Poverty and Environmental Conditions in Informal Settlements of Ajegunle, Lagos, Nigeria
2010 |
Dimelli Despoina |
Urban Planning versus Real Estate Development in Attica
2007 |
Tsouderos Ioannis |
Urban Planning versus Real Estate Development in Attica
2007 |
Perjo Liisa |
Urban Planning through Exhibition and Experimentation in Stockholm
2016 |
Schmitt Peter |
Urban Planning through Exhibition and Experimentation in Stockholm
2016 |
Smas Lukas |
Urban Planning through Exhibition and Experimentation in Stockholm
2016 |
Tunström Moa |
Urban Planning through Exhibition and Experimentation in Stockholm
2016 |
Singh Rana P. B. |
Urban Planning of the Heritage City of Varanasi (India) and its role in Regional Development
2007 |
Cerba Otakar |
Urban Planning in the Czech Republic & Humboldt project
2008 |
Charvat Karel |
Urban Planning in the Czech Republic & Humboldt project
2008 |
Kafka Stepan |
Urban Planning in the Czech Republic & Humboldt project
2008 |
Bruntsch Stefan |
Urban Planning in European Research - The Land Use and Transport Research Cluster
2002 |
Emberger Günter |
Urban Planning in European Research - The Land Use and Transport Research Cluster
2002 |
Nurkovic Rahman |
Urban Planning in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Oduwaye Leke |
Urban Planning Implications of Changing Land Use Structure of Lagos, Nigeria
2013 |
Costa Cláudia |
Urban Planning and Health | Obesogenic environments
2009 |
Santana Paula |
Urban Planning and Health | Obesogenic environments
2009 |
Santos Rita |
Urban Planning and Health | Obesogenic environments
2009 |
Baganz Daniela |
Urban Planning and Corona Spaces – Scales, Walls and Coincidences
2020 |
Baganz Gösta |
Urban Planning and Corona Spaces – Scales, Walls and Coincidences
2020 |
Kloas Werner |
Urban Planning and Corona Spaces – Scales, Walls and Coincidences
2020 |
Lohrberg Frank |
Urban Planning and Corona Spaces – Scales, Walls and Coincidences
2020 |
Kodydek Klaus |
Urban Parterre Modelling UPM: Lifting the Cadastral Map to the Third Dimension
2018 |
Psenner Angelika |
Urban Parterre Modelling UPM: Lifting the Cadastral Map to the Third Dimension
2018 |
Bazafkan Ehsan |
Urban Nomads: Re-Mixing the Demography of the City
2012 |
Bronner Ulrike |
Urban Nomads. Building Shanghai: Migrant Workers and the Construction Process
2012 |
Reikersdorfer Clarissa |
Urban Nomads. Building Shanghai: Migrant Workers and the Construction Process
2012 |
Abdel-Salam Hassan |
Urban Nexus: An Approach for Regenerative Urban Environments (Public Spaces Located in the Urban Fringe)
2023 |
Abdo Mai |
Urban Nexus: An Approach for Regenerative Urban Environments (Public Spaces Located in the Urban Fringe)
2023 |
Naguib Nouran |
Urban Nexus: An Approach for Regenerative Urban Environments (Public Spaces Located in the Urban Fringe)
2023 |
Saadallah Dina |
Urban Nexus: An Approach for Regenerative Urban Environments (Public Spaces Located in the Urban Fringe)
2023 |
Blanes Nuria |
Urban Nexus – Structured Dialogue, Problem-Solving, and Strategic Partnerships
2013 |
Graham June |
Urban Nexus – Structured Dialogue, Problem-Solving, and Strategic Partnerships
2013 |
Ludlow David C. |
Urban Nexus – Structured Dialogue, Problem-Solving, and Strategic Partnerships
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Al-Hagla Khalid |
Urban Morphology vs. Social Cohesion: a Study of Two Neighbourhoods in New Borg Al-Arab City, Egypt
2023 |
Fikry Mohamed |
Urban Morphology vs. Social Cohesion: a Study of Two Neighbourhoods in New Borg Al-Arab City, Egypt
2023 |
Morsy Doaa |
Urban Morphology vs. Social Cohesion: a Study of Two Neighbourhoods in New Borg Al-Arab City, Egypt
2023 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Urban Monitoring Laboratory: New Benefits and Potential for Urban Planning through the Use of Urban Sensing, Geo- and Mobile Web
2011 |
Streich Bernd |
Urban Monitoring Laboratory: New Benefits and Potential for Urban Planning through the Use of Urban Sensing, Geo- and Mobile Web
2011 |
Zeile Peter |
Urban Monitoring Laboratory: New Benefits and Potential for Urban Planning through the Use of Urban Sensing, Geo- and Mobile Web
2011 |
Tausz Karin |
Urban Mobility Labs - Research Environments for Future Mobility
2014 |
Attia Sahar |
Urban Metabolism and Quality of Life in Informal Areas
2015 |
Khalil Heba Allah |
Urban Metabolism and Quality of Life in Informal Areas
2015 |
Azizi Hamid |
Urban Management based on Citizen Participation to Enhance Quality of Life in Tehran
2011 |
Momeni Mostafa |
Urban Management based on Citizen Participation to Enhance Quality of Life in Tehran
2011 |
Taghinia Mahmoud |
Urban Management based on Citizen Participation to Enhance Quality of Life in Tehran
2011 |
Eitler Sandra |
Urban Logistics Micro Hubs: Standardisation Meets Uniqueness
2019 |
Ennser Bernhard |
Urban Logistics Micro Hubs: Standardisation Meets Uniqueness
2019 |
Hartmann Gerda |
Urban Logistics Micro Hubs: Standardisation Meets Uniqueness
2019 |
Schodl Reinhold |
Urban Logistics Micro Hubs: Standardisation Meets Uniqueness
2019 |
Schrampf Jürgen |
Urban Logistics Micro Hubs: Standardisation Meets Uniqueness
2019 |
Bernert Philip |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Dalla Fontana Michele |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
de Araújo Moreira Fabiano |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Di Giulio Gabriela Marques |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Malheiros Tadeu FabrÃcio |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Mitrofanenko Tamara |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Muhar Andreas |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Ness Barry |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Offernans Astrid |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Ressar Kim |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Schauppenlehner Thomas |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Wahl Darin |
Urban Living Labs as a Driver for Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Innovations
2021 |
Supper Susanne |
Urban Living - Smart & Sustainable!? - Tool für den Wohnungsvergleich
2014 |
Hemis Herbert |
URBAN LEARNING — Joint Learning towards Integrative Energy Planning in European Cities
2016 |
Matosović Marko |
URBAN LEARNING — Joint Learning towards Integrative Energy Planning in European Cities
2016 |
Pichler-Milanovic Natasa |
Urban Land Use Management in Ljubljana: From Competitiveness to Sustainability – or vice versa?
2010 |
Zavodnik Lamovsek Alma |
Urban Land Use Management in Ljubljana: From Competitiveness to Sustainability – or vice versa?
2010 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Urban Land Use and Food Supply: the Example of Vienna
2021 |
Kaufmann Lisa |
Urban Land Use and Food Supply: the Example of Vienna
2021 |
Kozlowska Anna |
Urban Land Use and Food Supply: the Example of Vienna
2021 |
Smetschka Barbara |
Urban Land Use and Food Supply: the Example of Vienna
2021 |
Annese Mariella |
Urban Infill as Strategy for Social Housing Stock
2013 |
Del Brocco Barbara |
Urban Infill as Strategy for Social Housing Stock
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Allex Brigitte |
Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
2013 |
Brandenburg Christiane |
Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
2013 |
Czachs Christina |
Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
2013 |
Damyanovic Doris |
Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
2013 |
Gantner Birgit |
Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
2013 |
Liebl Ursula |
Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
2013 |
Preiss Juergen |
Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
2013 |
Reinwald Florian |
Urban Heat Islands – Strategy Plan Vienna
2013 |
Allex Brigitte |
Urban Green Infrastructure Planning as a Contribution to the Smart "Green" City
2014 |
Brandenburg Christiane |
Urban Green Infrastructure Planning as a Contribution to the Smart "Green" City
2014 |
Czachs Christina |
Urban Green Infrastructure Planning as a Contribution to the Smart "Green" City
2014 |
Damyanovic Doris |
Urban Green Infrastructure Planning as a Contribution to the Smart "Green" City
2014 |
Gantner Birgit |
Urban Green Infrastructure Planning as a Contribution to the Smart "Green" City
2014 |
Preiss Jürgen |
Urban Green Infrastructure Planning as a Contribution to the Smart "Green" City
2014 |
Reinwald Florian |
Urban Green Infrastructure Planning as a Contribution to the Smart "Green" City
2014 |
Henninger Sascha |
Urban Green Areas: Lots of Benefits, but some Drawbacks
2011 |
Kiese Nina |
Urban Green and Open Spaces under Pressure: The Potential of Ecosystem Services Supply and Demand Analysis for Mediating Planning Processes in the Context of Climate Change
2018 |
Mager Christoph |
Urban Green and Open Spaces under Pressure: The Potential of Ecosystem Services Supply and Demand Analysis for Mediating Planning Processes in the Context of Climate Change
2018 |
Nell Rebecca |
Urban Governance Toolbox for a Climate-Friendly Smart City
2020 |
Pfau-Weller Natalie |
Urban Governance Toolbox for a Climate-Friendly Smart City
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Al Hagla Khalid |
Urban Governance as a Tool for Enhancing Resilient Urban Form: Case Study Alexandria, Egypt
2020 |
Saadalla Dina |
Urban Governance as a Tool for Enhancing Resilient Urban Form: Case Study Alexandria, Egypt
2020 |
Zekry Mary |
Urban Governance as a Tool for Enhancing Resilient Urban Form: Case Study Alexandria, Egypt
2020 |
Jasbi Ghazaleh |
Urban Governance and Contribution of Climate Change Consideration and Energy Efficiency: Case Study of Hashtgerd New Town, Iran
2012 |
Bunschoten Raoul |
Urban gallery, urban curation
2004 |
Bevilacqua Carmelina |
Urban Form and Urban Security: Insights from a Southern Italian Neighbourhood
2015 |
Maione Carla |
Urban Form and Urban Security: Insights from a Southern Italian Neighbourhood
2015 |
Pizzimenti Pasquale |
Urban Form and Urban Security: Insights from a Southern Italian Neighbourhood
2015 |
Trillo Claudia |
Urban Form and Urban Security: Insights from a Southern Italian Neighbourhood
2015 |
Zeile Peter |
Urban Emotions and Realtime Planning Methods
2017 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Urban Emotions – Tools of Integrating People's Perception into Urban Planning
2015 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Urban Emotions – Tools of Integrating People's Perception into Urban Planning
2015 |
Resch Bernd |
Urban Emotions – Tools of Integrating People's Perception into Urban Planning
2015 |
Sagl Günther |
Urban Emotions – Tools of Integrating People's Perception into Urban Planning
2015 |
Sudmanns Martin |
Urban Emotions – Tools of Integrating People's Perception into Urban Planning
2015 |
Summa Anja |
Urban Emotions – Tools of Integrating People's Perception into Urban Planning
2015 |
Zeile Peter |
Urban Emotions – Tools of Integrating People's Perception into Urban Planning
2015 |
D'Orazio Angela |
Urban Dimension of Territorial Cohesion: Perspective Facing the Crisis
2013 |
Prezioso Maria |
Urban Dimension of Territorial Cohesion: Perspective Facing the Crisis
2013 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Urban Development Simulator: An Interactive Decision Support Tool for Urban Planners Enabling Citizen's Participation
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Urban Development Simulator: An Interactive Decision Support Tool for Urban Planners Enabling Citizen's Participation
2014 |
Jamshidzadeh Ebrahim |
Urban Development and Planning in Iran
2009 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Urban Development and Infrastructure Cost Modelling for Managing Urban Growth in Latin American Cities
2015 |
Mollay Ursula |
Urban Development 2050: Resource Efficiency as Guiding Principle for Rebuilding European Cities
2012 |
Saringer-Bory Barbara |
Urban Development 2050: Resource Efficiency as Guiding Principle for Rebuilding European Cities
2012 |
Schremmer Christof |
Urban Development 2050: Resource Efficiency as Guiding Principle for Rebuilding European Cities
2012 |
Berkman Ayberk |
Urban Design Process Model with "The Urban User" Participation
2009 |
Colak Altay |
Urban Design Process Model with "The Urban User" Participation
2009 |
Gunes Erkan |
Urban Design Process Model with "The Urban User" Participation
2009 |
Uzun Tolga |
Urban Design Process Model with "The Urban User" Participation
2009 |
Mrdjenovic Tatjana |
Urban Design and Urban Planning in Dynamic Global Positioning of Local Identities
2011 |
Yague Mata Jose Maria |
Urban Design and Lifestyle Changes
2010 |
Etminan Ghazal |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Oesterreicher Doris |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Ratheiser Matthias |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Stollnberger Romana |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Tschannett Simon |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Vuckovic Milena |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Walal Karoline |
Urban Densification and Urban Climate Change – Assessing Interaction through Densification Scenarios and Climate Simulations
2019 |
Tiwari Reena |
Urban Crafting: Making a Connected City
2009 |
Peek Gert-Joost |
Urban Area Development as an Expansive Learning Process: the Relevance of Monitoring and Evaluation
2020 |
Stam Kees |
Urban Area Development as an Expansive Learning Process: the Relevance of Monitoring and Evaluation
2020 |
Aurigi Alessandro |
Urban and technological developments: Why is it so hard to integrate ICTs into the planning agenda?
2006 |
Camargo Azael R. |
Urban and technological developments: Why is it so hard to integrate ICTs into the planning agenda?
2006 |
Firmino Rodrigo |
Urban and technological developments: Why is it so hard to integrate ICTs into the planning agenda?
2006 |
Antonov Alexander |
Urban and natural transformations of agricultural lands in Moscow oblast
2009 |
Antonova Tatyana |
Urban and natural transformations of agricultural lands in Moscow oblast
2009 |
Feldman Boris |
Urban and natural transformations of agricultural lands in Moscow oblast
2009 |
Dekking Arjan |
Urban Agriculture: How to Create a Natural Connection between the Urban and Rural Environment in Almere Oosterwold (NL)
2013 |
Jansma Jan Eelco |
Urban Agriculture: How to Create a Natural Connection between the Urban and Rural Environment in Almere Oosterwold (NL)
2013 |
Veen Esther |
Urban Agriculture: How to Create a Natural Connection between the Urban and Rural Environment in Almere Oosterwold (NL)
2013 |
Visser Andries |
Urban Agriculture: How to Create a Natural Connection between the Urban and Rural Environment in Almere Oosterwold (NL)
2013 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Upwind for (planning) projects? Rethinking urban planning and regional development with a gender approach
2007 |
Dumke Hartmut |
Upscaling âBuilding and Planning Cultureâ to a Regional Level in Römerland Carnuntum (Lower Austria)
2021 |
Youssef Daniel |
Upscaling âBuilding and Planning Cultureâ to a Regional Level in Römerland Carnuntum (Lower Austria)
2021 |
Heins Marcel |
Untersuchungen zum Informations- und Wissenmanagement in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2011 |
Kircher Wolfram |
Untersuchungen zum Informations- und Wissenmanagement in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2011 |
Köstl Mario |
Untersuchung der Siedlungsentwicklung in Relation zu Flächenverbrauch und Haushaltsentwicklung im oberösterreichischen Zentralraum
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Knötig Günther |
Untersuchung der Siedlungsentwicklung in Relation zu Flächenverbrauch und Haushaltsentwicklung im oberösterreichischen Zentralraum
2004 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Untersuchung der Siedlungsentwicklung in Relation zu Flächenverbrauch und Haushaltsentwicklung im oberösterreichischen Zentralraum
2004 |
Mülder Jochen |
Unterstützung nachhaltiger Planung durch 3D- und 4D-Visualisierung mit World Construction Ser und Visual Nature Studio
2006 |
Stemmer Boris |
Unterstützung nachhaltiger Planung durch 3D- und 4D-Visualisierung mit World Construction Ser und Visual Nature Studio
2006 |
Gnest Holger |
Unternehmens-Informationssysteme - ein Instrument zum Aufbau regionaler Kooperationen und Netzwerke?
2002 |
Blaschke Thomas |
Unschärfe und GIS: "Exakte" Planung mit unscharfen Daten?
1997 |
Höger Peter |
Unort Gewerbegebiet? Qualitätsvolle Freiräume als Grundlage für Arbeitsorte
2014 |
Holzer Rainer |
Unort Gewerbegebiet? Qualitätsvolle Freiräume als Grundlage für Arbeitsorte
2014 |
Jauschneg Martina |
Unort Gewerbegebiet? Qualitätsvolle Freiräume als Grundlage für Arbeitsorte
2014 |
Maier Myriam |
Unort Gewerbegebiet? Qualitätsvolle Freiräume als Grundlage für Arbeitsorte
2014 |
Pamer Volkmar |
Unort Gewerbegebiet? Qualitätsvolle Freiräume als Grundlage für Arbeitsorte
2014 |
Heckel Manuel |
Unobtrusive, Seductive and Profound? The Silent Transformation of Mobility in the Region of Stuttgart
2016 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Unlocking âKasi Wealthâ: Perceptions of Transformations through Spatial Planning and Local Economic Development in Soshanguve
2020 |
Mafela Nkalipho |
Unlocking âKasi Wealthâ: Perceptions of Transformations through Spatial Planning and Local Economic Development in Soshanguve
2020 |
Gothe Kerstin |
Universität in der Stadt - Räume für die Wissensgesellschaft
2009 |
El-Sayad Zeyad |
Understanding the Significance of Urban Lingering Factor of Built Environments in the Socio-Climatic Decision-Making Process for Urban Open Spaces
2023 |
Gamaleldin Sagda |
Understanding the Significance of Urban Lingering Factor of Built Environments in the Socio-Climatic Decision-Making Process for Urban Open Spaces
2023 |
Ibrahim Mohamed |
Understanding the Significance of Urban Lingering Factor of Built Environments in the Socio-Climatic Decision-Making Process for Urban Open Spaces
2023 |
Bosher Lee |
Understanding the Relationship between Resilience and Sustainability: Emergency Planning and the Design of Urban Space
2012 |
Fisher Julie |
Understanding the Relationship between Resilience and Sustainability: Emergency Planning and the Design of Urban Space
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Harre-Young Steven |
Understanding the Relationship between Resilience and Sustainability: Emergency Planning and the Design of Urban Space
2012 |
Baker Doug |
Understanding the Conditions for the Emergence of Airport Knowledge Precincts: A Framework for Research
2008 |
Martinez-Fernandez Cristina |
Understanding the Conditions for the Emergence of Airport Knowledge Precincts: A Framework for Research
2008 |
Searle Glen |
Understanding the Conditions for the Emergence of Airport Knowledge Precincts: A Framework for Research
2008 |
Velibeyoglu Koray |
Understanding the Conditions for the Emergence of Airport Knowledge Precincts: A Framework for Research
2008 |
Yigitcanlar Tan |
Understanding the Conditions for the Emergence of Airport Knowledge Precincts: A Framework for Research
2008 |
Franchini Teresa |
Understanding the City: Local Agendas 21, Territorial Audits and Urban Policies: Instruments and Technologies Applied in the AL21 of the City of Cuenca, Spain
2010 |
Lozano María José |
Understanding the City: Local Agendas 21, Territorial Audits and Urban Policies: Instruments and Technologies Applied in the AL21 of the City of Cuenca, Spain
2010 |
Martin Lou María Asunción |
Understanding the City: Local Agendas 21, Territorial Audits and Urban Policies: Instruments and Technologies Applied in the AL21 of the City of Cuenca, Spain
2010 |
Berger Martin |
Understanding Spatio-Temporal Usage Patterns of Cargo Bike Sharing to Foster Market Diffusion
2023 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Understanding Spatio-Temporal Usage Patterns of Cargo Bike Sharing to Foster Market Diffusion
2023 |
Kammerhofer Aurelia |
Understanding Spatio-Temporal Usage Patterns of Cargo Bike Sharing to Foster Market Diffusion
2023 |
Kostka Leo |
Understanding Spatio-Temporal Usage Patterns of Cargo Bike Sharing to Foster Market Diffusion
2023 |
Pühringer Florian |
Understanding Spatio-Temporal Usage Patterns of Cargo Bike Sharing to Foster Market Diffusion
2023 |
Fröhlich Peter |
Understanding Cities and Citizens: Developing Novel Participatory Development Methods and Public Service Concepts
2016 |
Vogt Marek |
Understanding Cities and Citizens: Developing Novel Participatory Development Methods and Public Service Concepts
2016 |
Kasperidus Hans Dieter |
Understanding and modelling the challenges of information technology in urban and regional development
2004 |
Admiraal Han |
Underground Space – The Final Frontier for Urban Development?
2013 |
Cornaro Antonia |
Underground Space – The Final Frontier for Urban Development?
2013 |
Admiraal Han |
Underground Space – Lost Space Ready to be Reclaimed
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Cornaro Antonia |
Underground Space – Lost Space Ready to be Reclaimed
2013 |
Rath Uwe |
Umweltverträglichkeitsstudien in der Strassenplanung mit Hilfe eines Geographischen Informationssystems - Fallbeispiel zum Bau der L 609n
1999 |
Dörr Heinz |
Umwelt- und Systemevaluierung von Eisenbahnhochleistungsstrecken – Beispiele zur Methoden- und Darstellungsproblematik humanbezogener Effekte
2002 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Umwelt- und Systemevaluierung von Eisenbahnhochleistungsstrecken – Beispiele zur Methoden- und Darstellungsproblematik humanbezogener Effekte
2002 |
Bogner Daniel |
Umgang mit dem Ungewissen - Simulationsmodelle im Umwelt- und Naturschutz
2005 |
Brunner Helwig |
Umgang mit dem Ungewissen - Simulationsmodelle im Umwelt- und Naturschutz
2005 |
Fuchs Magdalena |
Umgang mit dem Ungewissen - Simulationsmodelle im Umwelt- und Naturschutz
2005 |
Bae So-Yeon |
Ubiquitous Eco-City Planning in Korea. A Project for the Realization of Ecological City Planning and Ubiquitous Network Society
2009 |
Kim Hyun Soo |
Ubiquitous Eco-City Planning in Korea. A Project for the Realization of Ecological City Planning and Ubiquitous Network Society
2009 |
Kim Yeon Mee |
Ubiquitous Eco-City Planning in Korea. A Project for the Realization of Ecological City Planning and Ubiquitous Network Society
2009 |
Moon Soo Young |
Ubiquitous Eco-City Planning in Korea. A Project for the Realization of Ecological City Planning and Ubiquitous Network Society
2009 |
Breinbauer Andreas |
Typologisierung der Headquarters in Wien im Hinblick auf die Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Eitler Sandra |
Typologisierung der Headquarters in Wien im Hinblick auf die Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Radulova-Stahmer Radostina |
Typologien räumlicher Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung
2021 |
Debray Henri |
Types of Morphological Configurations of the City across the Globe â a Remote Sensing based Comparative Approach
2021 |
Qiu Chunping |
Types of Morphological Configurations of the City across the Globe â a Remote Sensing based Comparative Approach
2021 |
Schmitt Michael |
Types of Morphological Configurations of the City across the Globe â a Remote Sensing based Comparative Approach
2021 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Types of Morphological Configurations of the City across the Globe â a Remote Sensing based Comparative Approach
2021 |
Wang Yuanyuan |
Types of Morphological Configurations of the City across the Globe â a Remote Sensing based Comparative Approach
2021 |
Zhu Xiao Xiang |
Types of Morphological Configurations of the City across the Globe â a Remote Sensing based Comparative Approach
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Collier Marcus |
TURaS: Transitioning to Urban Resilience and Sustainability
2012 |
Dunne Louise |
TURaS: Transitioning to Urban Resilience and Sustainability
2012 |
Nedovic-Budic Zorica |
TURaS: Transitioning to Urban Resilience and Sustainability
2012 |
Cerovska Andrea |
TRI - Das TriRegionale Informationssystem als Werkzeug bei der Standortauswahl
2002 |
Leonhardsberger Martin |
TRI - Das TriRegionale Informationssystem als Werkzeug bei der Standortauswahl
2002 |
Zimmermann Christopher |
Travelpost: Media Access via Geographic and Temporal Information
2003 |
Mateos Miguel |
Transport policy contribution to Sustainability in Madrid. A new assesing framework.
2006 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Transport policy contribution to Sustainability in Madrid. A new assesing framework.
2006 |
Sanchez Alfredo |
Transport policy contribution to Sustainability in Madrid. A new assesing framework.
2006 |
Gasparovic Slaven |
Transport Disadvantage and Extracurricular Activities: the Example of Secondary School Students of the City of Zagreb
2017 |
Swanson John |
Transport and the Urban Economy: The Urban Dynamic Model
2008 |
Benner Joachim |
Transnational Planning Support by the European Geodata Infrastructure INSPIRE
2013 |
Geiger Andreas |
Transnational Planning Support by the European Geodata Infrastructure INSPIRE
2013 |
Häfele Karl-Heinz |
Transnational Planning Support by the European Geodata Infrastructure INSPIRE
2013 |
Cooke Philip |
Transition Regions: Green Innovation and Economic Development
2009 |
Buhl Nora |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Holthey Linn |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Jacob-Funke Jasmin |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Klindworth Katharina |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Knieling Joerg |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lesem Christian |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Malchow Marie |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Matinyan Hratchya |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Mutzek Victoria |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Rohland Maximilian |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Unger Franziska |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Wilkens Matthias |
Transition Pioneers – Urban Planners as a Source of Momentum for Sustainable Cities and Regions?
2015 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
Transition Analyses on Land Use and Land Price in Nagoya CBD during the Deregulation Decade
2012 |
Misaka Tomohiko |
Transition Analyses on Land Use and Land Price in Nagoya CBD during the Deregulation Decade
2012 |
Sakai Tatsunori |
Transition Analyses on Land Use and Land Price in Nagoya CBD during the Deregulation Decade
2012 |
Azarm Zahra |
Transformation of Public Spaces and Changing Pattern of Mobility in a Historic City, Case Study: Isfahan, Iran
2017 |
Ghalani Zohreh |
Transformation of Public Spaces and Changing Pattern of Mobility in a Historic City, Case Study: Isfahan, Iran
2017 |
Ranjbar Ehsan |
Transformation of Public Spaces and Changing Pattern of Mobility in a Historic City, Case Study: Isfahan, Iran
2017 |
Stangel Michal |
Transformation of Derelict Areas into Mixed-Use Urban Neighbourhoods – Case Studies in the Polish Cities
2011 |
Botzenhart Lukas |
Transformation ehemaliger Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeitersiedlungen in Niederösterreich
2024 |
Kirsch-Soriano da Silva Katharina |
Transformation ehemaliger Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeitersiedlungen in Niederösterreich
2024 |
Botzenhart Lukas |
Transform Ternitz â Transformation der ehemaligen Arbeitersiedlung in Ternitz: Resiliente Quartiersentwicklung bottom-up gestalten
2022 |
Kirsch-Soriano da Silva Katharina |
Transform Ternitz â Transformation der ehemaligen Arbeitersiedlung in Ternitz: Resiliente Quartiersentwicklung bottom-up gestalten
2022 |
Collon Heidi |
TRANSFORM - Governing Smart Cities by Projects
2014 |
Kintisch Max |
TRANSFORM - Governing Smart Cities by Projects
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kirchmayr-Novak Stephanie |
TRANSFORM - Governing Smart Cities by Projects
2014 |
Mollay Ursula |
TRANSFORM - Governing Smart Cities by Projects
2014 |
Saringer-Bory Barbara |
TRANSFORM - Governing Smart Cities by Projects
2014 |
Schremmer Christof |
TRANSFORM - Governing Smart Cities by Projects
2014 |
Berger Martin |
Transfer von Methoden der Aktionsforschung für urbane Mobilitätslabore am Beispiel von Mobilitätsexpeditionen
2017 |
Hirschler Petra |
Transfer von Methoden der Aktionsforschung für urbane Mobilitätslabore am Beispiel von Mobilitätsexpeditionen
2017 |
Kirchberger Christoph |
Transfer von Methoden der Aktionsforschung für urbane Mobilitätslabore am Beispiel von Mobilitätsexpeditionen
2017 |
Zech Sibylla |
Transfer von Methoden der Aktionsforschung für urbane Mobilitätslabore am Beispiel von Mobilitätsexpeditionen
2017 |
Zurfluh Jolanda |
Transdisciplinarity in Urban Planning for Future Challenges at the Example of Digital Transformation
2020 |
Gottsmann Frank |
Transboundary landscape structure to determine the environmental situation of traditional land-use activities in Austria and Czech Republic
2005 |
Heredia Mikelo |
Transboundary landscape structure to determine the environmental situation of traditional land-use activities in Austria and Czech Republic
2005 |
Klug Hermann |
Transboundary landscape structure to determine the environmental situation of traditional land-use activities in Austria and Czech Republic
2005 |
Salau Taofiki |
Traffic Impact Analysis as a Tool for Planning Permit Consideration in Lagos, Nigeria: Guidelines and Procedures
2012 |
Folz Steffen |
Track me if you plan — Aufzeichnung urbaner Aktivitätsmuster mittels Smartphonetracking
2016 |
Kopal Kerstin |
Track me if you plan — Aufzeichnung urbaner Aktivitätsmuster mittels Smartphonetracking
2016 |
Provo Lisa |
Track me if you plan — Aufzeichnung urbaner Aktivitätsmuster mittels Smartphonetracking
2016 |
Zeile Peter |
Track me if you plan — Aufzeichnung urbaner Aktivitätsmuster mittels Smartphonetracking
2016 |
Hesina Gerd |
Towards True Underground Infrastructure Surface Documentation
2010 |
Nauschnegg Bernhard |
Towards True Underground Infrastructure Surface Documentation
2010 |
Ortner Thomas |
Towards True Underground Infrastructure Surface Documentation
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Paar Gerhard |
Towards True Underground Infrastructure Surface Documentation
2010 |
Tobler Robert F. |
Towards True Underground Infrastructure Surface Documentation
2010 |
Kozamernik Jana |
Towards the Evaluation of Possible Indicators for the Provision of Green Spaces in Settlements to Promote Physical Activity among the Population
2023 |
Suklje Erjavec Ina |
Towards the Evaluation of Possible Indicators for the Provision of Green Spaces in Settlements to Promote Physical Activity among the Population
2023 |
Zlender Vita |
Towards the Evaluation of Possible Indicators for the Provision of Green Spaces in Settlements to Promote Physical Activity among the Population
2023 |
Kaczorowska-Fudala Anna |
Towards Sustainable Development in Cities: a Case for New Spatial Decision Support Methods in Urban Planning
2010 |
Verbeek Thomas |
Towards Livable Urban Environments by Addressing Health from a Spatial Perspective: Exploration by Mapping Environmental Noise and Air Pollution in the Northern Fringe of Brussels
2015 |
Vervoort Peter |
Towards Livable Urban Environments by Addressing Health from a Spatial Perspective: Exploration by Mapping Environmental Noise and Air Pollution in the Northern Fringe of Brussels
2015 |
Nayer Aida |
Towards Jeddah Smart City: Assessing People Perception Of Spacious Quality Indicators In Open Spaces
2016 |
Taha Dina |
Towards Jeddah Smart City: Assessing People Perception Of Spacious Quality Indicators In Open Spaces
2016 |
Dambruch Jens |
Towards Interactive Geodata Analysis through a Combination of Domain-Specific Languages and 3D Geo Applications in a Web Portal Environment
2015 |
Malewski Christian |
Towards Interactive Geodata Analysis through a Combination of Domain-Specific Languages and 3D Geo Applications in a Web Portal Environment
2015 |
Hermann Gabrielle |
Towards Integrated Regeneration Policies and Brownfields Advocacy in the Czech Republic
2007 |
Jackson Jirina |
Towards Integrated Regeneration Policies and Brownfields Advocacy in the Czech Republic
2007 |
Farag Dina |
Towards Enhancement of Alexandria City Waterfront: Quality of Life Assessment Model
2023 |
Nayer Aida |
Towards Enhancement of Alexandria City Waterfront: Quality of Life Assessment Model
2023 |
Abdalla Amin |
Towards Emotional and Opinion-Based Layers in City GIS
2011 |
Weiser Paul |
Towards Emotional and Opinion-Based Layers in City GIS
2011 |
Al-Hagla Khalid |
Towards Climate Resilient Coastal Cities: a Framework to Deploy Nature-Based Solutions in the Urban Planning Strategies of the North Coast Cities in Egypt
2022 |
Hasan Asmaa |
Towards Climate Resilient Coastal Cities: a Framework to Deploy Nature-Based Solutions in the Urban Planning Strategies of the North Coast Cities in Egypt
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mohammed Manar |
Towards Climate Resilient Coastal Cities: a Framework to Deploy Nature-Based Solutions in the Urban Planning Strategies of the North Coast Cities in Egypt
2022 |
Baer Daniela |
Towards Climate Neutrality through Integrated Energy Planning â a Cross-Country Comparison and Case Study Analysis of Positive Energy District Concepts between Switzerland and Norway
2021 |
Haase Matthias |
Towards Climate Neutrality through Integrated Energy Planning â a Cross-Country Comparison and Case Study Analysis of Positive Energy District Concepts between Switzerland and Norway
2021 |
Codato Daniele |
Towards a more Liveable and Accessible Cycle Path Network in Padova: a Participatory Mapping Process
2018 |
De Marchi Massimo |
Towards a more Liveable and Accessible Cycle Path Network in Padova: a Participatory Mapping Process
2018 |
Malacarne Diego |
Towards a more Liveable and Accessible Cycle Path Network in Padova: a Participatory Mapping Process
2018 |
Pappalardo Salavatore |
Towards a more Liveable and Accessible Cycle Path Network in Padova: a Participatory Mapping Process
2018 |
Pristeri Guglielmo |
Towards a more Liveable and Accessible Cycle Path Network in Padova: a Participatory Mapping Process
2018 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Municipal Free Wi-Fi Interventions in South Africa: a City of Tshwane Case Study
2023 |
Mathane Tlou Phillemon |
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Municipal Free Wi-Fi Interventions in South Africa: a City of Tshwane Case Study
2023 |
Shamskooshki Hanieh |
Toward Mixed-Use Communities by Transit Oriented Development (T. O. D.) in the United States
2012 |
Jacobs Pixie |
Touristic Potentials of Open Space Heritage – 4 Case Studies in South East Europe
2013 |
Licka Lilli |
Touristic Potentials of Open Space Heritage – 4 Case Studies in South East Europe
2013 |
Schwaba Manfred |
Touristic Potentials of Open Space Heritage – 4 Case Studies in South East Europe
2013 |
Bauer Thomas |
Tourismus und Erholung in Natura-2000-Gebieten im Alpenraum
2006 |
Koch Valerie |
Tourismus und Erholung in Natura-2000-Gebieten im Alpenraum
2006 |
Pröbstl Ulrike |
Tourismus und Erholung in Natura-2000-Gebieten im Alpenraum
2006 |
Sterl Petra |
Tourismus und Erholung in Natura-2000-Gebieten im Alpenraum
2006 |
Wirth Veronika |
Tourismus und Erholung in Natura-2000-Gebieten im Alpenraum
2006 |
Fallahi Alireza |
Tourism Continuity Plan after the 2003 Bam Earthquake
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Nedae Tousi Sahar |
Tourism Continuity Plan after the 2003 Bam Earthquake
2012 |
Sharifzadegan Mohammad Hossein |
Tourism Continuity Plan after the 2003 Bam Earthquake
2012 |
Neuts Bart |
Topics and Sentiments in Online Place Reviews, an Innovative Way of Understanding the Perception of a City without Asking
2020 |
Nyamsuren Enkhbold |
Topics and Sentiments in Online Place Reviews, an Innovative Way of Understanding the Perception of a City without Asking
2020 |
Scheider Simon |
Topics and Sentiments in Online Place Reviews, an Innovative Way of Understanding the Perception of a City without Asking
2020 |
Steenberghen Therese |
Topics and Sentiments in Online Place Reviews, an Innovative Way of Understanding the Perception of a City without Asking
2020 |
van der Zee Egbert |
Topics and Sentiments in Online Place Reviews, an Innovative Way of Understanding the Perception of a City without Asking
2020 |
Jiricka-Pürrer Alexandra |
Together we are Stronger â Examining Thematic and Procedural Entry Points for Multidisciplinary, Integral Spatial Planning Approaches to Confront Climate Change
2021 |
Juschten Maria |
Together we are Stronger â Examining Thematic and Procedural Entry Points for Multidisciplinary, Integral Spatial Planning Approaches to Confront Climate Change
2021 |
Reinwald Florian |
Together we are Stronger â Examining Thematic and Procedural Entry Points for Multidisciplinary, Integral Spatial Planning Approaches to Confront Climate Change
2021 |
Weichselbaumer Roswitha |
Together we are Stronger â Examining Thematic and Procedural Entry Points for Multidisciplinary, Integral Spatial Planning Approaches to Confront Climate Change
2021 |
Pätzold Ricarda |
Tischlein, deck dich! Über städtische Gastronomielandschaften und was Stadtplanung damit zu tun haben könnte
2012 |
Milakovic Mira |
Timeless Modernity, Shifting Ideologies: a Vibrant Street in a Distorted Reality?
2013 |
Stupar Aleksandra |
Timeless Modernity, Shifting Ideologies: a Vibrant Street in a Distorted Reality?
2013 |
Fessler Flora |
Time-based Solutions for Gender Just Low Carbon, Sustainable Urban Transformation â Learning from European Time-Planning Practises
2023 |
Tummers Lidewij |
Time-based Solutions for Gender Just Low Carbon, Sustainable Urban Transformation â Learning from European Time-Planning Practises
2023 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Time-based Solutions for Gender Just Low Carbon, Sustainable Urban Transformation â Learning from European Time-Planning Practises
2023 |
Jung Ingolf |
Three-dimensional building reconstruction: a process for the creation of 3D building models from airborne LiDAR and 2D building footprints for use in urban planning and environmental scenario modelling
2008 |
McKinley Laurence |
Three-dimensional building reconstruction: a process for the creation of 3D building models from airborne LiDAR and 2D building footprints for use in urban planning and environmental scenario modelling
2008 |
Hatori Yoko |
Three Dimensional Mixtures of Different Activities in Buildings around Railway Stations in Tokyo – Shibuya, Azabu-Juban and Kasai
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kishimoto Tatsuya |
Three Dimensional Mixtures of Different Activities in Buildings around Railway Stations in Tokyo – Shibuya, Azabu-Juban and Kasai
2012 |
Yoshimoto Keiji |
Three Dimensional Mixtures of Different Activities in Buildings around Railway Stations in Tokyo – Shibuya, Azabu-Juban and Kasai
2012 |
Kasraian Dena |
Three Decades of Transport Infrastructure Development and Travel Behaviour Change in the Netherlands
2016 |
Maat Kees |
Three Decades of Transport Infrastructure Development and Travel Behaviour Change in the Netherlands
2016 |
van Wee Bert |
Three Decades of Transport Infrastructure Development and Travel Behaviour Change in the Netherlands
2016 |
Shih Wan-Yu |
Thermal Variation and Socio-Environmental Inequality in Taipei Basin
2023 |
Wang Chang-Chang |
Thermal Variation and Socio-Environmental Inequality in Taipei Basin
2023 |
Bügelmyer-Blaschke Marianne |
Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
2022 |
Damyanovic Doris |
Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
2022 |
Fink Theresa |
Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
2022 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
2022 |
Lönig Katrin |
Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
2022 |
Reinwald Florian |
Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
2022 |
Schneider Martin |
Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
2022 |
Thiel Sophie |
Theoretical Framework for Integrated Neigbourhood Development to Ensure Ecological, Social and Climatic Performance
2022 |
Hahn Claudia |
Theoretical and Methodological Framework for the Development of Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Maps
2023 |
Hahn Claudia |
Theoretical and Methodological Framework for the Development of Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Maps
2023 |
Kainz Astrid |
Theoretical and Methodological Framework for the Development of Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Maps
2023 |
Luger Robert |
Theoretical and Methodological Framework for the Development of Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Maps
2023 |
Reinwald Florian |
Theoretical and Methodological Framework for the Development of Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Maps
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Thiel Sophie |
Theoretical and Methodological Framework for the Development of Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Maps
2023 |
Zimmermann Daniel |
Theoretical and Methodological Framework for the Development of Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Maps
2023 |
Roider Gerhard |
The zero-latency office // Ein virtuelles Leitinstrument über dem Stadtraum zur Verfügbarmachung von zusätzlichem Raum durch vernetzte Informationsbroker - der globale Zugriff auf die haptische Stadt
2002 |
Vitzthum Thomas |
The zero-latency office // Ein virtuelles Leitinstrument über dem Stadtraum zur Verfügbarmachung von zusätzlichem Raum durch vernetzte Informationsbroker - der globale Zugriff auf die haptische Stadt
2002 |
Borgers Aloys |
The Willingness of Dutch Citizens to Participate in a Prosumer Community: A Stated Choice Experiment
2019 |
Dane Gamze |
The Willingness of Dutch Citizens to Participate in a Prosumer Community: A Stated Choice Experiment
2019 |
de Vet Luc |
The Willingness of Dutch Citizens to Participate in a Prosumer Community: A Stated Choice Experiment
2019 |
Mazairac Wiet |
The Willingness of Dutch Citizens to Participate in a Prosumer Community: A Stated Choice Experiment
2019 |
Li Huanqing |
The Way to Plan a Sustainable "Deep City": From Economic and Strategic Aspects
2012 |
Erman Michael |
The Walkable City – the Concept of Stockholm
2012 |
Krämer Harald |
The virtual transfer or the "renaissance" of dramaturgy in multimedia
2004 |
Kral Ulrich |
The Viennese Building Stock from 1920 to 2018: a Prototype Model
2020 |
Reimer Ferdinand |
The Viennese Building Stock from 1920 to 2018: a Prototype Model
2020 |
Frey Harald |
The Vertical Urban Factory as a Concept for Mixed Use in Future Cities
2020 |
Grob Lisa-Maria |
The Vertical Urban Factory as a Concept for Mixed Use in Future Cities
2020 |
Haselsteiner Edeltraud |
The Vertical Urban Factory as a Concept for Mixed Use in Future Cities
2020 |
Laa Barbara |
The Vertical Urban Factory as a Concept for Mixed Use in Future Cities
2020 |
Madner Verena |
The Vertical Urban Factory as a Concept for Mixed Use in Future Cities
2020 |
Schwaigerlehner Katja |
The Vertical Urban Factory as a Concept for Mixed Use in Future Cities
2020 |
Rusche Karsten |
The Value of Green Infrastructure in Urban Quality of Life
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
El Araby Mostafa |
The Use of Virtual Reality in Urban Design: Enhancing the Image of Al-Ain City, UAE
2003 |
Okeil Ahmad |
The Use of Virtual Reality in Urban Design: Enhancing the Image of Al-Ain City, UAE
2003 |
Prosperi David C. |
The use of urban planning consultancy as a communication tool for cities
2009 |
Uribe-Sandoval Cinthya |
The use of urban planning consultancy as a communication tool for cities
2009 |
Musakwa Walter |
The Use of Social Media in Public Transit Systems: The Case of the Gautrain, Gauteng Province, South Africa: Analysis and Lessons Learnt
2014 |
Barbosa Jardim Amanda |
The Use of Situated Visualized Data to Nudge Visitorâs Paths: a Case Study at the Detmold Design Week 2023
2024 |
Häusler Axel |
The Use of Situated Visualized Data to Nudge Visitorâs Paths: a Case Study at the Detmold Design Week 2023
2024 |
Licht Mareile |
The Use of Situated Visualized Data to Nudge Visitorâs Paths: a Case Study at the Detmold Design Week 2023
2024 |
Müh Maximilian |
The Use of Situated Visualized Data to Nudge Visitorâs Paths: a Case Study at the Detmold Design Week 2023
2024 |
Fritzsche Andreas |
The use of OpenGIS in the public sector by the example of the public-public partnership - City of Munich and chamber of industry and commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria
2004 |
Spring Markus |
The use of OpenGIS in the public sector by the example of the public-public partnership - City of Munich and chamber of industry and commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria
2004 |
Cavicchia Graciela |
The use of information technologies in the urban redevelopment process in the city of Baltimore, USA
2004 |
Sneyers Stijn |
The use of information technologie in the Spatial Structure Plan of Nijlen
2002 |
van Casteren James |
The use of information technologie in the Spatial Structure Plan of Nijlen
2002 |
Lawrence Maidin Syra |
The Use of GIS Application in Identifying Youth Recreational Area in Subang Jaya, Selangor
2011 |
Zainol Rosilawati |
The Use of GIS Application in Identifying Youth Recreational Area in Subang Jaya, Selangor
2011 |
Downes Nigel |
The Urban Risk Dilemma: Urbanisation, Modernisation and Disaster Risks in Ho Chi Minh City
2012 |
Storch Harry |
The Urban Risk Dilemma: Urbanisation, Modernisation and Disaster Risks in Ho Chi Minh City
2012 |
Streitenberger Wolfgang |
The Urban Dimension in the EU Cohesion Policy
2013 |
Streitenberger Wolfgang |
The Urban Agenda for the EU
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Macias-Diaz Andrew |
The u-City Index: Integrated Planplementation of Future Ubiquitous Cities
2010 |
Jóna László |
The Transport Challenges in one of the Most Beautiful Micro Regions of Hungary
2022 |
Cramwinckel Alex |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Fumarola Michele |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Möller Sebastian |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Peters-Anders Jan |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Brinkman Joost |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Jakutyte-Walangitang Daiva |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Vielguth Stefan |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Wenzler Ivo |
The TRANSFORM DSE - an Interactive Decision Support Environment for Serving Smart City Strategy Development and Local Measure Implementation
2014 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
The theme of the Catastrophe in the Information Society
2010 |
Antonic Branislav |
The Taming of the Shrew: Coping with Illegal Settlements in Belgrade, Serbia
2013 |
Mitrovic Biserka |
The Taming of the Shrew: Coping with Illegal Settlements in Belgrade, Serbia
2013 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
The Symptoms of the Liquid City
2020 |
Hughes Michael T. |
The Sustainable City Game: Systems Dynamics Modeling Toward a Democratic Urban Design Process
2006 |
Levine Richard |
The Sustainable City Game: Systems Dynamics Modeling Toward a Democratic Urban Design Process
2006 |
Mather Casey Ryan |
The Sustainable City Game: Systems Dynamics Modeling Toward a Democratic Urban Design Process
2006 |
Yanarella Ernest J. |
The Sustainable City Game: Systems Dynamics Modeling Toward a Democratic Urban Design Process
2006 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
The study of green space ecological benefits of Chiayi City
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Huang Hao-Hsuan |
The study of green space ecological benefits of Chiayi City
2009 |
Huang Hui-Wen |
The study of green space ecological benefits of Chiayi City
2009 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Struggle to Belong: Middle Classing and Social Change in Post-Apartheid South Africa
2022 |
Letsoko Vuyiswa |
The Struggle to Belong: Middle Classing and Social Change in Post-Apartheid South Africa
2022 |
Naidoo Kammila |
The Struggle to Belong: Middle Classing and Social Change in Post-Apartheid South Africa
2022 |
Karmann-Woessner Anke |
The Spatial Agenda Karlsruhe
2019 |
Mitoulas Nikolaos |
The social-cultural ecosystem of the neighborhood in Athens, the children and the bicycle
2006 |
Ali Salina |
The Social Impact of Urban Waterfront Landscapes: Malaysian Perspectives
2009 |
Nawawi Hadi |
The Social Impact of Urban Waterfront Landscapes: Malaysian Perspectives
2009 |
Firmino Rodrigo J. |
The social construction of virtual cities - a strategic view for urban-technological development in Europe
2005 |
Belle Iris |
The Smart City, Integrated Design and Planning and Urban Tech
2019 |
Pintus Sonia |
The Slums Affect the Future of the Metropolis
2013 |
Laranjeira Teresa |
The S. Pedro da Cova Telecentre (Portugal), a local example of empowerment throw technology
2003 |
Hamers David |
The Rural-Urban Fringe in the Netherlands: a Morphological Analysis of Recent Urban Developments
2013 |
Kronberger-Nabielek Pia |
The Rural-Urban Fringe in the Netherlands: a Morphological Analysis of Recent Urban Developments
2013 |
Nabielek Kersten |
The Rural-Urban Fringe in the Netherlands: a Morphological Analysis of Recent Urban Developments
2013 |
Yan Wanglin |
The Role of Zoning in Cross-Border Industrial Land Transition: Lessons from Tokyo Metropolitan Area
2021 |
Zhang Ruiyi |
The Role of Zoning in Cross-Border Industrial Land Transition: Lessons from Tokyo Metropolitan Area
2021 |
Fox-Kämper Runrid |
The Role of Urban Gardening for European's Ageing Societies
2015 |
Lombardini Giampiero |
The Role of the Public Municipality in Urban Regeneration: the Case of Genoa
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Moretti Beatrice |
The Role of the Public Municipality in Urban Regeneration: the Case of Genoa
2021 |
Pitanti Matilde |
The Role of the Public Municipality in Urban Regeneration: the Case of Genoa
2021 |
Nitisudarmo Suparwoko |
The role of the informal sector in contributing to the urban landscape in Yogyakarta - Indonesia concerning the urban heat island issue
2009 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
The role of telecommunications in shaping the urban landscape
2004 |
Al-Ani Mohammed Qasim |
The Role of Spirit of Place to Achieve Emotional Smart City
2019 |
Alkamoosi Noor |
The Role of Spirit of Place to Achieve Emotional Smart City
2019 |
Matos Pedro |
The role of space technologies in territorial management
2004 |
Elgendy Hany |
The role of soft factors in the success of collaborative planning information systems
2006 |
Wilske Sebastian |
The role of soft factors in the success of collaborative planning information systems
2006 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
The Role of Smart Cities on Smart Healthcare Management
2023 |
Omidlou Neda |
The Role of Smart Cities on Smart Healthcare Management
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Role of Secure Land Tenure Policy and Practise on Economic and Social Development: Lessons from Edendale and Ambleton, City of Pietermaritzburg
2023 |
Mkhwanazi Nombuso |
The Role of Secure Land Tenure Policy and Practise on Economic and Social Development: Lessons from Edendale and Ambleton, City of Pietermaritzburg
2023 |
Mphambukeli Thulisile |
The Role of Secure Land Tenure Policy and Practise on Economic and Social Development: Lessons from Edendale and Ambleton, City of Pietermaritzburg
2023 |
Hesina Wolfgang |
The role of scientific support in mediation processes: experiences from the VIE mediation
2006 |
Tötzer Tanja |
The role of scientific support in mediation processes: experiences from the VIE mediation
2006 |
Mahachi Jeffery |
The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Smart City Development: A South African Perspective
2024 |
Mashinini Peter China |
The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Smart City Development: A South African Perspective
2024 |
Trynos Gumbo |
The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Smart City Development: A South African Perspective
2024 |
Ambrosino Giorgio |
The Role of Logistics Services in Smart Cities: the Experience of ENCLOSE Project
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Guerra Stefan |
The Role of Logistics Services in Smart Cities: the Experience of ENCLOSE Project
2014 |
Pettinelli Irene |
The Role of Logistics Services in Smart Cities: the Experience of ENCLOSE Project
2014 |
Sousa Carlos |
The Role of Logistics Services in Smart Cities: the Experience of ENCLOSE Project
2014 |
Dane Gamze |
The Role of ICT in Mapping Resources for Sustainable Historic Urban Regeneration: Case Studies of Amsterdam and Salerno
2019 |
Lu Lu |
The Role of ICT in Mapping Resources for Sustainable Historic Urban Regeneration: Case Studies of Amsterdam and Salerno
2019 |
Pereira Roders Ana |
The Role of ICT in Mapping Resources for Sustainable Historic Urban Regeneration: Case Studies of Amsterdam and Salerno
2019 |
Pintossi Nadia |
The Role of ICT in Mapping Resources for Sustainable Historic Urban Regeneration: Case Studies of Amsterdam and Salerno
2019 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Role of Global Governance Systems in Shaping Responses in the Era of Pandemics: Lessons from Chinese Covid-19 Experiences for South Africa
2023 |
Mahachi Jeffrey |
The Role of Global Governance Systems in Shaping Responses in the Era of Pandemics: Lessons from Chinese Covid-19 Experiences for South Africa
2023 |
Mashabela Boy Johannes |
The Role of Global Governance Systems in Shaping Responses in the Era of Pandemics: Lessons from Chinese Covid-19 Experiences for South Africa
2023 |
Grubisic Radmila |
The role of GIS and Very High Resolution Image Data as Planning Support Tools - Case Study of Belgrade
2002 |
Hoffmann Christian |
The role of GIS and Very High Resolution Image Data as Planning Support Tools - Case Study of Belgrade
2002 |
Kasanko Marjo |
The role of GIS and Very High Resolution Image Data as Planning Support Tools - Case Study of Belgrade
2002 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
The role of GIS and Very High Resolution Image Data as Planning Support Tools - Case Study of Belgrade
2002 |
Aderibigbe Oluwayemi-Oniya |
The Role of Electric Vehicles in Greening the Environment: Prospects and Challenges
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Role of Electric Vehicles in Greening the Environment: Prospects and Challenges
2023 |
Bevilacqua Carmelina |
The Role of Community in Urban Regeneration: Mixed Use Areas Approach in USA
2013 |
Calabro Jusy |
The Role of Community in Urban Regeneration: Mixed Use Areas Approach in USA
2013 |
Maione Carla |
The Role of Community in Urban Regeneration: Mixed Use Areas Approach in USA
2013 |
Abou El-Ela Manal |
The Role of Civil Actors, Private Sector, and Public Organizations in the Urban Life of Open Spaces (The Cairo Case)
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Amin Mohamed Khairy |
The Role of Civil Actors, Private Sector, and Public Organizations in the Urban Life of Open Spaces (The Cairo Case)
2010 |
Sharaf El Din Ibrahim |
The Role of Civil Actors, Private Sector, and Public Organizations in the Urban Life of Open Spaces (The Cairo Case)
2010 |
Balermpas Athanassios |
The role of abstract (immaterial) values in projects of urban area regeneration. A case for literature
2006 |
Stephanou Joseph |
The role of abstract (immaterial) values in projects of urban area regeneration. A case for literature
2006 |
Fina Stefan |
The riddled city: Where demographic change adds to the woes of urban sprawl
2009 |
Siedentop Stefan |
The riddled city: Where demographic change adds to the woes of urban sprawl
2009 |
Faast Andrea |
The Resource-Saving Enterprise Zone Liesing
2012 |
Maierbrugger Gudrun |
The Resource-Saving Enterprise Zone Liesing
2012 |
Rüsch Stephanie |
The Resource-Saving Enterprise Zone Liesing
2012 |
Fan Qi |
The Research on New Town Development Strategy in Metropolitan Outskirts: A Case Study of Liangzhu New Town
2014 |
Xiaoming Hu |
The Research on New Town Development Strategy in Metropolitan Outskirts: A Case Study of Liangzhu New Town
2014 |
Yi Zhao |
The Research on New Town Development Strategy in Metropolitan Outskirts: A Case Study of Liangzhu New Town
2014 |
Aderibigbe Oluwayemi-Oniya |
The Relationship between Information and Communication Technology and Travel: a Compendium of Literature
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Relationship between Information and Communication Technology and Travel: a Compendium of Literature
2021 |
Mbatha Siphiwe |
The Relationship between Information and Communication Technology and Travel: a Compendium of Literature
2021 |
Moyo Thembani |
The Relationship between Information and Communication Technology and Travel: a Compendium of Literature
2021 |
Bosher Lee |
The Reification of Resilience and the Implications for Theory and Practice
2014 |
Chmutina Ksenia |
The Reification of Resilience and the Implications for Theory and Practice
2014 |
Dainty Andrew |
The Reification of Resilience and the Implications for Theory and Practice
2014 |
Lizarralde Gonzalo |
The Reification of Resilience and the Implications for Theory and Practice
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Oduwaye Leke |
The Regeneration of Lagos Lajoon Waterfront for Recreation and Tourism
2010 |
Uduma-Olugu Nnezi |
The Regeneration of Lagos Lajoon Waterfront for Recreation and Tourism
2010 |
Golestani-Bakht Mehdi |
The Quality of Public Facilities for the Disabled. Sari, Iran, 2010
2011 |
Mojtahedzadeh Mehran |
The Quality of Public Facilities for the Disabled. Sari, Iran, 2010
2011 |
Rabiei Khadijeh |
The Quality of Public Facilities for the Disabled. Sari, Iran, 2010
2011 |
Dimelli Despina |
The Qualitative Development of Land Use Structures
2011 |
Kahramanova Shahla |
The Problems of Renewal of Old Quarters in Baku Historical Center
2011 |
Asche Hartmut |
The Potsdam Housing Market, a GIS-Based Spatial Analysis
2010 |
Schernthanner Harald |
The Potsdam Housing Market, a GIS-Based Spatial Analysis
2010 |
Pallagst Karina M. |
The Potentials of Digital Tools to Contribute to Spatial Transformations â the Example of the Digital Twin of the City of Helsinki
2023 |
Pauly Jonas |
The Potentials of Digital Tools to Contribute to Spatial Transformations â the Example of the Digital Twin of the City of Helsinki
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Potential of Using Volunteered Locational Data in Planning for Smart Multi-Mobility Systems
2019 |
Ingwani Emaculate |
The Potential of Using Volunteered Locational Data in Planning for Smart Multi-Mobility Systems
2019 |
Kibangou Alain |
The Potential of Using Volunteered Locational Data in Planning for Smart Multi-Mobility Systems
2019 |
Moyo Thembani |
The Potential of Using Volunteered Locational Data in Planning for Smart Multi-Mobility Systems
2019 |
Musakwa Walter |
The Potential of Using Volunteered Locational Data in Planning for Smart Multi-Mobility Systems
2019 |
Baer Daniela |
The Potential of Design Thinking for Tackling the “Wicked Problems” of the Smart City
2019 |
Gohari Savis |
The Potential of Design Thinking for Tackling the “Wicked Problems” of the Smart City
2019 |
Junker Eivind |
The Potential of Design Thinking for Tackling the “Wicked Problems” of the Smart City
2019 |
Nielsen Brita |
The Potential of Design Thinking for Tackling the “Wicked Problems” of the Smart City
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Böhm Sandra |
The Potential of Bio-Based Insulation Materials for Healthy Living Spaces and Sustainable Architecture
2023 |
Lopez-Suarez Elena |
The potential of accessibility indicators as a tool to measure cohesion effects of transport infrastructure investments
2006 |
Ronzoni Maria Rosa |
The Possible Role of Brownfields Sites in a Circular Way in the Example of the âIsola Bergamascaâ
2020 |
Bulatovic Slobodan |
The Possibility of Qualifying the Courtyards of Religious Buildings as Open Public Spaces: a Case Study of the City of Br?ko
2021 |
Maric Jelena |
The Possibility of Qualifying the Courtyards of Religious Buildings as Open Public Spaces: a Case Study of the City of Br?ko
2021 |
Vanista Lazarevic Eva |
The Possibility of Qualifying the Courtyards of Religious Buildings as Open Public Spaces: a Case Study of the City of Br?ko
2021 |
Dremel Manca |
The Possibility of Including Habitat Types as Nature-Based Solutions in Spatial Planning Documents: the Case of Slovenia
2023 |
Golicnik Marusic Barbara |
The Possibility of Including Habitat Types as Nature-Based Solutions in Spatial Planning Documents: the Case of Slovenia
2023 |
Zelnik Igor |
The Possibility of Including Habitat Types as Nature-Based Solutions in Spatial Planning Documents: the Case of Slovenia
2023 |
Hodzic-Srndic Natasa |
The Positive Effects of Active Mobility on Health with a Focus on Children's and Youth Mobility
2023 |
Wolfram Marc |
The politics of spatial data infrastructures: State transformation, urban governance and the instrumentation of electronic territories
2007 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Politics of Digitized Boundaries in Vhembe District Municipality of South Africa
2019 |
Ingwani Emaculate |
The Politics of Digitized Boundaries in Vhembe District Municipality of South Africa
2019 |
Moyo Thembani |
The Politics of Digitized Boundaries in Vhembe District Municipality of South Africa
2019 |
Musetha Rendani |
The Politics of Digitized Boundaries in Vhembe District Municipality of South Africa
2019 |
Miralles i Garcia José Luis |
The Planning of Peri-Urban Agricultural Areas: the Case of “L'Horta de Valencia”
2013 |
Jeeva Zaakirah |
The Planning and Utilisation of Green Spaces in South Africa: Potchefstroom as a Case Study
2023 |
Ambrosino Giorgio |
The Pivotal Role of Public Transport in Smart Mobility: the Concept of Flexible and Shared Mobility Centre towards MaaS
2016 |
Gini Saverio |
The Pivotal Role of Public Transport in Smart Mobility: the Concept of Flexible and Shared Mobility Centre towards MaaS
2016 |
Nelson John |
The Pivotal Role of Public Transport in Smart Mobility: the Concept of Flexible and Shared Mobility Centre towards MaaS
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mitoulas Nikolaos |
The perception of children for the limits of neighborhood in the city
2007 |
Jona Laszlo |
The Pedestrian Traffic of the Inner Courtyards in Graz
2020 |
Garau Chiara |
The Paths of History for Multicultural Tourism: a Smart Real World in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari (Italy)
2019 |
Mistretta Pasquale |
The Paths of History for Multicultural Tourism: a Smart Real World in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari (Italy)
2019 |
Pintus Sonia |
The Paths of History for Multicultural Tourism: a Smart Real World in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari (Italy)
2019 |
Zhou Yanlin |
The Path Towards Smart Cities in China: From the Case of Shanghai Expo 2010
2014 |
Rollandi Annalisa |
The Parametric Design to Foster Cross-Border Governance
2021 |
Savcic Vladimir |
The New Urban Acupuncture: Intermodal Nodes between Theory and Practice
2009 |
Stupar Aleksandra |
The New Urban Acupuncture: Intermodal Nodes between Theory and Practice
2009 |
Streitenberger Wolfgang |
The New EU-Cohesion Policy for Sustainable Urban Development
2015 |
Auer Sabine |
The New Emscher Valley – Reshaping an urban Landscape creates regional Identity
2009 |
Bothmann Frank |
The New Emscher Valley – Reshaping an urban Landscape creates regional Identity
2009 |
Isanski Jakub |
The new city borders - sociological analysis of urban interactions
2007 |
Mickiewicz Adam |
The new city borders - sociological analysis of urban interactions
2007 |
Pucher Alexander |
The New ÖROK's Spatial Monitoring and Online Atlas System
2014 |
Stix Elisabeth |
The New ÖROK's Spatial Monitoring and Online Atlas System
2014 |
Dubbeling Martin |
The Netherlands in Transition. The Planning of Low Carbon, Sustainable and Liveable Cities in the Utrecht Region
2012 |
Mahrad Asad |
The Need of the Establishment of a Federal German Sacral Building Authority for Islamic Faith Affairs – Roadmap and Capacity Building of an Institutional Framework for Religious Communities, State Bodies and Citizens in Europe
2017 |
Scoppetta Cecilia |
The Multidimensionality of Contemporary Urban Spaces – Implications for Design
2013 |
Egger Tanja |
The Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – an Instrument to Calculate Mid- and Long-Term Costs of Real Estate Decisions
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schrenk Manfred |
The Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – an Instrument to Calculate Mid- and Long-Term Costs of Real Estate Decisions
2010 |
Efthimiou Theodoros |
The Mediterranean Games in 2013 as a Springboard for Sustainable Development for the City of Volos
2010 |
Mitoula Roido |
The Mediterranean Games in 2013 as a Springboard for Sustainable Development for the City of Volos
2010 |
Theodoropoulou Heleni |
The Mediterranean Games in 2013 as a Springboard for Sustainable Development for the City of Volos
2010 |
Vamvakari Malvina |
The Mediterranean Games in 2013 as a Springboard for Sustainable Development for the City of Volos
2010 |
Panek Paul |
The Living Lab in Schwechat for Involving Older Persons in the Innovation Process of Assisted Living Technologies
2008 |
Zagler Wolfgang |
The Living Lab in Schwechat for Involving Older Persons in the Innovation Process of Assisted Living Technologies
2008 |
Eicker Neele |
The Liveable Life in Slums
2021 |
Hofer Barbara |
The issues of system and data interoperability for e European tourist information system
2004 |
Steiner Susanne |
The issues of system and data interoperability for e European tourist information system
2004 |
Twaroch Florian |
The issues of system and data interoperability for e European tourist information system
2004 |
Gottsmann Frank |
The Iron Curtain Approach: Methodology and toolset for integrated regional development planning in heterogeneous transboundary regions
2005 |
Ströbl Bernhard |
The Iron Curtain Approach: Methodology and toolset for integrated regional development planning in heterogeneous transboundary regions
2005 |
Drewe Paul |
The Internet infrastructure as a location factor for the Internet industry
2003 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
The Integration of Urban Regeneration Method into the Practice of Historical Conservation – the Case Study of Tainan, Taiwan
2011 |
Chen Tzu Ling |
The Integration of Urban Regeneration Method into the Practice of Historical Conservation – the Case Study of Tainan, Taiwan
2011 |
Dimello Despina |
The information and communication technologies impact in urban process
2004 |
Dimitriadis Andreas |
The information and communication technologies impact in urban process
2004 |
Tsouderos John |
The information and communication technologies impact in urban process
2004 |
Mahmoud May |
The Influences of User Generated "Big Data" on Urban Development
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Taha Dina |
The Influences of User Generated "Big Data" on Urban Development
2016 |
Abdel-Salam Hassan |
The Influence of Usersâ Socio-Economic Background on the Perception and Involvement of Urban Spaces
2021 |
Osman Menatallah |
The Influence of Usersâ Socio-Economic Background on the Perception and Involvement of Urban Spaces
2021 |
Saadallah Dina |
The Influence of Usersâ Socio-Economic Background on the Perception and Involvement of Urban Spaces
2021 |
Economou Agisilaos |
The influence of Tourist Development in the Coastal Natural Environment of Faliraki on the Island of Rhodes
2007 |
Kurth Detlef |
The Influence of Social Infrastructure Accessibility on Liveability in Urban Neighbourhoods
2023 |
Rumberg Martin |
The Influence of Social Infrastructure Accessibility on Liveability in Urban Neighbourhoods
2023 |
Schittenhelm Corinna |
The Influence of Social Infrastructure Accessibility on Liveability in Urban Neighbourhoods
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Influence of Non-Motorised Transport Systems around the World: a Case Study of Singapore, Shanghai, Lagos, Jakarta, Johannesburg and Cape Town
2022 |
Jeeva Zaakirah |
The Influence of Non-Motorised Transport Systems around the World: a Case Study of Singapore, Shanghai, Lagos, Jakarta, Johannesburg and Cape Town
2022 |
Lawrence Kiara |
The Influence of Non-Motorised Transport Systems around the World: a Case Study of Singapore, Shanghai, Lagos, Jakarta, Johannesburg and Cape Town
2022 |
Lai Sabrina |
The Influence of Natura 2000 Sites on Land-Taking Processes at the Regional Level: an Empirical Analysis concerning Sardinia (Italy)
2016 |
Zoppi Corrado |
The Influence of Natura 2000 Sites on Land-Taking Processes at the Regional Level: an Empirical Analysis concerning Sardinia (Italy)
2016 |
Talvitie Juha |
The influence of information technology on spatial development and planning
2002 |
Voyatzaki M. |
The influence of e-supply chain on the transformation of urban space
2004 |
Borgers Aloys |
The Influence of Built Environment Characteristics on the Occurrence of Crime in Neighbourhoods of Amsterdam: A Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis
2022 |
Dane Gamze |
The Influence of Built Environment Characteristics on the Occurrence of Crime in Neighbourhoods of Amsterdam: A Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis
2022 |
Kasraian Dena |
The Influence of Built Environment Characteristics on the Occurrence of Crime in Neighbourhoods of Amsterdam: A Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis
2022 |
Leeuw Stephan |
The Influence of Built Environment Characteristics on the Occurrence of Crime in Neighbourhoods of Amsterdam: A Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis
2022 |
Mandal Prerna |
The Inclusive Role of Ekistics Elements in Earmarking Innovation Zones through a Balanced Distribution of Smart Development and Local Expression: Case of Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA)
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Sen Joy |
The Inclusive Role of Ekistics Elements in Earmarking Innovation Zones through a Balanced Distribution of Smart Development and Local Expression: Case of Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA)
2018 |
Gugerell Katharina |
The Inclusive City of Johannesburg and the Challenge of Affordable Housing
2020 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Inclusive City of Johannesburg and the Challenge of Affordable Housing
2020 |
Hofer Edith |
The Inclusive City of Johannesburg and the Challenge of Affordable Housing
2020 |
Musakwa Walter |
The Inclusive City of Johannesburg and the Challenge of Affordable Housing
2020 |
Netsch Stefan |
The Inclusive City of Johannesburg and the Challenge of Affordable Housing
2020 |
Barboric Blaz |
The Importance of Spatial Data for Sustainable Spatial Management
2023 |
Amato Federico |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Bellarosa Sara |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Biscaglia Giuseppe |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Catalano Luca |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Graziadei Antonio |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Metta Annalisa |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Murgante Beniamino |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Olivetti Maria Livia |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Passannante Pasquale |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Percoco Annalisa |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Sassano Gerardo |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Scaringi Francesco |
The Importance of Participation in Regeneration of Peripheral Urban Spaces: the Experience of “Serpentone Reload”
2015 |
Aubrecht Christoph |
The importance of active public communication - Settlement systems and land use patterns seen from a disaster perspective
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Köstl Mario |
The importance of active public communication - Settlement systems and land use patterns seen from a disaster perspective
2009 |
Knoflacher Markus |
The importance of active public communication - Settlement systems and land use patterns seen from a disaster perspective
2009 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
The importance of active public communication - Settlement systems and land use patterns seen from a disaster perspective
2009 |
Bharati Aditi |
The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
2024 |
Sandbrink Christoph |
The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
2024 |
Rauh Wolfgang |
The Impact of the Modal Split on Accessibility in Urban Areas
2010 |
Yagüe Mata José María |
The impact of new technologies on regional and urban development
2004 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Impact of Free Municipal Wi-Fi on the Citizensâ Right to the City, Good Governance, and Service Delivery in an African Context: the Perspectives of the Residents of Pretoria Central Business District (CBD) in the City of Tshwane, South Africa
2023 |
Mathane Tlou Phillemon |
The Impact of Free Municipal Wi-Fi on the Citizensâ Right to the City, Good Governance, and Service Delivery in an African Context: the Perspectives of the Residents of Pretoria Central Business District (CBD) in the City of Tshwane, South Africa
2023 |
Dallhammer Erich |
The IKEA Factor
2003 |
Qasim Mohammed |
The Identity of Place ... and Memory of Time ... Define Space-Time of Human Architecture
2013 |
Abdelmajeed Aya |
The Human-Based Sustainability: a Responsive Approach towards Cities Redevelopment
2024 |
Fikry Mohamed |
The Human-Based Sustainability: a Responsive Approach towards Cities Redevelopment
2024 |
Hasan Asmaa |
The Human-Based Sustainability: a Responsive Approach towards Cities Redevelopment
2024 |
Safey Eldeen Heba |
The Heart of the City from a Socio Cultural Perspective
2013 |
Sundaram Meenatchi |
The green-cover network for sustainable environment – case study of Chennai city
2009 |
Bergheim Runar |
The Ghost of a City Yet to Come
2021 |
Betancourth Carlos H |
The Future of the Countryside
2018 |
Schulze Bäing Andreas |
The Future of Strategic Brownfield Regeneration in England – Between Urban Intensification and Green Infrastructure Provision
2011 |
Amiri Fard Farhad |
The Evaluation of Daily Urban System in the City of Rasht
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Baghaei Roudsari Hekmat |
The Evaluation of Daily Urban System in the City of Rasht
2012 |
Kobayashi Hidetsugu |
The End of Master Plan: New Collage Cities of Future
2009 |
Wadwekar Anand |
The End of Master Plan: New Collage Cities of Future
2009 |
Allex Brigitte |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Arnberger Arne |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Blättner Beate |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Eder Renate |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Grewe Henny Annette |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Hutter Hans-Peter |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Kolland Franz |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Kundi Michael |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Wallner Peter |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Wanka Anna |
The Elderly under Urban Heat Pressure – Strategies and Behaviours of Elderly Residents against Urban Heat
2013 |
Bergner Benjamin |
The Egyptian Revolution from the Perspective of an Urban Planner: Demonstrations on the Streets of Alexandria, Egypt
2012 |
Raslan Rania |
The Egyptian Revolution from the Perspective of an Urban Planner: Demonstrations on the Streets of Alexandria, Egypt
2012 |
Taha Dina |
The Egyptian Revolution from the Perspective of an Urban Planner: Demonstrations on the Streets of Alexandria, Egypt
2012 |
Bäumer Doris |
The Effects of Mobility Management for Companies in the Course of the German Mobility Management Action Programme "effizient mobil"
2012 |
Farrokhikhiavi Reyhaneh |
The Effects of Mobility Management for Companies in the Course of the German Mobility Management Action Programme "effizient mobil"
2012 |
Louen Conny |
The Effects of Mobility Management for Companies in the Course of the German Mobility Management Action Programme "effizient mobil"
2012 |
Stiewe Mechtild |
The Effects of Mobility Management for Companies in the Course of the German Mobility Management Action Programme "effizient mobil"
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Isa Kakroodi Negar |
The Effects of City Fabric on Urban Strategies in Pandemic Time â Case Study Rome City (Italy)
2021 |
Mansouri Matineh |
The Effects of City Fabric on Urban Strategies in Pandemic Time â Case Study Rome City (Italy)
2021 |
Mirza Babaei Sina |
The Effects of City Fabric on Urban Strategies in Pandemic Time â Case Study Rome City (Italy)
2021 |
Negm Hisham |
The Effect of the Physical Environment on Social Interaction: The Case of Educational Campuses
2020 |
Saadallah Dina |
The Effect of the Physical Environment on Social Interaction: The Case of Educational Campuses
2020 |
Sameh Dina |
The Effect of the Physical Environment on Social Interaction: The Case of Educational Campuses
2020 |
Jóna László |
The Effect of the Pandemic of the Use of Public Spaces in Hungary
2021 |
Mansberger Reinfried |
The Effect of Potential-based Land Tax on Land Utilization
2014 |
Muggenhuber Gerhard |
The Effect of Potential-based Land Tax on Land Utilization
2014 |
Navratil Gerhard |
The Effect of Potential-based Land Tax on Land Utilization
2014 |
Twaroch Christoph |
The Effect of Potential-based Land Tax on Land Utilization
2014 |
Wessely Reinhold |
The Effect of Potential-based Land Tax on Land Utilization
2014 |
Eckart Jochen |
The Effect of Overtaking Distances on the Stress Occurence of Cyclists in Urban Areas
2023 |
Hauenstein Jan |
The Effect of Overtaking Distances on the Stress Occurence of Cyclists in Urban Areas
2023 |
Hauenstein Jan |
The Effect of Overtaking Distances on the Stress Occurence of Cyclists in Urban Areas
2023 |
Merk Jule |
The Effect of Overtaking Distances on the Stress Occurence of Cyclists in Urban Areas
2023 |
Zeile Peter |
The Effect of Overtaking Distances on the Stress Occurence of Cyclists in Urban Areas
2023 |
Farboud Shabnam |
The Effect of Fourth Dimension on the Behavior of Urban Dwellers
2012 |
Mahmoudi Anahita |
The Effect of Fourth Dimension on the Behavior of Urban Dwellers
2012 |
Abdel-Salam Hassan |
The Effect of Digital Media in Reviving Urban Public Spaces
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Elsayed Hasan Asmaa |
The Effect of Digital Media in Reviving Urban Public Spaces
2022 |
Magued Nesma |
The Effect of Digital Media in Reviving Urban Public Spaces
2022 |
Aderibigbe Oluwayemi-Oniya |
The Effect of Active Travel on Sustainable Transport Planning: Empirical Evidence from Selected European and African Countries
2022 |
Gumbo Trynos |
The Effect of Active Travel on Sustainable Transport Planning: Empirical Evidence from Selected European and African Countries
2022 |
Ioja Cristian |
The ecological footprint – indicator for analysing the environmental impact of residential surfaces in metropolitan areas. Case study: Bucharest Metropolitan Area
2009 |
Nita Mihai |
The ecological footprint – indicator for analysing the environmental impact of residential surfaces in metropolitan areas. Case study: Bucharest Metropolitan Area
2009 |
Patroescu Maria |
The ecological footprint – indicator for analysing the environmental impact of residential surfaces in metropolitan areas. Case study: Bucharest Metropolitan Area
2009 |
Vanau Gabriel |
The ecological footprint – indicator for analysing the environmental impact of residential surfaces in metropolitan areas. Case study: Bucharest Metropolitan Area
2009 |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
The Eco-efficiency Assessments of Hazards prevention in Urban Parks of Taiwan
2009 |
Huang Hao-Hsuan |
The Eco-efficiency Assessments of Hazards prevention in Urban Parks of Taiwan
2009 |
Huang Hui-Wen |
The Eco-efficiency Assessments of Hazards prevention in Urban Parks of Taiwan
2009 |
Miralles i Garcia José Luis |
The E-City or the City on the Cloud
2014 |
Admiraal Han |
The Dynamism of Underground Space
2017 |
Cornaro Antonia |
The Dynamism of Underground Space
2017 |
Downes Nigel |
The Dynamics of Urban Change in Times of Climate Change – the Case of Ho Chi Minh City
2011 |
Storch Harry |
The Dynamics of Urban Change in Times of Climate Change – the Case of Ho Chi Minh City
2011 |
Hinterberger Gabriela |
The driving forces of IT regions - Innovation und Technologie als Motoren der Regionalentwicklung - best practise in Oberösterreich
2004 |
Ivanova Ksenia |
The Digital World of the Future as an Evolution of the Past
2021 |
Matievskii Ilya |
The Digital World of the Future as an Evolution of the Past
2021 |
Popovich Tatiana |
The Digital World of the Future as an Evolution of the Past
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Popovich Vasily |
The Digital World of the Future as an Evolution of the Past
2021 |
Smirnova Oksana |
The Digital World of the Future as an Evolution of the Past
2021 |
Coors Volker |
The Development of an E-Participation Platform for Rural Areas in the Study Area of Niedernhall
2019 |
Santhanavanich Thunyathep |
The Development of an E-Participation Platform for Rural Areas in the Study Area of Niedernhall
2019 |
Würstle Patrick |
The Development of an E-Participation Platform for Rural Areas in the Study Area of Niedernhall
2019 |
Bender Steffen |
The Current Use and Limitations of Water Related Digital Twins â a Practical View on Urban Climate Change Adaptation
2024 |
Groth Markus |
The Current Use and Limitations of Water Related Digital Twins â a Practical View on Urban Climate Change Adaptation
2024 |
Wübbelmann Thea |
The Current Use and Limitations of Water Related Digital Twins â a Practical View on Urban Climate Change Adaptation
2024 |
Damyanovic Doris |
The Contribution of Public Spaces to Climate Change Adaptation in Austrian Cities
2022 |
Reinwald Florian |
The Contribution of Public Spaces to Climate Change Adaptation in Austrian Cities
2022 |
Weichselbaumer Roswitha |
The Contribution of Public Spaces to Climate Change Adaptation in Austrian Cities
2022 |
Brisnik Rok |
The Contribution of Peri-Urban Characterisation to the Development of Sense of Place Indicators
2023 |
Brisnik Rok |
The Contribution of Peri-Urban Characterisation to the Development of Sense of Place Indicators
2023 |
Zlender Vita |
The Contribution of Peri-Urban Characterisation to the Development of Sense of Place Indicators
2023 |
Economou Agisilaos |
The contribution of Community Support Frameworks (CSF) in the development of the coastal area in Greece
2006 |
Angelidis Minas |
The contribution of community support framework (CSF) in the development of coastal area in Greece
2006 |
Mitoulas Nikolaos |
The Construction of the Concept of Neighbourhood Children from the Big City
2010 |
Popovich Tatiana |
The Concept of Situation Centers for Smart Cities
2016 |
Smirnova Oksana |
The Concept of Situation Centers for Smart Cities
2016 |
Yuzer Mehmet Ali |
The comparison of Istanbul simulation results of cellular automata based LUCAM land use estimation model with large scale manufacturing industries using high technology
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Yuzer Sebnem |
The comparison of Istanbul simulation results of cellular automata based LUCAM land use estimation model with large scale manufacturing industries using high technology
2005 |
Eckert Ronald |
The compactness of urban areas in Vietnam. Sustainable urban development and local mobility nodes.
2008 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
The compactness of urban areas in Vietnam. Sustainable urban development and local mobility nodes.
2008 |
Storch Harry |
The compactness of urban areas in Vietnam. Sustainable urban development and local mobility nodes.
2008 |
Aziz Hellen |
The Community Gardens and Kitchens, and their Contribution to the Social Development of the Marginalised Areas in Berlin
2023 |
Pereslegin Alexander |
The City Planning Cadastre System of the City of Moscow as a Tool for Sustainable Urban Development
2010 |
Kuaznetsov Konstantin |
The city planning cadastre system of Moscow as a tool for sustainable urban development
2009 |
Melnichenko Sergey |
The city planning cadastre system of Moscow as a tool for sustainable urban development
2009 |
Cardinale Tiziana |
The City of Matera and the Sassi: Smart Places with a Dantean Attraction
2014 |
Pavia Laura |
The City of Matera and the Sassi: Smart Places with a Dantean Attraction
2014 |
Zucchi Giovanni |
The City of Matera and the Sassi: Smart Places with a Dantean Attraction
2014 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
The City as the Place of Augmented Imagination
2019 |
Ferschin Peter |
The City as a Process in Time and Space
2002 |
Franck Georg |
The City as a Process in Time and Space
2002 |
Köhler Bettina |
The City as a Process in Time and Space
2002 |
Pollak Sabine |
The City as a Process in Time and Space
2002 |
Schroeder Carolin |
The Challenging Path to a Redistribution of Space – Renegotiating Urban Mobility
2018 |
Wendorf Gabriele |
The Challenging Path to a Redistribution of Space – Renegotiating Urban Mobility
2018 |
Araya Valenzuela Dámare |
The Challenge of Transforming Urban Supply and Disposal Infrastructures to more Resource and Energy Efficiency
2018 |
Friedrich Jasmin |
The Challenge of Transforming Urban Supply and Disposal Infrastructures to more Resource and Energy Efficiency
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lehn Helmut |
The Challenge of Transforming Urban Supply and Disposal Infrastructures to more Resource and Energy Efficiency
2018 |
Steiner Franka |
The Challenge of Transforming Urban Supply and Disposal Infrastructures to more Resource and Energy Efficiency
2018 |
Baypinar Mete Basar |
The Case of Smart City Istanbul: How to Evaluate the City Region and its Benchmarks with Participatory and Negotiation Processes?
2020 |
Bektas Hakan |
The Case of Smart City Istanbul: How to Evaluate the City Region and its Benchmarks with Participatory and Negotiation Processes?
2020 |
Saldanli Arif |
The Case of Smart City Istanbul: How to Evaluate the City Region and its Benchmarks with Participatory and Negotiation Processes?
2020 |
Seker Murat |
The Case of Smart City Istanbul: How to Evaluate the City Region and its Benchmarks with Participatory and Negotiation Processes?
2020 |
Clodt Sebastian |
The Capabilities of Remote Sensing to Derive Urban Location Factors for Probability-Based Spatial Growth Analysis
2010 |
Jürgens Carsten |
The Capabilities of Remote Sensing to Derive Urban Location Factors for Probability-Based Spatial Growth Analysis
2010 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
The Capabilities of Remote Sensing to Derive Urban Location Factors for Probability-Based Spatial Growth Analysis
2010 |
Wegmann Martin |
The Capabilities of Remote Sensing to Derive Urban Location Factors for Probability-Based Spatial Growth Analysis
2010 |
Wurm Michael |
The Capabilities of Remote Sensing to Derive Urban Location Factors for Probability-Based Spatial Growth Analysis
2010 |
Jürgens Ines |
The Built Environment and Universal Design: Are Architectural Competitions a Qualified Instrument to a Better Consideration of the Diversity Dimension Impairment?
2024 |
Kolbitsch Isabella |
The Built Environment and Universal Design: Are Architectural Competitions a Qualified Instrument to a Better Consideration of the Diversity Dimension Impairment?
2024 |
Mahdych Anastastia |
The Built Environment and Universal Design: Are Architectural Competitions a Qualified Instrument to a Better Consideration of the Diversity Dimension Impairment?
2024 |
Petrovic Jana |
The Built Environment and Universal Design: Are Architectural Competitions a Qualified Instrument to a Better Consideration of the Diversity Dimension Impairment?
2024 |
Pont Ulrich |
The Built Environment and Universal Design: Are Architectural Competitions a Qualified Instrument to a Better Consideration of the Diversity Dimension Impairment?
2024 |
Raas Vanessa |
The Built Environment and Universal Design: Are Architectural Competitions a Qualified Instrument to a Better Consideration of the Diversity Dimension Impairment?
2024 |
Razorenova Ksenia |
The Built Environment and Universal Design: Are Architectural Competitions a Qualified Instrument to a Better Consideration of the Diversity Dimension Impairment?
2024 |
Schweitzer Alexander |
The Built Environment and Universal Design: Are Architectural Competitions a Qualified Instrument to a Better Consideration of the Diversity Dimension Impairment?
2024 |
Antonic Branislav |
The Beauty or the Beast? Can Illegal Housing Tackle the Problem of Social Integration and Social Housing?
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Mitrovic Biserka |
The Beauty or the Beast? Can Illegal Housing Tackle the Problem of Social Integration and Social Housing?
2013 |
Rainer Clemens |
The Austrian Sustainable Building Certificate for Buildings and for Town Districts
2010 |
Botteldooren Dick |
The Assessment of Traffic Livability, including Local Effects at Home, during Trips and at the Destination, based on the Individual Activity Pattern and Trip Behaviour
2010 |
Dekoninck Luc |
The Assessment of Traffic Livability, including Local Effects at Home, during Trips and at the Destination, based on the Individual Activity Pattern and Trip Behaviour
2010 |
Gillis Dominique |
The Assessment of Traffic Livability, including Local Effects at Home, during Trips and at the Destination, based on the Individual Activity Pattern and Trip Behaviour
2010 |
Lauwers Dirk |
The Assessment of Traffic Livability, including Local Effects at Home, during Trips and at the Destination, based on the Individual Activity Pattern and Trip Behaviour
2010 |
Abbas Anjum Ghulam |
The Assessment and Mapping of Urban Visual Pollution through an Assembly of Open Source Geospatial Tools
2019 |
Naeem Malik Asghar |
The Assessment and Mapping of Urban Visual Pollution through an Assembly of Open Source Geospatial Tools
2019 |
Qadeer ul Hussnain Muhammad |
The Assessment and Mapping of Urban Visual Pollution through an Assembly of Open Source Geospatial Tools
2019 |
Thaheem Muhammad Jamaluddin |
The Assessment and Mapping of Urban Visual Pollution through an Assembly of Open Source Geospatial Tools
2019 |
Waheed Abdul |
The Assessment and Mapping of Urban Visual Pollution through an Assembly of Open Source Geospatial Tools
2019 |
Wakil Khydija |
The Assessment and Mapping of Urban Visual Pollution through an Assembly of Open Source Geospatial Tools
2019 |
Alegala Nagabhushanam Nanda Kishore |
The Art of Curating an Accessible, Safe & Inclusive City
2020 |
Bansal Kanika |
The Art of Curating an Accessible, Safe & Inclusive City
2020 |
Coors Volker |
The Application of CityGML Food Water Energy ADE to Estimate the Biomass Potential for a Land Use Scenario
2021 |
Padsala Rushikesh |
The Application of CityGML Food Water Energy ADE to Estimate the Biomass Potential for a Land Use Scenario
2021 |
Golestani-Bakht Mehdi |
The Ability of Wheelchair Users in Utilizing Urban Facilities, Sari 2011
2012 |
Lahmian Reza |
The Ability of Wheelchair Users in Utilizing Urban Facilities, Sari 2011
2012 |
Rabiei Khadijeh |
The Ability of Wheelchair Users in Utilizing Urban Facilities, Sari 2011
2012 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
The “glocal” as a challenge for local actors having plans for the future
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hsu Jenny |
The "Sprawl Repair Act": Realizing Polycentricity in Metropolitan Spatial Structure
2011 |
Prosperi David |
The "Sprawl Repair Act": Realizing Polycentricity in Metropolitan Spatial Structure
2011 |
Abdo Mai |
The "Open Cities" Approach: a Prospect for Improving the Quality of Life in Alexandria City, Egypt
2012 |
Ayad Hany |
The "Open Cities" Approach: a Prospect for Improving the Quality of Life in Alexandria City, Egypt
2012 |
Taha Dina |
The "Open Cities" Approach: a Prospect for Improving the Quality of Life in Alexandria City, Egypt
2012 |
Candra Dewi Ova |
The "Green Palisade" Concept: a Model of Waste and Wastewater as Resources City. Case Study: Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
2010 |
Firdayati Mayrina |
The "Green Palisade" Concept: a Model of Waste and Wastewater as Resources City. Case Study: Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
2010 |
Börner Wolfgang |
The "Franziszeische Kataster" (land register) - Only a historial Map?
2003 |
Freiwald Nicolai |
Texturen für 3D-Stadtmodelle – Typisierung und Erhebungsmethodik
2008 |
Göbel Rüdiger |
Texturen für 3D-Stadtmodelle – Typisierung und Erhebungsmethodik
2008 |
Hesina Gerd |
Texture management for high-quality city walk-throughs
2004 |
Maierhofer Stefan |
Texture management for high-quality city walk-throughs
2004 |
Tobler Robert F. |
Texture management for high-quality city walk-throughs
2004 |
Haqbeen Jawad |
Text-based Discussion Environment using a Discussion Support System Enhances Participantsâ Engagement at International e-Conference: KICSS 2020 Online Experiment
2021 |
Ito Takayuki |
Text-based Discussion Environment using a Discussion Support System Enhances Participantsâ Engagement at International e-Conference: KICSS 2020 Online Experiment
2021 |
Sahab Sofia |
Text-based Discussion Environment using a Discussion Support System Enhances Participantsâ Engagement at International e-Conference: KICSS 2020 Online Experiment
2021 |
Jung Wolfgang |
Testplanungen als Instrument zur Aktivierung von Flächenpotenzialen
2007 |
Schönwandt Walter |
Testplanungen als Instrument zur Aktivierung von Flächenpotenzialen
2007 |
Hunt Dexter |
Testing the Resilience of Underground Infrastructure Solutions through an Urban Futures Methodology
2012 |
Jefferson Ian |
Testing the Resilience of Underground Infrastructure Solutions through an Urban Futures Methodology
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Rogers Chris |
Testing the Resilience of Underground Infrastructure Solutions through an Urban Futures Methodology
2012 |
Galyano Filipp |
Terrorist Threat: Human Factor
2009 |
Osipov Vasily |
Terrorist Threat: Human Factor
2009 |
Popovich Vasily |
Terrorist Threat: Human Factor
2009 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Terrorist Threat: Human Factor
2009 |
Rau Stefan |
Territory + High-Speed Rail – (Agriculture-Zones + Eco-Parks + Seashores). Proposal for Strategic Planning of China's Coastal Region Starting with No-Build Zones
2011 |
Lalovic Ksenija |
Territorial Information Systems as an Instrument for Developing Social Capital in Local Communities in Serbia
2010 |
Mrdjenovic Tatjana |
Territorial Information Systems as an Instrument for Developing Social Capital in Local Communities in Serbia
2010 |
Radosavljevic Uros |
Territorial Information Systems as an Instrument for Developing Social Capital in Local Communities in Serbia
2010 |
de Vries Aldert |
Territorial Indicator System as a Tool for Evaluating Territorial Strategies
2010 |
Velasco Echeverría Xabier |
Territorial Indicator System as a Tool for Evaluating Territorial Strategies
2010 |
Vanautgaerden Liesl |
Territorial Cohesion for Managing Change in Cultural Landscapes
2011 |
Zaman Jan |
Territorial Cohesion for Managing Change in Cultural Landscapes
2011 |
Dumfarth Erich |
Terrestrisches 3D-Laserscanning: Real World ..... Scan Data ..... 3D-Modell
2001 |
Bertino Gaetano |
Temporary Urban Pop-Up Environments â Design Requirements and Sustainable Solutions
2021 |
Fischer Tatjana |
Temporary Urban Pop-Up Environments â Design Requirements and Sustainable Solutions
2021 |
Geier Stefan |
Temporary Urban Pop-Up Environments â Design Requirements and Sustainable Solutions
2021 |
Ãsterreicher Doris |
Temporary Urban Pop-Up Environments â Design Requirements and Sustainable Solutions
2021 |
Gatta Federica |
Temporality of Physical and Political Liminal Spaces in the Urban Transformations of the Greater Paris
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Telekommunikation und Verkehr - Parallelen, Differenzen, Interdependenzen und Auswirkungen auf Raum- und Siedlungsstruktur
1997 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Aderibigbe Oluwayemi-Oniya |
Telecommunication and Travel Behaviour of Households in the Rural Areas of Nigeria: Substitution, Complementarity or Trip Inducement
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Telecommunication and Travel Behaviour of Households in the Rural Areas of Nigeria: Substitution, Complementarity or Trip Inducement
2021 |
Mbatha Siphiwe |
Telecommunication and Travel Behaviour of Households in the Rural Areas of Nigeria: Substitution, Complementarity or Trip Inducement
2021 |
Moyo Thembani |
Telecommunication and Travel Behaviour of Households in the Rural Areas of Nigeria: Substitution, Complementarity or Trip Inducement
2021 |
Fathy Tarik |
Telecommunication & Transportation. An Intelligent Trade-off
2009 |
Fischer Bernd |
TeleCityVision: Konzepte administrativer Akteure im europäischen Vergleich
2000 |
Huning Sandra |
TeleCityVision: Konzepte administrativer Akteure im europäischen Vergleich
2000 |
Dallhammer Erich |
Telearbeit, Teleshopping und virtueller Raum: Herausforderungen für die Raumplanung
1997 |
Holzer Stefan |
Telearbeit und ihr Einfluß auf die Regionalentwicklung, dargestellt an der Region Inneres Salzkammergut
1999 |
Anari Farzad |
Tehran’s Mobility Pathology: An Urban Transportation View
2017 |
Yekani Fard Seyed Ahmad Reza |
Tehran’s Mobility Pathology: An Urban Transportation View
2017 |
Shen Ken-Ping |
Technology-supported Citizens Participation in Taiwan
2016 |
Frank Andrew U. |
Technology, politics and economy
2002 |
Giuffrida Antonio |
Technologies and Community mechanism for civil protection assistance and cultural heritage conservation
2006 |
Lo Tauro Agata |
Technologies and Community mechanism for civil protection assistance and cultural heritage conservation
2006 |
Mörtenböck Peter |
Technological Subjects / Corporate Landscapes
2001 |
Zhukova Nataly |
Technological Solutions for Knowledge Management in Smart Cities
2014 |
Dangschat Jens S. |
Technik, Gesellschaft und Raum
1999 |
Dorninger Peter |
Technical push on 3D data standards for cultural heritage management
2005 |
Jansa Josef |
Technical push on 3D data standards for cultural heritage management
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kippes Wolfgang |
Technical push on 3D data standards for cultural heritage management
2005 |
Ghorbani Gheshghaee Nejhad Ehsan |
TDR Approach Employment in Dealing with Metropolitan Area’s Sprawl; Isfahan Metropolitan Area, District 9
2018 |
Hardani Bahareh |
TDR Approach Employment in Dealing with Metropolitan Area’s Sprawl; Isfahan Metropolitan Area, District 9
2018 |
Nedae Tousi Sahar |
TDR Approach Employment in Dealing with Metropolitan Area’s Sprawl; Isfahan Metropolitan Area, District 9
2018 |
Bell Daniel |
SZENAMO – Possibilities to improve the representation of older persons' mobility patterns in existing traffic models
2010 |
Braguti Isabella |
SZENAMO – Possibilities to improve the representation of older persons' mobility patterns in existing traffic models
2010 |
Füssl Elisabeth |
SZENAMO – Possibilities to improve the representation of older persons' mobility patterns in existing traffic models
2010 |
Friedwagner Andreas |
SZENAMO – Possibilities to improve the representation of older persons' mobility patterns in existing traffic models
2010 |
Oberlader Manuel |
SZENAMO – Possibilities to improve the representation of older persons' mobility patterns in existing traffic models
2010 |
Risser Ralf |
SZENAMO – Possibilities to improve the representation of older persons' mobility patterns in existing traffic models
2010 |
Wunsch Doris |
SZENAMO – Possibilities to improve the representation of older persons' mobility patterns in existing traffic models
2010 |
Graf Katharina |
Systemische Vernetzung urbaner und ländlicher Räume – Erkennen, Formulieren, Entwerfen
2019 |
von Both Petra |
Systemische Vernetzung urbaner und ländlicher Räume – Erkennen, Formulieren, Entwerfen
2019 |
Häusler Axel |
Synthetic and Tangible Agents for an Activity-based Urban Planning Tool
2021 |
Jardim Amanda Barbosa |
Synthetic and Tangible Agents for an Activity-based Urban Planning Tool
2021 |
Kondziela Andrea |
Synthetic and Tangible Agents for an Activity-based Urban Planning Tool
2021 |
Müh Maximilian |
Synthetic and Tangible Agents for an Activity-based Urban Planning Tool
2021 |
HäuÃermann Tim |
Synergizing BIM, Digital Twin, and XR: An Approach for Real-Time Building Analysis and Enhanced Laboratory Management
2024 |
Kastner Kevin |
Synergizing BIM, Digital Twin, and XR: An Approach for Real-Time Building Analysis and Enhanced Laboratory Management
2024 |
Kolb Florian |
Synergizing BIM, Digital Twin, and XR: An Approach for Real-Time Building Analysis and Enhanced Laboratory Management
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lehmann Joel |
Synergizing BIM, Digital Twin, and XR: An Approach for Real-Time Building Analysis and Enhanced Laboratory Management
2024 |
Rache Alessa |
Synergizing BIM, Digital Twin, and XR: An Approach for Real-Time Building Analysis and Enhanced Laboratory Management
2024 |
Reichwald Julian |
Synergizing BIM, Digital Twin, and XR: An Approach for Real-Time Building Analysis and Enhanced Laboratory Management
2024 |
Rädle Matthias |
Synergizing BIM, Digital Twin, and XR: An Approach for Real-Time Building Analysis and Enhanced Laboratory Management
2024 |
Wühler Felix |
Synergizing BIM, Digital Twin, and XR: An Approach for Real-Time Building Analysis and Enhanced Laboratory Management
2024 |
Baker Douglas |
Synergies and Goal Conflicts for Climate Change Policy and Spatial Planning
2013 |
Marston Gregory |
Synergies and Goal Conflicts for Climate Change Policy and Spatial Planning
2013 |
McClure Lachlan |
Synergies and Goal Conflicts for Climate Change Policy and Spatial Planning
2013 |
Millonig Alexandra |
Swift, safe and seminal: Innovative passenger information and guidance systems in large infrastructures
2008 |
Nader Carmencita Julia |
Swift, safe and seminal: Innovative passenger information and guidance systems in large infrastructures
2008 |
Schechtner Katja |
Swift, safe and seminal: Innovative passenger information and guidance systems in large infrastructures
2008 |
Franchini Teresa |
Sustainable, Smart and Humane Cities: From Utopia to Reality
2024 |
Ryser Judith |
Sustainable, Smart and Humane Cities: From Utopia to Reality
2024 |
Yousef Wael Mohamed |
Sustainable use of IT in urban planning
2004 |
Ansel Wolfgang |
Sustainable Urbanism with Green Roofs
2010 |
El Zamly Hassan |
Sustainable Urban Mobility: Assessing Different Neighbourhood Models in Greater Cairo Region, Egypt
2017 |
Ghonimi Islam |
Sustainable Urban Mobility: Assessing Different Neighbourhood Models in Greater Cairo Region, Egypt
2017 |
Laistner Axel |
Sustainable Urban Development in Germany in the 1990s – a Situation Report after 20 Years
2012 |
Laistner Hermann |
Sustainable Urban Development in Germany in the 1990s – a Situation Report after 20 Years
2012 |
Abolghasemi Moghaddam Maral |
Sustainable Urban Development by Expanding the Green Roofs to Improve the Urban Environment Quality (Case Study: Karaj, the fourth most populous City in Iran)
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Henninger Sascha |
Sustainable Urban Development by Expanding the Green Roofs to Improve the Urban Environment Quality (Case Study: Karaj, the fourth most populous City in Iran)
2019 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Sustainable Transportation in the 4IR Era: case of the City of Johannesburg
2022 |
Mbatha Siphiwe |
Sustainable Transportation in the 4IR Era: case of the City of Johannesburg
2022 |
Garcia Marian |
Sustainable Spatial Development – Region of Navarre's Case (Spain)
2007 |
Munarriz Damaso |
Sustainable Spatial Development – Region of Navarre's Case (Spain)
2007 |
Schüle Ralf |
Sustainable Smart City â the Path of Vienna
2021 |
Treude Mona |
Sustainable Smart City â the Path of Vienna
2021 |
Dharani Kurada Sharmila |
Sustainable Revolution for a Greener Planet â Possibilities in the Indian Context
2022 |
Sarkar Basudatta |
Sustainable Revolution for a Greener Planet â Possibilities in the Indian Context
2022 |
Burkholz Kilian |
Sustainable Real Estate Development in the Age of E-commerce – Implications of the Structural Change and resulting changed Requirements for Retail Property
2019 |
Zimmermann Josef |
Sustainable Real Estate Development in the Age of E-commerce – Implications of the Structural Change and resulting changed Requirements for Retail Property
2019 |
Andres Patrick |
Sustainable Operation of Digital Infrastructure in the Smart City: Practical Experience and Implications
2024 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Sustainable Operation of Digital Infrastructure in the Smart City: Practical Experience and Implications
2024 |
Abdelghany Sarah |
Sustainable Multi-objective Optimisation in Land-use Planning based on Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II): a Case Study in Alexandria, Egypt
2022 |
Ayad Hany |
Sustainable Multi-objective Optimisation in Land-use Planning based on Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II): a Case Study in Alexandria, Egypt
2022 |
Elcherif Ingi |
Sustainable Multi-objective Optimisation in Land-use Planning based on Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II): a Case Study in Alexandria, Egypt
2022 |
Laconte Pierre |
Sustainable Mobility as Essential Ingredient for Vibrant Cities: 3 Cases in Point
2015 |
Dutta Bikram |
Sustainable Land Management: Challenges, Opportunities Trade Off
2018 |
Economou Agisilaos |
Sustainable Development of Greek Island and European Policy
2007 |
Mitoula Roido |
Sustainable Development of Greek Island and European Policy
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hosseini Raviz Seyed Reza |
Sustainable Development in The Healthcare Enterprises Management Through BIM And FM Interaction Based on a Holistic Aspect Structure
2021 |
Petersen Sobah Abbas |
Sustainable Development in The Healthcare Enterprises Management Through BIM And FM Interaction Based on a Holistic Aspect Structure
2021 |
Quental Nuno |
Sustainable development at the city-region level: a broad analysis of the Porto Metropolitan Area
2009 |
Albqour Nadine |
Sustainable Concrete-Based Structures: Review for the Potential Benefits of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete (BFRC) in Enhancing the Environmental Performance of Buildings
2024 |
ElSayad Zeyad |
Sustainable Concrete-Based Structures: Review for the Potential Benefits of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete (BFRC) in Enhancing the Environmental Performance of Buildings
2024 |
Rababeh Shaher |
Sustainable Concrete-Based Structures: Review for the Potential Benefits of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete (BFRC) in Enhancing the Environmental Performance of Buildings
2024 |
Shehata Mohammad |
Sustainable Concrete-Based Structures: Review for the Potential Benefits of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete (BFRC) in Enhancing the Environmental Performance of Buildings
2024 |
Haag Martin |
Sustainable City Mobility: Reducing Carbon Emissions of Transport in Tübingen
2010 |
Henkel Andrea |
Sustainable City Mobility: Reducing Carbon Emissions of Transport in Tübingen
2010 |
Denig Stefan |
Sustainable Cities
2010 |
Economou Agisilaos |
Sustainability via Soft Natural Resource Management. The Coastal Area of Vouliagmeni
2011 |
Dumreicher Heidi |
Sustainability scenarios for spatial planning: ideal or real?
2005 |
Hong Yi Lü |
Sustainability scenarios for spatial planning: ideal or real?
2005 |
Ivanceanu Ina |
Sustainability scenarios for spatial planning: ideal or real?
2005 |
Kolb Bettina |
Sustainability scenarios for spatial planning: ideal or real?
2005 |
Levine Richard S. |
Sustainability scenarios for spatial planning: ideal or real?
2005 |
Mitoula Roido |
Sustainability in European Union through the free market: the effects on the physiognomy of the cities
2004 |
Lehn Helmut |
Sustainability Assessment of Urban Water Infrastructure Systems with Special Focus on the Urban Water-Energy Nexus
2018 |
Steiner Franka |
Sustainability Assessment of Urban Water Infrastructure Systems with Special Focus on the Urban Water-Energy Nexus
2018 |
Weiss Annika |
Sustainability Assessment of Urban Water Infrastructure Systems with Special Focus on the Urban Water-Energy Nexus
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gao Weijun |
Survey Study on Energy Consumption in Commercial Buildings of Shanghai
2008 |
Tutumi Hiroki |
Survey Study on Energy Consumption in Commercial Buildings of Shanghai
2008 |
Wei Xindong |
Survey Study on Energy Consumption in Commercial Buildings of Shanghai
2008 |
Xuan Ji |
Survey Study on Energy Consumption in Commercial Buildings of Shanghai
2008 |
Hernig Anita |
Survey of soil sealing on the basis of the ATKIS BASIC DLM - feasibilities and limits
2005 |
Meinel Gotthard |
Survey of soil sealing on the basis of the ATKIS BASIC DLM - feasibilities and limits
2005 |
Letsoko Vuyiswa |
Surveillance and Control: the Regulation of Everyday Behaviour under Covid-19 in South African Cities
2022 |
Letsoko Vuyiswa |
Surveillance and Control: the Regulation of Everyday Behaviour under Covid-19 in South African Cities
2022 |
Pennekamp Sandra |
Supra-regional Partnerships – What can they Contribute to Innovative Regional Development?
2011 |
Carabias-Hütter Vicente |
Supporting the Transformation Process to Smart Sustainable Cities in Switzerland: Implementation Guidelines and Promising Practices
2020 |
Kohler Anna |
Supporting the Transformation Process to Smart Sustainable Cities in Switzerland: Implementation Guidelines and Promising Practices
2020 |
Lobsiger-Kägi Evelyn |
Supporting the Transformation Process to Smart Sustainable Cities in Switzerland: Implementation Guidelines and Promising Practices
2020 |
Musiolik Jörg |
Supporting the Transformation Process to Smart Sustainable Cities in Switzerland: Implementation Guidelines and Promising Practices
2020 |
Vögeli Pascal |
Supporting the Transformation Process to Smart Sustainable Cities in Switzerland: Implementation Guidelines and Promising Practices
2020 |
Yildirim Onur |
Supporting the Transformation Process to Smart Sustainable Cities in Switzerland: Implementation Guidelines and Promising Practices
2020 |
Fogliaroni Paolo |
Supporting Spatial Planning with Qualitative Configuration Analysis
2013 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Supporting Spatial Planning with Qualitative Configuration Analysis
2013 |
Märker Oliver |
Supporting Communication Processes for Cooperative Planning and e-Government
2003 |
Roeder Stefanie |
Supporting Communication Processes for Cooperative Planning and e-Government
2003 |
Voss Angi |
Supporting Communication Processes for Cooperative Planning and e-Government
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Förster Michael |
SUPPORT – A Strategic Planning and Decision Support Instrument for Environmental Urban Planning in Berlin
2010 |
Ferretti Johanna |
SUPPORT – A Strategic Planning and Decision Support Instrument for Environmental Urban Planning in Berlin
2010 |
Köppel Johann |
SUPPORT – A Strategic Planning and Decision Support Instrument for Environmental Urban Planning in Berlin
2010 |
Köppen Antje |
SUPPORT – A Strategic Planning and Decision Support Instrument for Environmental Urban Planning in Berlin
2010 |
Kleinschmit Birgit |
SUPPORT – A Strategic Planning and Decision Support Instrument for Environmental Urban Planning in Berlin
2010 |
Fröhlich Michael |
SUPERNOVA - Simulationsmodell zur Untersuchung der Personenverkehrsnachfrage bei Optimierung des Verkehrsangebots
2005 |
Posch Thomas |
SUPERNOVA - Simulationsmodell zur Untersuchung der Personenverkehrsnachfrage bei Optimierung des Verkehrsangebots
2005 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
SUNSHINE – Smart Urban Services for Higher Energy Efficiency
2013 |
Music Barbara |
SUNSHINE – Smart Urban Services for Higher Energy Efficiency
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
SUNSHINE – Smart Urban Services for Higher Energy Efficiency
2013 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
SUNSHINE – Smart Urban Services for Higher Energy Efficiency
2013 |
Bory Barbara |
SUME – Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe
2009 |
Schremmer Christof |
SUME – Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe
2009 |
Gruijthuijsen Wesley |
Suitability of the Residential Location of Older People: towards a Typology in Flanders, Belgium
2024 |
Vanneste Dominique |
Suitability of the Residential Location of Older People: towards a Typology in Flanders, Belgium
2024 |
Steiner Marianne |
Success Factors of Participatory Processes in Urban Development
2016 |
Eckart Jochen |
Subjektiven Verkehrsstress objektiv messen â ein EmoCycling-Mixed-Methods-Ansatz
2021 |
Merk Jule Stephanie |
Subjektiven Verkehrsstress objektiv messen â ein EmoCycling-Mixed-Methods-Ansatz
2021 |
Zeile Peter |
Subjektiven Verkehrsstress objektiv messen â ein EmoCycling-Mixed-Methods-Ansatz
2021 |
Krauà Jennifer |
Städtische Angsträume â Analyse zur Steigerung der gendergerechten Stadtplanung für mehr Sicherheit bei Nacht
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schwimmer Edith |
Städtische Angsträume â Analyse zur Steigerung der gendergerechten Stadtplanung für mehr Sicherheit bei Nacht
2021 |
Hermens Sarah |
Städtebau und elektrische Speicher â ein Zusammenspiel im Energiequartier
2021 |
Stratmann Antonia |
Städtebau und elektrische Speicher â ein Zusammenspiel im Energiequartier
2021 |
Wendorff Jannik |
Städtebau und elektrische Speicher â ein Zusammenspiel im Energiequartier
2021 |
Akbarzadeh Mohsen |
Studying Industrial Symbols in Contemporary Shiraz Urban Landscape
2012 |
Izadi Katayoun |
Studying Industrial Symbols in Contemporary Shiraz Urban Landscape
2012 |
Mansouri Meysam |
Studying Industrial Symbols in Contemporary Shiraz Urban Landscape
2012 |
Gao Ziwei |
Study on the Classification Method of Urban Vitality Spatial Pattern Based on Full-Time Vitality Spectrum:A Case Study of Tianjin, China
2020 |
Sun Zongyao |
Study on the Classification Method of Urban Vitality Spatial Pattern Based on Full-Time Vitality Spectrum:A Case Study of Tianjin, China
2020 |
Zeng Peng |
Study on the Classification Method of Urban Vitality Spatial Pattern Based on Full-Time Vitality Spectrum:A Case Study of Tianjin, China
2020 |
Cha Jae-Gyu |
Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment Following Alleviation of Limit on Number of Floors of Apartment Complex
2011 |
Hoyano Akira |
Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment Following Alleviation of Limit on Number of Floors of Apartment Complex
2011 |
Jung Eung-Ho |
Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment Following Alleviation of Limit on Number of Floors of Apartment Complex
2011 |
Kim Dae-Wuk |
Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment Following Alleviation of Limit on Number of Floors of Apartment Complex
2011 |
Ryu Ji Won |
Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment Following Alleviation of Limit on Number of Floors of Apartment Complex
2011 |
Feng Zhen |
Study on "Micro-Participation" of the City – Emergency Management in the Age of Micro-Blogging
2013 |
Guangliang Xi |
Study on "Micro-Participation" of the City – Emergency Management in the Age of Micro-Blogging
2013 |
Mezenina Kseniia |
Study of the Relationship of Processes of Socio-Economic and Spatial Development of the City with the Help of Information and Analysis System Based on PROGNOZ Platform
2015 |
Petukhova Victoriya |
Study of the Relationship of Processes of Socio-Economic and Spatial Development of the City with the Help of Information and Analysis System Based on PROGNOZ Platform
2015 |
Zavialov Alexey |
Study of the Relationship of Processes of Socio-Economic and Spatial Development of the City with the Help of Information and Analysis System Based on PROGNOZ Platform
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Chang Hsueh-Sheng |
Study of the exploration of fire occurrence spatial characteristics and impact factors – A Case Study of Tainan City
2009 |
Hadlac Michal |
Studie Hochwasserschutz in der Dokumentation der Raumordnung
2006 |
Kadlecova Milada |
Studie Hochwasserschutz in der Dokumentation der Raumordnung
2006 |
Kovar Stanislav |
Studie Hochwasserschutz in der Dokumentation der Raumordnung
2006 |
Knab Charlotte |
Strukturiertes Vorgehen zur Entwicklung von Szenarien für die Entscheidungsunterstützung
2022 |
Schittenhelm Corinna |
Strukturiertes Vorgehen zur Entwicklung von Szenarien für die Entscheidungsunterstützung
2022 |
Pogacar Kaja |
Struggle for Change – Process of Urban Transformation of Koroska Street in Maribor
2017 |
Beyel Sven |
Stresstest städtischer Infrastrukturen — ein Experiment zur Wahrnehmung des Alters im öffentlichen Raum
2016 |
Klein Ulrike |
Stresstest städtischer Infrastrukturen — ein Experiment zur Wahrnehmung des Alters im öffentlichen Raum
2016 |
Müller Christian |
Stresstest städtischer Infrastrukturen — ein Experiment zur Wahrnehmung des Alters im öffentlichen Raum
2016 |
Wilhelm Johann |
Stresstest städtischer Infrastrukturen — ein Experiment zur Wahrnehmung des Alters im öffentlichen Raum
2016 |
Zeile Peter |
Stresstest städtischer Infrastrukturen — ein Experiment zur Wahrnehmung des Alters im öffentlichen Raum
2016 |
Herbeck Johannes |
Stresstest FuÃverkehr: Eine experimentelle Studie zur Messung des Stressempfindens ZufuÃgehender am Marienplatz in Stuttgart
2022 |
Schmidt-Hamburger Céline |
Stresstest FuÃverkehr: Eine experimentelle Studie zur Messung des Stressempfindens ZufuÃgehender am Marienplatz in Stuttgart
2022 |
Zeile Peter |
Stresstest FuÃverkehr: Eine experimentelle Studie zur Messung des Stressempfindens ZufuÃgehender am Marienplatz in Stuttgart
2022 |
Ragheb Ghada |
Strengthening Alexandria Urban Fabric by Planning Urbanism's Walkable Area
2013 |
Sharaf El Din Shahira |
Strengthening Alexandria Urban Fabric by Planning Urbanism's Walkable Area
2013 |
Bakr Ali |
Streetscape Design Elements Approach as a Tool for Urban Soundscape Enhancement A Perspective from Ahmed Oraby Square, Alexandria, Egypt
2021 |
Elmahdy Amira |
Streetscape Design Elements Approach as a Tool for Urban Soundscape Enhancement A Perspective from Ahmed Oraby Square, Alexandria, Egypt
2021 |
Fathi Amira |
Streetscape Design Elements Approach as a Tool for Urban Soundscape Enhancement A Perspective from Ahmed Oraby Square, Alexandria, Egypt
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Psenner Angelika |
Street Life! It's the Only Life I Know. Street Life, and there's a Thousand Parts to Play
2015 |
Heydkamp Constanze |
StraÃe der Zukunft
2020 |
Stroh Felix |
StraÃe der Zukunft
2020 |
Strauß Christian |
Strategische räumliche Ziele für den Planungsprozess unter Schrumpfungsbedingungen
2009 |
Furundzic Danilo |
Strategies for Sustainable Cities – Climate Change as a Generator of Development Planning Policies on the Example of Belgrade
2010 |
Peric Ana |
Strategies for Sustainable Cities – Climate Change as a Generator of Development Planning Policies on the Example of Belgrade
2010 |
Lung Ernst |
Strategies and good practice for sustainable and liveable cities of tomorrow
2009 |
Schubert Uwe |
Strategies and good practice for sustainable and liveable cities of tomorrow
2009 |
Skala Franz |
Strategies and good practice for sustainable and liveable cities of tomorrow
2009 |
Velazquez Isabela |
Strategies and good practice for sustainable and liveable cities of tomorrow
2009 |
Verdaguer Carlos |
Strategies and good practice for sustainable and liveable cities of tomorrow
2009 |
Hamedinger Alexander |
Strategiepläne sind nicht genug - Herausforderungen für die städtische Governance am Beispiel Wien
2007 |
Roch Isolde |
Strategien integrativer stadtregionaler Entwicklung unter Wachstums- und Schrumpfungsbedingungen
2009 |
Tan Haiqiao |
Strategien integrativer stadtregionaler Entwicklung unter Wachstums- und Schrumpfungsbedingungen
2009 |
Riedl Manfred |
Strategien für Regionen mit Bevölkerungsrückgang
2018 |
Wang Peng |
Strategic Planning for Coastal Area of Pudong In Shanghai 2025 – Eastern Shanghai International Frontier Gateway District
2015 |
Wang Yifan |
Strategic Planning for Coastal Area of Pudong In Shanghai 2025 – Eastern Shanghai International Frontier Gateway District
2015 |
Dawkins Jeremy |
Strategic Forecasting and Planning that City Planners can do Themselves: Examples of Simple but Powerful Visual Techniques for Specifying Urban Outcomes in Growing Metropolitan Regions
2012 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Steuerung der Siedlungsflächenentwicklung auf dem Prüfstand – kompakte, umweltverträgliche Siedlungsstrukturen im regionalen Kontext: Traum oder Wirklichkeit?
2018 |
Wahrhusen Nina |
Steuerung der Siedlungsflächenentwicklung auf dem Prüfstand – kompakte, umweltverträgliche Siedlungsstrukturen im regionalen Kontext: Traum oder Wirklichkeit?
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Bremenkamp Laura |
STEMPICOM – Geodatenkonzept für gemeinschaftsbasierte Lieferdienste in ländlichen Regionen
2020 |
Fillies Alexander |
STEMPICOM – Geodatenkonzept für gemeinschaftsbasierte Lieferdienste in ländlichen Regionen
2020 |
Hoedt Florian |
STEMPICOM – Geodatenkonzept für gemeinschaftsbasierte Lieferdienste in ländlichen Regionen
2020 |
Häusler Axel |
STEMPICOM – Geodatenkonzept für gemeinschaftsbasierte Lieferdienste in ländlichen Regionen
2020 |
Kranzmann Dorina |
STEMPICOM – Geodatenkonzept für gemeinschaftsbasierte Lieferdienste in ländlichen Regionen
2020 |
Pöttker Maren |
STEMPICOM – Geodatenkonzept für gemeinschaftsbasierte Lieferdienste in ländlichen Regionen
2020 |
Lange Eckart |
Steckt der Teufel im Detail? Eignung unterschiedlicher Detailgrade von 3D-Landschaftsvisualisierung für Bürgerbeteiligung und Entscheidungsunterstützung
2004 |
Paar Philip |
Steckt der Teufel im Detail? Eignung unterschiedlicher Detailgrade von 3D-Landschaftsvisualisierung für Bürgerbeteiligung und Entscheidungsunterstützung
2004 |
Schmid Willy A. |
Steckt der Teufel im Detail? Eignung unterschiedlicher Detailgrade von 3D-Landschaftsvisualisierung für Bürgerbeteiligung und Entscheidungsunterstützung
2004 |
Schroth Olaf |
Steckt der Teufel im Detail? Eignung unterschiedlicher Detailgrade von 3D-Landschaftsvisualisierung für Bürgerbeteiligung und Entscheidungsunterstützung
2004 |
Wissen Ulrike |
Steckt der Teufel im Detail? Eignung unterschiedlicher Detailgrade von 3D-Landschaftsvisualisierung für Bürgerbeteiligung und Entscheidungsunterstützung
2004 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Status and Pathways to Sustainable Development of Growth Centres: Lessons from Makhado Biaba, South Africa
2022 |
Ingwani Emaculate |
Status and Pathways to Sustainable Development of Growth Centres: Lessons from Makhado Biaba, South Africa
2022 |
Nthangeni Winny Ngudo |
Status and Pathways to Sustainable Development of Growth Centres: Lessons from Makhado Biaba, South Africa
2022 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
State Space Model for Accounting Smart City Heating by Municipal Solid Waste Management
2014 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
State Space Analysis a Tool for Solid Waste Management
2018 |
Langthaler Thomas |
Standortbewertung mit ERRAM 04 (Erreichbarkeitsbasiertes Raster-Raumanalyse-Modell)
2005 |
Hoppe Angelika |
Standort, Wettbewerb oder Persönlichkeit: Wer oder was entscheidet über die Adoption des Onlinehandels als Vertriebskanal?
2020 |
Kramer Caroline |
Standort, Wettbewerb oder Persönlichkeit: Wer oder was entscheidet über die Adoption des Onlinehandels als Vertriebskanal?
2020 |
Wieland Thomas |
Standort, Wettbewerb oder Persönlichkeit: Wer oder was entscheidet über die Adoption des Onlinehandels als Vertriebskanal?
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Matsumoto Naoji |
Standards of visualizing historic urban sites on the web
2004 |
Usama Mohamed |
Standards of visualizing historic urban sites on the web
2004 |
Benner Joachim |
Stand der Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung des Standards XPlanung in Deutschland
2016 |
Krätschmer Robert |
Stand der Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung des Standards XPlanung in Deutschland
2016 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Stand der Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung des Standards XPlanung in Deutschland
2016 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Stand der Einführung von XPlanung in Norddeutschland
2011 |
Bao Keyu |
Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies
2021 |
Coors Volker |
Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies
2021 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies
2021 |
Padsala Rushikesh |
Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies
2021 |
Pietzsch Ursula |
Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies
2021 |
Raven Jeffrey |
Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies
2021 |
Smetschka Barbara |
Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies
2021 |
Berger Martin |
Stakeholder Process in the City of Bruck an der Mur: Lessons Learned in Developing a Vision and Designing an Action Plan for a Smart City
2012 |
Gigler Ute |
Stakeholder Process in the City of Bruck an der Mur: Lessons Learned in Developing a Vision and Designing an Action Plan for a Smart City
2012 |
Hermann Robert |
Stakeholder Process in the City of Bruck an der Mur: Lessons Learned in Developing a Vision and Designing an Action Plan for a Smart City
2012 |
Lippert Lukas |
Stakeholder Process in the City of Bruck an der Mur: Lessons Learned in Developing a Vision and Designing an Action Plan for a Smart City
2012 |
Pölzl Walter |
Stakeholder Process in the City of Bruck an der Mur: Lessons Learned in Developing a Vision and Designing an Action Plan for a Smart City
2012 |
Pol Olivier |
Stakeholder Process in the City of Bruck an der Mur: Lessons Learned in Developing a Vision and Designing an Action Plan for a Smart City
2012 |
Raupenstrauch Harald |
Stakeholder Process in the City of Bruck an der Mur: Lessons Learned in Developing a Vision and Designing an Action Plan for a Smart City
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Rusche Karsten |
Stakeholder Participation in North-West Europe: Lessons Learnt from Green Infrastructure Case Studies
2015 |
Rymsa-Fitschen Christine |
Stakeholder Participation in North-West Europe: Lessons Learnt from Green Infrastructure Case Studies
2015 |
Wilker Jost |
Stakeholder Participation in North-West Europe: Lessons Learnt from Green Infrastructure Case Studies
2015 |
Gvatua Valerian |
Stages of E-Government Development using the Example of Tbilisi Municipality Local Self-Government Property Management
2011 |
Otte Frank |
Staedtebau-online - erste Erfahrungen Bauleitplanung im Internet
2000 |
Walter Klaus |
Staedtebau-online - erste Erfahrungen Bauleitplanung im Internet
2000 |
Floeting Holger |
Stadtzukünfte zwischen Virtualisierung und neuen Raummustern
2002 |
Herwarth v. Bittenfeld Carl |
Stadtumbau in Berlin: Kreuzberg an die Spree – Stadt an die Spree
2007 |
Holz Brigitte |
Stadtumbau in Berlin: Kreuzberg an die Spree – Stadt an die Spree
2007 |
Tomaselli Markus |
Stadtumbau für das 21. Jahrhundert
2011 |
Dau Christine |
Stadttechnopole Kaiserslautern: IUK als Motor der Stadtentwicklung
2004 |
Leis-Mayer Verena |
Stadttechnopole Kaiserslautern: IUK als Motor der Stadtentwicklung
2004 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
Stadttechnopole Kaiserslautern: IUK als Motor der Stadtentwicklung
2004 |
Floeting Holger |
Stadtquartiere im Informationszeitalter – Erfolgsfaktoren von Projekten
2004 |
Perian Thomas |
Stadtplanung im WorldWideWeb Erste Erfahrungen mit internetgestützten Planungsprozessen
1998 |
Willenpart Barbara |
Stadtplanung im Internet – Möglichkeiten internetgestützter Bürgerinformation und Bürgerbeteiligung in österreichischen Stadtplanungsämtern
2000 |
Hill Alexandra |
Stadtplanung im Internet – Information und Beteiligung im neuen Medium
2001 |
Lindner Christian |
Stadtplanung im Internet – Information und Beteiligung im neuen Medium
2001 |
Maruhn Henning |
Stadtplanung im Internet – Information und Beteiligung im neuen Medium
2001 |
Schitko Michele |
Stadtplanung im Internet – Information und Beteiligung im neuen Medium
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Roither Antonia |
Stadtplanerische Herausforderungen einer funktionalen Durchmischung am Beispiel der Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck
2012 |
Weidner Anne |
Stadtplanerische Herausforderungen einer funktionalen Durchmischung am Beispiel der Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck
2012 |
Zerweck Daniel |
Stadtmarketing und Internet: Information und Kommunikation?
1998 |
Eisenberg Bernd |
Stadtklimakomfortzonen – von übergeordneten Planungen zu lokalen
2013 |
Herwarth von Bittenfeld Carl |
Stadtentwicklungsplan Klima, Berlin
2011 |
Nadler Michael |
Stadtentwicklungsfonds – ein innovatives europäisches Finanzierungsinstrument zur Entwicklung integrierter Immobilien
2013 |
Smetana Kurt |
Stadtentwicklung versus Lifestyle. Zur steigenden Prosperität des Brunnenviertels in Wien Ottakring
2010 |
Ruch Alexander |
Stadtentwicklung im Untergrund. Skizzen aus der Schweiz
2016 |
Leber Nils |
Stadt-Land-Peripherie – die Zukunft der Stadt liegt (auch) in der Region!?
2010 |
Nahrada Franz J. |
Stadt mit Fernbedienung: Zugangspunkte zu städtischen Diensten in strukturschwachen Stadtteilen durch "Electronic Cafés"?
2002 |
Veit Wolfgang |
Stadt mit Fernbedienung: Zugangspunkte zu städtischen Diensten in strukturschwachen Stadtteilen durch "Electronic Cafés"?
2002 |
Dorau Uschi |
Stadt in Bewegung – „City Sport“ als Motor nachhaltiger sozio-kultureller Integration
2017 |
Feigl Agnes |
Stadt in Bewegung – „City Sport“ als Motor nachhaltiger sozio-kultureller Integration
2017 |
Raderbauer Hans-Jörg |
Stadt in Bewegung – „City Sport“ als Motor nachhaltiger sozio-kultureller Integration
2017 |
Stadtschreiber Heike |
Stadt in Bewegung – „City Sport“ als Motor nachhaltiger sozio-kultureller Integration
2017 |
Baral Hari |
Stability, Safety & Vulnerability of Modern Cities
2011 |
Zerweck Daniel |
St. Marketingen - Prototyp für einen Stadtserver
1999 |
Krek Alenka |
Stärken und Schwächen von Public Participatory GIS
2005 |
Steinmann Renate |
Stärken und Schwächen von Public Participatory GIS
2005 |
Hecht Robert |
Städtisches Grünvolumen - neuer Basisindikator für die Stadtökologie? Bestimmungsmethodik und Ergebnisbewertung
2006 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Meinel Gotthard |
Städtisches Grünvolumen - neuer Basisindikator für die Stadtökologie? Bestimmungsmethodik und Ergebnisbewertung
2006 |
Socher Wolfgang |
Städtisches Grünvolumen - neuer Basisindikator für die Stadtökologie? Bestimmungsmethodik und Ergebnisbewertung
2006 |
Holz Brigitte |
Städtebaulicher Rahmenplan Luisenstadt – die Wiederentdeckung von Stadt
2011 |
Kebbedies Guido |
Städtebauliche Methodenentwicklung mit GeoWeb und Mobile Computing
2012 |
Streich Bernd |
Städtebauliche Methodenentwicklung mit GeoWeb und Mobile Computing
2012 |
Zeile Peter |
Städtebauliche Methodenentwicklung mit GeoWeb und Mobile Computing
2012 |
Kötter Theo |
Städtebauliche Kalkulation mit Decision Support Infrastructure - das Beispiel der Analyse ökonomischer Wirkungen eines kommunalen Baulandmodells
2014 |
Weiß Dominik |
Städtebauliche Kalkulation mit Decision Support Infrastructure - das Beispiel der Analyse ökonomischer Wirkungen eines kommunalen Baulandmodells
2014 |
Beim Michal |
Spatial urban development and unpredictable consequences caused by citizens.
2008 |
Isanski Jakub |
Spatial urban development and unpredictable consequences caused by citizens.
2008 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Spatial Trends of Adaptive Reuse Projects: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Cities
2021 |
Mbatha Siphwe Given |
Spatial Trends of Adaptive Reuse Projects: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Cities
2021 |
Moyo Thembani |
Spatial Trends of Adaptive Reuse Projects: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Cities
2021 |
Oniya Ouwayeni |
Spatial Trends of Adaptive Reuse Projects: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Cities
2021 |
Loris Isabelle |
Spatial Transformations in Urban Areas During the Past 50 Years
2020 |
Zaman Jan |
Spatial Strategies for Economic Growth within âNet Zero Land Takeâ
2024 |
Abdelhalim Ahmed |
Spatial Resilience of Megacities based on Conceptual Model from Concept to Implementation. Case Study: Greater Cairo, Egypt
2013 |
Gangkofner Ute |
Spatial Planning Indicators - the Geoland approach
2005 |
Hoffmann Christian |
Spatial Planning Indicators - the Geoland approach
2005 |
Köstl Mario |
Spatial Planning Indicators - the Geoland approach
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Petrini-Monteferri Frederic |
Spatial Planning Indicators - the Geoland approach
2005 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Spatial planning indicators - the Geoland approach
2005 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Spatial planning indicators - the Geoland approach
2005 |
Gondo Tendayi |
Spatial Planning and Open Space Integration in Urban Ethiopia: a Sustainable Accessibility Exegesis
2012 |
Blaschke Thomas |
Spatial planning and Geoinformation in Central Mozambique. How to leave the beaten track?
2001 |
Lang Stefan |
Spatial planning and Geoinformation in Central Mozambique. How to leave the beaten track?
2001 |
Schultheis Michael |
Spatial planning and Geoinformation in Central Mozambique. How to leave the beaten track?
2001 |
Zeile Peter |
Spatial planning and Geoinformation in Central Mozambique. How to leave the beaten track?
2001 |
Tisma Alexandra |
Spatial planning and electronic democracy: Technologies to support citizens' participation in spatial decision making – DeltaM DSS
2001 |
Zivkovic Ljiljana |
Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia in the Light of Digital Agenda for Europe 2020
2014 |
Koramaz Turgay Kerem |
Spatial Pattern of Digital Divide in Turkey
2019 |
Nasrollahzade Somaiyeh |
Spatial Pattern of Digital Divide in Turkey
2019 |
Ozdemir Zeynep |
Spatial Pattern of Digital Divide in Turkey
2019 |
Polakit Kasama |
Spatial Partitioning of Livability Indices: South Florida Case Study
2011 |
Prosperi David |
Spatial Partitioning of Livability Indices: South Florida Case Study
2011 |
Schomberg Yexsy |
Spatial Partitioning of Livability Indices: South Florida Case Study
2011 |
Kolontay Alexander |
Spatial Navigation Modelling Technology in Urban Planning Project
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Smart City Digital Technologies: Three Area-Based Case Studies of Free Municipal Wi-Fi in the City of Tshwane, South Africa
2024 |
Makoni Eric Nyembezi |
Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Smart City Digital Technologies: Three Area-Based Case Studies of Free Municipal Wi-Fi in the City of Tshwane, South Africa
2024 |
Mathane Tlou Phillemon |
Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Smart City Digital Technologies: Three Area-Based Case Studies of Free Municipal Wi-Fi in the City of Tshwane, South Africa
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Csaplovics Elmar |
Spatial Information Systems for Supporting Strategies of TransEuropean Management of Cross-Border Protected Regions in Central Europe
2006 |
Wagenknecht Stefan |
Spatial Information Systems for Supporting Strategies of TransEuropean Management of Cross-Border Protected Regions in Central Europe
2006 |
Meng Ruediger |
Spatial Distribution and Dynamics of Innovation-Related Employment in Germany
2011 |
Petek Tomaz |
Spatial data systems in Slovenia
2005 |
Müller Hartmut |
Spatial Data Infrastructure in Germany – Principles and Initiatives
2006 |
Abou Bakr Eman |
Spatial Complexity: Identifying Critical Zones in the Egyptian Underground Reciprocal Stations
2017 |
Elgendy Noheir |
Spatial Complexity: Identifying Critical Zones in the Egyptian Underground Reciprocal Stations
2017 |
Ciocanea Cristiana Maria |
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Residential Areas Affected by the Industrial Function in a Post-Communist City – Case Study Bucharest
2013 |
Ioja Ioan Cristian |
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Residential Areas Affected by the Industrial Function in a Post-Communist City – Case Study Bucharest
2013 |
Mirea Delia Adriana |
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Residential Areas Affected by the Industrial Function in a Post-Communist City – Case Study Bucharest
2013 |
Nita Mihai Razvan |
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Residential Areas Affected by the Industrial Function in a Post-Communist City – Case Study Bucharest
2013 |
Onose Diana Andreea |
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Residential Areas Affected by the Industrial Function in a Post-Communist City – Case Study Bucharest
2013 |
Vanau Gabriel Ovidiu |
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Residential Areas Affected by the Industrial Function in a Post-Communist City – Case Study Bucharest
2013 |
Dopheide Ralf |
Spatial and Settlement Development Adapted to Climate Change in Strasshof an der Nordbahn (Lower Austria)
2022 |
Fleischmann Michael |
Spatial and Settlement Development Adapted to Climate Change in Strasshof an der Nordbahn (Lower Austria)
2022 |
Hiller Andreas |
Spatial and Settlement Development Adapted to Climate Change in Strasshof an der Nordbahn (Lower Austria)
2022 |
Knasmillner Elisabeth |
Spatial and Settlement Development Adapted to Climate Change in Strasshof an der Nordbahn (Lower Austria)
2022 |
Knoll Bente |
Spatial and Settlement Development Adapted to Climate Change in Strasshof an der Nordbahn (Lower Austria)
2022 |
Renkin Agnes |
Spatial and Settlement Development Adapted to Climate Change in Strasshof an der Nordbahn (Lower Austria)
2022 |
Schiefermair Fabian |
Spatial and Settlement Development Adapted to Climate Change in Strasshof an der Nordbahn (Lower Austria)
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Adeofun Clement |
Spatial Analysis of Municipal Water Supply in Abeokuta Metropolis, South Western Nigeria
2010 |
Awomeso Julius |
Spatial Analysis of Municipal Water Supply in Abeokuta Metropolis, South Western Nigeria
2010 |
Eruola Abayomi |
Spatial Analysis of Municipal Water Supply in Abeokuta Metropolis, South Western Nigeria
2010 |
Ladipo-Ajayi Ola |
Spatial Analysis of Municipal Water Supply in Abeokuta Metropolis, South Western Nigeria
2010 |
Oyedepo John |
Spatial Analysis of Municipal Water Supply in Abeokuta Metropolis, South Western Nigeria
2010 |
Ufoegbune Gideon |
Spatial Analysis of Municipal Water Supply in Abeokuta Metropolis, South Western Nigeria
2010 |
Schneider Bernhard |
space talks / GEMIS goes planning
2002 |
Dangschat Jens |
Space and Time – Challenges for Spatial Planning
2013 |
Arnberger Arne |
Soziale Tragfähigkeitsgrenzen für Freizeitaktivitäten in städtischen Erholungsgebieten
2005 |
Ortner Simon |
Soziale Netzwerke und Regionalentwicklung am Beispiel Niederösterreich
2008 |
Gumbo Trynos |
South Africaâs Pursuit of Sustainable Urban Development: a Reality or Rhetoric?
2022 |
Phosho Mueletshedzi Helen |
South Africaâs Pursuit of Sustainable Urban Development: a Reality or Rhetoric?
2022 |
Kimmet Philip |
Some Problems with modern Management and Planning Systems: The technology–environment trade-off for the aviation industry
2009 |
Geldof Charlotte A. |
Some Futures for the Belgian Coast 2100, a Case Study of Research by Design on Regional Level
2015 |
Zaman Jan |
Some Futures for the Belgian Coast 2100, a Case Study of Research by Design on Regional Level
2015 |
Chen Yuqi |
Solidified Branding Function: How the Urban Brand Affects a Small Townâs Delopment? Case Study of Wangqingtuo, Tianjin, China
2020 |
Zeng Peng |
Solidified Branding Function: How the Urban Brand Affects a Small Townâs Delopment? Case Study of Wangqingtuo, Tianjin, China
2020 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Solid Waste Management, an Environmental Challenge in Millennium Cyber City in India, Gurgaon
2013 |
König Michael |
Solarinitiative München (SIM) – 300 MWp auf den Dächern einer Großstadt
2011 |
Baypinar Mete Basar |
Solar Energy Simulations in Historical Districts for Retrofitting and Evidence-Based Decision Making: Data Challenges for Low Carbon Cities in the EU Neighbourhood & Accession Countries
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Beygo Cem |
Solar Energy Simulations in Historical Districts for Retrofitting and Evidence-Based Decision Making: Data Challenges for Low Carbon Cities in the EU Neighbourhood & Accession Countries
2020 |
Beygo Kerem |
Solar Energy Simulations in Historical Districts for Retrofitting and Evidence-Based Decision Making: Data Challenges for Low Carbon Cities in the EU Neighbourhood & Accession Countries
2020 |
Ersoy Selahattin |
Solar Energy Simulations in Historical Districts for Retrofitting and Evidence-Based Decision Making: Data Challenges for Low Carbon Cities in the EU Neighbourhood & Accession Countries
2020 |
Yasa Enes |
Solar Energy Simulations in Historical Districts for Retrofitting and Evidence-Based Decision Making: Data Challenges for Low Carbon Cities in the EU Neighbourhood & Accession Countries
2020 |
Atanackovic-Jelicic Jelena |
Sociopolitical Changes and City Growth – a Case Study of Novi Sad, Serbia
2011 |
Kostres Milica |
Sociopolitical Changes and City Growth – a Case Study of Novi Sad, Serbia
2011 |
Schelisch Lynn |
Socio-Technical Assisted Neighborhoods
2012 |
Spellerberg Annette |
Socio-Technical Assisted Neighborhoods
2012 |
Tawil Maram |
Socio-Economic Transformation of Urban Nodes in Amman: Determining Ingredients of Success
2020 |
Yasar Ali Shams |
Socio-Economic Transformation of Urban Nodes in Amman: Determining Ingredients of Success
2020 |
Ilechukwu Victor |
Socio-Economic Determinants of Urban Poor Housing Types in Makoko Area, Lagos
2011 |
Oduwaye Leke |
Socio-Economic Determinants of Urban Poor Housing Types in Makoko Area, Lagos
2011 |
Yadua Omoayena |
Socio-Economic Determinants of Urban Poor Housing Types in Makoko Area, Lagos
2011 |
Al-Hokail Abdulhakeem A. |
Socio-cultural contradictions in the arab/islamic buildt environment. An empirical study of Arriyadh, Saudi Arabia
2004 |
Meir Avinoam |
Socially Sustainable Development: Planning Empowerment among the Bedouin in Israel
2009 |
Campagna Michele |
Social Media Geographic Information: Current Developments and Opportunities in Urban and Regional Planning
2014 |
Massa Pierangelo |
Social Media Geographic Information: Current Developments and Opportunities in Urban and Regional Planning
2014 |
Campagna Michele |
Social Media Data in Tourism Planning: Analysing Tourists' Satisfaction in Space and Time
2014 |
Floris Roberta |
Social Media Data in Tourism Planning: Analysing Tourists' Satisfaction in Space and Time
2014 |
Ozdal Oktay Simge |
Social Media as A Source of Self Organizing City: Bridging the Gap Between Policy Making and Public Act
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Drewe Paul |
Social innovation in urban revitalization - it might be a new experience
2007 |
Hulsbergen Edward |
Social innovation in urban revitalization - it might be a new experience
2007 |
Kosic Tatjana |
Social Housing in Serbia: Dual Approach
2013 |
Krstic-Furundzic Aleksandra |
Social Housing in Serbia: Dual Approach
2013 |
Vesic Uros |
Social Housing in Serbia: Dual Approach
2013 |
Mensik Karl |
Social and Spatial Behaviour in Shared Spaces
2012 |
Schönauer Robert |
Social and Spatial Behaviour in Shared Spaces
2012 |
Schrom-Feiertag Helmut |
Social and Spatial Behaviour in Shared Spaces
2012 |
Stubenschrott Martin |
Social and Spatial Behaviour in Shared Spaces
2012 |
Pantic Jelena |
Social and Aesthetic Camouflage: Case Study of Belgrade
2010 |
Memmel Martin |
SMEXI â a Data-Based Approach for the Small-Scale Investigation of Sustainability Goals in Cities
2024 |
Yeerasam Akhil |
SMEXI â a Data-Based Approach for the Small-Scale Investigation of Sustainability Goals in Cities
2024 |
Fulterer Anna Maria |
SmartUP: Entwicklung eines Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Hammerl Barbara |
SmartUP: Entwicklung eines Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Kabosch Ulrike |
SmartUP: Entwicklung eines Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Kornthaler Martina |
SmartUP: Entwicklung eines Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Schleich Berthold |
SmartUP: Entwicklung eines Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Schnitzer Hans |
SmartUP: Entwicklung eines Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Staller Heimo |
SmartUP: Entwicklung eines Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Stawecka Gosia |
SmartUP: Entwicklung eines Zentrums für Nachhaltigkeit
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Abecker Andreas |
SmartRegio – Employing Spatial Data to Provide Decision Support for SMEs and City Administrations
2017 |
Bretthauer Sebastian |
SmartRegio – Employing Spatial Data to Provide Decision Support for SMEs and City Administrations
2017 |
Kirchmann Heinz |
SmartRegio – Employing Spatial Data to Provide Decision Support for SMEs and City Administrations
2017 |
Korf Roman |
SmartRegio – Employing Spatial Data to Provide Decision Support for SMEs and City Administrations
2017 |
May Markus |
SmartRegio – Employing Spatial Data to Provide Decision Support for SMEs and City Administrations
2017 |
Memmel Martin |
SmartRegio – Employing Spatial Data to Provide Decision Support for SMEs and City Administrations
2017 |
Wacker Richard |
SmartRegio – Employing Spatial Data to Provide Decision Support for SMEs and City Administrations
2017 |
Fabisch Martin |
Smartphonegestützte Bestandsaufnahme zur ökologischen Bewertung von Siedlungsräumen
2015 |
Henninger Sascha |
Smartphonegestützte Bestandsaufnahme zur ökologischen Bewertung von Siedlungsräumen
2015 |
Ekizoglu Esin |
Smartphone and Mobile Territories - Technical Knowledge Transformed into an Object Producing New Territorial Layers: An Experience in the City of Strasbourg
2018 |
Mortamais Elizabeth |
Smartphone and Mobile Territories - Technical Knowledge Transformed into an Object Producing New Territorial Layers: An Experience in the City of Strasbourg
2018 |
Marful Alexander Boakye |
Smarting the City or Development: The Dilemma of the Post-Oil Countries in sub-Saharan Africa
2014 |
Botzenhart Lukas |
Smartes Wohnen für Generationen â wie Nachverdichtung Chancen für leistbares, alternsgerechtes und klimafreundliches Wohnen bietet
2021 |
Kirsch-Soriano da Silva Katharina |
Smartes Wohnen für Generationen â wie Nachverdichtung Chancen für leistbares, alternsgerechtes und klimafreundliches Wohnen bietet
2021 |
Schwab Dieter |
Smartes Straßendesign für Smart Cities
2014 |
Strasser Martina |
Smartes Straßendesign für Smart Cities
2014 |
Gaiddon Bruno |
Smarter Together: Drei Städte Lyon — München — Wien werden gemeinsam smarter
2016 |
Girardi Julia |
Smarter Together: Drei Städte Lyon — München — Wien werden gemeinsam smarter
2016 |
Neumann Hans-Martin |
Smarter Together: Drei Städte Lyon — München — Wien werden gemeinsam smarter
2016 |
Thielen Korinna |
Smarter Together: Drei Städte Lyon — München — Wien werden gemeinsam smarter
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Vignali Etienne |
Smarter Together: Drei Städte Lyon — München — Wien werden gemeinsam smarter
2016 |
Wendt Willi |
Smarter Together: Drei Städte Lyon — München — Wien werden gemeinsam smarter
2016 |
Janschitz-Zimmermann Susanne |
Smarter Cities - ein Modell lebenswerter Städte
2014 |
Mandl Bettina |
Smarter Cities - ein Modell lebenswerter Städte
2014 |
Henninger Sascha |
Smarte Sirenen im Rahmen kommunaler Klimaanpassungskonzepte im Spannungsfeld von Stadtklimatologie und Stadtplanung
2020 |
Rumberg Martin |
Smarte Sirenen im Rahmen kommunaler Klimaanpassungskonzepte im Spannungsfeld von Stadtklimatologie und Stadtplanung
2020 |
Wieland Thomas |
Smarte Lösungen statt "Lockdown"? Der "Tübinger Weg" in der Corona-Pandemiebekämpfung auf dem Prüfstand
2021 |
Belbachir Ahmed Nabil |
SmartCountplus – Towards Automated Counting and Modelling of Non-Motorised Traffic with a Stand-Alone Sensor Device
2010 |
Brändle Norbert |
SmartCountplus – Towards Automated Counting and Modelling of Non-Motorised Traffic with a Stand-Alone Sensor Device
2010 |
Schraml Stephan |
SmartCountplus – Towards Automated Counting and Modelling of Non-Motorised Traffic with a Stand-Alone Sensor Device
2010 |
Hartmann Gerhard |
Smart-City-Plattform, IoT – Herausforderungen für die Städte
2019 |
Homeier Ina |
Smart-City-Leitfaden für die Seestadt Aspern Wien
2016 |
Rainer Clemens |
Smart-City-Leitfaden für die Seestadt Aspern Wien
2016 |
Evers David |
Smart, Green and Inclusive Urban Growth: Visualising Recent Developments in European Cities
2016 |
Hamers David |
Smart, Green and Inclusive Urban Growth: Visualising Recent Developments in European Cities
2016 |
Nabielek Kersten |
Smart, Green and Inclusive Urban Growth: Visualising Recent Developments in European Cities
2016 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
Smart Village as an Instrument to Curb the Rural to Urban Migration in India
2017 |
Bansal Neha |
Smart Urbanization – Key to Sustainable Cities
2015 |
Shrivastava Vineet |
Smart Urbanization – Key to Sustainable Cities
2015 |
Singh Jagdish |
Smart Urbanization – Key to Sustainable Cities
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Smart Urban Simulation Tools for Planning Decision Support Need Smart Data and Smart Data Gathering Methods
2016 |
Köstl Mario |
Smart Urban Simulation Tools for Planning Decision Support Need Smart Data and Smart Data Gathering Methods
2016 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Smart Urban Simulation Tools for Planning Decision Support Need Smart Data and Smart Data Gathering Methods
2016 |
Peters-Anders Jan |
Smart Urban Simulation Tools for Planning Decision Support Need Smart Data and Smart Data Gathering Methods
2016 |
Kipar Andreas |
Smart Urban Resilience: From Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to Nature-Positive Cities and Landscapes
2024 |
Tummrs Lidewij |
Smart Through Gender+: Kernthemen für eine inklusive Stadtplanung am Beispiel Linz (Austria)
2020 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Smart Through Gender+: Kernthemen für eine inklusive Stadtplanung am Beispiel Linz (Austria)
2020 |
Lo Tauro Agata |
Smart Technologies for Cultural Landscape and Sustainable Development
2009 |
Raut Papiya Bandyopadhyay |
Smart Sustainable E-Solutions for Implementation and Enforcement of Smart Cities in India
2016 |
Raut Sandeep Kumar |
Smart Sustainable E-Solutions for Implementation and Enforcement of Smart Cities in India
2016 |
Schnitzer Hans |
Smart Städte brauchen smarte Unternehmungen
2014 |
Amato Federico |
Smart Solutions for the Development of Rural Communities
2015 |
Cascigni Gianluca |
Smart Solutions for the Development of Rural Communities
2015 |
Murgante Beniamino |
Smart Solutions for the Development of Rural Communities
2015 |
Savino Daniela |
Smart Solutions for the Development of Rural Communities
2015 |
Scorza Francesco |
Smart Solutions for the Development of Rural Communities
2015 |
Soligno Roberta |
Smart Solutions for the Development of Rural Communities
2015 |
Hof Angela |
Smart Planning: Different Participation Methods for Evaluating Spatial Attractiveness
2016 |
Klein Ulrike |
Smart Planning: Different Participation Methods for Evaluating Spatial Attractiveness
2016 |
Mueller Christian |
Smart Planning: Different Participation Methods for Evaluating Spatial Attractiveness
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Smart Planning & Smart Cities
2014 |
Ilieva Lucia |
Smart Parking Policy in Varna, Bulgaria
2019 |
Wiegand Dietmar |
Smart Occupancy – How to Avoid City Expansion by High-Density Use of Existing Buildings
2018 |
Wirth Siegfried |
Smart Occupancy – How to Avoid City Expansion by High-Density Use of Existing Buildings
2018 |
Smirnova Oksana |
Smart Navigation for Modern Cities
2014 |
Zhukova Nataly |
Smart Navigation for Modern Cities
2014 |
Schroeder Carolin |
Smart Mobility: Technologies and Daily Routines
2019 |
Wendorf Gabriele |
Smart Mobility: Technologies and Daily Routines
2019 |
Lauwers Dirk |
Smart Mobility: Opportunity or Threat to Innovate Places and Cities?
2015 |
Papa Enrica |
Smart Mobility: Opportunity or Threat to Innovate Places and Cities?
2015 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Smart Meters for Accounting Smart Solid Waste Mangement for Smart Cities in India
2015 |
Scoppetta Cecilia |
Smart Kids Make Cities Smarter
2014 |
Elkadi Hisham |
Smart Integrated Ecological Approach for Geelong, Australia
2019 |
Bach Glowinska Joanna |
Smart Growth and Integrated Planning in Gdansk and Dublin Urban Changes
2010 |
Tschulik Peter |
Smart Grid and E-Mobility
2010 |
Hartmann Gerhard |
Smart Government in Wien
2016 |
Cocheci Matei |
Smart Governance, the Backbone of Smart Planning. A new Strategic Plan for the Cluj-Napoca Metropolitan Area
2016 |
Dimitriu Sabina |
Smart Governance, the Backbone of Smart Planning. A new Strategic Plan for the Cluj-Napoca Metropolitan Area
2016 |
Elisei Pietro |
Smart Governance, the Backbone of Smart Planning. A new Strategic Plan for the Cluj-Napoca Metropolitan Area
2016 |
Dubova Anastasia |
Smart Governance for Smart Region: The Yaroslavl Region Case
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Razumov Dmitriy |
Smart Governance for Smart Region: The Yaroslavl Region Case
2014 |
D'Orazio Angela |
Smart Governance Answers to Metropolitan Peripheries: Regenerating the Deprived Area of the Morandi Block in the Tor Sapienza Neighbourhood (Rome)
2014 |
Elisei Pietro |
Smart Governance Answers to Metropolitan Peripheries: Regenerating the Deprived Area of the Morandi Block in the Tor Sapienza Neighbourhood (Rome)
2014 |
Prezioso Maria |
Smart Governance Answers to Metropolitan Peripheries: Regenerating the Deprived Area of the Morandi Block in the Tor Sapienza Neighbourhood (Rome)
2014 |
Epp Thomas |
Smart Governance – Werkzeuge für integrierte Prozesse im Verkehrsmanagement
2019 |
Grundei Katharina |
Smart Governance – Werkzeuge für integrierte Prozesse im Verkehrsmanagement
2019 |
Köglmaier Andreas |
Smart Governance – Werkzeuge für integrierte Prozesse im Verkehrsmanagement
2019 |
Kollarits Stefan |
Smart Governance – Werkzeuge für integrierte Prozesse im Verkehrsmanagement
2019 |
Feilmayr Wolfgang |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Gasienica-Wawrytko Beatrix |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Hagen Katrin |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Köstl Mario |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Pauleit Stephan |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Stiles Richard |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Trimmel Heidelinde |
Smart Environment for Smart Cities: Assessing Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Responses for Improved Urban Living Conditions
2014 |
Möller Sebastian |
Smart Energy Supply Conception for the Urban Development Area of Aspern Seestadt (Vienna)
2016 |
Mollay Ursula |
Smart Energy Supply Conception for the Urban Development Area of Aspern Seestadt (Vienna)
2016 |
Saringer-Bory Barbara |
Smart Energy Supply Conception for the Urban Development Area of Aspern Seestadt (Vienna)
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schremmer Christof |
Smart Energy Supply Conception for the Urban Development Area of Aspern Seestadt (Vienna)
2016 |
Meziani Rim |
Smart Data for Smart Government — a Show Case from Abu Dhabi Distribution Company
2016 |
Fiorini Niccolo |
Smart Culture: Digitisation Strategies of two Museums in Tuscany
2024 |
Noferi Costanza |
Smart Culture: Digitisation Strategies of two Museums in Tuscany
2024 |
Raut Papiya |
Smart Community Participation for Revitalization of Urban Green Spaces Over Time: Case Study New Delhi
2013 |
Raut Sandeep Kumar |
Smart Community Participation for Revitalization of Urban Green Spaces Over Time: Case Study New Delhi
2013 |
Stephens Richard |
Smart communities: a California master-planned community case study
2004 |
Dörr Heinz |
Smart City Supply – Verkehrstechnologien, Güterversorgung und Stadtentwicklung auf dem Weg ins 4.0-Zeitalter
2017 |
Marsch Viktoria |
Smart City Supply – Verkehrstechnologien, Güterversorgung und Stadtentwicklung auf dem Weg ins 4.0-Zeitalter
2017 |
Toifl Yvonne |
Smart City Supply – Verkehrstechnologien, Güterversorgung und Stadtentwicklung auf dem Weg ins 4.0-Zeitalter
2017 |
Hammerl Barbara |
Smart City Labs als Möglichkeitsraum für technologische und soziale Innovationen zur Steigerung der Lebensqualität in Städten
2014 |
Knieling Jörg |
Smart City Governance in Practice – the Example of mySMARTLife Project in Hamburg
2019 |
Lange Katharina |
Smart City Governance in Practice – the Example of mySMARTLife Project in Hamburg
2019 |
Kerschbaum Elisabeth |
Smart City for Smart People: Way2smart Korneuburg
2016 |
Moetzl Hildegund |
Smart City for Smart People: Way2smart Korneuburg
2016 |
Zelger Thomas |
Smart City for Smart People: Way2smart Korneuburg
2016 |
Fauster Jennifer |
Smart City Developments in Graz: Coming up against the Limits of Planning
2021 |
Habe Nina |
Smart City Developments in Graz: Coming up against the Limits of Planning
2021 |
Majcen Martina |
Smart City Developments in Graz: Coming up against the Limits of Planning
2021 |
Schwab Eva |
Smart City Developments in Graz: Coming up against the Limits of Planning
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Elisei Pietro |
Smart City and Digital Humanities
2022 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Smart City and Digital Humanities
2022 |
Popovich Vasily |
Smart City and Digital Humanities
2022 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Smart City and Digital Humanities
2022 |
Smirnova Oksana |
Smart City and Digital Humanities
2022 |
Hanzl Malgorzata |
Smart City - a Quest for Innovation within the EPS Framework
2014 |
Micieces Iban |
Smart City - a Quest for Innovation within the EPS Framework
2014 |
Mlynarczyk Antonina |
Smart City - a Quest for Innovation within the EPS Framework
2014 |
Munoz Marcos Merino |
Smart City - a Quest for Innovation within the EPS Framework
2014 |
Noirot Fanny |
Smart City - a Quest for Innovation within the EPS Framework
2014 |
Tessier Alizee |
Smart City - a Quest for Innovation within the EPS Framework
2014 |
Strohm Philipp |
Smart City — Smart Design? Die Auswirkung digitaler Medien auf die Stadtgestalt
2016 |
Auci Sabrina |
Smart Cities: a Policy Tool for City Efficiency?
2016 |
Mundula Luigi |
Smart Cities: a Policy Tool for City Efficiency?
2016 |
Da Costa Lobo Manuel |
Smart Cities/Smart People. Guiding, Ideas
2009 |
Treude Mona |
Smart Cities â wie kleine Städte dem Wandel begegnen
2022 |
Haslinger Edith |
Smart Cities Workshop: Inputs for a Roadmap towards Smart Cities in Austria
2011 |
Iglár Branislav |
Smart Cities Workshop: Inputs for a Roadmap towards Smart Cities in Austria
2011 |
Mollay Ursula |
Smart Cities Workshop: Inputs for a Roadmap towards Smart Cities in Austria
2011 |
Neugebauer Wolfgang |
Smart Cities Workshop: Inputs for a Roadmap towards Smart Cities in Austria
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Page Jessen |
Smart Cities Workshop: Inputs for a Roadmap towards Smart Cities in Austria
2011 |
Pol Olivier |
Smart Cities Workshop: Inputs for a Roadmap towards Smart Cities in Austria
2011 |
Saringer-Bory Barbara |
Smart Cities Workshop: Inputs for a Roadmap towards Smart Cities in Austria
2011 |
Schinzel Ursula |
Smart Cities through Online Dating and Sustainability â Responsible Leadership in Smart Cities
2024 |
Ryser Judith |
Smart Cities or Smart About Cities
2016 |
Hennig Sabine |
Smart Cities Need Smart Citizens, but What About Smart Children?
2014 |
Aggarwal Vaishali |
Smart Cities in India – Branded or Brain-Dead?
2019 |
Diaz Catalina |
Smart Cities for Smarter Citizens: Participatory Planning in Housing Renovation using 3D BIM Tools: the Case of Eckart Vaartbroek
2020 |
Fernandez Trinidad |
Smart Cities for Smarter Citizens: Participatory Planning in Housing Renovation using 3D BIM Tools: the Case of Eckart Vaartbroek
2020 |
Stöffler Sonja |
Smart Cities for Smarter Citizens: Participatory Planning in Housing Renovation using 3D BIM Tools: the Case of Eckart Vaartbroek
2020 |
Radulova-Stahmer Radostina |
Smart Cities brauchen Smarte Räume – Szenarien für die Zukunft eines energie- und ressourcenwirksamen Quartiers durch smarte Stadtgestaltung am Beispiel von Smart City Waagner Biro in Graz
2020 |
Garau Chiara |
Smart Cities between Ethics and Aesthetics
2014 |
Mundula Luigi |
Smart Cities between Ethics and Aesthetics
2014 |
Salustri Andrea |
Smart Cities between Ethics and Aesthetics
2014 |
Montlleó Marc |
Smart Cities as a Tool to Tackle Global Challenges
2014 |
Rodríguez Gustavo |
Smart Cities as a Tool to Tackle Global Challenges
2014 |
Sanromà Itzel |
Smart Cities as a Tool to Tackle Global Challenges
2014 |
Caranti Chiara |
Smart Cities and Urban Governance. The urbanAPI Project: Bologna Case Study
2013 |
Ludlow David C. |
Smart Cities and Urban Governance. The urbanAPI Project: Bologna Case Study
2013 |
Mauri Maria Paola |
Smart Cities and Urban Governance. The urbanAPI Project: Bologna Case Study
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Elisei Pietro |
Smart Cities and Standards — the Approach of the Horizon 2020 Project ESPRESSO
2016 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Smart Cities and Standards — the Approach of the Horizon 2020 Project ESPRESSO
2016 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Smart Cities and Infrastructure Development: A Case Study of the Gauteng City Region in South Africa
2024 |
Mahachi Jeffrey |
Smart Cities and Infrastructure Development: A Case Study of the Gauteng City Region in South Africa
2024 |
Mashabela Boy Johannes |
Smart Cities and Infrastructure Development: A Case Study of the Gauteng City Region in South Africa
2024 |
Engelbach Wolf |
Smart Cities and ICT - Insights from the Morgenstadt Project
2014 |
Kalisch Dominik |
Smart Cities and ICT - Insights from the Morgenstadt Project
2014 |
Vandieken Thomas |
Smart Cities and ICT - Insights from the Morgenstadt Project
2014 |
Wendt Willi |
Smart Cities and ICT - Insights from the Morgenstadt Project
2014 |
Horváth Barsi Boglárka |
Smart Cities - Case of Hungary
2014 |
Lados Mihály |
Smart Cities - Case of Hungary
2014 |
Kain Daniela |
Smart Cities – wie Systeme intelligent werden
2012 |
Lutter Elvira |
Smart Cities – wie Systeme intelligent werden
2012 |
Vogel Theresia |
Smart Cities – wie Systeme intelligent werden
2012 |
Karnutsch Markus |
Smart Cities – bekannte Förderungen unter neuem Namen?
2018 |
Netsch Stefan |
Smart Cities – bekannte Förderungen unter neuem Namen?
2018 |
Schackmar Jakob |
Smart Cities – a New Revitalisation Approach for Shrinking Cities?
2020 |
Laconte Pierre |
Smart and Emotional Sustainable Cities
2019 |
Kolontay Alexandr |
Smart and Emotional – the City as a Work of Art
2019 |
Knieling Jörg |
Small-scale Production Sites as Part of Urban Resilience Infrastructure: The Intersections of Urban Planning and the Fab City
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Tatum Kimberly |
Small-scale Production Sites as Part of Urban Resilience Infrastructure: The Intersections of Urban Planning and the Fab City
2024 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Small Lexicon on Ecology (for those interested in cities)
2023 |
Maierhofer Stefan |
Skylight Illumination and Rendering of Urban Scenes
2006 |
Reichinger Andreas |
Skylight Illumination and Rendering of Urban Scenes
2006 |
Tobler Robert F. |
Skylight Illumination and Rendering of Urban Scenes
2006 |
Kowalewska Agnieszka |
Size of the Patch
2010 |
Prosperi David |
Size of the Patch
2010 |
Hovanov K. |
Situation Assessment in Everyday Life
2008 |
Hovanov N. |
Situation Assessment in Everyday Life
2008 |
Popovich Vasily |
Situation Assessment in Everyday Life
2008 |
Prokaev Alexander |
Situation Assessment in Everyday Life
2008 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Situation Assessment in Everyday Life
2008 |
Smirnova Angelina |
Situation Assessment in Everyday Life
2008 |
Cabello María |
SISAL21: Cross-border sustainability indicators
2007 |
Echamendi Pablo |
SISAL21: Cross-border sustainability indicators
2007 |
Tortajada Rafael |
SISAL21: Cross-border sustainability indicators
2007 |
Kollarits Stefan |
SIS - Strategisches Informationssystem NÖ
2003 |
Ledl Elke |
SIS - Strategisches Informationssystem NÖ
2003 |
Westhauser Christoph |
SIS - Strategisches Informationssystem NÖ
2003 |
Peek Gert-Joost |
Single and Double Loop Learning in Rotterdam Makers District: The Future of Urban Development and the Resilient City
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Stam Kees |
Single and Double Loop Learning in Rotterdam Makers District: The Future of Urban Development and the Resilient City
2019 |
Heinl Thomas |
Sind landschaftsästhetische Qualitäten aus geographischen Daten ableitbar?
2001 |
König Reinhard |
Simulation von Stadtentwicklungsprozessen am Beispiel der Stadt Wien
2008 |
Müller Daniela |
Simulation von Stadtentwicklungsprozessen am Beispiel der Stadt Wien
2008 |
König Reinhard |
Simulation und Visualisierung der Dynamik räumlicher Prozesse. Wechselwirkung räzumlicher Phänomene und dynamischer Prozesse
2006 |
Naumann Simone |
Simulation städtischer und touristischer Flächenexpansionen als Grundlage für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung – Fernerkundung und GIS als Planungsinstrumente
2009 |
Ayad Hany |
Simulation of Pedestrian Behaviour in Urban Spaces. A Case Study of "Sidi Gaber" Public Space, Alexandria, Egypt
2011 |
Bakr Ali |
Simulation of Pedestrian Behaviour in Urban Spaces. A Case Study of "Sidi Gaber" Public Space, Alexandria, Egypt
2011 |
Raslan Rania |
Simulation of Pedestrian Behaviour in Urban Spaces. A Case Study of "Sidi Gaber" Public Space, Alexandria, Egypt
2011 |
Ctyroký Jiri |
Simulation model for urban development sustainability appraisal
2007 |
Drda Filip |
Simulation model for urban development sustainability appraisal
2007 |
Maier Karel |
Simulation model for urban development sustainability appraisal
2007 |
Vorel Jakub |
Simulation model for urban development sustainability appraisal
2007 |
Horn Daniel |
Simulation Game for Future Mobility - Support Tool for the Discussion Process about Scenarios of Future Mobility in SUMP Processes
2014 |
Louen Conny |
Simulation Game for Future Mobility - Support Tool for the Discussion Process about Scenarios of Future Mobility in SUMP Processes
2014 |
Bauer Dietmar |
Simulation and Visualization of the Behaviour of Handicapped People in Virtually Reconstructed Public Buildings
2010 |
Brunnhuber Martin |
Simulation and Visualization of the Behaviour of Handicapped People in Virtually Reconstructed Public Buildings
2010 |
Hesina Gerd |
Simulation and Visualization of the Behaviour of Handicapped People in Virtually Reconstructed Public Buildings
2010 |
Purgathofer Werner |
Simulation and Visualization of the Behaviour of Handicapped People in Virtually Reconstructed Public Buildings
2010 |
Schrom-Feiertag Helmut |
Simulation and Visualization of the Behaviour of Handicapped People in Virtually Reconstructed Public Buildings
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Bao Keyu |
Simulation and Analysis of Urban Green Roofs with Photovoltaic in the Framework of Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Schröter Bastian |
Simulation and Analysis of Urban Green Roofs with Photovoltaic in the Framework of Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Thrän Daniela |
Simulation and Analysis of Urban Green Roofs with Photovoltaic in the Framework of Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Maierhofer Stefan |
Simplified Guided Visibility Sampling for Location Based Services
2007 |
Simon Rainer |
Simplified Guided Visibility Sampling for Location Based Services
2007 |
Tobler Robert F. |
Simplified Guided Visibility Sampling for Location Based Services
2007 |
Fabisch Martin |
Siedlungsgebundene Unterflur-Überwärmung und deren Risikopotenzial für Infrastruktur und Gesundheit
2019 |
Henninger Sascha |
Siedlungsgebundene Unterflur-Überwärmung und deren Risikopotenzial für Infrastruktur und Gesundheit
2019 |
Anslinger Julia |
Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Regionen in Europa – internationale Begegnungen zum Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch
2015 |
Grotheer Swantje |
Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Regionen in Europa – internationale Begegnungen zum Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch
2015 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Regionen in Europa – internationale Begegnungen zum Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch
2015 |
Dietrich Tabea |
Sicherheitsempfinden im öffentlichen Verkehr in Zeiten von COVID-19
2021 |
Stöffler Sonja |
Sicherheitsempfinden im öffentlichen Verkehr in Zeiten von COVID-19
2021 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
Sicherheit im demographischen Wandel
2012 |
Uhlig Cordula |
Sicherheit im demographischen Wandel
2012 |
Raut Papiya Bandyopadhyay |
Shrinking Spaces and Emerging Role of Information Technology in India
2018 |
Raut Sandeep Kumar |
Shrinking Spaces and Emerging Role of Information Technology in India
2018 |
Lucas de Souza Léa Cristina |
Should Planning Support Tools rely on Public Participation or on Experts Judgments?
2007 |
Magagnin Renata Cardoso |
Should Planning Support Tools rely on Public Participation or on Experts Judgments?
2007 |
Rodrigues da Silva Antonio Nelson |
Should Planning Support Tools rely on Public Participation or on Experts Judgments?
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Loukotka Tomas |
Sharing the Land Knowledge: The HLandata Way to Harmonized Information on Land Cover/Land Use
2012 |
Orlik Antonin |
Sharing the Land Knowledge: The HLandata Way to Harmonized Information on Land Cover/Land Use
2012 |
Soukup Tomas |
Sharing the Land Knowledge: The HLandata Way to Harmonized Information on Land Cover/Land Use
2012 |
Eder Martin |
Sharing is Caring – Will Users Comply with the Current Smart City Approach?
2012 |
Kaefer Claudia |
Sharing is Caring – Will Users Comply with the Current Smart City Approach?
2012 |
Bröthaler Johann |
Shared, Automated, Electric: the Fiscal Effects of the "Holy Trinity"
2019 |
Dorner Fabian |
Shared, Automated, Electric: the Fiscal Effects of the "Holy Trinity"
2019 |
Mitteregger Mathias |
Shared, Automated, Electric: the Fiscal Effects of the "Holy Trinity"
2019 |
Soteropoulos Aggelos |
Shared, Automated, Electric: the Fiscal Effects of the "Holy Trinity"
2019 |
Rottenbacher Christiane |
Shared Knowledge Construction in Heterogeneous Groups
2006 |
Conejos Sheila |
Shared Design Framework for Autonomous Vehicles and Land Use Interface
2022 |
Ku Swee |
Shared Design Framework for Autonomous Vehicles and Land Use Interface
2022 |
Hirschler Petra |
Share it - Don't Own it: Space Sharing as a Smart Solution for Cities and Regions?
2014 |
Zech Sibylla |
Share it - Don't Own it: Space Sharing as a Smart Solution for Cities and Regions?
2014 |
Dazzo Loredana |
Shaping Urban Changes for Child-Friendly Cities: How Participation and Co-Creation Processes are Transforming Car-Oriented Neighbourhoods in the Metamorphosis Project
2020 |
van Apeldoorn Nick |
Shaping Urban Changes for Child-Friendly Cities: How Participation and Co-Creation Processes are Transforming Car-Oriented Neighbourhoods in the Metamorphosis Project
2020 |
Broschart Daniel |
SensorMapRT – a System for Real-Time Acquisition, Visualization and Analysis of Mobile Sensor Data in an Urban Context
2015 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
SensorMapRT – a System for Real-Time Acquisition, Visualization and Analysis of Mobile Sensor Data in an Urban Context
2015 |
Schächinger Hartmut |
SensorMapRT – a System for Real-Time Acquisition, Visualization and Analysis of Mobile Sensor Data in an Urban Context
2015 |
Steffen Daniel |
SensorMapRT – a System for Real-Time Acquisition, Visualization and Analysis of Mobile Sensor Data in an Urban Context
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Zeile Peter |
SensorMapRT – a System for Real-Time Acquisition, Visualization and Analysis of Mobile Sensor Data in an Urban Context
2015 |
Bergner Benjamin |
Sensing the City – How to Identify Recreational Benefits of Urban Green Areas with the Help of Sensor Technology
2012 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Sensing the City – How to Identify Recreational Benefits of Urban Green Areas with the Help of Sensor Technology
2012 |
Rumberg Martin |
Sensing the City – How to Identify Recreational Benefits of Urban Green Areas with the Help of Sensor Technology
2012 |
Zeile Peter |
Sensing the City – How to Identify Recreational Benefits of Urban Green Areas with the Help of Sensor Technology
2012 |
Beyer Clemens |
Seniorengerechte Kommunikation von Geoinformationen in Nationalparks am Beispiel senTOUR
2016 |
Hennig Sabine |
Seniorengerechte Kommunikation von Geoinformationen in Nationalparks am Beispiel senTOUR
2016 |
Wasserburger Maria |
Seniorengerechte Kommunikation von Geoinformationen in Nationalparks am Beispiel senTOUR
2016 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Seniorengerechte Kommunikation von Geoinformationen in Nationalparks am Beispiel senTOUR
2016 |
Farkas Andor |
Senior Social Platform – An application aimed to reduce the social and digital isolation of seniors
2010 |
Hlauschek Walter |
Senior Social Platform – An application aimed to reduce the social and digital isolation of seniors
2010 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Senior Social Platform – An application aimed to reduce the social and digital isolation of seniors
2010 |
Kelm Thorsten |
Semiautomatisches Verfahren zur Ableitung von Baublöcken
2019 |
Klein Ulrike |
Semiautomatisches Verfahren zur Ableitung von Baublöcken
2019 |
Pitz Nathalie |
Semiautomatisches Verfahren zur Ableitung von Baublöcken
2019 |
Schonlau Marcel |
Semiautomatisches Verfahren zur Ableitung von Baublöcken
2019 |
Klug Hermann |
Semi-automatische Landschaftsanalyse mit dem ARCGIS-9.X-ModelBuilder
2005 |
Emelianov Yury |
Semantic Platform for Building Coherent Net of Smart Services
2016 |
Pavlov Dmitriy |
Semantic Platform for Building Coherent Net of Smart Services
2016 |
Vodyaho Alexander |
Semantic Platform for Building Coherent Net of Smart Services
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Zhukova Nataly |
Semantic Platform for Building Coherent Net of Smart Services
2016 |
Koltavskiy Andrey |
Semantic Medical Care in Smart Cities
2016 |
Lapaev Maxim |
Semantic Medical Care in Smart Cities
2016 |
Vodyaho Alexander |
Semantic Medical Care in Smart Cities
2016 |
Zhukova Nataly |
Semantic Medical Care in Smart Cities
2016 |
Dillinger Thomas |
Selbstermächtigung und Selbstorganisation als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Lern- und Transformationsprozesse in der Region Römerland Carnuntum
2020 |
Dumke Hartmut |
Selbstermächtigung und Selbstorganisation als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Lern- und Transformationsprozesse in der Region Römerland Carnuntum
2020 |
Fischer Cornelia |
Selbstermächtigung und Selbstorganisation als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Lern- und Transformationsprozesse in der Region Römerland Carnuntum
2020 |
Gugerell Katharina |
Selbstermächtigung und Selbstorganisation als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Lern- und Transformationsprozesse in der Region Römerland Carnuntum
2020 |
Penker Marianne |
Selbstermächtigung und Selbstorganisation als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Lern- und Transformationsprozesse in der Region Römerland Carnuntum
2020 |
Radinger-Peer Verena |
Selbstermächtigung und Selbstorganisation als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Lern- und Transformationsprozesse in der Region Römerland Carnuntum
2020 |
Schauppenlehner Elisabeth |
Selbstermächtigung und Selbstorganisation als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Lern- und Transformationsprozesse in der Region Römerland Carnuntum
2020 |
Las Casas Giuseppe |
Seismic Risk Reduction: a Proposal for Identifying Elements Enhancing Resilience of Territorial Systems
2012 |
Tilio Lucia |
Seismic Risk Reduction: a Proposal for Identifying Elements Enhancing Resilience of Territorial Systems
2012 |
Dimelli Despina |
Seeking the Best Urban Form
2010 |
Tsouderos Ioannis |
Seeking the Best Urban Form
2010 |
Kumar Anmol |
Security and Compliance in Cloud Environments
2024 |
Sandbrink Christoph |
Security and Compliance in Cloud Environments
2024 |
Hesina Gerd |
Secure and fast Urban Visualization
2003 |
Tobler Robert |
Secure and fast Urban Visualization
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gumbo Trynos |
Searching for Property Right for the Homeless in a Mega City – Will House Sharing in a Social Housing Work?
2019 |
Aigbavboa Clinton |
Searching for Property Right for the Homeless in a Mega City — Will House Sharing in a Social Housing Work?
2019 |
Akinbogun Solomon |
Searching for Property Right for the Homeless in a Mega City — Will House Sharing in a Social Housing Work?
2019 |
Jain Manisha |
Seamless Urbanisation and Knotted City Growth: Delhi Metropolitan Region
2011 |
Namperumal Sridharan |
Seamless Urbanisation and Knotted City Growth: Delhi Metropolitan Region
2011 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Seamless Urbanisation and Knotted City Growth: Delhi Metropolitan Region
2011 |
Bajic Katharina |
Seamless Distributed Traffic Monitoring by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) using existing Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure
2021 |
Calbris Gaëtan |
Seamless Distributed Traffic Monitoring by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) using existing Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure
2021 |
Coronel Carmina |
Seamless Distributed Traffic Monitoring by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) using existing Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure
2021 |
Döller Herbert |
Seamless Distributed Traffic Monitoring by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) using existing Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure
2021 |
Litzenberger Martin |
Seamless Distributed Traffic Monitoring by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) using existing Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure
2021 |
Schweiger Hans-Bernhard |
Seamless Distributed Traffic Monitoring by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) using existing Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure
2021 |
Wiesmeyr Christoph |
Seamless Distributed Traffic Monitoring by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) using existing Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure
2021 |
Hawerk Winfried |
SDI of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Hamburg Metropolitan Region in the Context of the Community Programme eContentplus co-funded Project Plan4all and in the Context of INSPIRE
2010 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
SDI of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Hamburg Metropolitan Region in the Context of the Community Programme eContentplus co-funded Project Plan4all and in the Context of INSPIRE
2010 |
Carabias-Hütter Vicente |
Scientific and Practical Understandings of Smart Cities
2014 |
Moser Corinne |
Scientific and Practical Understandings of Smart Cities
2014 |
Wendel Thomas |
Scientific and Practical Understandings of Smart Cities
2014 |
Schuster Otmar |
Schrankenlose Dienstleistung oder die Vorherrschaft der Zäune in Europa / Seamless Service or the supremacy of local enclosures
2002 |
Köstl Mario |
Scenarios of land use change in Europe based on socio-economic and demographic driving factors
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Scenarios of land use change in Europe based on socio-economic and demographic driving factors
2007 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Scenarios of land use change in Europe based on socio-economic and demographic driving factors
2007 |
Galiano Filipp |
Scenario Approach for Image Processing in Smart City
2014 |
Pelevin Maksim |
Scenario Approach for Image Processing in Smart City
2014 |
Zhukova Nataly |
Scenario Approach for Image Processing in Smart City
2014 |
Dollinger Franz |
Salzburger Raumordnungsgesetz und Landesentwicklungsprogramm Neu: Bodenpolitische Wende und Planungsinnovation oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?
2018 |
Fackler Andreas |
Salzburger Raumordnungsgesetz und Landesentwicklungsprogramm Neu: Bodenpolitische Wende und Planungsinnovation oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?
2018 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Salzburger Raumordnungsgesetz und Landesentwicklungsprogramm Neu: Bodenpolitische Wende und Planungsinnovation oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?
2018 |
Philipp Karin |
SAGIS - Planungsgrundlagen und Projektpräsentation auf CD und Online
2003 |
Weber Walter |
SAGIS - Planungsgrundlagen und Projektpräsentation auf CD und Online
2003 |
Bottazzi Roberto |
S.O.U.P. - Sustainable Operative Urban Principles
2006 |
Petrovich Mikhail |
Russian Urban Transport Strategy Today: Three Approaches
2011 |
Beregovskih Anna |
Russian Urban Planning: Modern Ideas (Legislative Base, Spatial Planning, Transport and Ecology, GIS Technology)
2010 |
Grishechkina Irina |
Russian Urban Planning: Modern Ideas (Legislative Base, Spatial Planning, Transport and Ecology, GIS Technology)
2010 |
Miller Sergey |
Russian Urban Planning: Modern Ideas (Legislative Base, Spatial Planning, Transport and Ecology, GIS Technology)
2010 |
Petrovich Michael |
Russian Urban Planning: Modern Ideas (Legislative Base, Spatial Planning, Transport and Ecology, GIS Technology)
2010 |
Shalakhina Dghamilia |
Russian Urban Planning: Modern Ideas (Legislative Base, Spatial Planning, Transport and Ecology, GIS Technology)
2010 |
Furundzic Bozidar |
Rural Revival Financing in Serbia: Kikinda Municipality Case Study
2018 |
Furundzic Danilo S. |
Rural Revival Financing in Serbia: Kikinda Municipality Case Study
2018 |
Ivanis Dragana |
Rural Revival Financing in Serbia: Kikinda Municipality Case Study
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Jaksic-Kiurski Dijana |
Rural Revival Financing in Serbia: Kikinda Municipality Case Study
2018 |
Petrovic Ivana |
Rural Revival Financing in Serbia: Kikinda Municipality Case Study
2018 |
Millonig Alexandra |
Routennetze für mobile Fußgänger-Navigationsanwendungen: ein neuer Ansatz für die Optimierung auf Basis von quantitativen Bewegungsdaten
2006 |
Krause Kai Uwe |
Rolle und Perspektiven der Stadtplanung beim Aufbau von Verwaltungsnetzen
1999 |
Hausberger Stefan |
ROdEM: Modelling Optimal Land Use Allocation for Minimising Traffic Emissions
2010 |
Kriebernegg Georg |
ROdEM: Modelling Optimal Land Use Allocation for Minimising Traffic Emissions
2010 |
Rexeis Martin |
ROdEM: Modelling Optimal Land Use Allocation for Minimising Traffic Emissions
2010 |
Schiller Christian |
ROdEM: Modelling Optimal Land Use Allocation for Minimising Traffic Emissions
2010 |
Kias Ulrich |
Road Safety from Cyclist's Perspective
2019 |
Schmidkunz Magdalena |
Road Safety from Cyclist's Perspective
2019 |
Schroth Olaf |
Road Safety from Cyclist's Perspective
2019 |
Zeile Peter |
Road Safety from Cyclist's Perspective
2019 |
Downes Nigel |
Risk Management and Spatial Planning – Understanding Rapid Urbanization in Climate Change
2013 |
Storch Harry |
Risk Management and Spatial Planning – Understanding Rapid Urbanization in Climate Change
2013 |
Lehmann Oliver F. |
Risikomanagement für IT-Projekte
2004 |
Franck Georg |
Rhythmen der Stadt. Vom Denken in dauerhafter Strukturen zum Denken in stabilen Prozessen
2001 |
Joudi Gollar Pouya |
Revitalizing Urban Neighborhoods with a Community Approach to Sustainable Development
2012 |
Zabeh Ramez |
Revitalizing Urban Neighborhoods with a Community Approach to Sustainable Development
2012 |
Zabeh Raoof |
Revitalizing Urban Neighborhoods with a Community Approach to Sustainable Development
2012 |
Radulova-Stahmer Radostina |
Revitalising our Urban Landscapes: A Call for Territorial Regeneration
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Koning Eberhard |
REVITalisierung des Güterbahnhofs Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt
2007 |
Gulinck Hubert |
Revisiting Production and Ecosystem Services on the Farm Scale for Evaluating Land Use Alternatives
2015 |
Lerouge Frederik |
Revisiting Production and Ecosystem Services on the Farm Scale for Evaluating Land Use Alternatives
2015 |
Sannen Kurt |
Revisiting Production and Ecosystem Services on the Farm Scale for Evaluating Land Use Alternatives
2015 |
Vranken Liesbet |
Revisiting Production and Ecosystem Services on the Farm Scale for Evaluating Land Use Alternatives
2015 |
Fanaei Kamyar |
Revision of Urban Spaces to Make it Accessible for Disabled People in order to Achieve the Aim of "City for All"
2010 |
Mahmoudi Anahita |
Revision of Urban Spaces to Make it Accessible for Disabled People in order to Achieve the Aim of "City for All"
2010 |
Cilliers Juanee |
Reviewing the Evolving Categorisation of Metropolitan Municipalities: A South African Perspective
2022 |
Jeeva Zaakirah |
Reviewing the Evolving Categorisation of Metropolitan Municipalities: A South African Perspective
2022 |
Reinstra Albert |
Reuse of Abandoned Churches in the Netherlands
2013 |
Erbas Adem Erdem |
Rethinking the Urban Transformation Projects Again: the Distribution of Public Burden and Benefits. The Case of Kartal District, Istanbul
2011 |
Erbil Tansel |
Rethinking the Urban Transformation Projects Again: the Distribution of Public Burden and Benefits. The Case of Kartal District, Istanbul
2011 |
Codato Daniele |
Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks
2023 |
Crescini Edoardo |
Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks
2023 |
De Marchi Massimo |
Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks
2023 |
Della Fera Giuseppe |
Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks
2023 |
Facchinelli Francesco |
Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks
2023 |
Pappalardo Salvatore |
Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks
2023 |
Peroni Francesca |
Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks
2023 |
Kim Joon Sik |
Rethinking the Strategic Dimensions of Smart Cities in China's Industrial Park Developments: the Experience of Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wang Xiangyi |
Rethinking the Strategic Dimensions of Smart Cities in China's Industrial Park Developments: the Experience of Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China
2014 |
Tummers Lidewij |
Rethinking Planning and Spatial Assessment from a Care Perspective
2021 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Rethinking Planning and Spatial Assessment from a Care Perspective
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Rethinking Mobility and Fixity in Developing Cities: a Case of South Africa
2020 |
Moyo Thembani |
Rethinking Mobility and Fixity in Developing Cities: a Case of South Africa
2020 |
Muskwa Walter |
Rethinking Mobility and Fixity in Developing Cities: a Case of South Africa
2020 |
Cozzolino Giacomo |
Rete Ecologica Locale, aree verdi al limite tra citta e campagna
2013 |
Piazzi Alessandro |
Rete Ecologica Locale, aree verdi al limite tra citta e campagna
2013 |
Fava Nadia |
Retailing and Proximity in a Liveable City: the Case of Barcelona Public Markets System
2010 |
Guardia Bassols Manuel |
Retailing and Proximity in a Liveable City: the Case of Barcelona Public Markets System
2010 |
Oyón Banales José Luís |
Retailing and Proximity in a Liveable City: the Case of Barcelona Public Markets System
2010 |
Beyer Clemens |
Ressourcenplaner Flugfeld Aspern: Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung
2007 |
Lueger Josef |
Ressourcenplaner Flugfeld Aspern: Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung
2007 |
Rosenberger Michael |
Ressourcenplaner Flugfeld Aspern: Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung
2007 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Ressourcenplaner Flugfeld Aspern: Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung
2007 |
Telepak Gregory |
Ressourcenplaner Flugfeld Aspern: Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung
2007 |
Mollay Ursula |
Resource-efficient Urban Spatial Development Scenarios 2050, FP7 Project SUME – Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe
2011 |
Saringer-Bory Barbara |
Resource-efficient Urban Spatial Development Scenarios 2050, FP7 Project SUME – Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe
2011 |
Schremmer Christof |
Resource-efficient Urban Spatial Development Scenarios 2050, FP7 Project SUME – Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe
2011 |
Frey Harald |
Resizing/Re-Seizing the City – Requirements for Diversity
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kovacic Iva |
Resizing/Re-Seizing the City – Requirements for Diversity
2012 |
Lorbek Maja |
Resizing/Re-Seizing the City – Requirements for Diversity
2012 |
Sepe Marichela |
Resilient and Smart Public Spaces: the Div@ter Digital Platform
2014 |
Ryser Judith |
Resilience, Resistance, Reinvention of the Right to the City
2012 |
Chen Tzu-Ling |
Resilience Assessment of Mountain Settlements Isolation Effects in Extreme Climate Change
2022 |
Hsu Shih-Min |
Resilience Assessment of Mountain Settlements Isolation Effects in Extreme Climate Change
2022 |
Morgado Sofia |
Resilience and Transformation: Can we have Both?
2011 |
Prosperi David |
Resilience and Transformation: Can we have Both?
2011 |
Abdel-Salam Hassan |
Reshaping the Urban Experience: Prospects for Digital Streetscape towards better Livability in Public Spaces
2020 |
Ayman Ayat |
Reshaping the Urban Experience: Prospects for Digital Streetscape towards better Livability in Public Spaces
2020 |
El-Sayad Zeyad |
Reshaping the Urban Experience: Prospects for Digital Streetscape towards better Livability in Public Spaces
2020 |
Fu Jiayan |
Research on Regional Development and its Operating Mechanism under the Background of Information: Take China as an Example
2015 |
Sun Jiaojiao |
Research on Regional Development and its Operating Mechanism under the Background of Information: Take China as an Example
2015 |
Wang Zhu |
Research on Regional Development and its Operating Mechanism under the Background of Information: Take China as an Example
2015 |
Huang Jianyun |
Research on Construction Method of Genetic Map for Rural Settlement Heritage of Ethnic Minorities in Guangxi, China
2023 |
Luo Xi |
Research on Construction Method of Genetic Map for Rural Settlement Heritage of Ethnic Minorities in Guangxi, China
2023 |
Bo Wang |
Research on China's Urban Network Based on the Relations between Micro-Blog Users: a Case Study of Sina Micro-Blog
2013 |
Feng Zhen |
Research on China's Urban Network Based on the Relations between Micro-Blog Users: a Case Study of Sina Micro-Blog
2013 |
Xi Guangliang |
Research on China's Urban Network Based on the Relations between Micro-Blog Users: a Case Study of Sina Micro-Blog
2013 |
Yingxue Chen |
Research on China's Urban Network Based on the Relations between Micro-Blog Users: a Case Study of Sina Micro-Blog
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lin Yi-Hsuan |
Research of Public Housing Policy in Taiwan
2011 |
Hernandez Galvis Dione |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Kränke Lisa |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Kröger David |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Paulus Anne |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Slabik Simon |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Taruttis Lisa |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Treude Mona |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Weber Christoph |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Wesely Karen |
Research College NRW âSustainable Energy Systems in the Quarterâ – Collection of Abstracts
2020 |
Derouet Maximilian |
Requirements for Reliable and Flexible Smart Grids as Energy Networks in Smart Cities
2019 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Requirements for Reliable and Flexible Smart Grids as Energy Networks in Smart Cities
2019 |
Linn Christian |
Requirements for Reliable and Flexible Smart Grids as Energy Networks in Smart Cities
2019 |
Werth Dirk |
Requirements for Reliable and Flexible Smart Grids as Energy Networks in Smart Cities
2019 |
Formanek Susanne |
Requirements for a Dashboard Application to Facilitate Climate-Smart Planning for Sustainable Resilient Green and Blue Cities
2023 |
Horvath Andras |
Requirements for a Dashboard Application to Facilitate Climate-Smart Planning for Sustainable Resilient Green and Blue Cities
2023 |
Luisser Markus |
Requirements for a Dashboard Application to Facilitate Climate-Smart Planning for Sustainable Resilient Green and Blue Cities
2023 |
Macho Verena |
Requirements for a Dashboard Application to Facilitate Climate-Smart Planning for Sustainable Resilient Green and Blue Cities
2023 |
Reinwald Florian |
Requirements for a Dashboard Application to Facilitate Climate-Smart Planning for Sustainable Resilient Green and Blue Cities
2023 |
Thiel Sophie |
Requirements for a Dashboard Application to Facilitate Climate-Smart Planning for Sustainable Resilient Green and Blue Cities
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Werluschnig Rafael |
Requirements for a Dashboard Application to Facilitate Climate-Smart Planning for Sustainable Resilient Green and Blue Cities
2023 |
Koch Andreas |
Representation of socio-spatial processes of identification by a multiagent system model approach
2005 |
Laistner Axel |
Renewable Energy Production – a Path to a new Quality of Democracy?
2011 |
Osterhage Frank |
Renaissance of the Cities? An Empirical Analysis of the Population Development in German City Regions 1999-2009
2011 |
Hacker Andreas |
Remixing the (Suburban) City – Institutional Frame, Strategies, Projects in the Vienna Region
2012 |
Betz Stephanie |
Remixing New Ideas with Old Countries – the Attempt to Apply Airport City Concept and Special City Quartier Concepts to the Armenian Landscape
2012 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Remixing Music in the City and Music online: How Listening to Music Changes because of Piracy
2012 |
Gepts Els |
Relation between ICT and space
2002 |
Dillinger Thomas |
Reintroduction of the Building Code for Canton Sarajevo as a Prerequisite of Urban Planning and Urban Management in the Cantonal Transformation Process
2018 |
Lukic Damir |
Reintroduction of the Building Code for Canton Sarajevo as a Prerequisite of Urban Planning and Urban Management in the Cantonal Transformation Process
2018 |
Pelja Tabori Natasa |
Reintroduction of the Building Code for Canton Sarajevo as a Prerequisite of Urban Planning and Urban Management in the Cantonal Transformation Process
2018 |
Uruci Edib |
Reintroduction of the Building Code for Canton Sarajevo as a Prerequisite of Urban Planning and Urban Management in the Cantonal Transformation Process
2018 |
Adam Holger |
Reinterpretation or replacement? The effect of the information and communication technologies on urban space
2002 |
Anders Sascha |
RegioProjektCheck - New Instruments to Evaluate the Impacts of Housing, Industry and Retail Projects. Case Study: New Supermarkets and their Effects on Existing City Centres
2014 |
Kataeva Nina |
Regionalwissenschaft und Filmkunst: eine Begegnung in der Steiermark
2007 |
Spanring Christian |
Regionalwissenschaft und Filmkunst: eine Begegnung in der Steiermark
2007 |
Frahm Tanja |
Regionalplanung im Internet – bundesweite Status-quo-Analyse und Empfehlungen für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Beteiligung
2004 |
Gnest Holger |
Regionalplanung im Internet – bundesweite Status-quo-Analyse und Empfehlungen für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Beteiligung
2004 |
Briegel Daniela |
Regionalplanerische Festlegungen zur Eigenentwicklung und ihr Beitrag zum Klimaschutz
2021 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Regionalplanerische Festlegungen zur Eigenentwicklung und ihr Beitrag zum Klimaschutz
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Dorau Uschi |
Regionalpark Murauen – ressourcenschonende, anrainergerechte Naherholung in wachsenden Stadtregionen
2018 |
Griesser Brigitte |
Regionalpark Murauen – ressourcenschonende, anrainergerechte Naherholung in wachsenden Stadtregionen
2018 |
Koinegg Barbara |
Regionalpark Murauen – ressourcenschonende, anrainergerechte Naherholung in wachsenden Stadtregionen
2018 |
Leitner Johannes |
Regionalpark Murauen – ressourcenschonende, anrainergerechte Naherholung in wachsenden Stadtregionen
2018 |
Raderbauer Hans-Jörg |
Regionalpark Murauen – ressourcenschonende, anrainergerechte Naherholung in wachsenden Stadtregionen
2018 |
Tiemann Lukas |
Regionalisierung von Wohnungsmärkten anhand kleinräumiger Umzugsbewegungen in Deutschland
2024 |
Osinski Elisabeth |
Regionalisierung umweltwirksamer Maßnahmen in der Landwirtschaft unter Einsatz eines Geographischen Informationssystems
2000 |
Helbich Marco |
Regionalisierung (post)suburbaner Faktoren mittels Fuzzy Clusteranalyse am Fallbeispiel des Wiener Umlandes
2008 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
Regionalisierte Büroflächenbedarfsprognosen unter Verwendung von Büroflächen-GIS
2006 |
von Malottki Christian |
Regionalisierte Büroflächenbedarfsprognosen unter Verwendung von Büroflächen-GIS
2006 |
Döller Herbert |
Regionales Datenproviding als Basis für eine dynamische Raumplanung
2001 |
Kolenc Sabine |
Regionales Datenproviding als Basis für eine dynamische Raumplanung
2001 |
Schiefer Diether |
Regionales Datenproviding als Basis für eine dynamische Raumplanung
2001 |
Koch Matthias |
Regionale und kommunale Internetportale – ein Instrument der regionalen Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit?
2004 |
Loechel André Jean-Marc |
Regionale Innovation und dauerhafte Entwicklung in Europa. Das Beispiel der spanischen "Ciudades del Conocimiento"
2004 |
Loechel Laura Garcia Vitoria |
Regionale Innovation und dauerhafte Entwicklung in Europa. Das Beispiel der spanischen "Ciudades del Conocimiento"
2004 |
Jessek Johann |
Regionale Aufgaben fordern nutzbringende Lösungen - GISquadrat WebSolutions
2003 |
Colavitti Anna Maria |
Regional Planning and Territorial Competitiveness: the Role of Identitary Heritage. The Case of the Sardinian Region
2013 |
Serra Sergio |
Regional Planning and Territorial Competitiveness: the Role of Identitary Heritage. The Case of the Sardinian Region
2013 |
Usai Alessia |
Regional Planning and Territorial Competitiveness: the Role of Identitary Heritage. The Case of the Sardinian Region
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lai Sabrina |
Regional Land-Taking Processes in Italy: a Study Concerning Sardinia
2013 |
Zoppi Corrado |
Regional Land-Taking Processes in Italy: a Study Concerning Sardinia
2013 |
Branyi Arpad |
Regional Identity and Culture in Intercompany Networks - a Case of Transdanubian Winery Networks
2014 |
Tamándl László |
Regional Identity and Culture in Intercompany Networks - a Case of Transdanubian Winery Networks
2014 |
Brauckmann Anja |
Regional Effects of Urban Planning – an Informal GIS Tool to Support Sustainable Strategic Planning
2013 |
Mayr Alexander |
Regional Effects of Urban Planning – an Informal GIS Tool to Support Sustainable Strategic Planning
2013 |
Hadlač Michal |
Regional Disparities in Availability and Affordability of Housing
2011 |
Kadlecová Milada |
Regional Disparities in Availability and Affordability of Housing
2011 |
Atanassov Youri |
Regional Co-operation in Municipality Information Infrastructure Development - the SEEmunIS Case
2001 |
Damyanova Victoria |
Regional Co-operation in Municipality Information Infrastructure Development - the SEEmunIS Case
2001 |
Dobrev Bojil |
Regional Co-operation in Municipality Information Infrastructure Development - the SEEmunIS Case
2001 |
Haase Matthias |
Regeneration of Urban Sites with Circular Economy Principles
2024 |
Meslec Mihaela |
Regeneration of Urban Sites with Circular Economy Principles
2024 |
El-Darwish Ingy |
Regeneration of Routes in Cities to Meet Pedestrian and Two-Wheeler Demands by Utilizing Space Syntax Theory
2022 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Regeneration of Heritage Urban Space of Delhi, Shahjahanabad, the Walled City
2012 |
Dutta Bikram Kumar |
Regeneration of Heritage Urban Space of Delhi, Shahjahanabad, the Walled City
2012 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Refurbished Green Buildings and Net Carbon Emissions Nexus: Towards Safer and Intelligent Futures in South African Cities
2023 |
Mahhachi Jeffery |
Refurbished Green Buildings and Net Carbon Emissions Nexus: Towards Safer and Intelligent Futures in South African Cities
2023 |
Mphhamukeli Thulisile |
Refurbished Green Buildings and Net Carbon Emissions Nexus: Towards Safer and Intelligent Futures in South African Cities
2023 |
Wang Yifan |
Reformatting the Agglomeration's Edge: Elements of Urban Design in Dagu Revitalization
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Xing Teng |
Reformatting the Agglomeration's Edge: Elements of Urban Design in Dagu Revitalization
2015 |
von Einem Eberhard |
Reflexive Städte: Magneten des Wissens im Kontext globaler Digitalisierung
2020 |
Richard Jochen |
Reduzierung der durch Stadtverkehr verursachten Umweltbelastungen: Integrierte Planungsverfahren sind gefordert!
2010 |
Butula Sonja |
Reducing landscape values uncertainty
2005 |
Koscak Vesna |
Reducing landscape values uncertainty
2005 |
Hanzl Malgorzata |
Redeveloping the City Structure – the Case of Lodz 'New City Center'
2011 |
Gupta Noopur |
Redefining Smart Cities – Tradition versus Branding – a Tale of Varanasi
2019 |
Tomar Apurva |
Redefining Smart Cities – Tradition versus Branding – a Tale of Varanasi
2019 |
Peric Ana |
Recycling Architecture: the Redefinition of Recycling Principles in the Context of Sustainable Architectural Design
2014 |
Sijakovic Milan |
Recycling Architecture: the Redefinition of Recycling Principles in the Context of Sustainable Architectural Design
2014 |
Etaati Korous |
Recycling an Urban Space: Hasan Abad Square in Tehran
2011 |
Iranmanesh Nasim |
Recycling an Urban Space: Hasan Abad Square in Tehran
2011 |
Mikolajczyk Adam |
Recommendations for activating international co-operation at the regional level in Poland
2002 |
Toczyski Witold |
Recommendations for activating international co-operation at the regional level in Poland
2002 |
Zaucha Jacek |
Recommendations for activating international co-operation at the regional level in Poland
2002 |
Soltani Alireza |
Recognition of Sustainable Approaches towards Urban Structure of Historical Cities in Iran
2012 |
Khalil Rania Fawzy Ragab |
Rebuilding Old Downtowns: the Case of Doha, Qatar
2012 |
Shaaban Khaled |
Rebuilding Old Downtowns: the Case of Doha, Qatar
2012 |
Fadare Wale |
Rebranding Lagos through Regeneration
2009 |
Oduwaye Leke |
Rebranding Lagos through Regeneration
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
El Araby Mostafa |
Realism vs. Reality in Digital Reconstruction of Cities.
2003 |
Okeil Ahmad |
Realism vs. Reality in Digital Reconstruction of Cities.
2003 |
Junghanns Sebastian |
Realisierung eines objekt-relationalen Datenmodells für Planung und Management der Freizeit- und Erholungsinfrastruktur
2006 |
Moser Julia |
Realisierung eines objekt-relationalen Datenmodells für Planung und Management der Freizeit- und Erholungsinfrastruktur
2006 |
Diersch Sina |
Realexperimente als Treiber sozialer Innovationen? Umsetzungsimpulse für eine nachhaltige urbane Mobilität im Quartier
2020 |
Hesina Gerd |
Real-time rendering of vegetation and trees in urban environments
2005 |
Maierhofer Stefan |
Real-time rendering of vegetation and trees in urban environments
2005 |
Mantler Stephan |
Real-time rendering of vegetation and trees in urban environments
2005 |
Tobler Robert F. |
Real-time rendering of vegetation and trees in urban environments
2005 |
Muggenhuber Gerhard |
Real property and property rights in Europe. Good practice – Projects - Users
2001 |
Radzimski Adam |
Real Estate Taxation in Poland and its Influence on Spatial Development
2012 |
Pargfrieder Stefan |
Real Estate at Airports
2008 |
Blaschke Thomas |
Real distances matter. Regional concepts of innovation and regions of innovations
2008 |
Hoffmann Marie-Charlotte |
Real distances matter. Regional concepts of innovation and regions of innovations
2008 |
Prinz Thomas |
Real distances matter. Regional concepts of innovation and regions of innovations
2008 |
Suitner Harald |
Real distances matter. Regional concepts of innovation and regions of innovations
2008 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2020 Preface
2020 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2019 Preface
2019 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2018 Preface
2018 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2017 Preface
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2016 Preface
2016 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2015 Preface
2015 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2014 Preface
2014 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2013 Preface
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2012 Preface
2012 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2011 Preface
2011 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2010 Preface
2010 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2009 Preface
2009 |
Schrenk Manfred |
REAL CORP 2007 Preface
2007 |
Rotaru Irina |
Real “Smart Cities”: Insights from Civitas PROSPERITY
2019 |
Steger Richard |
Reaktivierung ungenutzter Räume in der Stadt - ganz Linz als Hotel
2007 |
Fabisch Martin |
Reaktionen einer angewandten und planungsorientierten Stadtklimatologie auf die rezenten Veränderungen urbaner Strukturen
2017 |
Henninger Sascha |
Reaktionen einer angewandten und planungsorientierten Stadtklimatologie auf die rezenten Veränderungen urbaner Strukturen
2017 |
Moghaddam Maral |
Reaktionen einer angewandten und planungsorientierten Stadtklimatologie auf die rezenten Veränderungen urbaner Strukturen
2017 |
Maidin Syra |
Re-Thinking Urbanism for Kuala Lumpur Conurbation: Live Work and Travel Easily
2011 |
Mohamad Jamilah |
Re-Thinking Urbanism for Kuala Lumpur Conurbation: Live Work and Travel Easily
2011 |
Helf Christoph |
Re-thinking Housing and Mobility – A European Living Lab for Sustainable Mobility in Munich
2017 |
Le Bris Jessica |
Re-thinking Housing and Mobility – A European Living Lab for Sustainable Mobility in Munich
2017 |
Mück Matthias |
Re-thinking Housing and Mobility – A European Living Lab for Sustainable Mobility in Munich
2017 |
Moreira Ines |
Re-Mixing and Re-Using: the Urban Integration of the Specialized Filamentary Morphologies in Metropolitan Lisbon
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hosainzade Dalir Karim |
Re-engineering of planning process with emphasis on foresight approach
2009 |
Puormohammadi Mohamad Reza |
Re-engineering of planning process with emphasis on foresight approach
2009 |
Zali Nader |
Re-engineering of planning process with emphasis on foresight approach
2009 |
Dallhammer Erich |
Raumplanung: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven
1998 |
Breit Reinhard |
Raumplanung zwischen Projektmanagement und Problemlösung, zwischen Privatisierung und öffentlichen Aufgaben
1998 |
Franck Georg |
Raumplanung für die Informationsgesellschaft
1998 |
Dollinger Franz |
Raumplanung als Alltagsmanagement für ALLE? Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels – Werkstattbericht DEMOCHANGE
2010 |
Prinz Thomas |
Raumplanung als Alltagsmanagement für ALLE? Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels – Werkstattbericht DEMOCHANGE
2010 |
Spitzer Wolfgang |
Raumplanung als Alltagsmanagement für ALLE? Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels – Werkstattbericht DEMOCHANGE
2010 |
Wankiewicz Heidrun |
Raumplanung als Alltagsmanagement für ALLE? Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels – Werkstattbericht DEMOCHANGE
2010 |
Koscher Raffael |
Raumplanerische Steuerungsansätze für Photovoltaik-Freiflächenanlagen
2021 |
Jähnke Petra |
Raumpioniership in sozial benachteiligten Großstadtquartieren: Akteurstypen aus Berlin-Moabit und Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg
2012 |
Dora Marcus |
Raumordnungsplan-Monitor (RoPlaMo): ein bundesweites Informationssystem für Raumordnungspläne
2008 |
Einig Klaus |
Raumordnungsplan-Monitor (RoPlaMo): ein bundesweites Informationssystem für Raumordnungspläne
2008 |
Kollarits Stefan |
Raummodelle für den Computer und Raummodelle des Menschen: Regelmässigkeiten kognitiver Verzerrungen
1996 |
Hainzer Manuela |
Rauminformationssystem Steiermark
2007 |
Wach Iris |
Rauminformationssystem Steiermark
2007 |
Broschart Daniel |
Raumerfassung und Raumwahrnehmung — aktuelle Techniken und potenzielle Einsatzgebiete in der Raumplanung
2016 |
Folz Steffen |
Raumerfassung und Raumwahrnehmung — aktuelle Techniken und potenzielle Einsatzgebiete in der Raumplanung
2016 |
Zeile Peter |
Raumerfassung und Raumwahrnehmung — aktuelle Techniken und potenzielle Einsatzgebiete in der Raumplanung
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lehmkühler Stefan |
Raumbezogene Information im Internet: Die "Open Source-Option"
2001 |
May Martin |
Raumbezogene Information im Internet: Die "Open Source-Option"
2001 |
Magenschab Georg |
Raumbezogene demographische und sozioökonomische Daten zur Entscheidungsunterstützung: Das Österreichische ArcData Programm
1996 |
Bergmann Ulrich |
Raumansprüche für E-Ladeinfrastruktur im öffentlichen Raum dichtbebauter Stadtquartiere
2021 |
Kofler Viktoria |
Raumansprüche für E-Ladeinfrastruktur im öffentlichen Raum dichtbebauter Stadtquartiere
2021 |
Seyfried Linda |
Raumansprüche für E-Ladeinfrastruktur im öffentlichen Raum dichtbebauter Stadtquartiere
2021 |
Abt Jan |
Raum.Sicherheit.Bewusstsein – Sicherheitswirkung und Sicherheitsverständnis räumlich handelnder Akteure
2012 |
Meier Josiane |
Raum.Sicherheit.Bewusstsein – Sicherheitswirkung und Sicherheitsverständnis räumlich handelnder Akteure
2012 |
Wieland Thomas |
Raum- und standortökonomische Optimierungsmodelle in Open-Source-Umgebungen – Implementation und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Kontext der Einzelhandels- und Versorgungsforschung
2017 |
Zhang Hao |
Rationale of Smart High-rise Regulations
2016 |
Krek Alenka |
Rational ignorance of the citizens in public participatory planning
2005 |
Tisma Alexandra |
Rasterplan: a tool for design of quantitatively defined scenarios
2005 |
Drexel Peter |
Raster-Höhendaten im nationalen und internationalen Vergleich
2004 |
Gspurnig Josef |
Raster-Höhendaten im nationalen und internationalen Vergleich
2004 |
Dorau Uschi |
RAPIS - Raum- und Projekt- Informationssystem für die Vienna Region
2001 |
Schrenk Manfred |
RAPIS - Raum- und Projekt- Informationssystem für die Vienna Region
2001 |
Haindlmaier Gudrun |
Rankings and Networks – Global Cooperation and Competition
2010 |
Riedl Verena |
Rankings and Networks – Global Cooperation and Competition
2010 |
Stark Juliane |
Railway Stations of the Future - Services supporting Intermodal Travelling and Promising Strategies for their Development
2009 |
Uhlmann Tina |
Railway Stations of the Future - Services supporting Intermodal Travelling and Promising Strategies for their Development
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Cinar Oezlem |
Radfahren auf realen und virtuellen Flächen â Das NRVP-Projekt Cape Reviso
2021 |
Dembski Fabian |
Radfahren auf realen und virtuellen Flächen â Das NRVP-Projekt Cape Reviso
2021 |
Drescher Johanna |
Radfahren auf realen und virtuellen Flächen â Das NRVP-Projekt Cape Reviso
2021 |
Obst Thomas |
Radfahren auf realen und virtuellen Flächen â Das NRVP-Projekt Cape Reviso
2021 |
Woessner Uwe |
Radfahren auf realen und virtuellen Flächen â Das NRVP-Projekt Cape Reviso
2021 |
Zeile Peter |
Radfahren auf realen und virtuellen Flächen â Das NRVP-Projekt Cape Reviso
2021 |
Groß Florian |
RADAR – Potentials for Supporting Urban Development with a Social Geocontent Hub
2011 |
Memmel Martin |
RADAR – Potentials for Supporting Urban Development with a Social Geocontent Hub
2011 |
Irschitz Oliver |
R.O.S.I. (Real Time Orientation Super Interactive) the new dimension of tourism information
2004 |
Ottacher Christiane |
Räumliches Monitoring - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Perspektiven in der Regionalplanung am Beispiel der Region Centrope
2005 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Räumliches Monitoring - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Perspektiven in der Regionalplanung am Beispiel der Region Centrope
2005 |
Forster Julia |
Räumliche und zeitliche Visualisierung als Smart-City-Planungswerkzeug
2017 |
Kaufmann Thomas |
Räumliche und zeitliche Visualisierung als Smart-City-Planungswerkzeug
2017 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Räumliche und zeitliche Visualisierung als Smart-City-Planungswerkzeug
2017 |
Rumberg Martin |
Räumliche Risikovorsorge zur Beherrschung der Risken von Störfällen technischer Anlagen
2010 |
Siegler Arne |
Räumliche Risikovorsorge zur Beherrschung der Risken von Störfällen technischer Anlagen
2010 |
Franck Georg |
Räumliche Planung und zeitliches 'reasoning'
1999 |
Vargason Robert |
Räumliche Planung im Netzwerk
1997 |
Voigt Andreas |
Räumliche Planung im Netzwerk
1997 |
Riedl Leopold |
Räumliche Nachklassifikation von Landbedeckungsdaten mit MapModels
2000 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Räumliche Nachklassifikation von Landbedeckungsdaten mit MapModels
2000 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Räumliche Nachklassifikation von Landbedeckungsdaten mit MapModels
2000 |
Ferschin Peter |
Räumliche Modellierung städtischer Plätze
1996 |
Pönitz Erwin |
Räumliche Modellierung städtischer Plätze
1996 |
Churanek Rudolf |
Räumliche Modellierung der Tagesbevölkerung in Wien
2017 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Räumliche Modellierung der Tagesbevölkerung in Wien
2017 |
Möltgen Peter |
Räumliche Konversionen / kulturelle Effekte / urbane Übersetzungen
2002 |
Herrmann Sylvia |
Räumliche Disaggregation statistischer Daten unter Verwendung geographischer Informationssysteme - erste Ergebnisse
2004 |
Schuster Hartmut |
Räumliche Disaggregation statistischer Daten unter Verwendung geographischer Informationssysteme - erste Ergebnisse
2004 |
Zárate Marcelo |
Räumliche Disaggregation statistischer Daten unter Verwendung geographischer Informationssysteme - erste Ergebnisse
2004 |
Krimly Tatjana |
Räumliche Disaggregation statistischer Daten unter Verwendung geographischer Informationssysteme – erste Ergebnisse
2004 |
Brost Waldemar |
Räumliche Differenzierung des ÖPNV-Modalsplits zur Integration in die Standortbetrachtung für Ladeinfrastrukturen
2018 |
Funke Teresa |
Räumliche Differenzierung des ÖPNV-Modalsplits zur Integration in die Standortbetrachtung für Ladeinfrastrukturen
2018 |
Lembach Michael |
Räumliche Differenzierung des ÖPNV-Modalsplits zur Integration in die Standortbetrachtung für Ladeinfrastrukturen
2018 |
Dumreicher Heidi |
Quantitative and qualitative information tool about the central paradigms in sustainability research
2006 |
Kolb Bettina |
Quantitative and qualitative information tool about the central paradigms in sustainability research
2006 |
Bayr Caroline |
Quantifying Town Development in Space and Time using Land Use Data
2013 |
Steurer Miriam |
Quantifying Town Development in Space and Time using Land Use Data
2013 |
Andre Konrad |
Quantifying the Potential of Photonic Cooling to Improve Urban Microclimate
2017 |
Bird David Neil |
Quantifying the Potential of Photonic Cooling to Improve Urban Microclimate
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
de Wit Rosmarie |
Quantifying the Potential of Photonic Cooling to Improve Urban Microclimate
2017 |
Kolb Florian |
Quantifying the Potential of Photonic Cooling to Improve Urban Microclimate
2017 |
Peharz Gerhard |
Quantifying the Potential of Photonic Cooling to Improve Urban Microclimate
2017 |
Schwaiger Hannes |
Quantifying the Potential of Photonic Cooling to Improve Urban Microclimate
2017 |
Zuvela-Aloise Maja |
Quantifying the Potential of Photonic Cooling to Improve Urban Microclimate
2017 |
Rauh Wolfgang |
Quantifying the Benefits of Sustainable Transport for the Urban Economy
2021 |
Golicnik Marusic Barbara |
Quality of Time Spent Matters!
2014 |
Marusic Damjan |
Quality of Time Spent Matters!
2014 |
Azizi Hamid |
Quality of Life Indices Assessment for Disabled and Elderly People: Case Study of Tehran
2011 |
Momeni Mostafa |
Quality of Life Indices Assessment for Disabled and Elderly People: Case Study of Tehran
2011 |
Taghinia Mahmoud |
Quality of Life Indices Assessment for Disabled and Elderly People: Case Study of Tehran
2011 |
Fessele Matthias |
Quality of Information Collected with the Help of Map-Based Questionnaires
2011 |
Poplin Alenka |
Quality of Information Collected with the Help of Map-Based Questionnaires
2011 |
Berchtold Martin |
Qualitative Bilder von Stadt und Region: Geographische Informationssysteme in der Architektenausbildung
2007 |
Krass Philipp |
Qualitative Bilder von Stadt und Region: Geographische Informationssysteme in der Architektenausbildung
2007 |
Damyanovic Doris |
Qualitätsvolle, flächen-, kosten- und energiesparende Siedlungsentwicklung als gemeinsamer Lernprozess von Politik, Verwaltung, Bauträgern/-innen und Wissenschaftlern/-innen
2011 |
Reinwald Florian |
Qualitätsvolle, flächen-, kosten- und energiesparende Siedlungsentwicklung als gemeinsamer Lernprozess von Politik, Verwaltung, Bauträgern/-innen und Wissenschaftlern/-innen
2011 |
Kanonier Arthur |
QUALIS - Qualitätssicherung durch zeitgemäßes Raumordnungsrecht
1998 |
Schrenk Manfred |
QUALIS - Qualitätssicherung durch zeitgemäßes Raumordnungsrecht
1998 |
Voigt Andreas |
QUALIS - Qualitätssicherung durch zeitgemäßes Raumordnungsrecht
1998 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hillesheim Marc |
Qualifizierung kommunaler Flächenmanagementprozesse durch den Einsatz informationsbasierter Instrumente
2008 |
Zeile Peter |
Qualifizierung kommunaler Flächenmanagementprozesse durch den Einsatz informationsbasierter Instrumente
2008 |
Fazekas Stefan |
Putting Life to Smart City Project Portfolios (The Role of Innovation in Smart Cities)
2016 |
Del Piccolo Federica |
PUMAS Voyage: A Participatory Approach towards Healthy School Travel
2015 |
Mühlpfordt Martin |
PUMAS Voyage: A Participatory Approach towards Healthy School Travel
2015 |
Mella Giuseppe |
PUMAS Voyage: A Participatory Approach towards Healthy School Travel
2015 |
Schümmer Till |
PUMAS Voyage: A Participatory Approach towards Healthy School Travel
2015 |
Kalasek Robert |
Publizieren von Kartenserien im web-gestützten Fachinformationssystem des Magistrats Wien
2005 |
Riedl Leopold |
Publizieren von Kartenserien im web-gestützten Fachinformationssystem des Magistrats Wien
2005 |
Oostdam Walter |
Publishing Zoning/Development Plans and relevant relating Information on the Intranet
2002 |
Hanif Noor Rosly |
Public-private partnerships approach: A success story in achieving democracy in the home ownership for urban inhabitants in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysi
2007 |
Musa Zairul Nisham |
Public-private partnerships approach: A success story in achieving democracy in the home ownership for urban inhabitants in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysi
2007 |
Wan Abd Aziz Wan Nor Azriyati |
Public-private partnerships approach: A success story in achieving democracy in the home ownership for urban inhabitants in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysi
2007 |
McQuaid Ronald |
Public-Private Partnership – A Sustainable Solution for the Information Society? Experiences in the U.K., Germany and Austria
2006 |
Scherrer Walter |
Public-Private Partnership – A Sustainable Solution for the Information Society? Experiences in the U.K., Germany and Austria
2006 |
Chlebnican Tomas |
Public transport travel time simulation
2008 |
Ctyroký Jiri |
Public transport travel time simulation
2008 |
Zderadicka Marek |
Public transport travel time simulation
2008 |
Klementschitz Roman |
Public Transport Systems Development for Urban Regeneration – Evidence from the City of Linz/Austria
2009 |
Stark Juliane |
Public Transport Systems Development for Urban Regeneration – Evidence from the City of Linz/Austria
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Beim Michal |
Public Transport Accessibility Level in Poznan
2010 |
Gadzinski Jedrzej |
Public Transport Accessibility Level in Poznan
2010 |
Motalaei Najmeh |
Public Spaces Planning Policies and the Effects on Pedestrian Mobility in a Metropolis City; the Case Study of Tehran
2017 |
Ranjbar Ehsan |
Public Spaces Planning Policies and the Effects on Pedestrian Mobility in a Metropolis City; the Case Study of Tehran
2017 |
Nicholls Richard |
Public Space Issues in Bali Tourist Beaches
2013 |
Rajendra Anom |
Public Space Issues in Bali Tourist Beaches
2013 |
Vukmirovic Milena |
Public Space Design as a Stimulator for Movement of Pedestrians. Case study Municipality Vracar, Belgrade
2010 |
Pancewicz Lukasz |
Public Private Partnerships as an Urban Regeneration Tool for the Inner City, Large Scale Public Spaces Projects in Poland
2010 |
Rembeza Magdalena |
Public Private Partnerships as an Urban Regeneration Tool for the Inner City, Large Scale Public Spaces Projects in Poland
2010 |
Friedl Karl |
Public Private Partnership: Fallstudie zur Verwaltungskonzentration der Kärntner Landesverwaltung, Klagenfurt/Österreich
2007 |
Butina Watson Georgia |
Public Perception of Environmental Change in Rapidly Growing Cities: the Case of Cairo, Egypt
2020 |
Keleg Merham |
Public Perception of Environmental Change in Rapidly Growing Cities: the Case of Cairo, Egypt
2020 |
Salheen Mohamed |
Public Perception of Environmental Change in Rapidly Growing Cities: the Case of Cairo, Egypt
2020 |
Campagna Michele |
Public Participation GIS for re-development support in European Historic City Centres
2002 |
Deplano Giancarlo |
Public Participation GIS for re-development support in European Historic City Centres
2002 |
Benner Joachim |
Public Participation and Urban Planning supported by OGC Web Services
2009 |
Eichhorn Thomas |
Public Participation and Urban Planning supported by OGC Web Services
2009 |
Geiger Andreas |
Public Participation and Urban Planning supported by OGC Web Services
2009 |
Häfele Karl-Heinz |
Public Participation and Urban Planning supported by OGC Web Services
2009 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Public Participation and Urban Planning supported by OGC Web Services
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Auci Sabrina |
Public Choices and Decision-Making Processes: a Case Study on Sustainable Mobility
2017 |
Mundula Luigi |
Public Choices and Decision-Making Processes: a Case Study on Sustainable Mobility
2017 |
Floeting Holger |
Public and Private Spaces under Changing Security Conditions. Can Technology Keep Us Safe?
2007 |
Einig Klaus |
Prozessinnovationen im regionalen Flächenmanagement durch Modellvorhaben der Raumordnung
2007 |
Hennig Sabine |
Providing Web Maps for Everyone. Understanding Users and their Requirements
2012 |
Neuschmid Julia |
Providing Web Maps for Everyone. Understanding Users and their Requirements
2012 |
Osberger Antonia |
Providing Web Maps for Everyone. Understanding Users and their Requirements
2012 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Providing Web Maps for Everyone. Understanding Users and their Requirements
2012 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Providing Web Maps for Everyone. Understanding Users and their Requirements
2012 |
Zobl Fritz |
Providing Web Maps for Everyone. Understanding Users and their Requirements
2012 |
Alpar Atun Resmiye |
Prospects for Brownfields at the Edge of Nicosia Buffer Zone
2012 |
Shojaee Far Mohsen |
Prospects for Brownfields at the Edge of Nicosia Buffer Zone
2012 |
Maruna Marija |
Prospective enhancement of urban planning methodology based on OO modeling and rational unified process
2005 |
Maruna Vladimir |
Prospective enhancement of urban planning methodology based on OO modeling and rational unified process
2005 |
Arbab Parsa |
Proposing an Indicator System for Measuring City Sustainability
2022 |
Talvitie Juha |
Promoting sustainable spatial development by ICT
2004 |
Qi Xiaojin |
Promoting Public Participation in Post-Disaster Construction Through Wechat Platform
2015 |
Zhang Gong |
Promoting Public Participation in Post-Disaster Construction Through Wechat Platform
2015 |
Kaiser Anja |
ProKIS – ein projektorientiertes Kooperations- und Informationssystem für kommunale Planungsprozesse
1999 |
Scheck Natalie |
ProKIS – ein projektorientiertes Kooperations- und Informationssystem für kommunale Planungsprozesse
1999 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Gerö Sandra |
Projektmanagement in Afrika anhand eines IT-Projekts im Sommer 2002
2003 |
Tenday Frank |
Projektmanagement in Afrika anhand eines IT-Projekts im Sommer 2002
2003 |
Zenk Lukas |
Projektmanagement in Afrika anhand eines IT-Projekts im Sommer 2002
2003 |
Schoder Dietmar P. |
Projektivismus: Konstruktivismus, Projektmanagement und Informationstechnologie; Systematisches Schaffen von belebten Räumen (real und virtuell)
2003 |
Busch Martina |
Projektdaten für Entscheider - effektive Nutzung von Geodaten im System Geohaus
2004 |
Schuster Otmar |
Projektdaten für Entscheider - effektive Nutzung von Geodaten im System Geohaus
2004 |
Ludwig Olaf |
Projektdaten für Entscheider – effektive Nutzung von Geodaten im System Geohaus
2004 |
Ortis Genia |
Projekt Kulturlandschaftsforschung: Untersuchung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Raumstruktur und Geschwindigkeit mit dem Verkehrsmodell Mobidyn
1998 |
Klar Wolfram |
Projects which helped Slovenia to come closer to Eureope - IT solutions from S&T to fulfill EU requirements
2005 |
Senegacnik Joze |
Projects which helped Slovenia to come closer to Eureope - IT solutions from S&T to fulfill EU requirements
2005 |
Haug Max |
Programmmanagement als Grundlage zur Umsetzung von Stadtentwicklungskonzepten
2023 |
Haug Max |
Programmmanagement als Grundlage zur Umsetzung von Stadtentwicklungskonzepten
2023 |
Arnberger Arne |
Prognose von Nutzungsmustern einzelner Besuchergruppen in urbanen Erholungsgebieten
2006 |
Brandenburg Christiane |
Prognose von Nutzungsmustern einzelner Besuchergruppen in urbanen Erholungsgebieten
2006 |
Muhar Andreas |
Prognose von Nutzungsmustern einzelner Besuchergruppen in urbanen Erholungsgebieten
2006 |
Heintel Martin |
PROFESSIONALIZE.IT - Professionalisierung als Überlebensstrategie in der Regionalentwicklung?
2003 |
Poesch Tony |
Production of Virtual 3D City Models using Game Based Rendering Techniques. Case Studies for "Real Time Planning".
2006 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
Production of Virtual 3D City Models using Game Based Rendering Techniques. Case Studies for "Real Time Planning".
2006 |
Zeile Peter |
Production of Virtual 3D City Models using Game Based Rendering Techniques. Case Studies for "Real Time Planning".
2006 |
Jung Wolfang |
problems first – eine Sichtweise von Planung auf Flächenmanagement
2007 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schönwandt Walter |
problems first – eine Sichtweise von Planung auf Flächenmanagement
2007 |
Breit Reinhard |
Probleme und Anforderungen zur Aus- und Weiterbildung zur computergestützten Raumplanung
2001 |
Dillinger Thomas |
Proactive Spatial Planning in Regard to a new Regional Mobility Hub – the case of Ebreichsdorf
2018 |
Neuhaus Markus |
Proactive Spatial Planning in Regard to a new Regional Mobility Hub – the case of Ebreichsdorf
2018 |
Hamedinger Alexander |
Privatisierung und soziale Kontrolle öffentlicher Räume in sicheren Städten
2005 |
Wojcik Szymon |
Private or Public Transport? The Determinants of Travel Behaviour in Post-industrial City – the Case of Lodz
2017 |
Badiu Lavinia Denisa |
Prioritization of Urban Green Infrastructures for Sustainable Urban Planning in Ploiesti, Romania
2016 |
Gavrilidis Athanasios Alexandru |
Prioritization of Urban Green Infrastructures for Sustainable Urban Planning in Ploiesti, Romania
2016 |
Nastase Irina Iulia |
Prioritization of Urban Green Infrastructures for Sustainable Urban Planning in Ploiesti, Romania
2016 |
Nita Mihai Razvan |
Prioritization of Urban Green Infrastructures for Sustainable Urban Planning in Ploiesti, Romania
2016 |
Onose Diana Andreea |
Prioritization of Urban Green Infrastructures for Sustainable Urban Planning in Ploiesti, Romania
2016 |
Deffner Jutta |
Preventive Development of Urban Neighbourhoods: Demand-Oriented Life-Cycle Management
2011 |
Stieß Immanuel |
Preventive Development of Urban Neighbourhoods: Demand-Oriented Life-Cycle Management
2011 |
di Paola Giuseppe |
Preservation and valorisation of cultural and environmental resources and information systems, an investigation into a web gis
2005 |
Lo Tauro Agata |
Preservation and valorisation of cultural and environmental resources and information systems, an investigation into a web gis
2005 |
Spring Salvatore |
Preservation and valorisation of cultural and environmental resources and information systems, an investigation into a web gis
2005 |
Huang Hexiang |
Presenting a potential bus rapid transit line with GIS, analytical models and 3D visualization
2004 |
Shi Jun |
Presenting a potential bus rapid transit line with GIS, analytical models and 3D visualization
2004 |
Wang Xinhao |
Presenting a potential bus rapid transit line with GIS, analytical models and 3D visualization
2004 |
Dane Gamze |
Preferences for Carsharing-Facilitated Neighbourhoods: a Latent-Class Model
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Timmermans Harry |
Preferences for Carsharing-Facilitated Neighbourhoods: a Latent-Class Model
2019 |
Wang Juan |
Preferences for Carsharing-Facilitated Neighbourhoods: a Latent-Class Model
2019 |
Schoder Dietmar |
Praxisbericht OpenSource-Software für Projektmanagement:
2004 |
Aufhauser Stefan |
Praxis und Perspektiven des EDV-Einsatzes in der Gemeindeplanung
1996 |
Aufhauser-Pinz Margit |
Praxis und Perspektiven des EDV-Einsatzes in der Gemeindeplanung
1996 |
Puccianti Davide |
Prato: organizzazione e tecnologie per un nuovo modello di sviluppo urbano consapevole
2013 |
Lechner Robert |
Praktische Erfahrungen aus grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit: Das Projekt RIN
2001 |
Stafler Georg |
Praktische Erfahrungen aus grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit: Das Projekt RIN
2001 |
Dumke Hartmut |
Praktische Erfahrungen aus grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit: Das Projekt EREG
2001 |
Schaffer Hannes |
Praktische Erfahrungen aus grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit: Das Projekt EREG
2001 |
Raudszus Jörg |
Präsentation von Bauleitplänen im Inter- und Intranet mit Hilfe von Autodesk MapGuide unter Berücksichtigung einer möglichen Integration in ein Kommunales Informationssystem
2000 |
Bekos Konstantin |
Präsentation der Außenwirtschaft Österreich der WKO - Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
2008 |
Hallier Bernd |
PPP Fruit and Vegetable Terminal Yekaterinburg: From micro-economic investment to macro-economic development.
2007 |
Guth Marvin |
Potenziale von Open Data in der Stadtentwicklung – eine Rekonstruktion sozialer Milieus aus öffentlichen Datenbeständen
2019 |
Lindner Alexandra |
Potenziale von Open Data in der Stadtentwicklung – eine Rekonstruktion sozialer Milieus aus öffentlichen Datenbeständen
2019 |
Bohnet Max |
Potenziale und Wirkungen standortbezogenen Mobilitätsmangements
2012 |
Fricke Torben |
Potenziale und Wirkungen standortbezogenen Mobilitätsmangements
2012 |
Heller Sebastian |
Potenziale und Wirkungen standortbezogenen Mobilitätsmangements
2012 |
Mühlhans Heike |
Potenziale und Wirkungen standortbezogenen Mobilitätsmangements
2012 |
Stiewe Mechtild |
Potenziale und Wirkungen standortbezogenen Mobilitätsmangements
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Angerer Maria |
Potenziale für den Einsatz gemeinschaftlich genutzter autonomer Fahrzeuge im ländlichen Raum
2019 |
Bauernfeind Alfons |
Potenziale für den Einsatz gemeinschaftlich genutzter autonomer Fahrzeuge im ländlichen Raum
2019 |
Haider Tobias |
Potenziale für den Einsatz gemeinschaftlich genutzter autonomer Fahrzeuge im ländlichen Raum
2019 |
Haydn Philipp |
Potenziale für den Einsatz gemeinschaftlich genutzter autonomer Fahrzeuge im ländlichen Raum
2019 |
Klementschitz Roman |
Potenziale für den Einsatz gemeinschaftlich genutzter autonomer Fahrzeuge im ländlichen Raum
2019 |
Badr Siamak |
Post-Earthquake Quality of Life: Assessing the Bam Recovery Process
2021 |
Malekpour asl Behzad |
Post-Earthquake Quality of Life: Assessing the Bam Recovery Process
2021 |
Masoumi Homa |
Post-Earthquake Quality of Life: Assessing the Bam Recovery Process
2021 |
Riedl Leopold |
POSSIBLE CITIES Simulation von Siedlungsentwicklung mit zellularen Automaten
1999 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Possibilities of Integrating Motorized Transportation and Non-Motorized Transportation in the City of Johannesburg
2022 |
Mbatha Siphiwe |
Possibilities of Integrating Motorized Transportation and Non-Motorized Transportation in the City of Johannesburg
2022 |
Djukanovic Zoran |
Possibilities of applying the e-government management concept in Serbian cities
2003 |
Lalovic Ksenija |
Possibilities of applying the e-government management concept in Serbian cities
2003 |
Bittner Irene |
Possibilities and Opportunities of Mobile Devices to Measure the Physical (In)Activity of Young Citizens – First Results of a Case Study in Vienna
2015 |
Damyanovic Doris |
Possibilities and Opportunities of Mobile Devices to Measure the Physical (In)Activity of Young Citizens – First Results of a Case Study in Vienna
2015 |
Diketmüller Rosa |
Possibilities and Opportunities of Mobile Devices to Measure the Physical (In)Activity of Young Citizens – First Results of a Case Study in Vienna
2015 |
Höglhammer Anna |
Possibilities and Opportunities of Mobile Devices to Measure the Physical (In)Activity of Young Citizens – First Results of a Case Study in Vienna
2015 |
Mairinger Franz |
Possibilities and Opportunities of Mobile Devices to Measure the Physical (In)Activity of Young Citizens – First Results of a Case Study in Vienna
2015 |
Reinwald Florian |
Possibilities and Opportunities of Mobile Devices to Measure the Physical (In)Activity of Young Citizens – First Results of a Case Study in Vienna
2015 |
Schaupenlehner Thomas |
Possibilities and Opportunities of Mobile Devices to Measure the Physical (In)Activity of Young Citizens – First Results of a Case Study in Vienna
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
El Araby Mostafa |
Possibilities and Constraints of using Virtual Reality in Urban Design
2002 |
El Araby Mostafa |
Possibilities and Constraints of using Virtual Reality in Urban Design
2002 |
Perjo Liisa |
Positioning Urban Labs — a New Form of Smart Governance?
2016 |
Schmitt Peter |
Positioning Urban Labs — a New Form of Smart Governance?
2016 |
Smas Lukas |
Positioning Urban Labs — a New Form of Smart Governance?
2016 |
Tunström Moa |
Positioning Urban Labs — a New Form of Smart Governance?
2016 |
Filep Bálint |
Position and Possibility of Large Hungarian Towns in the Hierarchy of the European Towns
2010 |
Rechnitzer János |
Position and Possibility of Large Hungarian Towns in the Hierarchy of the European Towns
2010 |
Brunzel Marco |
Portale, GIS und Mobile Systeme – Planung in Zeiten der Interaktivität
2002 |
Krause Kai Uwe |
Portale, GIS und Mobile Systeme – Planung in Zeiten der Interaktivität
2002 |
El Messeidy Rania |
Portable Streets: Smart Urban Solution
2016 |
Buckmann Karsten |
Populationsmodell mit zeit- und ortsvariablen Vital- und Migrationsraten für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
2002 |
Hollenbach Jörn |
Populationsmodell mit zeit- und ortsvariablen Vital- und Migrationsraten für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
2002 |
Fischer Wolfgang |
Popping Up Public Streets â Not for Cars, but for People by Tranformative Approaches
2021 |
Giesch Michael Andreas |
Popping Up Public Streets â Not for Cars, but for People by Tranformative Approaches
2021 |
Senger Magdalena |
Popping Up Public Streets â Not for Cars, but for People by Tranformative Approaches
2021 |
Poplin Alenka |
Pop-up Pest: An Educational Game for Active Participation in Urban Planning
2013 |
Toth Eszter |
Pop-up Pest: An Educational Game for Active Participation in Urban Planning
2013 |
Strauß Christian |
Polyrational Strategies for Sustainable Energetic Development of Space – the Example of Leipzig
2010 |
Klementschitz Roman |
Polycentric Structures and Mobility in Agglomerations – an Analysis of the Vorarlberg Rhine Valley in Austria
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Roider Oliver |
Polycentric Structures and Mobility in Agglomerations – an Analysis of the Vorarlberg Rhine Valley in Austria
2013 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Policy and Legislative Enabling Environment for Implementing Digital Technologies in the Local Government Sector: a Case Study of South Africa
2024 |
Makoni Eric Nyembezi |
Policy and Legislative Enabling Environment for Implementing Digital Technologies in the Local Government Sector: a Case Study of South Africa
2024 |
Mathane Tlou Phillemon |
Policy and Legislative Enabling Environment for Implementing Digital Technologies in the Local Government Sector: a Case Study of South Africa
2024 |
Baker Douglas |
Policy Analysis for an Airport Metropolis
2008 |
Walker Warren |
Policy Analysis for an Airport Metropolis
2008 |
Wijnen Roland |
Policy Analysis for an Airport Metropolis
2008 |
Berger Martin |
Playful Participation with Urban Complexity – Evaluation of the Co-Located Serious Game Mobility Safari in Vienna
2017 |
Gugerell Katharina |
Playful Participation with Urban Complexity – Evaluation of the Co-Located Serious Game Mobility Safari in Vienna
2017 |
Jauschneg Martina |
Playful Participation with Urban Complexity – Evaluation of the Co-Located Serious Game Mobility Safari in Vienna
2017 |
Platzer Mario |
Playful Participation with Urban Complexity – Evaluation of the Co-Located Serious Game Mobility Safari in Vienna
2017 |
Berger Martin |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Fallast Kurt |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Fellendorf Martin |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Kovacic Gerald |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Maierbrugger Gudrun |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Novak Stephanie |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Platzer Mario |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Schrom-Feiertag Helmut |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Planungswerkzeuge in Raum- und Verkehrsplanung – quo vadis?
2011 |
Fina Stefan |
Planungsrelevanz: Potenziale und Herausforderungen neuer Geodatenstrukturen
2011 |
Banko Gebhard |
Planungsrelevante Datengrundlagen für Österreich: LISA – Land Information System Austria
2011 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Planungsrelevante Datengrundlagen für Österreich: LISA – Land Information System Austria
2011 |
Weichselbaum Jürgen |
Planungsrelevante Datengrundlagen für Österreich: LISA – Land Information System Austria
2011 |
Kötter Theo |
Planungsoptimierung durch computergestützte städtebauliche Kalkulation
2002 |
Stelling Sonja |
Planungsoptimierung durch computergestützte städtebauliche Kalkulation
2002 |
Wegner Harald |
Planungsinformationssystem für die räumliche Planung Aufbau und Anwendung am Beispiel des Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet
1997 |
Bliem Alexander |
Planungsinformation im Internet
1998 |
Chloupek Alexander |
Planungsinformation im Internet
1998 |
Hanke Paul |
Planungsinformation im Internet
1998 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Planungsinformation im Internet
1998 |
Abart-Heriszt Lore |
Planungsgrundlagen für das Energie- und Klimakonzept in Niederösterreichs Gemeinden
2021 |
Auer Isabel |
Planungsbezogene Stadtklimatologie: Werkzeuge und MaÃnahmen auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Skalen
2021 |
Holzer Magdalena |
Planungsbezogene Stadtklimatologie: Werkzeuge und MaÃnahmen auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Skalen
2021 |
Kupski Sebastian |
Planungsbezogene Stadtklimatologie: Werkzeuge und MaÃnahmen auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Skalen
2021 |
Ratheiser Matthias |
Planungsbezogene Stadtklimatologie: Werkzeuge und MaÃnahmen auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Skalen
2021 |
Tschannett Simon |
Planungsbezogene Stadtklimatologie: Werkzeuge und MaÃnahmen auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Skalen
2021 |
Breit Reinhard |
Planungsaufgaben für die Zukunft Europas
2002 |
Artinger Elisabeth |
Planung-&Engineering-Plattform (PEP) der ÖBB
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Ensfelder Erhard |
Planung-&Engineering-Plattform (PEP) der ÖBB
2005 |
Lange Eckart |
Planung des öffentlichen Raumes - der Einsatz von neuen Medien und 3D-Visualisierungen am Beispiel des Entwicklungsgebietes Zürich-Leutschenbach
2004 |
Petschek Peter |
Planung des öffentlichen Raumes - der Einsatz von neuen Medien und 3D-Visualisierungen am Beispiel des Entwicklungsgebietes Zürich-Leutschenbach
2004 |
Stevovic Svetlana |
Plants in the Architecture and their Integrative Role in Energy Efficacy
2009 |
Vasilski Dragana |
Plants in the Architecture and their Integrative Role in Energy Efficacy
2009 |
Ferschin Peter |
planning.under.ground a concept and three dimensional visualization as part of the planning process of the underground city labin, croatia
2001 |
Schiller Inge |
planning.under.ground a concept and three dimensional visualization as part of the planning process of the underground city labin, croatia
2001 |
Mareggi Marco |
Planning Times of the City: an Overview on Urban Time Policies
2013 |
Zergoi Thomas |
Planning the European Research Area (ERA) - you can contribute!
2003 |
Fistola Romano |
Planning the Digital City (the rising up of the M.E-tropolis)
2001 |
te Brömmelstroet Marco |
Planning support systems for the integration of land use and transport; new ways of using existing instruments
2007 |
Martin Derek |
Planning Re-Mixed: Conceptual Framework of New Planning Ideas
2012 |
Mironowicz Izabela |
Planning Re-Mixed: Conceptual Framework of New Planning Ideas
2012 |
Rusev Zdravko |
Planning process of a Digital City
2002 |
Cvetkovic Marija |
Planning of Smart Government of Belgrade
2016 |
Stojadinović Uroš |
Planning of Smart Government of Belgrade
2016 |
Vanista Lazarevic Eva |
Planning of Smart Government of Belgrade
2016 |
Bajic Brkovic Milica |
Planning in the information age: Opportunities and challenges of E-planning
2004 |
Morshed Md. Manjur |
Planning in Self-Planned Informal Cities
2020 |
Mamunlu Kocabas Hale |
Planning in Fragile Sites in Turkey: in Case of Hasankeyf
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kravalik Zsuzsanna |
Planning Healthy Cities – the Role of Markets in Urban Life
2010 |
Arya Chhavi |
Planning for Urban Quality in Station Area Development, Bijwasan, New Delhi
2018 |
Sudan Prerna |
Planning for Urban Quality in Station Area Development, Bijwasan, New Delhi
2018 |
Zeile Peter |
Planning for Urban Quality in Station Area Development, Bijwasan, New Delhi
2018 |
Verma Amitabh |
Planning for Health Amelioration: Analyzing Mumbai's Urbanization Patterns
2010 |
Gondo Tendayi |
Planning Emergence via Sustainable Partnerships in Urban Ethiopia
2012 |
Jain B. K. |
Planning & Development of airport precinct of Delhi through public-private partnership – an analysis
2008 |
Hala Bernd |
1997 |
Lindenmayr Siegi |
1997 |
Munduch Eva-Maria |
1997 |
Beyer Clemens |
Plan4all – State of the Art in Harmonisation of Spatial Planning Data
2010 |
Eizinger Christian |
Plan4all – State of the Art in Harmonisation of Spatial Planning Data
2010 |
Neuschmid Julia |
Plan4all – State of the Art in Harmonisation of Spatial Planning Data
2010 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Plan4all – State of the Art in Harmonisation of Spatial Planning Data
2010 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang |
Plan4all – State of the Art in Harmonisation of Spatial Planning Data
2010 |
Bilge Gulsah |
Plan and Design Together – Just a Vision?
2015 |
Hehl-Lange Sigrid |
Plan and Design Together – Just a Vision?
2015 |
Lange Eckart |
Plan and Design Together – Just a Vision?
2015 |
Ahmed Mai |
Places Representation on Social Media – a Study to Analyze the Differences between the Virtual Communities and the Offline Environment
2020 |
Zeile Peter |
Places Representation on Social Media – a Study to Analyze the Differences between the Virtual Communities and the Offline Environment
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Antoniadis Panayotis |
Places on the Net
2009 |
Apostol Ileana |
Places on the Net
2009 |
Banerjee Tridib |
Places on the Net
2009 |
Mishra Anamika |
Place-Branding and the Public Realm: a Typological Study of Public Spaces at Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
2015 |
Okeil Ahmad |
Place-Branding and the Public Realm: a Typological Study of Public Spaces at Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
2015 |
Engelbrecht Bernhard |
Pläne und Grundlagen der Örtlichen Raumplanung auf CDROM - Forget the Net for a While
1998 |
Pönitz Erwin |
Pläne und Grundlagen der Örtlichen Raumplanung auf CDROM - Forget the Net for a While
1998 |
Schwab Dieter |
Pilotprojekt "Zu Fuß im St.-Andrä-Viertel". Qualitäten für Fußgänger/-innen - Fußgängeraudit für einen ganzen Stadtteil; Salzburg (Austria)
2010 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Photovoltaik für Elektromobilität – eine GIS-gestützte Analyse zur Identifizierung und Bewertung des Photovoltaikpotenzials auf städtischen Freiflächen zur Versorgung von Ladeinfrastrukturen für Elektrofahrzeuge
2017 |
Köstl Mario |
Photovoltaik für Elektromobilität – eine GIS-gestützte Analyse zur Identifizierung und Bewertung des Photovoltaikpotenzials auf städtischen Freiflächen zur Versorgung von Ladeinfrastrukturen für Elektrofahrzeuge
2017 |
Stollnberger Romana |
Photovoltaik für Elektromobilität – eine GIS-gestützte Analyse zur Identifizierung und Bewertung des Photovoltaikpotenzials auf städtischen Freiflächen zur Versorgung von Ladeinfrastrukturen für Elektrofahrzeuge
2017 |
Dorffner Lionel |
Photomodelle als Basis eines interaktiven dreidimensionalen Gebäudeinformationssystems
1999 |
Forkert Gerald |
Photomodelle als Basis eines interaktiven dreidimensionalen Gebäudeinformationssystems
1999 |
Forkert Gerald |
Photogrammetrisch erfaßte und aufbereitete Geodaten für die Raumplanung
2001 |
Zech Sibylla |
Perspektiven des Computereinsatzes in der Landschafts- und Umweltplanung
1996 |
Brunzel Marco |
Perspektiven der Stadtplanung beim Aufbau von Verwaltungsnetzwerken
1999 |
Lalovic Ksenija |
Perspectives for Urban Experts in Future Urban Development and Mobility Practice in Serbia
2010 |
Mrdjenovic Tatjana |
Perspectives for Urban Experts in Future Urban Development and Mobility Practice in Serbia
2010 |
Radosavljevic Uros |
Perspectives for Urban Experts in Future Urban Development and Mobility Practice in Serbia
2010 |
Bruntsch Stefan |
Perspective Vienna - A comparison of planning scenarios and real development
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kölbl Robert |
Perspective Vienna - A comparison of planning scenarios and real development
2003 |
Knoflacher Hermann |
Perspective Vienna - A comparison of planning scenarios and real development
2003 |
Berger Martin |
Personal Transport Information, Mobility Behaviour and Attitudes Towards Technology: Target Groups for Advanced Traveller Information Systems
2010 |
Seebauer Sebastian |
Personal Transport Information, Mobility Behaviour and Attitudes Towards Technology: Target Groups for Advanced Traveller Information Systems
2010 |
Bretschneider Betuel |
Peripherisierung des Zentrums: PPP-Projekte Wiens am Standort "City"
2007 |
Kishimoto Keidai |
Performance of Urban Agriculture in Tokyo: a Geospatial Perspective of the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Yan Wanglin |
Performance of Urban Agriculture in Tokyo: a Geospatial Perspective of the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
2021 |
Cvetinovic Marija |
People Articulating "the Urban" in Serbia: On-line Platform for the Dialog about Public Spaces, their Availability and Public Usage
2012 |
Veselinovic Dobrica |
People Articulating "the Urban" in Serbia: On-line Platform for the Dialog about Public Spaces, their Availability and Public Usage
2012 |
Berger Martin |
Peer-to-Peer-Lastenrad-Sharing – Perspektiven verschiedener Zielgruppen
2019 |
Dorner Fabian |
Peer-to-Peer-Lastenrad-Sharing – Perspektiven verschiedener Zielgruppen
2019 |
Retscher Günther |
Pedestrian navigation system in mixed indoor/outdoor environment - the NAVIO project
2004 |
Frank Andrew |
Pedestrian navigation system in mixed indoor/outdoor environment – the NAVIO project
2004 |
Gartner Georg |
Pedestrian navigation system in mixed indoor/outdoor environment – the NAVIO project
2004 |
Bergner Benjamin |
Pedestrian Evacuation Planning for Major Events – a New Approach Combining Planning Aspects and Human Factors
2012 |
Reuter Verena |
Pedestrian Evacuation Planning for Major Events – a New Approach Combining Planning Aspects and Human Factors
2012 |
Spellerberg Annette |
Pedestrian Evacuation Planning for Major Events – a New Approach Combining Planning Aspects and Human Factors
2012 |
Eliou Nikolaos |
Pedestrian Crossing Behaviour in Signalized Crossings in Middle Size Cities in Greece
2012 |
Galanis Athanasios |
Pedestrian Crossing Behaviour in Signalized Crossings in Middle Size Cities in Greece
2012 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Patterns and Practices of Spatial Transformation: a Historical Review of Approaches
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Makoni Eric |
Patterns and Practices of Spatial Transformation: a Historical Review of Approaches
2021 |
Moyo Thembani |
Patterns and Practices of Spatial Transformation: a Historical Review of Approaches
2021 |
Phosho Mueletshedzi Helen |
Patterns and Practices of Spatial Transformation: a Historical Review of Approaches
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Pathways to Urban Parks Functionality Enhancement: Lessons from Gugu Dlamini Park
2023 |
Mndzebele Mhlalisi |
Pathways to Urban Parks Functionality Enhancement: Lessons from Gugu Dlamini Park
2023 |
Nkere George |
Pathways to Urban Parks Functionality Enhancement: Lessons from Gugu Dlamini Park
2023 |
Popoola Ayobami |
Pathways to Urban Parks Functionality Enhancement: Lessons from Gugu Dlamini Park
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Pathways to Sustainable Mobility: Analysing Quality of Public Transport Services in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
2022 |
Kalaoane Retsepile |
Pathways to Sustainable Mobility: Analysing Quality of Public Transport Services in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
2022 |
Kibangou Alain |
Pathways to Sustainable Mobility: Analysing Quality of Public Transport Services in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
2022 |
Musakwa Walter |
Pathways to Sustainable Mobility: Analysing Quality of Public Transport Services in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
2022 |
Musonda Innocent |
Pathways to Sustainable Mobility: Analysing Quality of Public Transport Services in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
2022 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Pathways to Effective Public Participation for Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Development: Experiences of the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project
2022 |
Morojele-Zwane Lerato |
Pathways to Effective Public Participation for Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Development: Experiences of the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project
2022 |
Smart Dumba |
Pathways to Effective Public Participation for Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Development: Experiences of the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project
2022 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Pathways to Drive (Social, Economic and Physical) Transformation of Informal Settlements into Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods: a Case of Johannesburg
2022 |
Ndevu Wandisa |
Pathways to Drive (Social, Economic and Physical) Transformation of Informal Settlements into Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods: a Case of Johannesburg
2022 |
Karimzadeh Furugh |
Pathology of Urban-Rural Interfaces Role in Urban Growth Management
2011 |
Khosravani Samaneh |
Pathology of Urban-Rural Interfaces Role in Urban Growth Management
2011 |
Zadehbagheri Peyman |
Pathology of Urban-Rural Interfaces Role in Urban Growth Management
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Golestani-Bakht Mehdi |
Pathology of Urban Space Based on Standard Designs for Wheelchair Users, Sari 2011
2012 |
Lahmian Reza |
Pathology of Urban Space Based on Standard Designs for Wheelchair Users, Sari 2011
2012 |
Rabiei Khadijeh |
Pathology of Urban Space Based on Standard Designs for Wheelchair Users, Sari 2011
2012 |
Santos Joao Rafael |
Patch - Switch - Stratus - An insight into infrastructural spatial mediation strategies in contemporary Lisbon metropolis
2009 |
Dinnebier Heinrich |
Passive Cooling Technologies for Reducing the Heating of Containers
2024 |
Schneider Norbert |
Passive Cooling Technologies for Reducing the Heating of Containers
2024 |
Vetter Tanja |
Passive Cooling Technologies for Reducing the Heating of Containers
2024 |
Aesche Jens |
PAS – ein System zur Datenonsolidierung für grosse Immobilienbestände
2007 |
Kadereit Peter |
PAS – ein System zur Datenonsolidierung für grosse Immobilienbestände
2007 |
Knapstein Yvonne |
Partnerschaft zwischen Planung und Dialog – Begleitung von Veränderungsprozessen
2011 |
Achatz Paul |
Partizipative Prozesse bei taktischen Interventionen â Einblicke aus Villach
2021 |
Berger Martin |
Partizipative Prozesse bei taktischen Interventionen â Einblicke aus Villach
2021 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Partizipative Prozesse bei taktischen Interventionen â Einblicke aus Villach
2021 |
Neumann Alexander |
Partizipationstool – Tool zur Überwindung von prozessbedingten Barrieren in Infrastrukturprojekten
2012 |
Unbehaun Wiebke |
Partizipationstool – Tool zur Überwindung von prozessbedingten Barrieren in Infrastrukturprojekten
2012 |
Haug Nina |
Partizipation und Planung der aktiven Mobilität: Der Einsatz von Cape Revisos Methodenkoffer am Beispiel Herrenbergs
2024 |
Obst Thomas |
Partizipation und Planung der aktiven Mobilität: Der Einsatz von Cape Revisos Methodenkoffer am Beispiel Herrenbergs
2024 |
Schmidt-Hamburger Celine |
Partizipation und Planung der aktiven Mobilität: Der Einsatz von Cape Revisos Methodenkoffer am Beispiel Herrenbergs
2024 |
Zeile Peter |
Partizipation und Planung der aktiven Mobilität: Der Einsatz von Cape Revisos Methodenkoffer am Beispiel Herrenbergs
2024 |
Bailey Keiron |
Participatory routing of electric power transmission lines using the EP-AMIS GIS/multicriteria evaluation methodology
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Grossardt Ted |
Participatory routing of electric power transmission lines using the EP-AMIS GIS/multicriteria evaluation methodology
2005 |
Jewell Ward |
Participatory routing of electric power transmission lines using the EP-AMIS GIS/multicriteria evaluation methodology
2005 |
Lorens Piotr |
Participatory planning for urban regeneration - the Polish experience
2009 |
Bigi Mauro |
Participatory Mapping of Citizensâ Experiences at Public Open Spaces: A Case Study at Bologna Living Lab
2020 |
Dane Gamze |
Participatory Mapping of Citizensâ Experiences at Public Open Spaces: A Case Study at Bologna Living Lab
2020 |
Derakhshan Soheil |
Participatory Mapping of Citizensâ Experiences at Public Open Spaces: A Case Study at Bologna Living Lab
2020 |
Ettefagh Tahsin |
Participatory Mapping of Citizensâ Experiences at Public Open Spaces: A Case Study at Bologna Living Lab
2020 |
Gianfrate Valentina |
Participatory Mapping of Citizensâ Experiences at Public Open Spaces: A Case Study at Bologna Living Lab
2020 |
Massari Martina |
Participatory Mapping of Citizensâ Experiences at Public Open Spaces: A Case Study at Bologna Living Lab
2020 |
Chen Yawei |
Participatory Approaches in the Adaptive Reuse of two Dutch Private-Led Cultural Heritage Projects
2022 |
Carabias Vicente |
Participative Foresight for Smarter Cities: From Vision Seeds to the Development of Scenarios
2016 |
Kuehn Tobias |
Participative Foresight for Smarter Cities: From Vision Seeds to the Development of Scenarios
2016 |
Sokolov Alexander |
Participative Foresight for Smarter Cities: From Vision Seeds to the Development of Scenarios
2016 |
Spiess Harry |
Participative Foresight for Smarter Cities: From Vision Seeds to the Development of Scenarios
2016 |
Marschalek Ilse |
Participation processes in seven Chinese villages towards sustainable future images by implementing small project concepts
2006 |
Schulze-Wolf Tilmann |
Participation on the wire: internet based participation in urban and regional planning in Germany
2006 |
Hlauschek Walter |
Participation of citizens as potential endusers in the innovation process for assistive technologies
2009 |
Panek Paul |
Participation of citizens as potential endusers in the innovation process for assistive technologies
2009 |
Zagler Wolfgang L. |
Participation of citizens as potential endusers in the innovation process for assistive technologies
2009 |
Abaszadeh Zahra |
Parks and an Analysis of their Role in Improving the Quality of Urban Life, Using Seeking-Escaping Model. Case Study: Tehran Urban Parks
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Karimzadeh Furugh |
Parks and an Analysis of their Role in Improving the Quality of Urban Life, Using Seeking-Escaping Model. Case Study: Tehran Urban Parks
2011 |
Khosravani Samaneh |
Parks and an Analysis of their Role in Improving the Quality of Urban Life, Using Seeking-Escaping Model. Case Study: Tehran Urban Parks
2011 |
Zadehbagheri Peyman |
Parks and an Analysis of their Role in Improving the Quality of Urban Life, Using Seeking-Escaping Model. Case Study: Tehran Urban Parks
2011 |
Beim Michal |
Parking Regulations and Urban Development – Poznań's Case Study
2012 |
Modrzewski Bogusz |
Parking Regulations and Urban Development – Poznań's Case Study
2012 |
Radzimski Adam |
Parking Regulations and Urban Development – Poznań's Case Study
2012 |
Atef Elsawy Ahmed |
Paratransit, Built Environment, and Urban Mobility â a Responsive Relationship
2023 |
Ayad Hany |
Paratransit, Built Environment, and Urban Mobility â a Responsive Relationship
2023 |
Emeliyanov Alexey |
Parametric representation of objects in monitoring
2003 |
Ivanov Michael |
Parametric representation of objects in monitoring
2003 |
Santos Joao Rafael |
Parallel Infrastructures and the Changing Metropolis: the Case of Lisbon
2011 |
Ryser Judith |
Panta Rhei? What about When Movements Come to a Halt? Railway Stations as Engines of Property-Led Regeneration in London
2017 |
Svircic Gotovac Andelina |
Overall Layout of Socialist and Post-Socialist Large Housing Estates in Croatia
2023 |
Ursic Sara |
Overall Layout of Socialist and Post-Socialist Large Housing Estates in Croatia
2023 |
Vukic Jana |
Overall Layout of Socialist and Post-Socialist Large Housing Estates in Croatia
2023 |
Zlatar Gamberozic Jelena |
Overall Layout of Socialist and Post-Socialist Large Housing Estates in Croatia
2023 |
Dankovic Vidan |
Orijentir – Interactive City Guide for All
2013 |
Gajevic Ljubica |
Orijentir – Interactive City Guide for All
2013 |
Milovanovic Milos |
Orijentir – Interactive City Guide for All
2013 |
Abdel-Salam Hassan |
Optimizing the Performance of Public Open Spaces by Enhancing the Human Thermal Comfort
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Naguib Nouran |
Optimizing the Performance of Public Open Spaces by Enhancing the Human Thermal Comfort
2020 |
Saadallah Dina |
Optimizing the Performance of Public Open Spaces by Enhancing the Human Thermal Comfort
2020 |
Dhir Nishant |
Optimizing the Infrastructure of Electric Vehicles and Developing Business Models for Sustainability
2023 |
Genc Savas |
Optimizing the Infrastructure of Electric Vehicles and Developing Business Models for Sustainability
2023 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
Optimizing the Infrastructure of Electric Vehicles and Developing Business Models for Sustainability
2023 |
Garau Chiara |
Optimizing Public Participation through ICT and Social Networks: Questions and Challenges
2013 |
Bakr Ali |
Optimizing Placemaking of Urban Open Spaces Using a Mixed Reality Approach
2022 |
El Sayad Zeyad |
Optimizing Placemaking of Urban Open Spaces Using a Mixed Reality Approach
2022 |
Elhoufy Arwa |
Optimizing Placemaking of Urban Open Spaces Using a Mixed Reality Approach
2022 |
Bley Stefan |
Optimization of Cities through Green Spaces
2023 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
Optimization of Cities through Green Spaces
2023 |
Rädle Matthias |
Optimization of Cities through Green Spaces
2023 |
Schäfer Thomas |
Optimization of Cities through Green Spaces
2023 |
Walch Thomas |
Optimization of Cities through Green Spaces
2023 |
Westphal Danny |
Optimization of Cities through Green Spaces
2023 |
Ãnsal-Peter Gamze |
Optimization of Cities through Green Spaces
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Optimising Sustainable Urban Mobility: Analysis of Non-Motorised Transport along M1 Road in Lilongwe Town, Malawi
2023 |
Kalaoane Retsepile |
Optimising Sustainable Urban Mobility: Analysis of Non-Motorised Transport along M1 Road in Lilongwe Town, Malawi
2023 |
Zulu Gloda |
Optimising Sustainable Urban Mobility: Analysis of Non-Motorised Transport along M1 Road in Lilongwe Town, Malawi
2023 |
Barvika Sarmite |
Opportunities for the Development of Latvian Property Tax Administration System Using Improvements of Property Registration System and Implementing European Union Requirements for Geospatial Information
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Berzina Inga |
Opportunities for the Development of Latvian Property Tax Administration System Using Improvements of Property Registration System and Implementing European Union Requirements for Geospatial Information
2013 |
Rausis Aldis |
Opportunities for the Development of Latvian Property Tax Administration System Using Improvements of Property Registration System and Implementing European Union Requirements for Geospatial Information
2013 |
Dubova Anastasia |
Opportunities for Sustainable Development of Suburban Rural Areas on Example of Karabiha Rural Settlement
2013 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. | - Community game or real geo-data? And the role of data donations
2009 |
Schicker Rudolf |
OPENING / ERÖFFNUNG, Chances to "gLOCALize.IT": Viennas strategy
2003 |
Fritzsche Andreas |
OPENGIS in action - field-tested web map services (WMS) and experiences with web feature services (WFS)
2005 |
Spring Markus |
OPENGIS in action - field-tested web map services (WMS) and experiences with web feature services (WFS)
2005 |
Kinberger Michaela |
Open-Source-GIS als Alternative im Desktop-Bereich - Evaluation freier Software im Bereich Geoinformation
2005 |
Pucher Alexander |
Open-Source-GIS als Alternative im Desktop-Bereich - Evaluation freier Software im Bereich Geoinformation
2005 |
Berkhout Remko |
Open-Innovation- und Living-Lab-Ansätze in der Praxis der Stadtentwicklung — Herausforderungen, Dilemmas und Chancen
2016 |
Hammerl Barbara |
Open-Innovation- und Living-Lab-Ansätze in der Praxis der Stadtentwicklung — Herausforderungen, Dilemmas und Chancen
2016 |
Oswald Elisabeth |
Open-Innovation- und Living-Lab-Ansätze in der Praxis der Stadtentwicklung — Herausforderungen, Dilemmas und Chancen
2016 |
Mayr Markus |
Open Street Map for Multi-Modal Freight Transport Planning
2014 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Open Street Map for Multi-Modal Freight Transport Planning
2014 |
Bistricky Doris |
Open Space for Social Housing – between Social Benefit and Marketing Asset?
2013 |
Licka Lilli |
Open Space for Social Housing – between Social Benefit and Marketing Asset?
2013 |
Rode Philipp |
Open Space for Social Housing – between Social Benefit and Marketing Asset?
2013 |
Laszlo Gabor |
Open Source Software - is it real treatment for public sector's software needs?
2005 |
Brauner Johannes |
Open Source für Geodateninfrastrukutren - eine echte Alternative?
2004 |
May Martin |
Open Source für Geodateninfrastrukutren - eine echte Alternative?
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Merten Stephan |
Open Source für Geodateninfrastrukutren - eine echte Alternative?
2004 |
Christl Arnulf B. |
Open source and free software: More than saving money!
2004 |
Trakas Athina |
Open source and free software: More than saving money!
2004 |
Koch Matthias |
Open Source als Applikation: Content-Management-Systeme in Kommunal- und Regionalportalen
2004 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Ontology-based Model of a Smart City
2019 |
Smirnova Oksana |
Ontology-based Model of a Smart City
2019 |
Kuhn Werner |
Ontologien zur Spezifikation von Informationssystemen für Verkehrsplaner
2002 |
Lutz Michael |
Ontologien zur Spezifikation von Informationssystemen für Verkehrsplaner
2002 |
Möltgen Jörn |
Ontologien zur Spezifikation von Informationssystemen für Verkehrsplaner
2002 |
Krek Alenka |
Onlinegestützte Beteiligungsangebote in formellen Planungsprozessen am Beispiel des deutschen Bauleitplanverfahrens
2008 |
Kulus Daniel |
Onlinegestützte Beteiligungsangebote in formellen Planungsprozessen am Beispiel des deutschen Bauleitplanverfahrens
2008 |
Wagner Andreas |
Onlinegestützte Beteiligungsangebote in formellen Planungsprozessen am Beispiel des deutschen Bauleitplanverfahrens
2008 |
Axmann Axel |
Online-Prüfprogramm für Geodaten:
2004 |
Eisenkölb Günter |
Online-Planungsinstrumente auf nationaler und transnationaler Ebene
2002 |
Hendrich Anton |
Online-Planungsinstrumente auf nationaler und transnationaler Ebene
2002 |
Wegner Harald |
Online-gestützte Hochwassersimulation
2003 |
Heimbuchner Klaus |
Online-Foren in der Wiener Stadtentlicklung: Von der Information zur Diskussion. Erfahrungen aus und dem Online-Forum zum Hochhauskonzept
2002 |
Kreppenhofer Andrea |
Online-Foren in der Wiener Stadtentlicklung: Von der Information zur Diskussion. Erfahrungen aus und dem Online-Forum zum Hochhauskonzept
2002 |
De Mulder Sophie |
Online Territorial Consultation Tool
2015 |
van Noordt Anneloes |
Online Territorial Consultation Tool
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Haider Tobias |
Online SP-off-RP Travel Surveys for Identification of Target Group Specific Measures and Uptake Potentials in Rural Municipalities â Learnings from the Pilot Case Feldkirchen/Donau
2022 |
Kirchberger Christoph |
Online SP-off-RP Travel Surveys for Identification of Target Group Specific Measures and Uptake Potentials in Rural Municipalities â Learnings from the Pilot Case Feldkirchen/Donau
2022 |
Back Prochnow Simone |
Once Upon a Time a Genius Loci Conceived a Place
2021 |
Castello Lineu |
Once Upon a Time a Genius Loci Conceived a Place
2021 |
Althoff Sebastian |
On-site Participation – Mobile Information Systems in Planning Processes
2011 |
Kratz Norman |
On-site Participation – Mobile Information Systems in Planning Processes
2011 |
Landwehr Gregor |
On-site Participation – Mobile Information Systems in Planning Processes
2011 |
Boelens Luuk |
On the Right Track? Evaluation as a Tool to Guide Spatial Transitions
2015 |
Pisman Ann |
On the Right Track? Evaluation as a Tool to Guide Spatial Transitions
2015 |
Terryn Els |
On the Right Track? Evaluation as a Tool to Guide Spatial Transitions
2015 |
Padilla Marielisa |
On the Path towards Smart Mobility: the Journey of three Forerunner Cities Eindhoven, Manchester and Stavanger
2017 |
Stöffler Sonja |
On the Path towards Smart Mobility: the Journey of three Forerunner Cities Eindhoven, Manchester and Stavanger
2017 |
Berger Thomas |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Berkowitsch Claudia |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Breinbauer Andreas |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Eitler Sandra |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Ennser Bernhard |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Hauger Georg |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Hu Bin |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Markvica Karin |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Pfoser Sarah |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Prandtstetter Matthias |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Schodl Reinhold |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Zajicek Jürgen |
On the Development of a Sustainable and Fit for the Future Transportation Network
2018 |
Gruehn Dietwald |
Old Brownfields, new Parks of Tomorrow – Chances to Improve the Environment of the Cities
2010 |
Hoffmann Anne |
Old Brownfields, new Parks of Tomorrow – Chances to Improve the Environment of the Cities
2010 |
Ziegler-Hennings Christiane |
Old Brownfields, new Parks of Tomorrow – Chances to Improve the Environment of the Cities
2010 |
Niemann Beate |
Offene Ganzheit in der europäischen Stadt der Zukunft
2012 |
Schädler Priscilla |
Offene Ganzheit in der europäischen Stadt der Zukunft
2012 |
de Noronha Vaz Eric |
Of Cells and Cities: a Comparative Econometric and Cellular Automata Approach to Urban Growth Modelling
2011 |
Koch Matthias |
Of Cells and Cities: a Comparative Econometric and Cellular Automata Approach to Urban Growth Modelling
2011 |
Krisztin Tamás |
Of Cells and Cities: a Comparative Econometric and Cellular Automata Approach to Urban Growth Modelling
2011 |
Dörr Heinz |
ODD â Operational Design Domain as Test Arrangement for the Future Automatisation of Road Traffic
2024 |
Ganster Winfried |
Objektorientierte Landbedeckungsklassifikation von Graz (Österreich) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der dritten Dimension
2013 |
Muick Marc |
Objektorientierte Landbedeckungsklassifikation von Graz (Österreich) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der dritten Dimension
2013 |
Sulzer Wolfgang |
Objektorientierte Landbedeckungsklassifikation von Graz (Österreich) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der dritten Dimension
2013 |
Haselberger Rainer |
Objektorientierte Entwicklung von Planungswerkzeugen an Beispielen aus der Umweltplanung
1997 |
Blaschke Thomas |
Objektextraktion und regelbasierte Klassifikation von Fernerkundungsdaten: Neue Möglichkeiten für GIS-Anwender und Planer
2000 |
Stanek Heinz |
Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von 3D Oberflächenmodellen im Planungsprozeß
2001 |
Lippold Regin |
Nutzungsmöglichkeiten neuer hochauflösender Satellitenbilddaten für die Raumplanung
1998 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Meinel Gotthard |
Nutzungsmöglichkeiten neuer hochauflösender Satellitenbilddaten für die Raumplanung
1998 |
Netzband Maik |
Nutzungsmöglichkeiten neuer hochauflösender Satellitenbilddaten für die Raumplanung
1998 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Nutzung planlicher Informationen via Internet - Aktualitätssteigerung durch verteilte Server
1998 |
Bräm Roger |
Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz
2020 |
Büchel Claudio |
Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz
2020 |
Engelke Dirk |
Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz
2020 |
Hagedorn Carsten |
Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz
2020 |
Rapberger Sybille |
Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz
2020 |
Schlatter Martin |
Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz
2020 |
Schmitt Hans-Michael |
Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz
2020 |
Zurfluh Jolanda |
Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz
2020 |
Mangione Flavio |
Nuove strategie sociali, economiche, urbane e architettoniche per il social housing
2013 |
Kranz Fanny |
no_faq. Artistic Research and the Potentials of Displaying as a Collective Research Tool
2019 |
Abdelrazzak AbdelHalim Asmaa |
Not Our Land: An Analysis of a Socially Dysfunctional Community in El Fayrouz, Red Sea Region, Egypt
2019 |
Aziz Hellen |
Not Our Land: An Analysis of a Socially Dysfunctional Community in El Fayrouz, Red Sea Region, Egypt
2019 |
Ellakany Salma |
Not Our Land: An Analysis of a Socially Dysfunctional Community in El Fayrouz, Red Sea Region, Egypt
2019 |
Ly Bendith |
Not Our Land: An Analysis of a Socially Dysfunctional Community in El Fayrouz, Red Sea Region, Egypt
2019 |
Mokhtar Ahmed |
Not Our Land: An Analysis of a Socially Dysfunctional Community in El Fayrouz, Red Sea Region, Egypt
2019 |
Gruber Roland |
nonconform vor Ort - in 3 Tagen ist alles anders. Wie man Bürger/-innen in den Planungsprozess integriert und aus Architekten Ideenmanager macht
2007 |
Streit Roman |
Non-profit Housing: Current Trends in the European Context and its Specific Value for the Inward Urban Development in Switzerland
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Pojani Dorina |
Noise Pollution Management Issues in Tirana, the Capital of Albania
2012 |
Prosperi David |
Nobel Economic Laureates and the "Performance" of Cities
2010 |
Netsch Stefan |
Niederländische Stadtbausteine
2011 |
Heitkamp Thorsten |
NICE: Boom to Bust – Hintergründe und Konsequenzen der Wohnungsmarktkrise in Spanien
2011 |
Hatz Gerhard |
New Urbanism in Historic City Centers? The Glocalization of Vienna's Historic City Center as an Art and Cultural Hub
2009 |
Franchini Teresa |
New technologies, research and marginal rural regions: the strategic formula promoted by Adimmac for the Local Agenda 21 of the La Mancha Alta Conquense (Spain).
2004 |
Lozano Maria J. |
New technologies, research and marginal rural regions: the strategic formula promoted by Adimmac for the Local Agenda 21 of the La Mancha Alta Conquense (Spain).
2004 |
Martin Maria A. |
New technologies, research and marginal rural regions: the strategic formula promoted by Adimmac for the Local Agenda 21 of the La Mancha Alta Conquense (Spain).
2004 |
Martinez Francisco J. |
New technologies, research and marginal rural regions: the strategic formula promoted by Adimmac for the Local Agenda 21 of the La Mancha Alta Conquense (Spain).
2004 |
Romero Raul |
New technologies, research and marginal rural regions: the strategic formula promoted by Adimmac for the Local Agenda 21 of the La Mancha Alta Conquense (Spain).
2004 |
Rollandi Annalisa |
New Technologies for Participatory Planning: Between Parametric Design and Brand Urbanism
2021 |
Ioja Cristian |
New residential areas in Bucharest Metropolitan Area location, type and characteristics
2009 |
Nita Mihai |
New residential areas in Bucharest Metropolitan Area location, type and characteristics
2009 |
Patroescu Maria |
New residential areas in Bucharest Metropolitan Area location, type and characteristics
2009 |
Vanau Gabriel |
New residential areas in Bucharest Metropolitan Area location, type and characteristics
2009 |
Goledzinowska Anna |
New Quality of Public Spaces as a Stimulant for Socio-Economic Development – the Specificity of Medium-Sized Towns
2013 |
Schwab Eva |
New Public Open Spaces and Old Prejudices: Public Space Uses in the Centre of Medellín
2013 |
Brzuchowska Jadwiga |
New Prospects for Urban Planning Service Systems with Use of GIS Tools and New Data Sources Linked to Reference Databases
2010 |
Lasheen Salma |
New Policies For The Development Of Informal Settlements
2020 |
Mehanna Walaa |
New Policies For The Development Of Informal Settlements
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Zaki Mahmoud |
New Policies For The Development Of Informal Settlements
2020 |
Gnigler Matthias |
New Places for Urban Development – the Space between Historical City Centres and Post-War Expansions Areas
2020 |
Netsch Stefan |
New Places for Urban Development – the Space between Historical City Centres and Post-War Expansions Areas
2020 |
Allbach Benjamin |
New Methods of Climate Monitoring
2013 |
Henninger Sascha |
New Methods of Climate Monitoring
2013 |
Milakovic Mira |
New Life of Modern Cities: Transformation and Renewal of Public Spaces in New Belgrade
2011 |
Vukmirovic Milena |
New Life of Modern Cities: Transformation and Renewal of Public Spaces in New Belgrade
2011 |
Jumel Mélanie |
New Information Technologies: An illusion of equity
2001 |
Scoppetta Cecilia |
New Geographies of Self-Organisation
2013 |
Arya Chhavi |
New Forms of Urban Data and their Potential for Municipal Decision Making
2022 |
Berchtold Martin |
New Forms of Urban Data and their Potential for Municipal Decision Making
2022 |
Müller Nina |
New Forms of Urban Data and their Potential for Municipal Decision Making
2022 |
Pallagst Karina |
New Forms of Urban Data and their Potential for Municipal Decision Making
2022 |
Böttcher Martin |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Balhar Jakub |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Boissier Enguerran |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Esch Thomas |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Marconcini Mattia |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Mathot Emmanuel |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Palacios Daniela |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Svaton Václav |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Zeidler Julian |
New Enabling Technologies to Observe and Characterise Urban Environments with Big Data from Space – the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform
2018 |
Gregurić Martin |
New Concepts for Urban Highways Control
2014 |
Ivanjko Edouard |
New Concepts for Urban Highways Control
2014 |
Mandžuka Sadko |
New Concepts for Urban Highways Control
2014 |
Höffken Stefan |
New Communication Tools and Participation – new Challenges in Urban Planning
2010 |
Haller Chris |
New Communication Tools and Participation – new Challenges in Urban Planning
2010 |
Sitar Metka |
New Communication Processes - The Impacts of the Economy on Urban Issues in Slovenia
2003 |
Erbas Adem Erdem |
New Challenges in the Transition of Industrial Areas within the Vision of Istanbul Metropolitan Plan for 2023
2010 |
Erbil Tansel |
New Challenges in the Transition of Industrial Areas within the Vision of Istanbul Metropolitan Plan for 2023
2010 |
Jovanovic Nenadovic Lidija |
New Belgrade - between Yesterday and Tomorrow
2009 |
Bartlmä Nadja |
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings” Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
2019 |
Leibold Jens |
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings” Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
2019 |
Schöfmann Petra |
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings” Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
2019 |
Schneider Simon |
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings” Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
2019 |
Tabakovic Momir |
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings” Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
2019 |
Zelger Thomas |
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings” Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
2019 |
Höhl Wolfgang |
Neuronale Netze und Informationsübertragung in Gebäuden
2005 |
Abdelsalam Hassan |
Neuroarchitecture Approach to Female Perception of Safety in Public Space
2023 |
Aiad Nesreen |
Neuroarchitecture Approach to Female Perception of Safety in Public Space
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Al-Hagla Khalid |
Neuroarchitecture Approach to Female Perception of Safety in Public Space
2023 |
Noll Hans-Peter |
Neues Leben in alten Strukturen: Die Entwicklung der Kokerei Zollverein – Flächenrecycling und Weltkulturerbe
2011 |
Pahlen Gernot |
Neues Leben in alten Strukturen: Die Entwicklung der Kokerei Zollverein – Flächenrecycling und Weltkulturerbe
2011 |
Dölger Reiner |
Neue Wege und Erfahrungen in der Visualisierung von Verkehrs(planungs)daten: Die Projekte VÜ-GIS und Landverkehrsprogramm-Online in Rheinland-Pfalz
1999 |
Werner Helmut |
Neue Wege in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von Verkehrsgroßprojekten – ein Werkstattbericht
2001 |
Dvorak Wolfgang |
Neue Wege der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Stadtplanung Wien
1997 |
Heins Marcel |
Neue Strategien und eine Datenarchitektur für das Wissensmanagement in
der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2010 |
Kircher Wolfram |
Neue Strategien und eine Datenarchitektur für das Wissensmanagement in
der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2010 |
Schubert Frieder |
Neue Rolle der virtuellen Realität in der Architektur und Stadtplanung
2004 |
Kanonier Arthur |
Neue Rechtsetzungsmöglichkeiten durch computerunterstütztes bzw. -gesteuertes Planen
1998 |
Kalliany Rainer |
Neue Perspektiven in der Photogrammetrie durch eine innovative großformatige digitale Luftbildkamera
2004 |
Meixner Harald |
Neue Perspektiven in der Photogrammetrie durch eine innovative großformatige digitale Luftbildkamera
2004 |
Pfahler Gerhard |
Neue Perspektiven in der Photogrammetrie durch eine innovative großformatige digitale Luftbildkamera
2004 |
Eicher Harald |
Neue nachhaltige Alimentierungsachsen und multimodale Hubs am Kreuzungspunkt Donauachse-Südachse
2008 |
Feist Tino |
Neue Medien?- Alte Medien!
2003 |
Klotz Arnold |
Neue Medien und Telekommunikation Initiativen und Anwendungen der Stadtplanung Wien im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien
1997 |
Zunke Rudolf |
Neue Medien und Telekommunikation Initiativen und Anwendungen der Stadtplanung Wien im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien
1997 |
Kluge Thomas |
Neue Konzepte der kommunalen Wasser-/Abwasser-Infrastruktur
2011 |
Libbe Jens |
Neue Konzepte der kommunalen Wasser-/Abwasser-Infrastruktur
2011 |
Michel Bernhard |
Neue Konzepte der kommunalen Wasser-/Abwasser-Infrastruktur
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Fischer Tatjana |
Neue Kollektive – eine zentrale Herausforderung für die zukunftsfähige Stadtplanung
2010 |
Berger Martin |
Neue Instrumente der Partizipation: Vergleich von mobiler Augmented Reality und Perspektivskizzen im Rahmen des Shared-Space-Projektes Alleegasse in Hartberg
2013 |
Pilz Thomas |
Neue Instrumente der Partizipation: Vergleich von mobiler Augmented Reality und Perspektivskizzen im Rahmen des Shared-Space-Projektes Alleegasse in Hartberg
2013 |
Platzer Mario |
Neue Instrumente der Partizipation: Vergleich von mobiler Augmented Reality und Perspektivskizzen im Rahmen des Shared-Space-Projektes Alleegasse in Hartberg
2013 |
Schwarz Christoph |
Neue Instrumente der Partizipation: Vergleich von mobiler Augmented Reality und Perspektivskizzen im Rahmen des Shared-Space-Projektes Alleegasse in Hartberg
2013 |
Höffken Stefan |
Neue Einblicke - Social Media Monitoring in der Stadtplanung
2014 |
Joa Lucas |
Neue Einblicke - Social Media Monitoring in der Stadtplanung
2014 |
Schaal Peter |
Neue Anforderungen an das Kompensationsmanagement kleiner und mittlerer Gemeinden - Umsetzungsdefizite, Bodenvorratspolitik und technische Lösungen mit GIS und Datenbanken
2002 |
Tabeling Hendrik |
Neue Anforderungen an das Kompensationsmanagement kleiner und mittlerer Gemeinden - Umsetzungsdefizite, Bodenvorratspolitik und technische Lösungen mit GIS und Datenbanken
2002 |
Friedl Karl |
Neubau des Skylink - Ziele und Flächenplanung der Austrian Airlines Group
2008 |
Hennig Sabine |
Netzwerkanalyse von Stakeholdern im Kontext natur- und landschaftsbedingter Erholungsnutzung
2006 |
Schröpfer Kai |
Netzwerkanalyse von Stakeholdern im Kontext natur- und landschaftsbedingter Erholungsnutzung
2006 |
Tschirk Werner |
Netzwerk Raumplanung
2007 |
Voigt Andreas |
Netzwerk Raumplanung
2007 |
Niedertscheider Hannes |
Netzwerk Geoinformation Tirol. Regionale Verfügbarkeit öffentlicher Geodaten in einem Data Warehouse
2004 |
Riedl Manfred |
Netzwerk Geoinformation Tirol. Regionale Verfügbarkeit öffentlicher Geodaten in einem Data Warehouse
2004 |
Brunzel Marco |
Netze im Netz – Kommunale Internetportale im Kontext bürgerorientierter Verwaltung und aktivierender Stadtentwicklung
2001 |
Mofina Jens |
Netze im Netz – Kommunale Internetportale im Kontext bürgerorientierter Verwaltung und aktivierender Stadtentwicklung
2001 |
Popovich Vasily |
Network Centric City. Computer Science Vision of Urbanization
2010 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Network Centric City. Computer Science Vision of Urbanization
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Vlasov Stanislav |
Network Centric City. Computer Science Vision of Urbanization
2010 |
Mendes Luís |
Neoliberalism and Public Participation in Urban Regeneration in Portugal
2010 |
Erbas Adem Erdem |
Neoliberal Challenges and Practices of Urban Regeneration Projects in Istanbul
2013 |
Erbil Tansel |
Neoliberal Challenges and Practices of Urban Regeneration Projects in Istanbul
2013 |
Söpper Katharina |
Neighbourhoods' Future Created by Combined Stakeholder Engagement
2013 |
Che Guanqiong |
Neighbourhood Walkability Assessment in Tianjin, China: Needs to be Analyzed from a Complex System Perspective
2019 |
Qiu Baoxing |
Neighbourhood Walkability Assessment in Tianjin, China: Needs to be Analyzed from a Complex System Perspective
2019 |
Guaralda Mirko |
Negative Space and Positive Environment: Mapping Opportunities for Urban Resilience
2012 |
Kowalik Magdalena |
Negative Space and Positive Environment: Mapping Opportunities for Urban Resilience
2012 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Navigating the City: Womenâs Perspective of Urban Mobility in the City of Johannesburg
2022 |
Phosho Mueletshedzi Helen |
Navigating the City: Womenâs Perspective of Urban Mobility in the City of Johannesburg
2022 |
Möslinger Gerhard |
Naturstandsdaten - Luxus oder Notwendigkeit ?
1998 |
Suske Wolfgang |
Naturschutzservice in Niederösterreich im Internet
1998 |
Niedertscheider Hannes |
2000 |
de Valle Gabriela |
Nature-Based Solutions through Blue-Green Infrastructure as Measure of Adaptation, Resilience and Liveability to Climate Change: Case Study City Lab Saltillo, Mexico
2023 |
Diaz Catalina |
Nature-Based Solutions through Blue-Green Infrastructure as Measure of Adaptation, Resilience and Liveability to Climate Change: Case Study City Lab Saltillo, Mexico
2023 |
Santillan-Gutierrez Eduardo |
Nature-Based Solutions through Blue-Green Infrastructure as Measure of Adaptation, Resilience and Liveability to Climate Change: Case Study City Lab Saltillo, Mexico
2023 |
Villareal Carmina |
Nature-Based Solutions through Blue-Green Infrastructure as Measure of Adaptation, Resilience and Liveability to Climate Change: Case Study City Lab Saltillo, Mexico
2023 |
Mabon Leslie |
Nature-Based Solutions and a Just Transition: Understanding the Jobs, Skills and Training Requirements for NBS to Contribute to the Green Economy
2023 |
Wild Christian |
Nature-based Solutions als Aspekt bei der Entwicklung innerstädtischer, hochfrequentierter Parkanlagen am Beispiel Rennbahnpark Frankfurt und Neckarvorland Mannheim
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Franchini Teresa |
Nature Based Solutions: More than Just Greening the City?
2023 |
Ryser Judith |
Nature Based Solutions: More than Just Greening the City?
2023 |
Höffken Stefan |
Narrative Urban Mapping
2014 |
Krause Renate |
Narrative Urban Mapping
2014 |
Streich Bernd |
Narrative Urban Mapping
2014 |
Gugerell Katharina |
Nanjing Golou Campus as Interface of Public Space and Learning Environment
2020 |
Netsch Stefan |
Nanjing Golou Campus as Interface of Public Space and Learning Environment
2020 |
Kötter Theo |
Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für die stadtregionale Entwicklung
2019 |
Rehorst Frauke |
Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für die stadtregionale Entwicklung
2019 |
Weiß Dominik |
Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für die stadtregionale Entwicklung
2019 |
Hesina Wolfgang |
Nachhaltigkeit und Flughafenregionen - Wunschdenken oder Chance?
2008 |
Seidemann Dirk |
Nachhaltiges grenzüberschreitendes Siedlungsflächenmanagement
2007 |
Schreiner Sarah C. |
Nachhaltige urbane Gewerbeflächen â ein internationaler Vergleich
2021 |
Lindner Alexandra |
Nachhaltige Transformation urbaner Räume: Eine produktive Stadt – eine lebenswerte Stadt?
2019 |
Westhoff Sarah |
Nachhaltige Transformation urbaner Räume: Eine produktive Stadt – eine lebenswerte Stadt?
2019 |
Neumann Alexander |
Nachhaltige Lösungen bei umwelt- und öffentlichkeitsrelevanten Konflikten: Was kann Mediation im öffentlichen Bereich leisten?
2007 |
Baltes Hannah |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Drobek Sabine |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Schönharting Jörg |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Schmidt Alexander |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schuhmann Marco |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Magacities: Energieeffiziente Strukturen für die Region Shanghai am Beispiel des Distrikts Fengxian
2009 |
Paar Philip |
Nachhaltige Aufklärungsmethoden für die Informationsgesellschaft. Diplomatische Trittsteine zwischen landschaftlicher Realität und Vision
2006 |
Rekittke Jörg |
Nachhaltige Aufklärungsmethoden für die Informationsgesellschaft. Diplomatische Trittsteine zwischen landschaftlicher Realität und Vision
2006 |
Suske Wolfgang |
NÖ Naturschutzkonzept online
2000 |
Hesik Martin |
NÖ Dorf- und Stadterneuerung. Bürgerbeteiligung und Innovation im ländlichen Raum - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
2002 |
Griepentrog Anne |
MUSS: Ein MUltimediales StadtplanungsSystem
1997 |
Sieck Jürgen |
MUSS: Ein MUltimediales StadtplanungsSystem
1997 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Music on line or music in the city? A stake for the future city
2005 |
Eichmann Hubert |
MUNICIPIA - eine europäische Plattform für die Kommunikation zwischen Planern und Beplanten
1997 |
Chondrogianni Dimitra |
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis of Urban Planning Methods towards Resilient Open Urban Spaces
2022 |
Saranti Panagiota-Georgia |
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis of Urban Planning Methods towards Resilient Open Urban Spaces
2022 |
Stephanedes Yorgos |
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis of Urban Planning Methods towards Resilient Open Urban Spaces
2022 |
Bauchinger Lisa |
Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen
2020 |
Dax Thomas |
Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen
2020 |
Oedl-Wieser Theresia |
Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen
2020 |
Reichenberger Anna |
Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen
2020 |
Almer Alexander |
Multimediale Echtzeit-3D-Visualisierung von Geo-Daten
2003 |
Nischelwitzer Alexander Kurt |
Multimediale Echtzeit-3D-Visualisierung von Geo-Daten
2003 |
Schnabel Thomas |
Multimediale Echtzeit-3D-Visualisierung von Geo-Daten
2003 |
Stelzl Harald |
Multimediale Echtzeit-3D-Visualisierung von Geo-Daten
2003 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Haid Elisabeth |
Multimediale Beschreibung georeferenzierter touristischer Objects of Interest
2005 |
Kiechle Günter |
Multimediale Beschreibung georeferenzierter touristischer Objects of Interest
2005 |
Leitinger Sven |
Multimediale Beschreibung georeferenzierter touristischer Objects of Interest
2005 |
Knoch Peter |
Multimedia-Telekommunikation, Stadtkonzepte und Stadtentwicklung Verändert die Nutzung des internet unsere Städte?
2001 |
Arregui Harbil |
Multilayer Information Management System for Personalized Urban Pedestrian Routing
2014 |
Krejci Patrick |
Multilayer Information Management System for Personalized Urban Pedestrian Routing
2014 |
Loyo Estibaliz |
Multilayer Information Management System for Personalized Urban Pedestrian Routing
2014 |
Otaegui Oihana |
Multilayer Information Management System for Personalized Urban Pedestrian Routing
2014 |
Aubrecht Peter |
Multidirektionale Kommunikation im Bereich standortbezogene geographische Informationssysteme
2003 |
Wurzer Gernot |
Multidirektionale Kommunikation im Bereich standortbezogene geographische Informationssysteme
2003 |
Floris Roberta |
Multidimensional Analyses of Social Media Related Geographic Information: a Study Concerning the Urban Area of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy)
2015 |
Etminan Ghazal |
Multicriteria Assessment of Urban Development Projects – from Objectives to a Project Priority List
2020 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Multicriteria Assessment of Urban Development Projects – from Objectives to a Project Priority List
2020 |
Neumann Hans-Martin |
Multicriteria Assessment of Urban Development Projects – from Objectives to a Project Priority List
2020 |
Ferhatbegovic Elvir |
Multi-Criteria Classification of Land in GIS for Planning of Building Construction
2010 |
Ponjavic Subhija |
Multi-Criteria Classification of Land in GIS for Planning of Building Construction
2010 |
Hengst Martina |
Multi-Channel-Konzepte als Chance für eine nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige Entwicklung der Innenstädte?
2012 |
Steinebach Gerhard |
Multi-Channel-Konzepte als Chance für eine nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige Entwicklung der Innenstädte?
2012 |
Ermolaev Victor |
Moving Objects Tracking in Distributed Maritime Observation Systems
2014 |
Makshanov Andrei |
Moving Objects Tracking in Distributed Maritime Observation Systems
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Popovich Vasily |
Moving Objects Tracking in Distributed Maritime Observation Systems
2014 |
Vlasov Stanislav |
Moving Objects Tracking in Distributed Maritime Observation Systems
2014 |
Steiner Thomas |
Motorways in Agglomerations – Changing Concepts for Changing Needs
2013 |
Braun Steffen |
Morgenstadt: CityInsights. A Research Approach for Systems Research in Urban Development
2013 |
Kalisch Dominik |
Morgenstadt: CityInsights. A Research Approach for Systems Research in Urban Development
2013 |
Schatzinger Susanne |
Morgenstadt: CityInsights. A Research Approach for Systems Research in Urban Development
2013 |
v. Radecki Alanus |
Morgenstadt: CityInsights. A Research Approach for Systems Research in Urban Development
2013 |
Tillner Silja |
More Open Space in a Densified City
2014 |
Büttner Benjamin |
MOR€CO – Mobility and Residential Costs: Improving the Settlement Development in the Transnational Alpine Space Region
2012 |
Franz Susanne |
MOR€CO – Mobility and Residential Costs: Improving the Settlement Development in the Transnational Alpine Space Region
2012 |
Benner Joachim |
MonPlanGML - GML-based Data Model for Muncipal Land Management in Montenegro
2008 |
Eichhorn Thomas |
MonPlanGML - GML-based Data Model for Muncipal Land Management in Montenegro
2008 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
MonPlanGML - GML-based Data Model for Muncipal Land Management in Montenegro
2008 |
Müller Yvonne |
MonPlanGML - GML-based Data Model for Muncipal Land Management in Montenegro
2008 |
Barredo J. |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Demicheli Luca |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Kasanko Marjo |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Lavalle Carlo |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
McCormick Niall |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Turchini M. |
Monitoring, planning and forecasting dynamics in European areas - The territorial approach as key to implement European policies
2002 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Homeier Ina |
Monitoring von Smart-City-Strategien — Wiens Smart-City-Monitoring-Prozess
2016 |
Rainer Clemens |
Monitoring von Smart-City-Strategien — Wiens Smart-City-Monitoring-Prozess
2016 |
Guhathakurta Subhrajit |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Hagen Hans |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Heischbourg Luc |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Müller Kerstin |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Petsch Sebastian |
Monitoring und Visualisierung von Carbon Footprints im urbanen Raum
2009 |
Kuffer Monika |
Monitoring the dynamics of informal settlements in Dar es Salaam by remote sensing: Exploring the use of SPOT, ERS and small format aerial photography
2003 |
Hofstee Paul |
Monitoring the development of informal settlements in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2004 |
Kuffer Monika |
Monitoring the development of informal settlements in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2004 |
Radnaabazar Gankhuyag |
Monitoring the development of informal settlements in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2004 |
Hennig Sabine |
Monitoring System Recreational Use: Das Beispiel Nationalpark Berchtesgaden
2005 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Monitoring Street Infrastrucutres with Artificial Intelligence
2020 |
Nalbach Oliver |
Monitoring Street Infrastrucutres with Artificial Intelligence
2020 |
Werth Dirk |
Monitoring Street Infrastrucutres with Artificial Intelligence
2020 |
Galiano Filipp |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Popovich Vasily |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Prokaev Alexander |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Smirnova Angelina |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Voronin Mareng |
Monitoring of Terrorist's Treats: a Theoretical Approach
2008 |
Amira Abbes |
Monitoring Nature-Based Engineering Projects in Mountainous Region Incorporating Spatial Imaging: Case Study of a Hydroelectric Project in Nepal
2021 |
Rimal Bhagawat |
Monitoring Nature-Based Engineering Projects in Mountainous Region Incorporating Spatial Imaging: Case Study of a Hydroelectric Project in Nepal
2021 |
Tiwary Abhishek |
Monitoring Nature-Based Engineering Projects in Mountainous Region Incorporating Spatial Imaging: Case Study of a Hydroelectric Project in Nepal
2021 |
Magaudda Stefano |
Monitoring human mobility in urban systems
2008 |
Pulselli Riccardo M. |
Monitoring human mobility in urban systems
2008 |
Romano Pietro |
Monitoring human mobility in urban systems
2008 |
Tiezzi Enzo |
Monitoring human mobility in urban systems
2008 |
Hagen Hans |
Mofist – Mobile field survey tool for conversion areas
2009 |
Scheler Inga |
Mofist – Mobile field survey tool for conversion areas
2009 |
Chen Xin |
Modernity and Collage of City Non-Core Area: the Case of Suzhou River Area in Shanghai
2013 |
Tong Ming |
Modernity and Collage of City Non-Core Area: the Case of Suzhou River Area in Shanghai
2013 |
Wu Shuiqin |
Modernity and Collage of City Non-Core Area: the Case of Suzhou River Area in Shanghai
2013 |
Yao Lingyan |
Modernity and Collage of City Non-Core Area: the Case of Suzhou River Area in Shanghai
2013 |
Favry Eva |
Modernisierung im sozialen Wohnbau — wie dabei Smart Mobility unterstützt wird
2016 |
de Rham Casimir J. |
Moderne Verkehrsmodelle und Raumplanung: Einsatz, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
1996 |
Märker Oliver |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Michaelis Susanne |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Popenborg Annika |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Roeder Stefanie |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Salz Stefan René |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Zierath Nils |
Moderation internetbasierter Planungs- und Beteiligungsprozesse
2004 |
Bügelmayer-Blaschek Marianne |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Hahn Claudia |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Hahn Claudia |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Schneider Martin |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Zuvela-Aloise Maja |
Modelling the Efficiency of Nature-Based Solutions to Decrease Extreme Summer-time Heat in Dense Urban Environment on Example of Vienna, Austria
2023 |
Dürauer Martina |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Grillmayer Roland |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Rudel Brigitte |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Vojtech Nicole |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Weissenbeck Manuela |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Wunsch Mario |
Modelling the Coverage of Public Utility Providers
2012 |
Joosten Han |
Modelling Milieu-specific Housing Demands for Augsburg Oberhausen using BPD-MOSAIC
2020 |
Sabelfeld Robert |
Modelling Milieu-specific Housing Demands for Augsburg Oberhausen using BPD-MOSAIC
2020 |
von Malottki Christian |
Modelling Milieu-specific Housing Demands for Augsburg Oberhausen using BPD-MOSAIC
2020 |
Ju Quan |
Modelling Microclimates in the Smart City: a Campus Case Study on Natural Ventilation
2016 |
Schroth Olaf |
Modelling Microclimates in the Smart City: a Campus Case Study on Natural Ventilation
2016 |
Kuffer Monika |
Modelling Day and Night Time Population using a 3D Urban Model
2014 |
Sliuzas Richard |
Modelling Day and Night Time Population using a 3D Urban Model
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Muir Helen |
Modelling automated technologies within a strategic transport model
2008 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Modelling automated technologies within a strategic transport model
2008 |
Shepherd Simon |
Modelling automated technologies within a strategic transport model
2008 |
Gartner Georg |
Modelling Affective Responses to Space
2012 |
Klettner Silvia |
Modelling Affective Responses to Space
2012 |
Gmeinhart Gernot |
Modellierung von Erreichbarkeiten im Öffentlichen Verkehr mittels GIS -Gesamtlösung zur Bewertung und Analyse der Angebotsqualität im Öffentlichen Verkehr
2003 |
Platzer Gerhard |
Modellierung von Erreichbarkeiten im Öffentlichen Verkehr mittels GIS -Gesamtlösung zur Bewertung und Analyse der Angebotsqualität im Öffentlichen Verkehr
2003 |
Overkämping Beate |
Modellierung von Erreichbarkeit in GIS - Optimierung der Haltestellenplanung im ÖPNV
2001 |
Rüther Christoph |
Modellierung von Erreichbarkeit in GIS - Optimierung der Haltestellenplanung im ÖPNV
2001 |
Ferschin Peter |
Modellierung verteilter räumlicher Strukturen mit VRML
1997 |
Müller-Seelich Heimo |
Modellierung verteilter räumlicher Strukturen mit VRML
1997 |
Forkert Gerald |
Modellierung und Verwaltung von U-Bahn-Anlagen im Rahmen des digitalen 3D-Stadtmodells
2006 |
Aubrecht Christoph |
Modellierung raum-zeitlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungsmuster im Katastrophenmanagementkontext
2014 |
Huber Hermann |
Modellierung raum-zeitlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungsmuster im Katastrophenmanagementkontext
2014 |
Humer Heinrich |
Modellierung raum-zeitlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungsmuster im Katastrophenmanagementkontext
2014 |
Steinnocher Klaus |
Modellierung raum-zeitlicher Bevölkerungsverteilungsmuster im Katastrophenmanagementkontext
2014 |
Bartl Karin |
Modell zur Prognose der Ausbreitung von Siedlungen im Bereich urbaner Zentren
2001 |
Bogner Daniel |
Modell zur Prognose der Ausbreitung von Siedlungen im Bereich urbaner Zentren
2001 |
Sobreira Fabiano |
Modeling favelas. Heuristic agent based models for squatter settlements growth and consolidation
2005 |
Ebertshäuser Sebastian |
Model-based Planning for a Sustainable Urban Development
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
von Both Petra |
Model-based Planning for a Sustainable Urban Development
2016 |
Birk Maximilian |
Mobilstationen als Stadtbaustein der Energie- und Verkehrswende
2022 |
Hermens Sarah |
Mobilstationen als Stadtbaustein der Energie- und Verkehrswende
2022 |
Larisch Christian |
Mobilstationen als Stadtbaustein der Energie- und Verkehrswende
2022 |
Wendorff Jannik |
Mobilstationen als Stadtbaustein der Energie- und Verkehrswende
2022 |
Bläser Daniel |
Mobilstationen - Bausteine für eine zukunftsfähige Mobilität in der Stadt
2014 |
Garde Jan |
Mobilstationen - Bausteine für eine zukunftsfähige Mobilität in der Stadt
2014 |
Jansen Hendrik |
Mobilstationen - Bausteine für eine zukunftsfähige Mobilität in der Stadt
2014 |
Biegelbauer Peter |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Danzer Lisa |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Frey Harald |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Friessnegg Thomas |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Haselsteiner Edeltraud |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Laa Barbara |
Mobilitätswende in den Köpfen â interdisziplinäre Analyse zur Einleitung von Transformationsprozessen im Verkehrssystem
2021 |
Herry Max |
Mobility survey based on intelligent technologies (MOBIFIT)
2010 |
Meschik Michael |
Mobility survey based on intelligent technologies (MOBIFIT)
2010 |
Sammer Gerd |
Mobility survey based on intelligent technologies (MOBIFIT)
2010 |
Tomschy Rupert |
Mobility survey based on intelligent technologies (MOBIFIT)
2010 |
Kaucic Jiannis |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Kirchmayr-Novak Stephanie |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Neugebauer Wolfgang |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Schremmer Christof |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Tordy Joanne |
Mobility Patterns and Lifestyles in Vienna – Case Study Liesing
2016 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Eizinger Christian |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Krejci Patrick |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Mobility Pass for Residential Real Estate – An Online Tool for the Calculation of Mobility Costs and the Awareness on Housing Decisions
2012 |
Gerike Regine |
Mobility Measures for Residential Buildings in Urban Areas â a Promising Investment?
2021 |
Koszowski Caroline |
Mobility Measures for Residential Buildings in Urban Areas â a Promising Investment?
2021 |
Krombach Jonas |
Mobility Measures for Residential Buildings in Urban Areas â a Promising Investment?
2021 |
Weninger Andrea |
Mobility Measures for Residential Buildings in Urban Areas â a Promising Investment?
2021 |
Olczak Bartlomiej |
Mobility Inequality in a Small Town in Central Poland. The Case Study of Zgierz
2021 |
Hartwig Lukas |
Mobility in Metropolitan and Peripheral Regions â an Educational Simulation Game
2021 |
Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Mobility in Metropolitan and Peripheral Regions â an Educational Simulation Game
2021 |
Stark Juliane |
Mobility in Metropolitan and Peripheral Regions â an Educational Simulation Game
2021 |
Miralles Josep Lluis |
Mobility for Valencia City Centre – a Case Study
2017 |
Orellana Saraguro Jovy Zulay |
Mobility for Valencia City Centre – a Case Study
2017 |
Fürst Elmar |
Mobility Barriers in Urban Transport for the Sight or Hearing Impaired: Solutions Help All Passengers
2010 |
Russo Ida Lia |
Mobility and landscape
2008 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Herry Max |
Mobilität von Personen und Gütern
1998 |
Alpay Bilge |
Mobilität und U-Bahn-Umsteigeknoten der Stadt: Transferzentrum Yenikap? in Istanbul
2017 |
Gökgür Pelin |
Mobilität und U-Bahn-Umsteigeknoten der Stadt: Transferzentrum Yenikap? in Istanbul
2017 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Egger Tanja |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Eizinger Christian |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Franz Susanne |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Mobilität prägt Städte und Regionen – MAI, der "Mobilitätsausweis für Immobilien", als Promotor nachhaltiger Mobilität
2011 |
Dax Thomas |
Mobilisierung des endogenen Potenzials in peripheren ländlichen Regionen
2011 |
Oedl-Wieser Theresia |
Mobilisierung des endogenen Potenzials in peripheren ländlichen Regionen
2011 |
Strahl Wibke |
Mobilisierung des endogenen Potenzials in peripheren ländlichen Regionen
2011 |
Allbach Benjamin |
Mobile Tools for Urban Sensing and Climate Monitoring in Smart Cities
2014 |
Griebel Oliver |
Mobile Tools for Urban Sensing and Climate Monitoring in Smart Cities
2014 |
Henninger Sascha |
Mobile Tools for Urban Sensing and Climate Monitoring in Smart Cities
2014 |
Ekizoglu Esin |
Mobile Territories as a New Unexplored Layer towards Sustainable Mobility: the Case of Istanbul 1850-2022
2022 |
Althoff Sebastian |
Mobile Stadtinformationssysteme und Location Based Services – Neue Potenziale für die Touristen- und Bürgerinformation
2010 |
Kratz Norman |
Mobile Stadtinformationssysteme und Location Based Services – Neue Potenziale für die Touristen- und Bürgerinformation
2010 |
Landwehr Gregor |
Mobile Stadtinformationssysteme und Location Based Services – Neue Potenziale für die Touristen- und Bürgerinformation
2010 |
Zeile Peter |
Mobile Stadtinformationssysteme und Location Based Services – Neue Potenziale für die Touristen- und Bürgerinformation
2010 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Mobile Intelligent GIS Service for Vibrant Cities
2015 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Smirnova Oksana |
Mobile Intelligent GIS Service for Vibrant Cities
2015 |
Popovich Vassily |
Mobile Information System Supporting Decision-Making at Local Government Level
2007 |
Biwer Julia |
Mobile Digitalisierung von Baulücken – Baulückenerfassung mit iPad, GeoWeb und GIS
2012 |
Broschart Daniel |
Mobile Digitalisierung von Baulücken – Baulückenerfassung mit iPad, GeoWeb und GIS
2012 |
Höffken Stefan |
Mobile Digitalisierung von Baulücken – Baulückenerfassung mit iPad, GeoWeb und GIS
2012 |
Allbach Benjamin |
Mobile Augmented City – New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services
2011 |
Memmel Martin |
Mobile Augmented City – New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services
2011 |
Streich Bernd |
Mobile Augmented City – New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services
2011 |
Zeile Peter |
Mobile Augmented City – New Methods for Urban Analysis and Urban Design Processes by using Mobile Augmented Reality Services
2011 |
Fiby Johann |
MobiDyn - Modellierung von Mobilität und Raumstruktur
1996 |
Axhausen Kay W. |
Mobidrive – Längsschnitterhebungen zum individuellen Verkehrsverhalten: Perspektiven für raum-zeitliche Analysen
2001 |
Schönfelder Stefan |
Mobidrive – Längsschnitterhebungen zum individuellen Verkehrsverhalten: Perspektiven für raum-zeitliche Analysen
2001 |
Chloupek Alexander |
Mobi-Kid - Child-friendly information for the safe and sustainable use of public transport
2010 |
Morawetz Kathrin |
Mobi-Kid - Child-friendly information for the safe and sustainable use of public transport
2010 |
Berger Martin |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Kammerhofer Aurelia |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Leeb Katharina |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Singelmann Christoph |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Vith Thomas |
Mo.Hub â Co-Developing Cooperative Mobility Hubs in Vienna
2022 |
Bartik Herbert |
Mixed Use in Practice: Ãber- und Einblick in gemischt genutzte Immobilienprojekte
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Dorau Uschi |
Mixed Use in Practice: Ãber- und Einblick in gemischt genutzte Immobilienprojekte
2022 |
Rosenberger Michael |
Mixed Use in Practice: Ãber- und Einblick in gemischt genutzte Immobilienprojekte
2022 |
Psenner Angelika |
Mixed Building Use Promotes Mixed Urbanity: Insights from Historical Use-neutral Architecture
2012 |
Leber Nils |
Mittendrin und doch am Rand – Raumentwicklung in NRW einmal von der Peripherie her gedacht
2011 |
Ries Elke |
Mittelstädte als Stabilisatoren ländlich-peripherer Räume
2018 |
Schmitt Volker |
Mitnahmesysteme als Ergänzung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (ÖPNV) in ländlichen Räumen – das Beispiel "Mobilfalt"
2012 |
Sommer Carsten |
Mitnahmesysteme als Ergänzung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (ÖPNV) in ländlichen Räumen – das Beispiel "Mobilfalt"
2012 |
Kim Jongkon |
Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Environmental Infrastructures
2018 |
Kyung Daeseung |
Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Environmental Infrastructures
2018 |
Lee Sunghee |
Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Environmental Infrastructures
2018 |
Al-Anbari Fais |
Mit Potenzialanalysen die richtigen Verwaltungsdienstleistungen digitalisieren
2016 |
Hauenstein Sven |
Mit Potenzialanalysen die richtigen Verwaltungsdienstleistungen digitalisieren
2016 |
Lehmkühler Stefan |
Mit JAVA GIS-Anwendungen im WWW realisieren
2000 |
May Martin |
Mit JAVA GIS-Anwendungen im WWW realisieren
2000 |
Nahrada Franz J. |
Mit der virtuellen Stadt reale Dörfer bauen
2001 |
Schubert Hanns H. |
Mit Überblick Ressourcen optimieren – Digitale Geografie als Chance für den Planungsprozess
2001 |
Forlati Silvia |
Mischung: Possible! Impulsszenarien für eine zeitgemäße Nutzungsmischung im verdichteten Stadtraum
2016 |
Peer Christian |
Mischung: Possible! Impulsszenarien für eine zeitgemäße Nutzungsmischung im verdichteten Stadtraum
2016 |
Bokor Balász |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Heinzel Angelika |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Miglani Somil |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Roes Jürgen |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Scheipers Jan |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Thommessen Christian |
MILP Model for Energy Supply Design to overcome the Cannibalization of Solar Thermal Plants and large-scale Heat Pumps in Urban District Heating Systems
2020 |
Schönauer Robert |
Mikrosimulation von Mischverkehr – Konzept MiMiSim und Ausblick auf MixME
2010 |
Schrom-Feiertag Helmut |
Mikrosimulation von Mischverkehr – Konzept MiMiSim und Ausblick auf MixME
2010 |
Bahillo Martinez Alfonso |
Microclimate-Related Human Comfort as Aspect in Urban Planning: Indication of Nature-Based Solution Interventions to Increase Quality of Cycling Networks
2023 |
Golicnik Marusic Barbara |
Microclimate-Related Human Comfort as Aspect in Urban Planning: Indication of Nature-Based Solution Interventions to Increase Quality of Cycling Networks
2023 |
Ravnikar Ziva |
Microclimate-Related Human Comfort as Aspect in Urban Planning: Indication of Nature-Based Solution Interventions to Increase Quality of Cycling Networks
2023 |
Hein Simon |
Micro Housing: No Contribution to Affordable Housing – a Berlin Case Study
2020 |
NieÃen Johannes |
Micro Housing: No Contribution to Affordable Housing – a Berlin Case Study
2020 |
Anderluh Lisa |
Miami International Airport Area: Location, Transshipment, Location
2008 |
Anes Delvis D. |
Miami International Airport Area: Location, Transshipment, Location
2008 |
Prosperi David |
Miami International Airport Area: Location, Transshipment, Location
2008 |
Sens Benjamin |
Miami International Airport Area: Location, Transshipment, Location
2008 |
Prosperi David |
MIA: Miami International Airport or Miami Innovation Area
2008 |
Borovský Peter |
METROPOVIS: Time-dependent real-time rendering of large and photorealistic virtual cities
2005 |
Hesina Gerd |
Metropovis: time-dependent real-time rendering of large and photorealistic virtual cities
2005 |
Tobler Robert F. |
Metropovis: time-dependent real-time rendering of large and photorealistic virtual cities
2005 |
Fessler Flora |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Haas Mara |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Krebs Roland |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Mayr Stefan |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Ramière Cédric |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Staubmann Claudia |
Metropolitan Peripheries as New Urban Landscapes. Designing a Co-Creative Toolbox for the Integrated Development of the Vienna City Region
2021 |
Contin Antonella |
Metropolitan Integrated Planning Co-Construction of the Meta-Logistics District
2022 |
Haindl Gudrun |
Metropolitan development and strategic positioning_Planning Efforts in selected cities on different levels
2008 |
Hirschler Petra |
Metropolitan development and strategic positioning_Planning Efforts in selected cities on different levels
2008 |
Bauer Joachim |
MetropoGIS: A City Modeling System
2003 |
Karner Konrad |
MetropoGIS: A City Modeling System
2003 |
Klaus Andreas |
MetropoGIS: A City Modeling System
2003 |
Zach Christopher |
MetropoGIS: A City Modeling System
2003 |
Furundzic Danilo |
Metro or Light Rail: Belgrade Transport Proposals
2011 |
Korica Raiko Lj. |
Metro or Light Rail: Belgrade Transport Proposals
2011 |
Karakiewicz Justyna |
Metrics of Assessing Affordable Living
2013 |
Cui Mingji |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Jin Renbao |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Kaneda Toshiyuki |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Tian Meiying |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Wang Yang |
Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban "Quality Of Life" of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
De Mulder Sophie |
Methods for Regrouping Economic Activities into Meaningful Clusters
2021 |
Pennincx Inge |
Methods for Regrouping Economic Activities into Meaningful Clusters
2021 |
Van Haute Geert |
Methods for Regrouping Economic Activities into Meaningful Clusters
2021 |
Zaman Jan |
Methods for Regrouping Economic Activities into Meaningful Clusters
2021 |
Brüggemann Thilo |
Methodology of target and requirements management for complex systems concerning the application field of an energy-efficient city
2009 |
Rexroth Karsten |
Methodology of target and requirements management for complex systems concerning the application field of an energy-efficient city
2009 |
von Both Petra |
Methodology of target and requirements management for complex systems concerning the application field of an energy-efficient city
2009 |
Kuhk Annette |
Methodologies for Collective Future Explorations in Actor and Action-Oriented Territorial Development
2015 |
Schreurs Jan |
Methodologies for Collective Future Explorations in Actor and Action-Oriented Territorial Development
2015 |
Kickner Susanne |
Methodisch-technische Aspekte bei der GIS-gestützten Infrastrukturplanung am Beispiel "Erschließungsqualität der Wohnbauflächen durch ÖPNV-Haltestellen in Karlsruhe"
1997 |
Hagspiel Edgar |
Methoden räumlicher Agglomerationsraumabgrenzung in Europa. Ansätze und praktische Erfahrungen aus dem EU-Forschungsprojekt COMET
2004 |
Pöckl Anita |
Methoden räumlicher Agglomerationsraumabgrenzung in Europa. Ansätze und praktische Erfahrungen aus dem EU-Forschungsprojekt COMET
2004 |
Marcoci Adela |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Mauri Giuseppe |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Raffaelli Sara |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Wasserburger Wolfgang W. |
Meter-ON: Smart Metering for Europe's Smart(er) Households
2013 |
Prosperi David |
Metaphors from the Resilience Literature: Guidance for Planners
2011 |
Scotti Adriana |
Metaphors from the Resilience Literature: Guidance for Planners
2011 |
Höllriegl Helge Paul |
Metadatenverwaltung beim NÖ Geografischen Informationssystem
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kamper Siegfried |
Metadatenverwaltung beim NÖ Geografischen Informationssystem
2001 |
Nonn Ulrike |
Metadaten für 3D-Stadtmodelle - Untersuchung der Eignung von ISO 19115 und Möglichkeiten der Erweiterung
2007 |
Zipf Alexander |
Metadaten für 3D-Stadtmodelle - Untersuchung der Eignung von ISO 19115 und Möglichkeiten der Erweiterung
2007 |
Koca Sitki |
Menschengerechte Siedlungen - Neuordnung Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik. Human Settlements - Reorganizing Society, Economy, Politics
2008 |
Egger Barbara |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Hofleitner Birgit |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Knoll Bente |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Pichler Barbara |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Reitinger Elisabeth |
Menschen mit Demenz – unterwegs im öffentlichen Raum. Situationen und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten
2018 |
Exner Jan-Philipp |
Menschen als Messfühler – die Kombination von Geowebmethoden und Sensorik
2010 |
Höffken Stefan |
Menschen als Messfühler – die Kombination von Geowebmethoden und Sensorik
2010 |
Zeile Peter |
Menschen als Messfühler – die Kombination von Geowebmethoden und Sensorik
2010 |
Widiyastuti Dyah |
Memorable Square: Identities, Meanings and the Production of Urban Space in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2012 |
Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Rädle Matthias |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Sonnick Sebastian |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Walch Thomas |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Wunder Frederik |
MELT Plates: The Abolition of Overheating in Lightweight Buildings through an Optimised form of Latent Heat Storage
2024 |
Everding Dagmar |
Mehrwert Region für Wärme und Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien
2009 |
Ehrlich Daniele |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Florczyk Aneta |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Freire Sergio |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Kemper Thomas |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Melchiorri Michele |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Pesaresi Martino |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Schiavina Marcello |
Megacities Spatiotemporal Dynamics Monitored with the Global Human Settlement Layer
2018 |
Uhlmann Tina |
Meeting the Needs of Different User Groups in Mobility as Key to Ensure Social Inclusion
2013 |
Unbehaun Wiebke |
Meeting the Needs of Different User Groups in Mobility as Key to Ensure Social Inclusion
2013 |
Aalto Pasi |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Brunner Lisa Marie |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Brunner Lisa Marie |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Dybvik Henrikke |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Hillnhütter Helge |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Hillnhütter Helge |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Steinert Martin |
Measuring the Impact of Walking Environments on Brain Activation: Results from an fNIRS Pilot Study
2023 |
Kaup Stefan |
Measuring Small-Scale At-Risk-of-Poverty in Germany – a Methodical Overview
2015 |
Bender Oliver |
Measuring seasonality in Central Europe's tourism - how and for what?
2005 |
Schumacher Kim Philip |
Measuring seasonality in Central Europe's tourism - how and for what?
2005 |
Stein David |
Measuring seasonality in Central Europe's tourism - how and for what?
2005 |
Friesenecker Michael |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Hackl Roland |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Kalasek Robert |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Kramar Hans |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Posch Patrick |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Raffler Clemens |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Soteropoulos Aggelos |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Tomschy Rupert |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Wolf-Eberl Susanne |
Measuring Political Commitment in Statistical Models for Evidence-based Agenda Setting in Non-motorized Traffic
2017 |
Emberger Günter |
MARS meets ANIMAP - die Koppelung der Modelsuite MARS mit dynamischer Internet-Kartographie
2007 |
Riedl Leopold |
MARS meets ANIMAP - die Koppelung der Modelsuite MARS mit dynamischer Internet-Kartographie
2007 |
Emberger Günter |
MARS in Asia - How a model can help and influence decision makers
2006 |
Ibesich Nikolaus |
MARS in Asia - How a model can help and influence decision makers
2006 |
Kshirsagar Jay |
Mark Changes for Sustainable Development through National Urban Information System (NUIS)
2009 |
Raut Sandeep |
Mark Changes for Sustainable Development through National Urban Information System (NUIS)
2009 |
Almer Alexander |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Amlacher Katrin |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Hammani-Birnstingl Marianne |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Luley Patrick |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Manninger Jutta |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Moser Burkhard |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Ortner Joachim |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Paletta Lucas |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Radoczky Verena |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Rath Otto |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Scheitz Walter |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Sefelin Reinhard |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Tschelegi Manfred |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Wallner Regina |
MARIA – Mobile Assistance for Barrier Free Mobility in Public Transportation
2010 |
Bradecki Tomasz |
Mapping urban open space and the compact city - research methodology
2009 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Mapping the Spatial Integration of Motorised and Non-Motorised Transport Infrastructures: a Case Study of the City of Johannesburg
2019 |
Risimati Brightnes |
Mapping the Spatial Integration of Motorised and Non-Motorised Transport Infrastructures: a Case Study of the City of Johannesburg
2019 |
Höffken Stefan |
Mapping People? The meeasurement of physiological data in city areas and the potential benefit for urban planning
2009 |
Papastefanou Georgios |
Mapping People? The meeasurement of physiological data in city areas and the potential benefit for urban planning
2009 |
Zeile Peter |
Mapping People? The meeasurement of physiological data in city areas and the potential benefit for urban planning
2009 |
Kim Joon Sik |
Mapping Conflicts in the Development of Smart Cities: the Experience of Using Q Methodology for Smart Gusu Project, Suzhou, China
2016 |
Handley John |
Mapping Biotope and Sociotope for Green Infrastructure Planning in Urban Areas
2009 |
Shih Wanyu |
Mapping Biotope and Sociotope for Green Infrastructure Planning in Urban Areas
2009 |
White Iain |
Mapping Biotope and Sociotope for Green Infrastructure Planning in Urban Areas
2009 |
Gigler Ute |
Managing change: Lessons learned in case studies on revitalising old industrial sites in European cities
2005 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Managing change: Lessons learned in case studies on revitalising old industrial sites in European cities
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Klišmanić Tanja |
Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
2011 |
Mitrović Biserka |
Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
2011 |
Ralević Miodrag |
Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
2011 |
Simeunčević Sanja |
Management of Rapid Growth in the Rift between the Principles of Sustainability, Market Requirements and Strategic Planning – the possible Approaches to Local Planning of National Park Kopaonik Area
2011 |
Bandyopadhyay Sanhita |
Management of Delhi's Urban Growth and Shrinkage
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Dutta Bikram |
Management of Delhi's Urban Growth and Shrinkage
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Sasanpour Farzaneh |
Manage and planning sustainable city case study Tehran metropolitan
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Barboric Blaz |
Making Tourism Accessible: Capturing Barriers for Persons with Disabilities with Mobile Devices
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Raut Papiya Bandyopadhyay |
Making Indian Cities Resilient during and after Covid-19 Pandemic through Flexible Planning Approach
2022 |
Raut Sandeep Kumar |
Making Indian Cities Resilient during and after Covid-19 Pandemic through Flexible Planning Approach
2022 |
Bozic Bosko |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Bukor Raoul |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Bukor Raoul |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Bukor Raoul |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Bukor Raoul |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Enzersdorfer Doris |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Formanek Susanne |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Gebhardt Valentin |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Jung Martin |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lichtblau Andreas |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Schneider Martin |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Sellinger Werner |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Tötzer Tanja |
Making Green Real â How to Promote Greenery in Real Estate Development
2023 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Making decision on innovation: the example of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System ) in Europe
2002 |
Mestiert Luciana |
MAKE.IT Multimodales alternatives Konzept für verbesserte Erreichbarkeit durch Informations-Technologie
2005 |
Vanicek Tobias |
MAKE.IT Multimodales alternatives Konzept für verbesserte Erreichbarkeit durch Informations-Technologie
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Maintaining Water and Sanitation Service Delivery in Rural and Peri-Urban North West Province of South Africa: Governance as Social or Entrepreneurial Responsibility?
2024 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Maintaining Water and Sanitation Service Delivery in Rural and Peri-Urban North West Province of South Africa: Governance as Social or Entrepreneurial Responsibility?
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Maintainable 3D Models of Cities
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Frank Andrew U. |
Maintainable 3D Models of Cities
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Navratil Gerhard |
Maintainable 3D Models of Cities
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Fernandez-Maldonado Ana Maria |
Macro-spatial aspects of the digital backbones network in Latin America
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Neppl Markus |
Machine Learning for Land Use Scenarios and Urban Design
2021 |
Podrasa Daniel |
Machine Learning for Land Use Scenarios and Urban Design
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Machine Learning for Land Use Scenarios and Urban Design
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Machen neue Medien bessere (Raum)planer?
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Puchinger Kurt |
Möglichst wenig vergeuden, möglichst viel erreichen
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Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in Verbindung mit WebGIS-Services in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2012 |
Kircher Wolfram |
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in Verbindung mit WebGIS-Services in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2012 |
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Kretzler Einar |
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in Verbindung mit WebGIS-Services in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2012 |
Krug René |
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in Verbindung mit WebGIS-Services in der urbanen Pflanzenverwendung
2012 |
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Möglichkeiten und Nutzen von objektivierten Untergrundmodellen und deren Integration in raumbezogene Informationssysteme
2004 |
Tiedemann Joachim |
Möglichkeiten und Nutzen von objektivierten Untergrundmodellen und deren Integration in raumbezogene Informationssysteme
2004 |
Wegner Harald |
Möglichkeiten dreidimensionaler Darstellung durch die kombinierte Anwendung von GIS und CAD sowie VRML und MPEG am Beispiel eines städtebaulichen Entwurfes
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Hänsch Robert |
Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Bewertung des Verlusts der Nacht
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Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Bewertung des Verlusts der Nacht
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Pottharst Merle |
Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Bewertung des Verlusts der Nacht
2012 |
Wukovitsch Florian |
Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Bewertung des Verlusts der Nacht
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Läuft mit GIS?! Erhebung von FuÃgängerfreundlichkeit mittels mobiler GIS
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Low-Cost-Workflow zum Laserscanning mit Smartphone und Tablet zur Effizienzsteigerung im Garten- und Landschaftsbau
2022 |
Straub Jonas |
Low-Cost-Workflow zum Laserscanning mit Smartphone und Tablet zur Effizienzsteigerung im Garten- und Landschaftsbau
2022 |
Battisti Kurt |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Gratzl-Michlmair Markus |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Oesterreicher Doris |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Rainer Ernst |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Sattler Stefan |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Smutny Roman |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
Staller Heimo |
Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
2016 |
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Low Tech Solution for Smart Cities — Optimization Tool CityCalc for Solar Urban Design
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Low cost high quality 3D virtual city models
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Ftacnik Milan |
Low cost high quality 3D virtual city models
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Low cost high quality 3D virtual city models
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Lovable City: Maintaining our Beliefs While Living in a Changing World and Building Towards a Better Society
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Yu Bochun |
Lovable City: Maintaining our Beliefs While Living in a Changing World and Building Towards a Better Society
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Lovable City: Maintaining our Beliefs While Living in a Changing World and Building Towards a Better Society
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LOOPER: Towards a Methodology of Co-Design Approaches
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Macharis Cathy |
LOOPER: Towards a Methodology of Co-Design Approaches
2018 |
Wiegmann Mareile |
LOOPER: Towards a Methodology of Co-Design Approaches
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Looking for New Ideas of Public Space – Public Space Projects in Gdansk Reinforced by Art Activities
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Beijer Jorick |
Longing for the Ordinary – the Meaning of Authentic Places in the North-American Metropolis
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Calbris Gaëtan |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
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Coronel Carmina |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Döller Herbert |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Litzenberger Martin |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Schweiger Bernhard |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
2022 |
Wohlleben Kilian |
Long-range, Seamless Traffic Density Monitoring using Fibre Optic Acoustic Sensing
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Alvarez Alan |
Long Waves, Lifecycles, and Urban Development: Context for Short-Term Purposeful Action
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Long Waves, Lifecycles, and Urban Development: Context for Short-Term Purposeful Action
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Long Waves, Lifecycles, and Urban Development: Context for Short-Term Purposeful Action
2011 |
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Long Waves, Lifecycles, and Urban Development: Context for Short-Term Purposeful Action
2011 |
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Lokalität als neuer Hype im Internet - Europas Weg in der Informationsgesellschaft
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Lokale Geodateninfrastrukturen: Potenziale und Auswirkungen am Beispiel Brandenburgs
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Lokale Geodateninfrastrukturen: Potenziale und Auswirkungen am Beispiel Brandenburgs
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Wagner Tina |
Logistics land use - A buffer between harbour areas and urban neighborhoods?
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Locational Analysis of Telecommunications Infrastructure in Residential Neigbourhoods of Lagos Metropolis
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Bishi Hakeem |
Locational Analysis of Telecommunications Infrastructure in Residential Neigbourhoods of Lagos Metropolis
2011 |
Olajide Oluwafemi |
Locational Analysis of Telecommunications Infrastructure in Residential Neigbourhoods of Lagos Metropolis
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Ciupa Szymon |
Local land use plan on web site or information about land use? Examples from Poland.
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Fogel Piotr |
Local land use plan on web site or information about land use? Examples from Poland.
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Local Developmental State? State-led Entrepreneurial City? Deconstructing Shenzhen's Pathway of Local Growth Political Economy Pressed by Pearl River Delta Intercity Competiiton
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Schroeder Carolin |
Local Climate Adaptation Governance: Challenges to Transformation
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Local Agenda 21 Plus Josefstadt: Smart Projects to Share Space, Talents, Knowledge, Objects and much more
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Local Agenda 21 Plus Josefstadt: Smart Projects to Share Space, Talents, Knowledge, Objects and much more
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Jiang Ying |
Living Heritage Protection in China Urban Renewal Planning: A Case Study of Quanzhou West Street
2015 |
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Living Heritage Protection in China Urban Renewal Planning: A Case Study of Quanzhou West Street
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Ye Cheng Liu |
Living Heritage Protection in China Urban Renewal Planning: A Case Study of Quanzhou West Street
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Nieminen Niina |
Living Environment Information Services – Enhancing the Collaboration between Authorities and the Citizens
2013 |
Tanskanen Tiia |
Living Environment Information Services – Enhancing the Collaboration between Authorities and the Citizens
2013 |
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Year |
Vartiainen Kaarina |
Living Environment Information Services – Enhancing the Collaboration between Authorities and the Citizens
2013 |
De Kempeneer Niels |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
De Mulder Sophie |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Goethals Michel |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Gomme Liesbeth |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Mampaey Maja |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Teughels Caroline |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Van Campenhout Karen |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Van Haute Geert |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Van Haver Philippe |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Van Hoof Tine |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
Verlaek Mart |
Living and Working in a Healthy Environment: How Sensor Research in Flanders can Help Measure and Monitor Exposure to Certain Environmental Factors
2023 |
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Liveable City TP. Ho Chi Minh - Adaptation as response to impacts of climate change
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Schinkel Ulrike |
Liveable City TP. Ho Chi Minh - Adaptation as response to impacts of climate change
2009 |
Downes Nigel |
Liveable and Resilient Ho Chi Minh City: Tackling the Challenges of Climate Change, Energy Security and Sustainable Urban Development
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Storch Harry |
Liveable and Resilient Ho Chi Minh City: Tackling the Challenges of Climate Change, Energy Security and Sustainable Urban Development
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Mitrovic Biserka |
Livability and Social Integration vs. Economic Crisis and Trends of Transition: Case Study of Local Planning in Belgrade
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Simeuncevic-Radulovic Sanja |
Livability and Social Integration vs. Economic Crisis and Trends of Transition: Case Study of Local Planning in Belgrade
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Morgado Sofia |
Lisbon: Towards a supra-metropolitan configuration?
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Abdel-Salam Hassan |
Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities
2019 |
Abdo Mai |
Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities
2019 |
Ayad Hany |
Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities
2019 |
Taha Dina |
Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities
2019 |
Harnoncourt Max |
Linking facts - Web 2.0 für Bauprojekte
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Alberts Maris |
Linked Open Data for Environmental Protection in Smart Regions - the New Challenge for the Use of Environmental Data and Information
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Barvika Sarmite |
Linked Open Data for Environmental Protection in Smart Regions - the New Challenge for the Use of Environmental Data and Information
2014 |
Charvat Karel |
Linked Open Data for Environmental Protection in Smart Regions - the New Challenge for the Use of Environmental Data and Information
2014 |
Hamann Daniel |
LIMES – Turning on the Light Switch
2013 |
Wunderlich Katrin |
LIMES – Turning on the Light Switch
2013 |
Schafranski Franz |
LIMES – Older than the Way of St. James
2013 |
Althoff Sebastian |
LIMES – Large Scale Mobile European Services for Culture Tourism
2012 |
Kratz Norman |
LIMES – Large Scale Mobile European Services for Culture Tourism
2012 |
Landwehr Gregor |
LIMES – Large Scale Mobile European Services for Culture Tourism
2012 |
Zeimentz Rainer |
LIMES – From Beacons to Facebook
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Borgers Aloys |
Lifestyles, New Uses, and the Redevelopment of Industrial Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Strijp-S, Eindhoven
2019 |
Dane Gamze |
Lifestyles, New Uses, and the Redevelopment of Industrial Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Strijp-S, Eindhoven
2019 |
Tilma Femke |
Lifestyles, New Uses, and the Redevelopment of Industrial Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Strijp-S, Eindhoven
2019 |
Koch Thomas |
Lifestyle Center – a new approach for designing better cities
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Libraries of Serbia on their way to the City 3.0
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Dane Gamze Z. |
Leveraging Newly Available Big Data for Urban Architectural Heritage: Designing a Recommendation System for Heritage Sites through the Lens of Social Media
2020 |
de Vries Bauke |
Leveraging Newly Available Big Data for Urban Architectural Heritage: Designing a Recommendation System for Heritage Sites through the Lens of Social Media
2020 |
Karayazi Sevim Sezi |
Leveraging Newly Available Big Data for Urban Architectural Heritage: Designing a Recommendation System for Heritage Sites through the Lens of Social Media
2020 |
Bormes Yvonne |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Hofbauer Kersten |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Kreiner Helmuth |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
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Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Maier Stephan |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Passer Alexander |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Rainer Ernst |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Schnitzer Hans |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
2014 |
Wieland Thomas |
Leitprojekt ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus
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Leichtbau im urbanen System: Potenzialanalyse für die Entwicklung performativer Planungsansätze bei innovativen Bauvorhaben
2022 |
Schwimmer Edith |
Leichtbau im urbanen System: Potenzialanalyse für die Entwicklung performativer Planungsansätze bei innovativen Bauvorhaben
2022 |
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Lebenszyklen und Transformationsprozesse eines städtischen Boulevards – die Rue de la République in Marseille
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Lebensrauminventare Flächenhafte Erfassung von Naturwerten für die Raumplanung
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Capari Leo |
Leben2050 - Bürgerbeteiligung in einer vorausschauenden Studie zu selbstbestimmtem Leben im Alter in Wien
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Gudowsky Niklas |
Leben2050 - Bürgerbeteiligung in einer vorausschauenden Studie zu selbstbestimmtem Leben im Alter in Wien
2014 |
Sotoudeh Mahshid |
Leben2050 - Bürgerbeteiligung in einer vorausschauenden Studie zu selbstbestimmtem Leben im Alter in Wien
2014 |
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Learning the public preferences for living environment characteristics: the experimental approach
2007 |
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Year |
Vorel Jakub |
Learning the public preferences for living environment characteristics: the experimental approach
2007 |
Fava Nadia |
Learning from Barcelona: Towards Urban Sustainability
2010 |
Marsal Maria Luisa |
Learning from Barcelona: Towards Urban Sustainability
2010 |
Cardinale Tiziana |
Le Politiche Temporali Urbane tra Pianificazione e Inclusivita Sociale: il Caso dei Piani Territoriali dei Tempi e degli Spazi della Regione Puglia in Italia
2013 |
Pavia Laura |
Le Politiche Temporali Urbane tra Pianificazione e Inclusivita Sociale: il Caso dei Piani Territoriali dei Tempi e degli Spazi della Regione Puglia in Italia
2013 |
Erlbeck Lars |
Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
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Kaufmann Hans Rüdiger |
Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
2024 |
Rädle Matthias |
Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
2024 |
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Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
2024 |
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Latent Heat Storage to Improve the Urban Microclimate
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Laserscanning in der Raumplanung
2004 |
Lüthy Jürg |
Laserscanning in der Raumplanung
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Murawski Manuel |
Large Housing Estates – Analysing the Morphologic Similarities and Differences of a Specific Town Planning Concept
2018 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Large Housing Estates – Analysing the Morphologic Similarities and Differences of a Specific Town Planning Concept
2018 |
Wurm Michael |
Large Housing Estates – Analysing the Morphologic Similarities and Differences of a Specific Town Planning Concept
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Langfristige Bürger/-innen-Beteiligung - ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
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Landwirtschaftliche Raumplanung
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Pfusterschmid Sophie |
Landwirtschaftliche Raumplanung
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Landwirtschaftliche Raumplanung
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Körnig-Pich Rebecca |
Landwirtschaftliche Konversion – Chancen der Umnutzung ehemaliger Landwirtschaftsbetriebe an den Siedlungsrändern
2017 |
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Landside-Airside-Schnittstelle für die Energie- und Verkehrswende?
2022 |
Erny Gudrun |
Landschaftsplanung im Internet
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Landscape planning and visualisation -World Construction @ Frankfurt
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Landscape as a Connection – Beyond Boundaries
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Landscape as a Connection – Beyond Boundaries
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Zaninovic Josip |
Landscape as a Connection – Beyond Boundaries
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Landing an airport? Airport development and strategic land use planning in the EU
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LANDINFORMATIONSSYSTEM Österreich - ein neuer Datensatz für regionale Raumordnungsfragen
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Abart-Heriszt Lore |
Landesweite, GIS-unterstützte Standortbeurteilung als Grundlage für die überörtliche Raumplanung
1999 |
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Landesweite, GIS-unterstützte Standortbeurteilung als Grundlage für die überörtliche Raumplanung
1999 |
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Landesweite 3D-Stadtmodelle im Internet auf Basis offener Standards des Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC) - das Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalen-3D
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Landesweite 3D-Stadtmodelle im Internet auf Basis offener Standards des Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC) - das Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalen-3D
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Landesweite 3D-Stadtmodelle im Internet auf Basis offener Standards des Open Geospatial Consortiums (OGC) - das Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalen-3D
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Tsouderos Ioannis |
Land Uses: Anything Anywhere & Anytime? Yes, but How Thematically and Where Areally?
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Land uses in Greek cities
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Stefanou Joseph |
Land uses in Greek cities
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Dimelli Despina |
Land uses allocation as key to city's environmental improvement
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Land uses allocation as key to city's environmental improvement
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Claeys Marjolijn |
Land Use Plans: Long Live the Crocodiles
2015 |
Leinfelder Hans |
Land Use Plans: Long Live the Crocodiles
2015 |
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Adekunle Salami |
Land Use and Traffic Pattern along Lagos – Badagry Corridor, Lagos, Nigeria
2011 |
Alade Wale |
Land Use and Traffic Pattern along Lagos – Badagry Corridor, Lagos, Nigeria
2011 |
Oduwaye Leke |
Land Use and Traffic Pattern along Lagos – Badagry Corridor, Lagos, Nigeria
2011 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Land Use and Physical Structure Changes: An Expo of Maboneng Precinct
2019 |
Letlape Bonolo |
Land Use and Physical Structure Changes: An Expo of Maboneng Precinct
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Ingwani Emaculate |
Land Transactions and Planning Interventions in Domboshava Peri-Urban Communal Area, Zimbabwe: Challenges and Pitfalls
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Niemann Karl |
Land oder Stadt, das ist die Entscheidung einer persönlichen Raumplanung
2018 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Land l(i)eben â künftig alles smart? Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation für regionale Entwicklung am Beispiel des Landkreises Kusel
2023 |
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Land l(i)eben â künftig alles smart? Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation für regionale Entwicklung am Beispiel des Landkreises Kusel
2023 |
Handayani Wiwandari |
Land Demand and Land Potential of Central Java in 2030: a Forecast to Promote a More Balanced Development Policy
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Borra Bernardina |
Land as a Scarce Resource, Work and Workspaces as a Common. The Case of the Metropolitan Region Amsterdam
2020 |
Urhahn Gert |
Land as a Scarce Resource, Work and Workspaces as a Common. The Case of the Metropolitan Region Amsterdam
2020 |
Mansberger Reinfried |
Land Administration to Decrease the Poverty?
2017 |
Navratil Gerhard |
Land Administration to Decrease the Poverty?
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Dutta Bikram Kumar |
Land Acquisition Policy in India: An effictive Inclusive Planning or Exclusive Planning Policy?
2014 |
Dietrich Carolin |
Lampertheim effizient - Herausforderungen für Mittelstädte im Rahmen der Smart-City-Debatte
2014 |
Trum Anika |
Lampertheim effizient - Herausforderungen für Mittelstädte im Rahmen der Smart-City-Debatte
2014 |
Witte Andreas |
Lampertheim effizient - Herausforderungen für Mittelstädte im Rahmen der Smart-City-Debatte
2014 |
Sidel Regina |
L(i)ebenswerte Quartiere - Methode der Wohnportraits als Beitrag zur smarteren Planung?!
2014 |
Stiewe Mechtild |
L(i)ebenswerte Quartiere - Methode der Wohnportraits als Beitrag zur smarteren Planung?!
2014 |
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Floris Roberta |
L'altra faccia dell'economia: gli street vendors e l'uso dello spazio urbano nell'area metropolitana di Cagliari
2013 |
Mereu Anania |
L'altra faccia dell'economia: gli street vendors e l'uso dello spazio urbano nell'area metropolitana di Cagliari
2013 |
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Kultivierung von Kultur- und WIssensräumen - nachhaltige Prozesse kultivieren statt vergeblich Ideal-Zustände planen
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Jusoh Hamzah |
Kuala Lumpur towards a sustainable and competitive globalizing city region: Can multimedia super corridor (MSC) be a driving force?
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KSIUNDERGROUND – kommunale Serviceplattform für Abwasser-Infrastrukturen
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Emberger Günter |
Kritische Betrachtung rechnergestützter Verkehrsplanung
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Pfaffenbichler Paul |
Kritische Betrachtung rechnergestützter Verkehrsplanung
1999 |
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Kostenreduktion im Bereich der Infrastruktur durch LifeCycle-Management
2012 |
Fritz Roman |
Kostenreduktion im Bereich der Infrastruktur durch LifeCycle-Management
2012 |
Falch Reinhard |
Kosten-Entwicklung des EDV-Einsatzes in der Raumplanung
1997 |
Röck Hartwig |
Kosten-Entwicklung des EDV-Einsatzes in der Raumplanung
1997 |
Spielmann Klaus |
Kosten-Entwicklung des EDV-Einsatzes in der Raumplanung
1997 |
Friedwagner Andreas |
KORS - Verkehrsreduktion durch kompakte Raumstrukturen
2007 |
Langthaler Thomas |
KORS - Verkehrsreduktion durch kompakte Raumstrukturen
2007 |
Figl Hildegrund |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Kerschbaum Elisabeth |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Laurent Pierre |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Schneider Simon |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Tabakovic Momir |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Zelger Thomas |
Korneuburg's way2smart – Mobility Concept, Energy Platform and Social Interaction
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Huemer Johannes |
Korneuburg 2036 — eine Stadt plant sich selbst. Die Frage nach Langfristigkeit und Verlässlichkeit in der kooperativen Stadtentwicklung
2016 |
Schauppenlehner-Kloyber Elisabeth |
Korneuburg 2036 — eine Stadt plant sich selbst. Die Frage nach Langfristigkeit und Verlässlichkeit in der kooperativen Stadtentwicklung
2016 |
Dimitrijevic Maja |
KornetCity: An Operational Model for Belgrade, Serbia
2010 |
Prosperi David |
KornetCity: An Operational Model for Belgrade, Serbia
2010 |
Kropf Heimo |
Koordination und Kooperation von nationalen Verkehrsforschungsprogrammen in Europa im Rahmen von ERA-NET-Transport - ein Zwischenbericht
2006 |
Lenhart Michael |
Kooperatives Planen und Entwerfen über Netzportale
2001 |
Zeile Peter |
Kooperatives Planen und Entwerfen über Netzportale
2001 |
Deutsch Michael |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Gürtl Karlheinz |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Hammerl Barbara |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Herzog Gabriele |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Stawecka Gosia |
Kooperativer Planungsprozess zur Transformation der Zinzendorfgasse in Graz in eine Begegnungszone
2022 |
Schildwächter Ralph |
Kooperative Planungs- und Kommunikationsplattform
2003 |
Wettels Pierre |
Kooperative Planungs- und Kommunikationsplattform
2003 |
Zeile Peter |
Kooperative Planungs- und Kommunikationsplattform
2003 |
Küpferle Christoph |
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines DSS-Planer-Client im Interreg-IIIB-Projekt FLOWS (Flood Plain Land Use Optimizing Workable Sustainability)
2006 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines DSS-Planer-Client im Interreg-IIIB-Projekt FLOWS (Flood Plain Land Use Optimizing Workable Sustainability)
2006 |
Simon Olaf |
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines DSS-Planer-Client im Interreg-IIIB-Projekt FLOWS (Flood Plain Land Use Optimizing Workable Sustainability)
2006 |
Tressl Stephan |
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines DSS-Planer-Client im Interreg-IIIB-Projekt FLOWS (Flood Plain Land Use Optimizing Workable Sustainability)
2006 |
Trillitzsch Uwe |
Konzeption, Aufbau und Einsatz des digitalen Flächennutzungsplans der Stadt Herne
1999 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wegner Harald |
Konzeption, Aufbau und Einsatz des digitalen Flächennutzungsplans der Stadt Herne
1999 |
Jetter Eric |
Konzeption und Realisierung der Präsentation komplexer Planinhalte auf CD-ROM - der PLANALYST
2002 |
Jung Stefan |
Konzeption und Realisierung der Präsentation komplexer Planinhalte auf CD-ROM - der PLANALYST
2002 |
Schaal Peter |
Konzeption und Realisierung der Präsentation komplexer Planinhalte auf CD-ROM - der PLANALYST
2002 |
Slaby Nico |
Konzeption und Realisierung der Präsentation komplexer Planinhalte auf CD-ROM - der PLANALYST
2002 |
Zepf Elmar |
Konzeption für die Stadt in der Informationsgesellschaft - Wie wird aus der konventionellen Stadt ein Ort der Interaktion und des Lernens?
2000 |
Benner Joachim |
Konzepte länderspezifischer Erweiterungen standardiserter Objektmodelle am Beispiel des Standards XPlanung in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
2010 |
Eichhorn Thomas |
Konzepte länderspezifischer Erweiterungen standardiserter Objektmodelle am Beispiel des Standards XPlanung in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
2010 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Konzepte länderspezifischer Erweiterungen standardiserter Objektmodelle am Beispiel des Standards XPlanung in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
2010 |
Finger Ralf |
Konzept und Entwicklung einer digitalen Arbeitskarte zum Regenwassermanagement für das Stadtgebiet Dortmund Vorname Name
1999 |
Glende Annelies |
Konzept und Entwicklung einer digitalen Arbeitskarte zum Regenwassermanagement für das Stadtgebiet Dortmund Vorname Name
1999 |
Schwarz-v. Raumer Hans-Georg |
Konzept und Anwendung einer GIS-gestützten Modell- und Methodenbank für die raumbezogene Planung
1996 |
Riedl Manfred |
Konzept für eine Österreichische Geodatenpolitik
2003 |
Kissel Harald |
Konversion in Darmstadt
2011 |
Buchmüller Lydia |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Frey Annett |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Hasner Rolf |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Schäfer Sonja |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Weidner Uli |
Kontextualisierte und integrale Planungspattformen in der physischen und virtuellen Welt - Europas Zukunft
2002 |
Taghian Christiana |
Konsens durch Kommunikation. Chancen und Strategien für nachhaltige Lösungen bei Veränderungsprozessen in der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wiklund Michael |
Konsens durch Kommunikation. Chancen und Strategien für nachhaltige Lösungen bei Veränderungsprozessen in der Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung
2004 |
Kordina Hans |
Konfliktsituationen in der (offenen) Planung. Lösungen und Anforderungen an die Städte
2010 |
Riedmann Bettina |
Konfliktsituationen in der (offenen) Planung. Lösungen und Anforderungen an die Städte
2010 |
Gertz Carsten |
Konfliktfelder von wachsenden Logistikknoten
2008 |
Wagner Tina |
Konfliktfelder von wachsenden Logistikknoten
2008 |
Brandenburg Christiane |
Konfliktbewältigung und Konfliktprävention beim Management landschaftsbezogener Freizeit- und Erholungsaktivitäten
2007 |
Ziener Karen |
Konfliktbewältigung und Konfliktprävention beim Management landschaftsbezogener Freizeit- und Erholungsaktivitäten
2007 |
Czeranka Marion |
Kompensation in der Raumplanung mit GIS-Unterstützung
1997 |
Peithmann Ortwin |
Kompensation in der Raumplanung mit GIS-Unterstützung
1997 |
Paumgartner Gabriela |
Kommunikationsstrategien für erfolgreiche Stadtviertelentwicklung am Praxisbeispiel "Andräviertel"
2011 |
Drewitz Silke |
Kommunales Informationsmanagement: Partielle Umsetzung eines umfassenden Kommunalen Informationssystems auf Grundlage der Stadtverwaltung Pirmasens
2001 |
Stark Carmen |
Kommunales Informationsmanagement: Partielle Umsetzung eines umfassenden Kommunalen Informationssystems auf Grundlage der Stadtverwaltung Pirmasens
2001 |
Brandl Anja |
Kommunales Handeln beim Flächenmanagement
2009 |
Jooss Rüdiger |
Kommunale Schutzverantwortung für Zielarten der Fauna in Baden-Württemberg: ein planungsorientierter Einsatz von Habitatmodellen
2005 |
Prinz Thomas |
Kommunale Raumanalyse mit Nachhaltigkeits-Indikatoren
2005 |
Reithofer Josef |
Kommunale Raumanalyse mit Nachhaltigkeits-Indikatoren
2005 |
Graf Katharina |
Kommunale Profile zur Prüfung möglicher Ãbertragbarkeiten von lokalen Entwicklungskonzepten
2020 |
Graf Katharina |
Kommunale Profile zur Prüfung möglicher Ãbertragbarkeiten von lokalen Entwicklungskonzepten
2020 |
von Both Petra |
Kommunale Profile zur Prüfung möglicher Ãbertragbarkeiten von lokalen Entwicklungskonzepten
2020 |
Kalasek Robert |
Kommunale Informationssysteme in Österreich
1997 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Berger Martin |
Kombiniertes Carsharing und Ridesharing: eine gemeinschaftsbasierte Mobilitätslösung für den ländlichen Raum?
2017 |
Dorner Fabian |
Kombiniertes Carsharing und Ridesharing: eine gemeinschaftsbasierte Mobilitätslösung für den ländlichen Raum?
2017 |
Braito Michael |
Kollektive Strategien für zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung – Erfahrungen aus einem partizipativen Szenarienprozess in Niederösterreich
2013 |
Penker Marianne |
Kollektive Strategien für zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung – Erfahrungen aus einem partizipativen Szenarienprozess in Niederösterreich
2013 |
Schauppenlehner-Kloyber Elisabeth |
Kollektive Strategien für zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung – Erfahrungen aus einem partizipativen Szenarienprozess in Niederösterreich
2013 |
Schreiner Sarah C. |
Ko-produktive Stadtentwicklung? Steuerungsansätze und Steuerungsprobleme mit kreativen Wertschöpfungsprozessen
2020 |
Drewe Paul |
Knowledge-based urban and regional development in the ICT age - the rich and the latecomers
2004 |
Fink Theresa |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Geier Stefan |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Gugumuck Andreas |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Jung Martin |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Löffler Roman |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Podmirsek Daniel |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Vobruba Tamara |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Wirth Maria |
KLIMUR: Methodik für ein klimaresilientes urbanes Ressourcenmanagement zur Umsetzung einer lokalen Ressourcenkreislaufwirtschaft
2022 |
Bäumer Doris |
Klimaverträglich mobil in Zeiten des demographischen Wandels – wie Wohnen Mobilität bestimmt
2013 |
Stiewe Mechtild |
Klimaverträglich mobil in Zeiten des demographischen Wandels – wie Wohnen Mobilität bestimmt
2013 |
Fabisch Martin |
Klimabelange in der Bauleitplanung
2020 |
Henninger Sascha |
Klimabelange in der Bauleitplanung
2020 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Langer Thomas |
Klimabelange in der Bauleitplanung
2020 |
Rumberg Martin |
Klimabelange in der Bauleitplanung
2020 |
Häusler Axel |
KI-gestützter Wordcloud-Generator für Beteiligungsprozesse
2021 |
Oldenburg Carsten |
KI-gestützter Wordcloud-Generator für Beteiligungsprozesse
2021 |
Böhmer Hans Jürgen |
KGIS, ein katasterbasiertes Kulturlandschaftsinformationssystem als Grundlage für die Landschaftsplanung.
2003 |
Bender Oliver |
KGIS, ein katasterbasiertes Kulturlandschaftsinformationssystem als Grundlage für die Landschaftsplanung.
2003 |
Jens Doreen |
KGIS, ein katasterbasiertes Kulturlandschaftsinformationssystem als Grundlage für die Landschaftsplanung.
2003 |
Laconte Pierre |
Keynote: Urban planning and transport in the global economy: What can be done?
2006 |
Junussova Madina |
Key Impacts of Economic Integration of Kazakhstan on Spatial Development of its Settlements
2012 |
Scoppetta Cecilia |
Keeping the Public Sphere Anchored to Social Changes
2013 |
Lechthaler Mirjanka |
Kartographisches Datenqualitätskonzept in einem komplexen Rauminformationssystem
1999 |
Gartner Georg |
Kartographie und Internet - Auswirkungen für die moderne Kartographie
1998 |
Bauer-Wolf Stefan |
Karten gegen "Grenzen im Kopf"
2000 |
Niedertscheider Hannes |
Kann die Raumordnung online ein Schritt zur besseren Raumordnung in Tirol sein?
2002 |
Judmayr Susanne |
Kalibrierungsprozeduren von Verkehrsmodellen am Beispiel einer durchgeführten Verkehrsprognose für den Personen- und Güterverkehr in Europa
1998 |
Pamer Volkmar |
KABELWERK, Genese eines neuen Stadtteils
2007 |
Seethaler Christian |
KABELWERK, Genese eines neuen Stadtteils
2007 |
Petersen Ulrike |
2000 |
Zepf Elmar |
Können lokal Verwurzelte die globale Gesellschaft bereichern?
2003 |
Kubeczko Klaus |
JPI Urban Europe – Urban Megatrends Study
2013 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Loibl Wolfgang |
JPI Urban Europe – Urban Megatrends Study
2013 |
Riegler Johannes |
JPI Urban Europe – Urban Megatrends Study
2013 |
Schwarz Hans-Günther |
Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe – a new Approach to Funding Research on Urban Issues and Technologies in Europe
2011 |
Eiraji Javad |
Ivan: Creator of Sustainability in Iranian Old Houses
2012 |
Joudi Gollar Pouya |
Ivan: Creator of Sustainability in Iranian Old Houses
2012 |
Ramiz Amin |
Ivan: Creator of Sustainability in Iranian Old Houses
2012 |
Tutunchi Sayed Saeed |
Ivan: Creator of Sustainability in Iranian Old Houses
2012 |
Fiby Hans |
ITS Vienna Region - Verkehrsmanagement in der Ost-Region
2007 |
Ossberger Markus |
It's the Footprint, Stupid! Urban Assessment by Footprinting Public Transit
2012 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
It's Not Big, It's Large: Mapping and Characterizing Urban Landscapes of a Different Magnitude based on EO Data
2014 |
Wiesner Michael |
It's Not Big, It's Large: Mapping and Characterizing Urban Landscapes of a Different Magnitude based on EO Data
2014 |
Maruna Marija |
IT modeling experience in urban and regional development
2004 |
Maruna Vladimir |
IT modeling experience in urban and regional development
2004 |
Brunner Stefan |
ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)
2018 |
Fürdös Alexander |
ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)
2018 |
Sager Thomas |
ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)
2018 |
Stiasny Alexander M. |
ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)
2018 |
Barboric Blaz |
ISTER: Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes with a GIS-based Territorial Atlas and an Online Interactive Tool
2022 |
Beyer Clemens |
ISTER: Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes with a GIS-based Territorial Atlas and an Online Interactive Tool
2022 |
Neugebauer Georg |
ISTER: Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes with a GIS-based Territorial Atlas and an Online Interactive Tool
2022 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schrenk Manfred |
ISTER: Connecting Historical Danube Regions Roman Routes with a GIS-based Territorial Atlas and an Online Interactive Tool
2022 |
Franck Georg |
Ist die Raumplanung ein Motorrad? Zur Frage einer zeitgemäßen Implementierung des Ziels nachhaltiger Raumentwicklung
2000 |
Wieland Thomas |
Ist der Onlinehandel Wettbewerbstreiber oder gar "Rettungsanker" für unsere Städte? Eine modellgestützte Analyse der Determinanten des Einkaufsverhaltens im Multi- und Cross-Channel-Kontext
2021 |
Bates-Brkljac Nada |
Issues in use of computer generated representations of large-scale urban developments as planning support tools
2007 |
Counsell John |
Issues in use of computer generated representations of large-scale urban developments as planning support tools
2007 |
Papastefanou Georgios |
Isovist and Psycho-Physiological Stress at the Pedestrian Level: A Real-Time Measurement Case Study in a High-Density City
2019 |
Xiang Luyao |
Isovist and Psycho-Physiological Stress at the Pedestrian Level: A Real-Time Measurement Case Study in a High-Density City
2019 |
Aufhauser Martin |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Brandstetter Tom |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Buchenberger Malene |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Hirschler Petra |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Janesch Theresa |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Mauri Annalisa |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Pescatore Elio |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Pühringer Florian |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Sattlegger Sebastian |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Tomaselli Markus |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Zech Sibylla |
ISEK â A Regional Approach to Inner City Development
2024 |
Debray Henri |
Is the New Silk Road Enhancing Urban Expansion? Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Remote Sensing Data
2021 |
Soltani Salim |
Is the New Silk Road Enhancing Urban Expansion? Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Remote Sensing Data
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Is the New Silk Road Enhancing Urban Expansion? Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Remote Sensing Data
2021 |
Zhu Xiao Xiang |
Is the New Silk Road Enhancing Urban Expansion? Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Remote Sensing Data
2021 |
Bakija Dukagjin |
Is Junik Unique? Devising Planning Policy Documents "in-house"
2010 |
Gashi Lumnije |
Is Junik Unique? Devising Planning Policy Documents "in-house"
2010 |
Tofaj Ferdone |
Is Junik Unique? Devising Planning Policy Documents "in-house"
2010 |
Yaha Teuta |
Is Junik Unique? Devising Planning Policy Documents "in-house"
2010 |
Jenssen Till |
Is Green Infrastructure a Game Changer for Sustainable Regional Development? A Scenario Approach for Stuttgart Region
2020 |
Lefebvre Olivier |
Is disinformation easier than in the past?
2008 |
Birett Christina |
Is Bike Sharing Competitor, Relief or Supplement to Public Transport?
2017 |
Brezina Tadej |
Is Bike Sharing Competitor, Relief or Supplement to Public Transport?
2017 |
Leth Ulrich |
Is Bike Sharing Competitor, Relief or Supplement to Public Transport?
2017 |
Ludwig Bertram |
Is Bike Sharing Competitor, Relief or Supplement to Public Transport?
2017 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Investigation of the State of Spatial Transformation Policy and Practice: Lessons from the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Makoni Eric |
Investigation of the State of Spatial Transformation Policy and Practice: Lessons from the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Moyo Thembani |
Investigation of the State of Spatial Transformation Policy and Practice: Lessons from the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Phosho Mueletshedzi Helen |
Investigation of the State of Spatial Transformation Policy and Practice: Lessons from the City of Johannesburg
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Investigating Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Cities Development Nexus in the City of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
2023 |
Makoni Eric |
Investigating Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Cities Development Nexus in the City of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
2023 |
Ndlazi Sphamandla |
Investigating Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Cities Development Nexus in the City of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Investigating the Research Landscape of Virtual Reality in Built Environment Education on the African Continent: a Bibliometric Review
2024 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Lawrence Kiara |
Investigating the Research Landscape of Virtual Reality in Built Environment Education on the African Continent: a Bibliometric Review
2024 |
Pillay Nischolan |
Investigating the Research Landscape of Virtual Reality in Built Environment Education on the African Continent: a Bibliometric Review
2024 |
Al-Hagla Khalid |
Investigating the Main Factors of Neighbourhood Morphology Affecting Social Cohesion: SEM-PLS Analysis Approach
2023 |
Fikry Mohamed |
Investigating the Main Factors of Neighbourhood Morphology Affecting Social Cohesion: SEM-PLS Analysis Approach
2023 |
Morsy Doaa |
Investigating the Main Factors of Neighbourhood Morphology Affecting Social Cohesion: SEM-PLS Analysis Approach
2023 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Investigating the Environmental and Economic Benefit of Waste to Energy Project: a Case Study of Methane Gas at the Thohoyandou Landfill Site
2023 |
Kone Mukona |
Investigating the Environmental and Economic Benefit of Waste to Energy Project: a Case Study of Methane Gas at the Thohoyandou Landfill Site
2023 |
Tinaro David |
Investigating the Environmental and Economic Benefit of Waste to Energy Project: a Case Study of Methane Gas at the Thohoyandou Landfill Site
2023 |
Hainoun Ali |
Introduction of Key Nexus Indicators to Assess the Urban Food-Water-Energy Nexus within the SUNEX Project
2021 |
Hainoun Ali |
Introduction of Key Nexus Indicators to Assess the Urban Food-Water-Energy Nexus within the SUNEX Project
2021 |
Loibl Wolfgang |
Introduction of Key Nexus Indicators to Assess the Urban Food-Water-Energy Nexus within the SUNEX Project
2021 |
Chen Hang Yi |
Introducing Integrated Eco-Mobility to the New Asian Urban Model – Filling Systemic Transit Convenience Gaps. A Case in Chongqing's High-Density Jiangbei Centre
2012 |
Rau Stefan |
Introducing Integrated Eco-Mobility to the New Asian Urban Model – Filling Systemic Transit Convenience Gaps. A Case in Chongqing's High-Density Jiangbei Centre
2012 |
Xu Jianfeng |
Introducing Integrated Eco-Mobility to the New Asian Urban Model – Filling Systemic Transit Convenience Gaps. A Case in Chongqing's High-Density Jiangbei Centre
2012 |
Zhang Yi Hua |
Introducing Integrated Eco-Mobility to the New Asian Urban Model – Filling Systemic Transit Convenience Gaps. A Case in Chongqing's High-Density Jiangbei Centre
2012 |
Markvica Karin |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Markvica Karin |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Millonig Alexandra |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Millonig Alexandra |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Rudloff Christian |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Rudloff Christian |
Introducing Additional Low Emission Mobility Offers in a Well Connected Area: Challenges and Opportunities
2017 |
Haupt Thomas |
INTREST + EUROMAP: Intermodal digital network models for Europe
2004 |
McFarland Karsten |
INTREST + EUROMAP: Intermodal digital network models for Europe
2004 |
Ortgiese Michael |
INTREST + EUROMAP: Intermodal digital network models for Europe
2004 |
Lawanson Taibat |
Intra-Urban Differentials in Poverty and Livelihoods in Selected Residential Neighbourhoods of Lagos Metropolis
2012 |
Aranya Rolee |
Intra-metropolitan location for global production: Case of the IT industry in Bangalore City
2005 |
Iaconesi Salvatore |
Interweaving the Digital and Analog Lives of Cities: Urban Sensing and User-Generated Cities
2013 |
Persico Oriana |
Interweaving the Digital and Analog Lives of Cities: Urban Sensing and User-Generated Cities
2013 |
Achatz Paul |
Interventionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätskultur?
2020 |
Berger Martin |
Interventionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätskultur?
2020 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Interventionen für eine nachhaltige Mobilitätskultur?
2020 |
Astuti Zulaikha B. |
Intertwining Big Events and Urban Strategy within Life Cycle Analysis: the Case of Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
2011 |
Lourenco Julia M. |
Intertwining Big Events and Urban Strategy within Life Cycle Analysis: the Case of Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
2011 |
Mbayahe Tresor |
Interrogating Community Participation in Sustainable Water and Sanitation Management in South Africa: Policy Implications
2015 |
Musakwa Walter |
Interrogating Community Participation in Sustainable Water and Sanitation Management in South Africa: Policy Implications
2015 |
Bitzis Ioannis |
Interreg IIIB CADSES 5C105 RARE, A Project on Railway Stations Revitalisation using the PPP approach
2007 |
Kanakoudis Vassilis |
Interreg IIIB CADSES 5C105 RARE, A Project on Railway Stations Revitalisation using the PPP approach
2007 |
Sanopoulos Angelos |
Interreg IIIB CADSES 5C105 RARE, A Project on Railway Stations Revitalisation using the PPP approach
2007 |
Dumfarth Erich |
Interpolation von Bodenpreisoberflächen für die Stadt Salzburg
1996 |
Kuhlmann Christian |
Internetnutzung in einem Stadtplanungsamt. am Beispiel der Stadt Biberach/Riss
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Köhler Stephan |
Internetgestützte Partizipation in der Verkehrsplanung: Beteiligung und Planungsoptimierung
2007 |
Schulze-Wolf Tilmann |
Internetgestützte Partizipation in der Verkehrsplanung: Beteiligung und Planungsoptimierung
2007 |
Hollenbach Jörn |
Internetgestützte Beteiligungsverfahren in der Regional- und Landesplanung Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
2008 |
Richter Andreas |
Internetgestützte Beteiligungsverfahren in der Regional- und Landesplanung Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
2008 |
Schulze-Wolf Tilmann |
Internetgestützte Beteiligungsverfahren in der Raumplanung - Ressourceneinsparung und zentraler Baustein einer E-Democracy-Strategie
2005 |
Gehlhaar Arne |
Internetgestützte Bürgerbeteiligung in der Stadtplanung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und das Beispiel des Informations- und Diskussionsforums
2000 |
Zerweck Daniel |
Internetgestützte Bürgerbeteiligung in der Stadtplanung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und das Beispiel des Informations- und Diskussionsforums
2000 |
Hagedorn Hans |
Internet-basierte Bürgerbeteiligung Esslingen. Relevanz - Moderation - Software
2002 |
Märker Oliver |
Internet-basierte Bürgerbeteiligung Esslingen. Relevanz - Moderation - Software
2002 |
Trenel Matthias |
Internet-basierte Bürgerbeteiligung Esslingen. Relevanz - Moderation - Software
2002 |
Perian Thomas |
Internet im Stadtplanungsamt Solingen Mehr Information? Mehr Partizipation?
1997 |
Lindner Christian |
Internet based tool fpr assessing regional location factors
2004 |
Elgendy Hany |
2000 |
Hagspiel Edgar |
Internationale Datenbanken: Suburbanisierung und Fragmentierung im Tertiärsektor in ausgewählten europäischen Metropolen
2003 |
Pöckl Anita |
Internationale Datenbanken: Suburbanisierung und Fragmentierung im Tertiärsektor in ausgewählten europäischen Metropolen
2003 |
Steinhauer Christina |
International Knowledge Transfer – Analysis of Planning Cultures
2011 |
Chloupek Alexander |
Intermodale und -operable Projekte in den Korridoren
2003 |
Möltgen Jörn |
Interdisziplinäre Methoden- und Werkzeuge für das Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagement - FLUMAGIS
2003 |
Stockinger Johann |
Interaktives Portal für Kultur & Informatik: Das Forum der OCG
2002 |
Beyer Clemens |
Interaktives Erzeugen von thematischen Karten mit CentropeMAP und CentropeSTATISTICS
2021 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Schrenk Manfred |
Interaktives Erzeugen von thematischen Karten mit CentropeMAP und CentropeSTATISTICS
2021 |
Almer Alexander |
Interaktives 3D Informationssystem für Planung und Tourismus
2000 |
Nischelwitzer Alexander Kurt |
Interaktives 3D Informationssystem für Planung und Tourismus
2000 |
Tiedtke Simone |
Interaktiver Landschaftsplan: Internet und Multimedia in der Landschaftsplanung - Ziele und Zwischenergebnisse
2003 |
Warren-Kretzschmar Bartlett |
Interaktiver Landschaftsplan: Internet und Multimedia in der Landschaftsplanung - Ziele und Zwischenergebnisse
2003 |
Hachmann Roland |
Interaktive Landschaftsplanung in Königslutter am Elm
2004 |
Jörg Wolfgang |
Interaktive GIS-Applikation: Flächenwidmungs- und Bebauungsplan der Stadt Wien im Intra- und Internet
2000 |
Hennig Sabine |
Interaktive Bildschirmkarten: Instrument des Wissensmanagements als Grundlage für Planungsprozesse (am Beispiel des Nationalparks Berchtesgaden)
2004 |
Abramovic Ilja |
Interaktion im virtuellen Raum durch Echtzeitkopplung mit 2D-GIS
2005 |
Brauner Johannes |
Interaktion im virtuellen Raum durch Echtzeitkopplung mit 2D-GIS
2005 |
May Martin |
Interaktion im virtuellen Raum durch Echtzeitkopplung mit 2D-GIS
2005 |
Beyer Clemens |
Interactive Visualisation of Statistical Data with the CentropeSTATISTICS Cross-Border Geoportal
2016 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Interactive Visualisation of Statistical Data with the CentropeSTATISTICS Cross-Border Geoportal
2016 |
Meiforth Jutta |
Interactive landscape planning - results of a pilot study in Koenigslutter am Elm, Germany
2005 |
Neumann Arne |
Interactive landscape planning - results of a pilot study in Koenigslutter am Elm, Germany
2005 |
Warren-Kretzschmar Bartlett |
Interactive landscape planning - results of a pilot study in Koenigslutter am Elm, Germany
2005 |
Bade Korinna |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Helbig Dirk |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Nürnberger Andreas |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Pietsch Matthias |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Richter Andreas |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Schütz Lars |
Interaction with Interconnected Data in Participatory Processes
2016 |
Beosiere Francis |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Coelmont Inge |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Maes Kathleen |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Toebak Kathelijne |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Van Butsele Sylvianne |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Van de Water Ellen |
Inter-Governmental Partnership, Assemble Together
2015 |
Elisei Pietro |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Golubovic-Matic Darinka |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Laconte Pierre |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Popovich Tatiana |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Popovich Vasily V. |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Shutkov Vladimir |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Zagvozdkin Artem |
Intelligent Social Networks
2023 |
Pankin Andrei |
Intelligent GIS for monitoring systems development
2005 |
Popovich Vasily |
Intelligent GIS for monitoring systems development
2005 |
Potapichev Sergei |
Intelligent GIS for monitoring systems development
2005 |
Sorokin Ruslan |
Intelligent GIS for monitoring systems development
2005 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Wang Sicheng |
Intelligent Development Research on Job-Housing Space in Chinese Metropolitan Area under the Background of Rapid Urbanization
2016 |
Yun Yingxia |
Intelligent Development Research on Job-Housing Space in Chinese Metropolitan Area under the Background of Rapid Urbanization
2016 |
Abbasov Ali M. |
Intellectual system of the complex analysis of economic dynamics on time series
2004 |
Gulmammadov R. H. |
Intellectual system of the complex analysis of economic dynamics on time series
2004 |
Floeting Holger |
Intellectual capital reporting for regional cluster initiatives and networks – A tool to support innovation and regional development?
2008 |
Dannowski-Buhren Christian |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Guth Marvin |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Klein Ulrike |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Lindner Alexandra |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Schonlau Marcel |
Integriertes Monitoring als Werkzeug einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
2019 |
Altenburg Sven |
Integrierte Simulation von Raumentwicklung und Verkehr bei stark steigenden Energiepreisen
2012 |
Bohnet Max |
Integrierte Simulation von Raumentwicklung und Verkehr bei stark steigenden Energiepreisen
2012 |
Gertz Carsten |
Integrierte Simulation von Raumentwicklung und Verkehr bei stark steigenden Energiepreisen
2012 |
Maaß Jacqueline |
Integrierte Simulation von Raumentwicklung und Verkehr bei stark steigenden Energiepreisen
2012 |
Wilmersdorf Erich |
Integrierte Kommunale Informationssysteme als Dienstleister für Planung, Projektierung sowie für den Bürger
1998 |
Kurth Detlef |
Integrierte Betrachtung einer nachhaltigen Wärme- und Kältebewirtschaftung von Stadtquartieren
2021 |
Schittenhelm Corinna |
Integrierte Betrachtung einer nachhaltigen Wärme- und Kältebewirtschaftung von Stadtquartieren
2021 |
Egger Karin |
Integrierte 3D-Visualisierungs-Systeme für die Landschaftsplanung: Konzepte und Marktrealität
2001 |
Geier Bettina |
Integrierte 3D-Visualisierungs-Systeme für die Landschaftsplanung: Konzepte und Marktrealität
2001 |
Muhar Andreas |
Integrierte 3D-Visualisierungs-Systeme für die Landschaftsplanung: Konzepte und Marktrealität
2001 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Kordina Hans |
Integrativer Infrastrukturausbau im städtischen Raum – Entwicklungschancen durch moderne Mobilität
2018 |
Riedmann Bettina |
Integrativer Infrastrukturausbau im städtischen Raum – Entwicklungschancen durch moderne Mobilität
2018 |
Mrđenovic Tatjana |
Integrative Urban Design Game as a Method for Creating Liveable Urban Ambients
2012 |
Evers Mariele |
Integrative tools for land use and flood risk management
2007 |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Integrative tools for land use and flood risk management
2007 |
Bululukova Darya |
Integrative Secondary Education Programmes and Research in Smart Cities Context
2016 |
Tabakovic Momir |
Integrative Secondary Education Programmes and Research in Smart Cities Context
2016 |
Wahl Harald |
Integrative Secondary Education Programmes and Research in Smart Cities Context
2016 |
Grimm Karl |
Integrative Design Solutions for Connecting Street Trees to the Urban Water Cycle
2023 |
Grimm-Pretner Dagmar |
Integrative Design Solutions for Connecting Street Trees to the Urban Water Cycle
2023 |
Czeranka Marion |
Integrative Datenerhebung und –verarbeitung mit GPS, digitaler Kamera und GIS: "AGIS - PhotoMapper"
2000 |
Kaiser Konrad |
Integrative Datenerhebung und –verarbeitung mit GPS, digitaler Kamera und GIS: "AGIS - PhotoMapper"
2000 |
Jung Stefan |
Integration von Planerarbeitung und Planinterpretation in die GIS-Software
2001 |
Peithmann Ortwin |
Integration von Planerarbeitung und Planinterpretation in die GIS-Software
2001 |
Schaal Peter |
Integration von Planerarbeitung und Planinterpretation in die GIS-Software
2001 |
Wilmersdorf Erich |
Integration von Grundlagendaten und Bereitstellung von aktuellen Stadtmodellen im Netzwerk
1997 |
Burger Helmut |
Integration von GIS in das Informationsmangement der IHK für München und Oberbayern
2003 |
Fritzsche Andreas |
Integration von GIS in das Informationsmangement der IHK für München und Oberbayern
2003 |
Bauer Olaf |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Hoffmann Niels |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Krause Kai-Uwe |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Marrone Rainer |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Schmidt Joachim W. |
Integration von Geo- und Content-orientierten Web-Diensten: Eine OGC-konforme Lösung auf Basis der Open-Soure-Software des GIS-Projekts DEEGREE und der Coremedia Smart Content Technology
2004 |
Bröthaler Johann |
Integration von Fuzzy-Methoden in Bewertungsverfahren
1997 |
Reinberg Sebastian |
Integration von Fuzzy-Methoden in Bewertungsverfahren
1997 |
Bröthaler Johann |
Integration von EDV in die Raumplanerausbildung in Wien
1998 |
Riedl Leopold |
Integration von EDV in die Raumplanerausbildung in Wien
1998 |
Schrenk Manfred |
Integration von EDV in die Raumplanerausbildung in Wien
1998 |
Voigt Andreas |
Integration von EDV in die Raumplanerausbildung in Wien
1998 |
Berbenev Dmitry |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Claramunt Christophe |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Osipov Vasily |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Popovich Vasily |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Ray Cyril |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Wang Tianzhen |
Integration of Vessel Traffic Control Systems and Geographical Information Systems
2009 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
Integration of PRA with GIS for Planning of PERI Urban Areas
2018 |
Bandyopadhyay Piyali |
Integration of Multi-dimensional Rural and Urban Planning Efforts for Achieving SDG 13 â Indian Context
2021 |
Zając Małgorzata |
Integration of Inhabitants in Contemporary City
2011 |
Daneshpour Zohreh |
Integration of incomplete and scattered information to help urban planning and decision-making –With special reference to Tehran
2007 |
Al-Hagla Khaled |
Integration of Emotional Behavioural Layer "EmoBeL" in City Planning
2014 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Bakr Ali |
Integration of Emotional Behavioural Layer "EmoBeL" in City Planning
2014 |
Raslan Rania |
Integration of Emotional Behavioural Layer "EmoBeL" in City Planning
2014 |
Adebayo Ambrose |
Integration and Transformation of Post-Apartheid South African City Fabric
2010 |
Baer Daniela |
Integrating User Needs in Sustainable Neighbourhood Transition of the Smart City â Expanding Knowledge and Insight among Professional Stakeholders
2021 |
Ekambaram Anandasivakumar |
Integrating User Needs in Sustainable Neighbourhood Transition of the Smart City â Expanding Knowledge and Insight among Professional Stakeholders
2021 |
Birkmann Joern |
Integrating Socio-Economic Data in Spatial Analysis: An Exposure Assessment Method for Planning Urban Risk Mitigation
2010 |
Raupp Sonja |
Integrating Socio-Economic Data in Spatial Analysis: An Exposure Assessment Method for Planning Urban Risk Mitigation
2010 |
Setiadi Neysa Jacqueline |
Integrating Socio-Economic Data in Spatial Analysis: An Exposure Assessment Method for Planning Urban Risk Mitigation
2010 |
Taubenböck Hannes |
Integrating Socio-Economic Data in Spatial Analysis: An Exposure Assessment Method for Planning Urban Risk Mitigation
2010 |
Abd El Fattah Dalia |
Integrating Multi-Scalar Attributes in Assessing Urban Sustainability for the Built Environment in Heritage Sites: the SHAI Model
2023 |
Nayer Aida |
Integrating Multi-Scalar Attributes in Assessing Urban Sustainability for the Built Environment in Heritage Sites: the SHAI Model
2023 |
Read Stephen |
Integrating Mobility Environments in the City
2008 |
Rooij Remon |
Integrating Mobility Environments in the City
2008 |
Defee Buren B. |
Integrating IT Tools to Assist Local Stakeholders in Open Space Decisions
2001 |
Wunneburger Douglas F. |
Integrating IT Tools to Assist Local Stakeholders in Open Space Decisions
2001 |
Moosmann Cornelia |
Integrating Human Satisfaction into the Design Phase – Generating Motivation and Knowledge in Architectural Education
2019 |
Schweiker Marcel |
Integrating Human Satisfaction into the Design Phase – Generating Motivation and Knowledge in Architectural Education
2019 |
Wagner Andreas |
Integrating Human Satisfaction into the Design Phase – Generating Motivation and Knowledge in Architectural Education
2019 |
A. Daneshpour Zohreh |
Integrating Disaster Management and Metropolitan Planning in Tehran
2012 |
Ebrahimnia Vahideh |
Integrating Disaster Management and Metropolitan Planning in Tehran
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Fallahi Alireza |
Integrating Disaster Management and Metropolitan Planning in Tehran
2012 |
Friderich Thomas |
Integrated Transportation Planning and Information with PTV Vision Technology
2006 |
Farzin Iman |
Integrated TOD and Urban Land Use Planning: Evidence from Iran, Kashan
2017 |
Gholi Hadi |
Integrated TOD and Urban Land Use Planning: Evidence from Iran, Kashan
2017 |
Mamdoohi Amirreza |
Integrated TOD and Urban Land Use Planning: Evidence from Iran, Kashan
2017 |
dell' Erba Massimo |
Integrated System for Innovation: a new strategy for South Italy local development
2002 |
Braun Cecilia |
Integrated Spatial and Transport Development along European Corridors: A Look through the Lens of Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Peric Ana |
Integrated Spatial and Transport Development along European Corridors: A Look through the Lens of Stakeholder Cooperation
2017 |
Fink Theresa |
Integrated Simulation-based Framework for Parametric Open Space Design with Focus on Sustainable Mobility and Climate Resilience
2022 |
Jung Martin |
Integrated Simulation-based Framework for Parametric Open Space Design with Focus on Sustainable Mobility and Climate Resilience
2022 |
Matyus Thomas |
Integrated Simulation-based Framework for Parametric Open Space Design with Focus on Sustainable Mobility and Climate Resilience
2022 |
Tophof Thomas |
Integrated Simulation-based Framework for Parametric Open Space Design with Focus on Sustainable Mobility and Climate Resilience
2022 |
Gebetsroither-Geringer Ernst |
Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Causal Urban Food-Water-Energy Relations towards more Climate-Resilient Cities
2020 |
Magerl Ulrike |
Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Causal Urban Food-Water-Energy Relations towards more Climate-Resilient Cities
2020 |
Stollnberger Romana |
Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Causal Urban Food-Water-Energy Relations towards more Climate-Resilient Cities
2020 |
Angelova Irina |
Integrated Information System for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
2015 |
Kim Sung-Ah |
Integrated Information System for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
2015 |
Song Yu Mi |
Integrated Information System for Sustainable Urban Regeneration
2015 |
Bergatt Jackson Jiřina |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Ferber Uwe |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Petrikowa Dagmar |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Preuss Thomas |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Starzewska-Sikorska Anna |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Verbücheln Maic |
Integrated Action Plans and Training Course for Circular Land Management
2012 |
Chen Tzu-Ling |
Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in High Risk Settlements – a Case Study of Taiwan
2020 |
Tsai Chia-En |
Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in High Risk Settlements – a Case Study of Taiwan
2020 |
Rexroth Karsten |
Integrale Planung: Merkmale zur Identifizierung und Initialisierung in der kommunalen Praxis
2017 |
von Both Petra |
Integrale Planung: Merkmale zur Identifizierung und Initialisierung in der kommunalen Praxis
2017 |
Ehrlich Kornelia |
Instruments for Sustainable Urban Development in Eastern Germany – the Example of the "Wächterhäuser" (Warden Houses) in Leipzig
2010 |
Gessmann Robin |
Instrumente für die partizipative, nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung – Unterstützung von Zielanforderungen nachhaltiger Siedlungsplanung und Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung im europäischen Kontext
2006 |
Peter Markus |
Instrumente für die partizipative, nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung – Unterstützung von Zielanforderungen nachhaltiger Siedlungsplanung und Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung im europäischen Kontext
2006 |
Furundzic Danilo |
Institutional Framework of Brownfield Regeneration in Serbia
2014 |
Peric Ana |
Institutional Framework of Brownfield Regeneration in Serbia
2014 |
Abu-Orf Hazem |
Institutional flexibility as a key element for urban renewal and development: The case of Palestinian towns.
2001 |
Mangels Kirsten |
Inside Babyboomer â Gesundheits- und Wohnstandortverhalten deutscher Babyboomer und deren planerische Herausforderungen für die Gesundheitsversorgung in ländlich-suburbanen Räumen
2023 |
Stiewing Marvin |
Inside Babyboomer â Gesundheits- und Wohnstandortverhalten deutscher Babyboomer und deren planerische Herausforderungen für die Gesundheitsversorgung in ländlich-suburbanen Räumen
2023 |
Macias-Carrillo Claudia |
Insane Cities and the Creation of Stereotypes for Cultural Identity
2019 |
Camerata Flavio |
Innovative web-based tools for participatory planning
2009 |
Magaudda Stefano |
Innovative web-based tools for participatory planning
2009 |
Jilka Brigitte |
Innovative Urban Development Projects in Vienna
2011 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Oskina Alla |
Innovative Sustainable Energy Solutions in Smart Cities
2020 |
Gretner Sabine |
Innovative Stadtplanung als Prozessgestaltung – am Beispiel Musterprojekt "Generationen_wohnen am Mühlgrund"
2009 |
Sanusi Yekeen |
Innovative Spatial Planning in Mitigating Climate Change-Related Vulnerability in Nigerian Urban Centres
2011 |
Chakwizira James |
Innovative Initiatives Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation
2021 |
Gumbo Trynos |
Innovative Initiatives Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation
2021 |
Risimati Brightnes |
Innovative Initiatives Usage to Improve Efficiency in the City of Johannesburg Public Transportation
2021 |
Dießenbacher Claus |
Innovative Informationstechnologien als Bausteine einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungspolitik
2012 |
Heins Marcel |
Innovative Informationstechnologien als Bausteine einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungspolitik
2012 |
Kretzler Einar |
Innovative Informationstechnologien als Bausteine einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungspolitik
2012 |
Krug René |
Innovative Informationstechnologien als Bausteine einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungspolitik
2012 |
Eder Martin |
Innovative Fördermechanismen für den Fahrradverkehr
2010 |
Dambruch Jens |
Innovative Approaches to Urban Data Management using Emerging Technologies
2016 |
Ivanova Veneta |
Innovative Approaches to Urban Data Management using Emerging Technologies
2016 |
Stein Andreas |
Innovative Approaches to Urban Data Management using Emerging Technologies
2016 |
Gigler Ute |
Innovative Approaches to Integrative Energy Planning – Experiences and Results from the EU Project Urban Learning
2018 |
Hemis Herbert |
Innovative Approaches to Integrative Energy Planning – Experiences and Results from the EU Project Urban Learning
2018 |
Berger Martin |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Habiger Michael |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Sodl Vanessa |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Tellioglu Hilda |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Wagner Marlene |
Innovation im Mobilitätssharing – Einsatz von partizipativen Methoden
2019 |
Behal David |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Borovsky Peter |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Cernekova Zuzana |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Ferko Andrej |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Florek Martin |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Lacko Jan |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Novotny Matej |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Samuelcik Martin |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Sikudova Ela |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Stanek Stanislav |
Innovating Multidimensional Urban Visions
2010 |
Stepper Henning |
Innerstädtisches Entwerfen in der City3.0
2009 |
Wietzel Ingo |
Innerstädtisches Entwerfen in der City3.0
2009 |
Megerle Heidi |
Innerstädtische Brachflächen als Chance sowie Herausforderung der Stadtentwicklung – das Innenstadtentwicklungsprojekt Sextius Mirabeau in Aix-en-Provence
2011 |
Floeting Holger |
Innere Sicherheit, Sicherheitstechnologien und Urbanität
2006 |
Jóna László |
Inner Courtyards as Public Open Spaces
2018 |
Siegler Arne |
Innenstädte für alle: Visualisierung und Simulation zur Qualifizierung des innerstädtischen Entwurfs
2010 |
Stepper Henning |
Innenstädte für alle: Visualisierung und Simulation zur Qualifizierung des innerstädtischen Entwurfs
2010 |
Wietzel Ingo |
Innenstädte für alle: Visualisierung und Simulation zur Qualifizierung des innerstädtischen Entwurfs
2010 |
Name |
Paper Title |
Year |
Al Deweik Manal |
Initiating a Smart Transportation System: Jeddah City
2016 |
Nayer Aida |
Initiating a Smart Transportation System: Jeddah City
2016 |
Allbach Andreas |
Infrastructures of Smart Platforms – Mobile Tools to Control Intelligent Networks in Dynamic Urban Space
2013 |
Allbach Benjamin |
Infrastructures of Smart Platforms – Mobile Tools to Control Intelligent Networks in Dynamic Urban Space
2013 |
Germann Julia |
Infrastructures of Smart Platforms – Mobile Tools to Control Intelligent Networks in Dynamic Urban Space
2013 |
Camerata Flavio |
Infrastructures and Landscape
2008 |
Elisei Pietro |
Infrastructures and Landscape
2008 |
Magaudda Stefano |
Infrastructures and Landscape
2008 |
Brimmer Friedrich |
Infrastructure Acquisition and 3D Virtual Integration
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Infrastructure Acquisition and 3D Virtual Integration
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Infrastructure Acquisition and 3D Virtual Integration
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Infrastructure Acquisition and 3D Virtual Integration
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InfoTerra - Novel Geo-Information Services
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Kaptein Alexander |
InfoTerra - Novel Geo-Information Services
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Informationstechnologie unter Erreichbarkeit — intelligentes Transportsystem: eine Studie für den Stadtverkehr in Istanbul
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Informationstechnologie und Planungsethik
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Informationstechnologie als Instrument und als Gegenstand der Raumplanung
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Informationstechnische Integration von räumlicher Dimension und gesetzl. Bestimmungen bei der Festlegung neuer Widmungs- und Bebauungsbestimmungen.
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Informationstechnische Integration von räumlicher Dimension und gesetzl. Bestimmungen bei der Festlegung neuer Widmungs- und Bebauungsbestimmungen.
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Informationssysteme kultureller Objekte im virtuellen Umfeld - eine kartographische BetrachtungB
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Schaller Kurt |
Informationssysteme kultureller Objekte im virtuellen Umfeld - eine kartographische BetrachtungB
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Informationsmanagement im öffentlichen Sektor - Perspektiven aus Sicht der Planungsdisziplinen
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Informationsmanagement als Grundlage des raumplanerischen Umgangs mit Naturgefahren - Strategien für den Hochwasserschutz am Rhein
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Informationsmanagement als Grundlage der Vernetzung lokaler, regionaler und übergeordneter Aktivitäten für den vorsorgenden Hochwasserschutz
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Informationsinfrastrukturen und raumbezogene Identität als Ansatzpunkt nachhaltiger Lebensqualität. Empirische Untersuchungenin der Messestadt Riem (München)
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Maksimova Svetlana |
Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
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Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
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Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
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Vancutsem Didier |
Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
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Information-Analytical System for Managing Cities of Perm Region Spatial Development
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Information und Raumplanung
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Information und Kommunikation in Kommunalverwaltungen Zusammenfassung einer empirischen Untersuchung in 50 Städten Nordrhein-Westfalens
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Information systems for Monitoring Land Use Planning in the Finnish Environmental Administration. GISALU, Land Use GIS, and KATSE, the Information System for Monitoring Land Use Planning.
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Information Society - Sustainable or Not?
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Rajabi-Kouchi Behnam |
Information city: Is it a sustainable one?
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Information Around Us: Questions Connected to Information and Data Heterogeneities in Planning Activities
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Infographics for Smart People in Smart Cities
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Drešković Nusret |
Influence of Transport on Urban and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Influence of Transport on Urban and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Influence of Road Connectivity and Public Transport Accessibility on Subjective Wellbeing during Travel: An Explanation from Travel Mode: Evidence from five Communities around Subway Stations in Harbin
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Yu Dong |
Influence of Road Connectivity and Public Transport Accessibility on Subjective Wellbeing during Travel: An Explanation from Travel Mode: Evidence from five Communities around Subway Stations in Harbin
2019 |
Yujie Chen |
Influence of Road Connectivity and Public Transport Accessibility on Subjective Wellbeing during Travel: An Explanation from Travel Mode: Evidence from five Communities around Subway Stations in Harbin
2019 |
Zhen Li |
Influence of Road Connectivity and Public Transport Accessibility on Subjective Wellbeing during Travel: An Explanation from Travel Mode: Evidence from five Communities around Subway Stations in Harbin
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Influence of Air Traffic on Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Business Environment of the European Air Traffic
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Inflation in space consumption
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Drkosova Marcela |
Industrial Zone in the Context of Transport Links and Urban Development of the City of Brno
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Leopoldova Katerina |
Industrial Zone in the Context of Transport Links and Urban Development of the City of Brno
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Zaloudkova Marie |
Industrial Zone in the Context of Transport Links and Urban Development of the City of Brno
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Desogus Giulia |
Industrial Landscapes Between Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Constraints: The Case Study of Euralluminia in the Sulcis Area of Sardinia (Italy)
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Garau Chiara |
Industrial Landscapes Between Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Constraints: The Case Study of Euralluminia in the Sulcis Area of Sardinia (Italy)
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Industrial Landscapes Between Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Constraints: The Case Study of Euralluminia in the Sulcis Area of Sardinia (Italy)
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Industrial Brownfields as Restorative Environments: the Possibility of Transformation and Reactivation of the Abandoned Industrial Heritage
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Industrial Brownfields as Restorative Environments: the Possibility of Transformation and Reactivation of the Abandoned Industrial Heritage
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Vanista Lazarevic Eva |
Industrial Brownfields as Restorative Environments: the Possibility of Transformation and Reactivation of the Abandoned Industrial Heritage
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Indikatoren zur Landschaftszerschneidung ? Untersuchungen zur Einsetzbarkeit in der strategischen Verkehrsplanung
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Pernkopf Lena |
Indikatoren zur Landschaftszerschneidung ? Untersuchungen zur Einsetzbarkeit in der strategischen Verkehrsplanung
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Indicators of Socially Sustainable Park Use - Results from a Case Study
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Indicator-Based Assessment of Land Use Planning in Wrocław Region with CommunityViz
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Indicator-Based Assessment of Land Use Planning in Wrocław Region with CommunityViz
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Szewranski Szymon |
Indicator-Based Assessment of Land Use Planning in Wrocław Region with CommunityViz
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Artacker Fabian |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Berger Martin |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Dörrzapf Linda |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Kammerhofer Arthur |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
PreiÃler Richard |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
2023 |
Tanzer Lukas |
Increase Occupancy Rate in Passenger Cars â Potentials of Awareness Raising for Carpooling
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Incongruities of a Socialistic Smart City: a Case of Area Based Development in T. T. Nagar, Bhopal
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